Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh21 - When did Brother Feng become so enthusiastic…

Since discovering that Brother Feng reposted a Weibo from a blogger named “MeowMeow TV Star” at 6 a.m. this morning, several hours have passed, and discussions about this matter in various forums and Brother Feng’s fan groups have not stopped.

Everyone’s focus is very consistent, not on whether MeowMeow TV is right or wrong, but on urgently wanting to know who this “Star” is and how they managed to get Brother Feng, who usually doesn’t promote himself, to come forward to repost the Weibo, confronting MeowMeow TV, a major live streaming platform. axFITL

[Who is MeowMeow TV Star? Male or female? Brother Feng usually doesn’t post Weibo, right? Why suddenly repost this one?]

[Sisters, don’t panic, it’s a guy! Star said, Star is quite an interesting tech streamer, recently being breached by a platform and deliberately suppressed, so he posted a Weibo to defend his rights.]

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[A gaming streamer? Doesn’t seem very famous, and Brother Feng doesn’t usually play games or watch gaming streamers, right? How does he know him?]
[So, is this person Brother Feng’s friend?]

[Star probably isn’t a friend, from Star’s tone, it sounds like they don’t know Brother Feng at all… But Star should be an “iFeng”, often playing Brother Feng’s songs and MVs in the live stream room and voting for Brother Feng.] LzANo0

[So, is this Star just like us, a fan?]

[Brother Feng reposted because of the other person’s identity as a fan?]

[No way… Brother Feng has always kept a distance from fans. When did he become so benevolent!]

[Since we can’t dig deeper, let’s not worry about it for now. Brother Feng must have his reasons for reposting. Let’s quickly repost to show support. I checked the streamer’s Weibo content, this time it’s indeed MeowMeow TV acting unreasonably, maybe Brother Feng just felt the platform had issues and wanted to help.]


Talking about absolute support for idols, Sister iFeng is indeed a role model in the industry.

After the idol stood up for the small streamer, their fans followed suit.

Compared to fans of the entertainment industry’s top stars, fans of the live streaming circle not only have a large volume and strong action, but they also handle small matters like defending rights effortlessly.

Once they confirmed that this streamer was indeed treated unfairly, they directly tagged the official MeowMeow TV account tens of thousands of times, forcing them to provide a reasonable explanation as soon as possible. y3XU0l

As a result, Ji Xingchen’s originally ignored Weibo post about defending rights gained attention because of Brother Feng’s involvement, making not only iFeng but also the entire entertainment industry gossip circle aware of the truth.

Coupled with everyone’s curiosity about why Brother Feng reposted this Weibo and what his relationship with this small streamer is, a series of gossips full of mystery quickly pushed the hashtags #MeowMeowTVBreachOfContract# and #BigBrotherFengMeowMeowTVStar# to the top of the trending topics.

Ordinary bystanders aren’t strangers to this type of trending topic.

After all, the live streaming platforms have deep waters, and one can easily run into contract issues if not careful. pwfsmG

But usually, people gossip about streamers breaching contracts, platforms seeking compensation, or disputes arising from loopholes in the contracts signed by streamers due to lack of professionalism and carelessness by the guilds.

Today, the incident with MeowMeow TV Star took a different turn, with the contract being not only entirely normal but also the platform breaching it.

It’s the first time everyone has seen a streamer confront a platform so boldly, making the gossip even more exciting.

Combined with the evidence the streamer posted, which is indisputable, even more bystanders joined in, passionately criticizing MeowMeow TV. ZnufWb

The staff behind MeowMeow TV’s official account were bombarded with criticism as soon as they started work, and they hurriedly reported the situation upwards.

Ji Lintian caught wind of the situation and soon found the Weibo post by Ji Xingchen.

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He’s no stranger to pulling strings to suppress streamers; in fact, in the live streaming circle, whether on their platform or others, such incidents are common.

In the past, those small streamers had mediocre education levels and signed contracts carelessly. When they were undermined, they either chose to endure silently until their contract ended and then switched platforms or, like Ji Xingchen, posted on Weibo or sued in an attempt to defend their rights. qUCSkv

But compared to a small streamer, challenging a big platform is like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. Moreover, the contracts they signed often had many pitfalls, so the efforts of those streamers to defend their rights were basically futile, and few people cared.

Given his past experience, Ji Lintian, who was accustomed to doing evil deeds, wasn’t worried at all before suppressing Ji Xingchen.

But he completely underestimated Ji Xingchen’s stubbornness when he posted on Weibo and even exposed the entire contract. Moreover, this Weibo attracted support from celebrities in the entertainment industry, making the situation even bigger.

Seeing the Weibo reposted over two hundred thousand times, Ji Lintian, who had never been so passive before, felt extremely anxious. N9IEnx

Now that things have escalated, he’s also afraid of his company blaming him.

After pacing back and forth in the office and cursing Ji Xingchen under his breath, he took out his phone and prepared to make a call.

This person is his superior, a mid-level executive at MeowMeow TV, his backer.

As long as there’s someone covering for him at the top of the live streaming platform, things won’t get too bad. zdDqSn

Ji Lintian’s mood eased slightly as he lowered his head to find the number in his memo.

To his surprise, before he could dial the number for help, the superior he wanted to reach out to called him first.

Ji Lintian quickly put on a flattering smile and bowed his head to answer the call.

“Boss…” bfQEu3

Before Ji Lintian could finish saying “Boss,” the other party immediately started berating him.

After that, Ji Lintian obediently held his phone and endured a full three minutes of scolding.

And during these three minutes, his fleeting sense of luck was completely crushed.

“I’ve covered for you so many times, why haven’t you learned your lesson yet! It’s fine if you play some tricks with small streamers, but why provoke someone like Brother Feng? Do you even know who he is?” 3yOKdA

Originally, after passionately scolding Ji Lintian for three minutes, the other party seemed a bit tired. But then, as if remembering something even more infuriating, their voice suddenly rose again, as if they wanted to reach through the phone and slap Ji Lintian.

Ji Lintian’s ears were buzzing from being yelled at, and in his confused state, he couldn’t care less about Brother Feng, Feng Yu, or anything else.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing the other party so angry made him realize the situation was much worse than he had imagined.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf delmxis yfujc ab qifjv, “Dbrr, atlr gfjiis lr atf ijra alwf. P kjr pera obbilrt yfobgf. Pa kjr atja ragfjwfg ktb qgbnbxfv wf olgra atja vjs. Lbk kjr P reqqbrfv ab xcbk la kbeiv aegc bea ilxf atlr?” 1KcEtl

Coafg jqbibulhlcu, tf tegglfvis mbcalcefv, “P’ii lwwfvljafis rqfcv wbcfs bc qeyilm gfijalbcr obg atf agfcvlcu abqlm. Jbeiv sbe qifjrf mbcajma atf UE vfqjgawfca? Jjc atf mbwqjcs ags ab reqqgfrr atlr obg cbk?”

In Ji Lintian’s view, the situation wasn’t actually that serious. Even if it trended and people criticized him, there was still room for improvement. As long as someone had his back, he could spend some money on PR to handle the trending topic. The platform’s official statement could blame it on temporary negligence by a temporary worker, and they could make up some plausible reasons for the high viewership in the livestream room to pass it off.

Ji Lintian’s thoughts were naive.

Seeing that Ji Lintian still hadn’t grasped the seriousness of the situation even after his explanation, the other party was speechless. DgWQ z

“What’s the use of trying to suppress it? It’s reached the higher-ups. Mr. Lin himself called to ask about this matter. He’s about to come for an emergency meeting to investigate. You idiot, figure it out yourself!”

“Mr. Lin?”

Lin Boyuan, the boss of MeowMeow TV?

Ji Lintian’s legs went weak, and he knelt down directly on the ground. bHcuOx

How did this matter escalate to the point where Mr. Lin personally intervened???

Seeing even the boss intervening, Ji Lintian, now thoroughly frightened, was in a complete panic.

Kneeling on the ground, he paid no heed to his disheveled appearance, clutching his phone in his hands as if it were the last straw of salvation, begging for mercy.

“Boss, please think of a solution. I know I was wrong, please, you have to protect me!!” TxsKEV

“I can’t even protect myself now, let alone you! Get lost, idiot!”

Lin Boyuan, riding in his private car with his secretary on their way to MeowMeow TV headquarters, called Brother Feng.

“Xiao Feng, I heard you have some free time this month. Would you consider doing a livestream on my platform for a day to help with the traffic?” D1cORK

Brother Feng’s voice was lazy. “Brother Lin, cut to the chase.”

Laughing at being seen through, Lin Boyuan replied, “Alright, I won’t beat around the bush. What’s the deal with that Weibo repost of yours?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It was a mistake.”

“I’d sooner believe in ghosts!” Despite being put on the trending topics list by Brother Feng, Lin Boyuan wasn’t angry. Instead, he tried to coax him. “Let’s make a deal. If it was a mistake, then delete the Weibo. I’ll handle this personally.” P8XOyH

A low chuckle came through the phone from Brother Feng.

“Your team’s public relations skills are well known in the industry.”

Lin Boyuan and Brother Feng’s families had a longstanding relationship. Having watched Brother Feng grow up, he knew what kind of person he was.

Although he said it jokingly, Lin Boyuan knew he was serious. vI0Jwg

Reposting a Weibo wasn’t a mistake, and there was no chance of him deleting it.

Lin Boyuan had only mentioned it casually, so he dropped the matter when he saw Brother Feng taking it seriously.

After all, whether Brother Feng deleted the Weibo or not didn’t really matter.

“Alright, alright, I won’t push it. This incident gives me a chance to clean up the company’s mess anyway. I’m on my way to headquarters now. Can I guarantee you a satisfactory answer by 3 p.m. this afternoon?” Mi woy

“Thank you, Brother Lin.”

Hearing Brother Feng’s softer tone when he said those four words, Lin Boyuan immediately sensed something unusual.

“Are you really this concerned?”

Faced with Lin Boyuan’s curious inquiry, Brother Feng didn’t answer. 8tNmpl

Being sharp himself, Lin Boyuan realized he wouldn’t get any more information this way, so he tried another approach. “But at least you could tell me, who exactly is this ‘Star’? Besides you, others are also interested in getting involved.”


Furrowing his brows, Brother Feng responded almost instantly.

“My silly little brother!” Lin Boyuan burst into laughter. “He called me early this morning, asking what’s going on, saying something about Star being suppressed, and how he’s not getting any attention even when he sends gifts. He told me to stop vacationing and hurry back to take care of things.” tqx4oh

Lin Boyuan shifted his position while holding the phone. “Can you believe it? He thinks I’m on vacation when I’m busy as hell every day??”

After getting the answer, Brother Feng didn’t comment on Lin Boyuan’s last statement.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Alright, I’ve told you the answer. Now, shouldn’t you give me some specifics too?”

Brother Feng spoke lightly, “He’s my friend.” aANyYS

“What kind of friend?”

“A very important one.”

Lin Boyuan laughed, his laughter filled with ambiguity.


Lin Boyuan personally intervened, so MeowMeow TV naturally didn’t dare to be negligent.

There were quite a few dirty things going on among the higher-ups, so it was impossible to thoroughly investigate in a short period.

However, compared to other matters, the issue with Ji Xingchen was much simpler. Before noon, MeowMeow TV issued an announcement.

MeowMeow TV: vjRfVN

To all MeowMeow TV streamers and users, greetings!

After receiving a report from @MeowMeow TV Star last night, the platform took it extremely seriously and promptly formed an investigation team to look into the matter.

Upon investigation, the facts reported by the streamer are true. The streamer did indeed face issues such as maliciously limiting views, having recommendation spots revoked, and having glory points deducted, all of which were actions carried out by Ji, the former head of the Honor of King gaming livestream section at MeowMeow TV.

Ji was dismissed from MeowMeow TV for abusing power, accepting bribes, and suppressing streamers through improper means. High-level gaming area managers who were complicit in covering up and accepting bribes, such as Gao and Zhang, have also been dismissed. Additionally, according to the investigation, more than ten streamers, including @MeowMeow TV Sweetie, @MeowMeow TV Wu Tian, and @MeowMeow TV Chu Xiao, engaged in bribery with Ji, engaged in malicious competition for homepage recommendation spots, used illegal means to gain entry into the Honor Points competition, and falsified livestream data. These actions seriously undermined the fairness of the livestreaming platform and have been penalized accordingly. OkXTi2

Furthermore, the improper actions of Ji, Gao, and Zhang have severely tarnished MeowMeow TV’s reputation. Therefore, MeowMeow TV will pursue legal action against them and file charges.

Here, MeowMeow TV expresses gratitude to @MeowMeow TV Star for their report. The platform has now restored the streamer’s livestream popularity and reinstated their eligibility for the original Honor Points competition. It is a fact that MeowMeow TV Star suffered unfair treatment due to platform negligence, and MeowMeow TV sincerely apologizes to @MeowMeow TV Star and its users! As a gesture of apology, the platform will provide corresponding compensation to @MeowMeow TV Star in the future, hoping for forgiveness.

Finally, MeowMeow TV solemnly promises to all streamers and users: MeowMeow TV will always uphold the rights and interests of its streamers and users, and firmly eliminate industry malpractices such as the abuse of power by platform personnel, suppression of streamers, and illegal acquisition of recommendation spots!

From now on, if similar incidents occur again, we kindly ask all streamers and users to actively report them. Once confirmed by the platform, strict punishment will be administered, with no tolerance for such behavior! R5ykch

Thank you all!

MeowMeow TV

Chrysanthemum Garden.

20xx, Month, Day

Less than twelve hours after Ji Xingchen’s Weibo post, this matter was perfectly resolved! EY9L8s

Seeing the official announcement from MeowMeow TV so sincere, with such a significant punishment, everyone who saw it felt somewhat incredulous.

Although everyone clamored for MeowMeow TV to give a statement to the streamer Star, no one expected MeowMeow TV to take it so seriously and act so swiftly!

After all, everyone knows that based on the past behavior of various livestreaming platforms, they usually withdraw from the trend, let the heat pass for a few days, and then issue a bland statement to wrap things up.

Who would have thought that today the official would come out under pressure to kneel and apologize to Star, and even write the PR script so meticulously! nlKTCY

After witnessing this series of gossip, even bystanders couldn’t help but praise this streamer, Star!

Top influencers reposting his Weibo, MeowMeow TV publicly apologizing to him…

This treatment, this prestige, he’s simply the number one in the livestreaming community!

After MeowMeow TV’s apology and punishment, everyone lost interest in digging into the gossip about livestreaming platforms. AVB0fw

Although the gossip had died down, their curiosity about Star hadn’t diminished.

[Does this Star have some sort of background support? This is the first time I’ve seen a platform kneel and apologize to a streamer so quickly… I remember when a certain top streamer’s heat was suppressed due to contract issues, and the fans made a big fuss, but MeowMeow TV hardly paid attention to him. It wasn’t until much later, after the contract was renewed, that they issued a bland statement of about two hundred words.]

[Compared to MeowMeow TV’s apology, don’t you find it more bizarre that Ran Feng reposted? I’ve been watching the show, and I still haven’t figured out how he found this streamer’s Weibo and voluntarily reposted it]

[Is it that this streamer paid Ran Feng to do it?] xNJvXF

[Please don’t insult my brother with such low-level reasons. Does my brother look like he’s short of money?]

[Exactly!! Ran Feng, as a top influencer in the industry, definitely isn’t short of money!! But he has no connection with this streamer, right? I don’t see any interaction between them, so why would he support such a mediocre streamer?!!!!]

[It seems like it’s going to become an unsolved mystery in the entertainment circle…]

The more absurd it seems, the more everyone wants to know the answer. 3DweSf

So after the situation was resolved, Ji Xingchen’s Weibo DMs, WeChat messages, and livestream private messages all flooded in. In less than an hour, he received nearly tens of thousands of messages.

Not only bystanders, but even the moderators and main moderators in his room, those streamers, also came to inquire about the situation.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Moderator: [Ah ah ah ah, Star, you’re so awesome, Brother Feng actually reposted for you!! I’m almost in tears! It seems like your love for Brother Feng is paying off!!]

A certain male streamer: [Star, do you know that big celebrity? I heard he hardly ever reposts Weibo, you’re amazing too!!] xhYMkq

A certain female streamer: [Star, I’ll pay a hefty price for a method to catch Brother Feng’s attention, sob sob sob, I envy you so much, did you DM him to ask for his help?]

Ji Xingchen scanned through the chaotic messages on his phone.

The moderators didn’t have any other thoughts, they were just genuinely happy for him.

But those who usually keep quiet but now approach him with different intentions to inquire about Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen knew they were blatantly trying to dig for information, so he simply ignored them and didn’t respond. 9FcWjV

Today, Ji Xingchen didn’t livestream. He sat in his chair, eyes fixed on the latest repost message on Ran Feng’s homepage, his mind filled with countless thoughts.

When he saw that name in the hottest reposts this morning, he almost thought he was dreaming.

It’s no wonder others find it gossip-worthy; even he couldn’t understand it himself.

After all, he and Ran Feng haven’t been in contact for over five years, and he had long since deleted all their contact information. MbUo2p

Moreover, they were from completely different circles—one a top star, the other a transparent streamer—with no intersection at all…

His Weibo was so obscure, with hardly any fans.

How did Ran Feng see his Weibo and kindly repost it?

Did he recognize him? G 92LY

But if he did, why only repost?

Ji Xingchen’s finger lightly scrolled over Ran Feng’s Weibo homepage, unconsciously opening the direct messages.

He typed a line in the chat box, then deleted the sentence “Brother Feng, I’m Ji Xingchen” before clicking send.

He probably didn’t recognize him. Yrpdgj

If he really did, he would contact him directly and ask why they hadn’t been in touch for five years, questioning if he didn’t consider him a good brother.

Ji Xingchen exited the direct message page and opened the comments under the reposted Weibo by Ran Feng.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The comments had now surpassed three hundred thousand.

Among the hottest replies, aside from fans condemning MeowMeow TV, were confessions of admiration for Ran Feng. LxNdaZ

As Ji Xingchen scrolled down, he suddenly saw a different comment.

[The stars shining on the Feng leaves]: Ah ah ah, I really tried last night with the hope that @Brother Feng would repost, and I didn’t expect Brother to actually repost, sob sob sob, I’m so excited.

This fan also posted a stitched image.

Ji Xingchen clicked on it and found that she had captured the screenshots of mentioning Ran Feng and sending a private message to him. udhWR0

Originally, this screenshot wasn’t anything special, but she emphasized the key points by marking them with red lines.

Ji Xingchen checked the timestamps and noticed that her repost and private message were sent exactly at 5:59 in the morning, just one minute before Ran Feng reposted on Weibo.

At the bottom of this stitched image, there was even a notification from the Super Star Fan Club, stating that Ran Feng had just gone online on Weibo at 5:59.

Ji Xingchen was a bit dumbfounded. d zraF

Was it really just a coincidence?

Not only Ji Xingchen felt dumbfounded, but also the fans who were excited by this girl’s actions but couldn’t dig up any other information about Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen.

They were torn between thinking it was too coincidental to believe and wanting to believe in this extreme coincidence.

Fan: Just this??? Just this???? BlrRuX

Fan: I mention brother every day, but he doesn’t even glance at me!!!!

Is it like this?

Ji Xingchen smiled.

Although this reason seemed so coincidental that it was a bit silly, he secretly hoped that the truth was indeed like this. Am7Lcx

If he were to face Ran Feng again now, he wasn’t sure how he would explain those past events to him.

He wasn’t certain if the friendship between them could still be restored without any cracks, as it was in the beginning.

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Nor was he sure that after liking Ran Feng for so many years, if they were to reconnect, he wouldn’t disturb his life due to uncontrollable feelings.

He’s different now from before; he’s a celebrity, and every move he makes is being watched. imsdYy

Ji Xingchen was afraid that if his affection for Ran Feng was too obvious, it would become a point for people to attack Ran Feng.

After some inner struggle, Ji Xingchen finally just opened Ran Feng’s comment section and left a “Thanks, Brother Feng” for him.

Regardless, it was all thanks to his repost today that MeowMeow TV responded so quickly.

After leaving the comment, Ji Xingchen planned to close Weibo. tP2Czr

But then he noticed a “1” displayed in the envelope icon at the bottom right corner.

Someone replied to him.

Ji Xingchen clicked on it.

To his surprise, the one who replied was none other than Ran Feng himself. j4IdTy

Ran Feng replied to MeowMeow TV Star: “No need to thank, keep it up.”

He replied as if he lived right on Weibo, instantly responding.

Witnessing all of this, the fans were stunned.

Brother Feng replied in an instant!! mjANyH

The Brother Feng, who never replies to comments, actually replied in an instant! And he even cheered on the small streamer!!!!


When did their Brother Feng become so enthusiastic!!!!


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1 comment

  1. Ran Feng: checking his phone every 0,005 sec

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛