Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh24.1 - 520 Albums

“Alright, alright, I won’t play anymore today,”

Listening to the satisfied voice of Ji Xingchen in his headphones, Ran Feng finally reluctantly took off his headphones. 5Q1Kdj

He had promised Ji Xingchen to only play one more round.

But he broke his promise.

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As Ran Feng took off his headphones, the car came to a smooth stop.

Li Na gently opened the car door and happened to witness this scene. cgyH0p

“You haven’t slept at all?” She looked at Ran Feng in surprise, then couldn’t help but feel sorry when she noticed the obvious dark circles under his eyes. “You’ve been shooting ads and rehearsing for the concert these days, you stayed up all night last night, why didn’t you take the time to rest just now?”

In order to let Ran Feng rest better, she specifically arranged for all the assistants to be in another car, afraid of disturbing Ran Feng’s rest.

But who would have thought this little guy would be so stubborn, not only did he not sleep, he even played with his phone!

Ran Feng didn’t immediately reply, but closed his eyes and took a few seconds to relax before making a low sound of agreement, then got out of the car with long strides.


The makeup artist had been waiting for Ran Feng in the room.

As soon as he arrived, everyone immediately got busy.

After about an hour of styling, the makeup artists left.

Seeing that there were still more than ten minutes left until the shoot, Li Na walked up behind Ran Feng, who was resting with his eyes closed, and asked softly, “Do you want something to eat? I’ll get you some lunch.” FjnxI9

Ran Feng’s long eyelashes moved slightly, but he didn’t open his eyes.

He faintly replied, “No need, I have a headache.”

He hadn’t felt anything unusual while watching Ji Xingchen play games before.

But now that he had relaxed, his head was feeling a bit uncomfortable. ABKdWF

Ran Feng said he didn’t want to eat, and the manager didn’t dare to persuade him anymore. She knew he was a man of his word, even if she said it a hundred times now, it wouldn’t make any difference.

“You don’t sleep, you don’t eat, how can your body handle it? I wonder whose words you’ll listen to in the future with this temperament of yours,” Li Na joked casually, but when she looked up, she noticed Ran Feng’s eyes slightly raised at her words, with a hint of a smile on his face.

Li Na immediately sensed something unusual.

She wasn’t like those careless little assistants around Ran Feng who would overlook these details. 7SndKQ

Li Na had been with Ran Feng since his debut, watching him step by step to where he was today, accompanying him through lows and witnessing peaks.

But in the face of those achievements and popularity before, Ran Feng had never cared.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But just now, she made a joke and he smiled?

Li Na looked up. CljJm7

The expression on Ran Feng’s face at this moment was a gentleness she had never seen in the five years. With his eyes closed, he seemed to be thinking of someone, his whole person soft like the melting ice on a green mountain, blending into the gentle stream of spring.

With just a slight expression, Li Na concluded that Ran Feng was in love.

Perhaps not as serious as being in love, but he definitely had someone in his heart.

No wonder Ran Feng had been posting on Weibo in the middle of the night and sharing pictures recently, she knew there must be something going on. wB0aou

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ol Rj vlvc’a jrx wemt, qijcclcu lc tfg wlcv tbk rtf kbeiv tjcvif la lo bcf vjs Ejc Mfcu’r gfijalbcrtlq klat tlr ulgioglfcv kjr fzqbrfv, ktlif reyais ajxlcu jvnjcajuf bo Ejc Mfcu’r ubbv wbbv ab wfcalbc rbwfatlcu rtf tjvc’a obecv atf bqqbgaeclas ab yglcu eq yfobgf.

“Wljb Mfcu, atf qfgrbc lc mtjguf bo Lbcbg bo Blcur tjr mbcajmafv er jujlc, atfs kjca sbe ab gfmbcrlvfg. P’nf ajixfv ab atfw, jcv atfs jugffv atja Alcuhf mjc’a ub, rb atfs’gf olcf klat la.”

As Li Na mentioned the endorsement for the game again, Ran Feng almost blurted out without thinking, “Wasn’t this matter already…”

Before he could finish speaking, Ran Feng stopped abruptly. deOwdX

Something suddenly came to mind.

Today, Ji Xingchen was carrying his team to win four Honor point matches at the risk of his life, and one of the final rewards seemed to be the opportunity to go to the finals of the Honor of Kings professional league to play against celebrities and professional players.

Because of the concert, he had been very busy lately, and Ji Xingchen had only casually mentioned it before, and he only had a vague image of it.

Ran Feng wasn’t sure if this specific reward existed for now. MLXpez

“I’ll think about it again and let you know later.”

Ran Feng opened his eyes, immediately took out his phone, and sent a WeChat message to Ji Xingchen.

Wanfeng: Congratulations on the four-game winning streak.

Ji Xingchen, who was originally live streaming an entertainment match in the live broadcast room, paused when he received a message from his boss, put down his phone, and replied to his boss. tDlRZU

Star: Shy.jpg

Wanfeng: You played exceptionally aggressively today, it’s the first time I’ve seen it.

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Star: Losing a game means losing 10 points, so of course I have to give it my all! I must win!

Wanfeng: So, what you’re saying is, you didn’t give it your all when we played together before? EFDWs7

Feeling guilty for selling himself out, Ji Xingchen hastily remedied the situation.

Star: That’s because you’re the carry, Brother Wanfeng! I don’t have to worry so much when you’re around.

Star: Cute kitten.jpg

Looking at the cute kitten emoticon with its hands folded in front of him, Ran Feng couldn’t help but smile a little, as if seeing Ji Xingchen’s expression looking at him. 1LtoZO

Wanfeng: Just kidding.

Wanfeng: What are the rewards for winning?

Star: There’s prize money, and you can also go to the KPL finals to play.

Star: Although I’m too old to play professionally, I can still play entertainment matches as a streamer. yZd1 F

Star: And it’ll also make my silly little brother proud.

After getting the information he wanted, Ran Feng didn’t ask any further.

Wanfeng: Okay.

Wanfeng: Keep up the good work. fHhT9

Wanfeng: See you at the finals.

Not quite understanding the significance of “See you at the finals,” Ji Xingchen happily replied with a \(^o^)/~.

After ending the conversation, Ran Feng’s expression returned to normal, and he looked at Li Na, finally changing his mind.

“When do we sign?” O2bxnm

Li Na was taken aback.


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“For the endorsement.”

The usually articulate woman suddenly hesitated, “A-anytime…” tgRk B

She was just trying her luck to see if Ran Feng had changed his mind, but he agreed so easily?

“But I want to add a condition.”

“Go on, I’ll negotiate with them.”

“Help me secure a streamer spot…” fCRLOG

After some thought, Ran Feng gave up on requesting a designated slot for an entertainment match streamer.

Ji Xingchen may seem carefree, but he had a strong sense of pride.

If he didn’t earn his spot through his own abilities, even if Ran Feng managed to secure a spot for him, he wouldn’t be willing to go.

“Nothing.” Ran Feng suddenly changed his mind, “Just help me get an extra VIP ticket.” TdbKpt

Li Na originally thought Ran Feng would propose a very difficult condition for her to negotiate.


Just this???

As long as he’s willing to go, not to mention one ticket, she could get him ten!! Bpxtjn

“Oh, Xiao Feng, there’s something else I need to tell you.”

“That guy is releasing a new single tomorrow. His big fanbase has been pushing sales aggressively lately, aiming to surpass your yearly sales record. They’ll probably come to stir up trouble for you again.”

The “that guy” mentioned by Li Na was none other than Jingze.

“Whatever.” nXIopR

Ran Feng couldn’t even be bothered to lift his eyelids after hearing it, “You don’t have to tell me about this kind of thing in the future.”

Ran Feng’s nonchalance wasn’t about him pretending to be aloof.

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It’s just that these album sales meant nothing to him.

After all, his album “Chasing Waves” released a few weeks ago, without any promotion, had sales exceeding 40 million on the first day alone. bChiIP

And up to now, it had sold over 60 million copies, firmly occupying the top spot on the platform’s annual album sales chart.

The current Ran Feng simply didn’t need these sales figures to prove his popularity.

Coming from a wealthy family, he didn’t need the album profits to fill his pockets either.

Seeing that Ran Feng wasn’t interested in discussing this topic, Li Na nodded and quickly moved on, “Okay, I’ll talk to the fan club. I’ll make sure they don’t engage in a sales battle with him and give them the cold shoulder.” jrGi7X

Ran Feng nodded, “You handle it.”

However, although Li Na had long envisioned that Jingze’s family would tie Ran Feng down, she underestimated the shamelessness of their family.

Ran Feng didn’t care about being first on the yearly chart, but Jingze’s fans had long coveted that position. jNTAJ2

Since Ran Feng unilaterally drew a boundary with Jingze four years ago, Jingze’s fans had arrogantly elevated their own status and regarded him as their rival.

On one hand, they fantasized about various scenarios of love and hate between the two, hoping they could restore their friendship, while on the other hand, they wanted to surpass Ran Feng in everything and couldn’t wait to trample him into the ground.

Recently, when Ran Feng’s album dominated the overall chart, Jingze’s fans were uncomfortable.

Now, with their own brother about to release a new single, Jingze’s big fans had already started fundraising and rallying early, determined to surpass Ran Feng in total sales. 8l XeF

In order to boost sales, Jingze’s fans had released numerous brainwashing packages.

Naturally, these brainwashing packages couldn’t help but target Ran Feng.

Coupled with the support of those fake CP fans, Jingze’s album sales had finally been boosted to over 50 million.

When they were just ten million away from Ran Feng’s “Chasing Waves,” Jingze’s fans posted a long Weibo boasting about their brother’s greatness, while subtly undermining Ran Feng, implying that he was now inferior, unable to match their brother’s first-day sales. NS6W3H

Once this Weibo from the big fan came out, the idiotic CP fans started to add fuel to the fire, saying things like Jingze was jealous out of love and wanted to suppress Ran Feng, turning the tables.

This thoroughly angered the fans of Ran Feng.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When someone who couldn’t walk independently without Ran Feng’s presence was being so presumptuous, if they weren’t given a taste of their own medicine, they’d only become more arrogant.

So, with old grudges and new grievances combined, the war between the two fandoms completely erupted. aJ6253

However, the IFeng sisters were not to be trifled with. As top-tier fans, they had naturally weathered all sorts of storms.

They knew that engaging in a feud with the other side would only boost their album’s popularity.

So, following the fan club’s advice and remembering not to give the arrogant fans any opportunities to leech off their fame, the sisters quietly began to suppress the thing the other side valued most.

That night, while Jingze’s family was celebrating their brother’s first-day sales breaking 50 million and confidently eyeing the top spot on the yearly chart, Ran Feng’s affluent fans once again supported their brother by buying millions of albums. S QtF5

Similarly, other casual fans, within their means, spontaneously purchased a few albums to give to relatives.

As a result, the next day, the sales of Ran Feng’s album “Chasing Waves” suddenly surpassed 80 million on the yearly chart, completely leaving Jingze behind.

One side begged and urged fans to scrape together 50 million in sales through fundraising and rallying, while the other casually increased their sales by over 20 million overnight.

Once again, the IFeng sisters used facts to demonstrate to everyone that messing with a top-tier artist was a big no-no. IVxZ6f

Rich fan: [If the fan club hadn’t warned us not to spend recklessly, I would’ve wanted to spend another two million on my brother.]

Casual fan: [I’m very obedient, didn’t spend recklessly, just bought one to give to my sister.]

Onlooker: [I heard your fan club warned not to engage in a battle? Yet, you were able to casually add over 20 million overnight? IFeng sisters, if you guys rallied like that other fan club, I’m afraid the sales would easily surpass 200 million.]

Although Ji Xingchen didn’t participate in the battle between fan circles, he still heard about Jingze’s family’s tricks. VqiXdl

After hearing Fang Fang complain to him about how Jingze’s fans were stepping on Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that he still hadn’t bought Ran Feng’s previous album.

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  1. Uneasy fan’s life

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛