Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh20.3 - Triple Combo

Dun was surprised online, “Why do you two sound so alike!”

[Hahaha, this Niu Niu is really naive…] e3sTkG

[Silly Niu Niu, go get a voice changer, you can sound alike too!]

“Have you two never done a video call? And every time you want to do one, the other person comes up with all sorts of excuses to cancel.”

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“Wow, you know about that too…” Dun was surprised, “But she did send me some photos.”

“You can easily find photos anywhere. Do you want them? I can easily find a hundred or two hundred to send you, it’s no big deal.” rYG4 B

Dun fell silent for a moment. “Well, I feel like I’m being convinced…”

Ji Xingchen turned off the voice changer and said solemnly, “I advise you guys who are in online relationships to always remember to use the webcam, otherwise… be careful of getting catfished.”

Ji Xingchen chatted with Dun while playing ranked, and soon they finished a game.

“I’m done playing. I want to video call with my wife.” Dun left the live stream hastily after saying this.


Five minutes later—

Dun, who had gone to video call with his wife, returned.

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Streamer, I feel a bit uncomfortable…]

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: I think you might be right] Cj3RFa

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: I just asked if he was a guy, and he blocked me…]

[Hahaha, I told you…]

[Brother, be more open-minded, who hasn’t encountered a few catfish]

[After all, this live stream room is a professional one…] mUYa4P

After Dun finished speaking, he fell silent for a moment, then suddenly sent Ji Xingchen two magic meteor showers.

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Originally, after seeing that boss send you so many skins that day, I was also planning to buy her some more. Fortunately, I didn’t send them out. I’ll give them to you, the streamer.]

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Sorry, typo, it’s him.]

Before Ji Xingchen could offer any comforting words, he was startled by the sudden magic meteor shower from Dun. weoUx2


[Can this even happen???????]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Are guys nowadays this straightforward? Would their wives easily give out skins to streamers??????]

“Th… thank you, Boss… You’re really straightforward. This wife isn’t worth it. You can give them to your next wife.” INKs3r

Ji Xingchen didn’t expect that he would kindly become a mentor in catfishing, only to receive two magic meteor showers from Dun?

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: No, no, I’ve lost faith in online relationships.]

Ji Xingchen was about to comfort this old brother who had just experienced a breakup in an online relationship.

But then his gaze swept over the viewer count in the livestream room and suddenly noticed something wrong. gWNIsb

“Is there a bug on MeowMeow TV today? Why is the viewer count not right?”

The audience, previously engrossed in Flying Moth Hits Cow’s online relationship mishap, now noticed the issue upon hearing Ji Xingchen’s question.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Frejiis, ys atlr alwf lc Al Wlcumtfc’r ilnfragfjw, fnfc klatbea ylu ybrr uloar, atf nlfkfg mbeca mbeiv fjrlis gfjmt atgff ab obeg tecvgfv atberjcv. Dea abvjs, atf nlfkfg mbeca lc atflg ilnfragfjw gbbw yjgfis gfjmtfv olnf tecvgfv atberjcv bcis ktfc Dbrr Gec rfca uloar, jcv atfc revvfcis qiewwfafv ab ifrr atjc j tecvgfv atberjcv klatlc j wlceaf.

[I knew something was off with Star tonight, why has the viewer count been so low?] kjI7lq

[I hope it’s not a bug, other streamers seem normal]

[Yeah, Star already has over a thousand VIPs and over a hundred thousand fans. Even if not all fans are watching, with so many VIPs sending gifts, it’s impossible for the viewer count to be this low]

[The stream next door has 900 VIPs and 900,000 viewers…]

[Damn MeowMeow TV, what’s wrong with them again?] hQC8MU

Ji Xingchen immediately reported the issue with the livestream room to his admin.

The response he got was that it might be a bug, and they promised to look into it, but there was no follow-up.

The next day, and the day after, Ji Xingchen didn’t get any answers. The viewer count remained the same, whether during the day or at peak hours at night, never exceeding one hundred thousand, and sometimes even lower.

Seeing the super admin’s evasive attitude, Ji Xingchen figured out something. 90kGRl

Thinking back to what Ji Lintian said before, he suddenly understood.

He was targeted by Ji Lintian.

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“My livestream room seems to be limited in viewership. Everyone, please don’t send gifts or barrage for now, it’s a waste of effort.”

Because the viewer count in Ji Xingchen’s livestream room had been consistently low these days, fans thought it was because they weren’t working hard enough with gifts and barrage. In order to boost the viewer count and get Ji Xingchen’s livestream room back on the recommendation list, they had been desperately trying. cTGI0K

Now, upon hearing Ji Xingchen tell them that it wasn’t because they weren’t trying hard enough but because MeowMeow TV was restricting the viewership, the fans were furious.

[Why limit the viewership? I’m so angry. Our viewership was so high before, and we were not far from becoming a million-viewer streamer with just a bit more effort.]

[Stupid MeowMeow TV, are they intentionally neglecting excellent streamers? Why suppress Star’s viewership?]

[Star, is your contract with MeowMeow TV about to expire…?] t3HRer

[No way, didn’t they let Star participate in the Honor Point Match last week?]

[They wouldn’t just suppress the viewership for no reason, does MeowMeow TV have a problem with their brains?]

Audiences, unaware of the reasons, expressed their indignation for Ji Xingchen in the barrage, criticizing MeowMeow TV’s absurd operation.

Just as everyone was getting into their complaints, suddenly dozens of people with the Little Sweet Live Room tag rushed into Ji Xingchen’s livestream room. 6IykP2

[Of course, it’s because of violations that the official suppressed the viewership.]

[Either they are cheating or they invited actors for the Peak Matches.]

[I heard a certain streamer suddenly made a breakthrough and entered the top ten in five consecutive matches? With the skill level of Angela and Daji, it’s suspected they hired actors.]

[Are female streamer fans causing trouble again? The Divine Rankings will be released next week, better worry if your account used for proxying will get banned.] pv2A5

[Get lost with your nonsense. If your streamers are okay, why were they kicked out of the Honor Point Match last week?]

[Exactly, our Little Sweet has already been officially announced as being in, whereas certain stupid streamers were boasting about signing contracts last week, but their names weren’t even on the list.]

[What a load of crap, we all know that Star has already signed the contract.]

Seeing the words from Little Sweetie’s fans, Ji Xingchen and the entire livestream audience couldn’t believe it. Xd2LVP

The audience in the livestream room didn’t believe Little Sweet’s fans’ words.

And Ji Xingchen couldn’t believe that Ji Lintian would dare to blatantly breach even the signed contracts.

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Jiang Mu’s call came in at this moment.

Ji Xingchen muted the livestream and answered the phone. 2EgBKZ

“It’s been just a few days, why has your livestream’s viewership dropped so much?”

“It’s being restricted.”

“What’s going on…” Jiang Mu sounded even more anxious than Ji Xingchen, “And what about the Honor Points Match? Didn’t you already sign the contract? I’ve checked a few times, but your name hasn’t been announced.”

While talking to Jiang Mu on the phone, Ji Xingchen also checked the list, and indeed, his name was not there. cEPYvy

“I ran into Ji Lintian when I went to sign the contract.”

Jiang Mu on the other end was stunned, then followed by a string of curses.

“That jerk, why won’t he just disappear? Why hasn’t he and his dad kicked the bucket yet? How did you run into him?”

“He’s currently at the MeowMeow TV headquarters. He’s the supervisor of the Honor of kings gaming division.” d9LTe2

Upon hearing this, Jiang Mu understood everything without much explanation from Ji Xingchen.

“Damn this jerk, always causing trouble just like his old man.”

Jiang Mu had been taken care of by Ji Xingchen’s grandmother, so he was well aware of what had happened to his family.

He knew that if it weren’t for the despicable actions of this jerk’s father back then, Ji Xingchen’s family wouldn’t be in such a miserable state now… NXUfGt

Seeing that the calamity caused by Ji Lintian’s family wasn’t enough with what they did to his uncle and aunt, and now they were targeting his brother Star, Jiang Mu wished he could go and beat the jerk up right away.

“Bro, we can’t let this slide. The League of Streamers is also one of the organizers of the tournament. I’ll go talk to them about this.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it, and don’t bother talking to the League. Even if they want to intervene, they can’t.” Ji Xingchen stopped Jiang Mu. “I have a plan, but please don’t get involved. Just focus on the competition.”

After hanging up Jiang Mu’s call, Ji Xingchen saw a message from Boss Wanfeng on WeChat. df8EKN

Wanfeng: What’s going on with the livestream viewership?

Everyone was concerned about one thing.

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Star: It seems to be restricted.

Ji Xingchen answered truthfully. A0G54g

Upon seeing it, Ran Feng frowned, feeling a bit displeased.

Just now, he went to the livestream and saw the barrage of messages arguing furiously.

Based on the topics of the arguments, he got a general idea of what was happening.

After asking about the viewership, he didn’t inquire further about the tournament. He didn’t need to think twice to know that for no reason, he was once again being restricted and his contract was being violated, certainly someone was intentionally targeting him. 0fKdFG

Wanfeng: Would you like to talk to me about it?

Ji Xingchen thought Boss Wanfeng would continue to ask about the tournament like Jiang Mu did, but he didn’t expect him to say such a sentence.

This sentence was actually very ordinary, but at this time, it inexplicably made him feel that the other party was reliable and reassuring.

Star: Simply put, there’s someone in MeowMeow TV who’s my enemy, coincidentally, he’s the supervisor of our Honor of kings gaming division. PrKNow

Ji Xingchen stopped there and didn’t say more.

Wanfeng: Name.

Ji Xingchen typed Ji Lintian’s name on his phone, then deleted it.

Star: Forget it, forget it, I won’t dirty your eyes by typing it out. 2x3tJE

Since Ji Xingchen didn’t want to say, Ran Feng didn’t ask further. Anyway, he had a way to find out who that person was.

Wanfeng: What are you planning to do now?

Asked by Wanfeng, Ji Xingchen lowered his head and rapidly tapped on the keyboard of his phone.

Star: I plan to first ask MeowMeow TV officials what’s going on. If they ignore me, I’ll sue them and take them to court. OKho9H

Star: Anyway, I’ve signed the contract, so this is their breach of contract.

Star: Breach of contract requires compensation.

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Star: And they still haven’t reimbursed my travel expenses.

Seeing Ji Xingchen being suppressed by someone, Ran Feng, who was originally angry, was suddenly amused when he saw the last sentence. R1LXeY

After so many years, he was still the little star who always defended all his interests at every moment.

Wanfeng: Okay.

Wanfeng: I support whatever you want to do.

Seeing this message from Boss Wanfeng, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt greatly encouraged. rsBO7b

It was like charging forward relentlessly, even if one’s head was bruised and bloodied, knowing that there was always someone waiting ahead for you.

So, after he finished his livestream that night, he immediately drafted his contract, boldly tagged the official website of MeowMeow TV, and demanded an explanation.

He used to be a fearless young master, so how could he easily admit defeat now?

Since Ji Lintian wanted to suppress him with such dirty tricks, he didn’t mind exposing the matter, preferably making it big. Anyway, he had nothing to lose, even if he might not have much influence in the end, but at least he could express his attitude. bvTEOU

After posting the Weibo, it was almost midnight, and many people were already asleep, with only a few scattered fans still awake.

Moreover, he was just a small streamer, with only a few Weibo followers, so after posting this Weibo, there were only a few reposts.

Ji Xingchen didn’t mind. He was thinking that if this didn’t work, he would think of another solution tomorrow.

After a hasty wash-up, he went to bed. 3FkjXI

The next day, the first thing he did after waking up was to check if there was any response from the official Weibo.

As soon as Ji Xingchen logged in, he was almost stunned by the huge number of reposts and likes.

In just one night, the originally pitiful few repost had instantly become tens of thousands, and the number of likes, which hadn’t even reached two digits, had also surpassed six digits…

To make his messy Weibo post become so popular, Ji Xingchen didn’t need to think too much to know that it must have been retweeted by a big V. JXriPf

He quickly clicked on the trending reposts on Weibo, wanting to see which big V was so enthusiastic…

Then he saw the first repost on the trending list…

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Ran Feng.

With a verified V badge. umpNnq

Genuine and guaranteed.

Translator's Note

“V” stands for verification, indicating that the account has been confirmed as authentic or belonging to a public figure by the social media platform.

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  1. Ah, ML is cool

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛