Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh20.1 - Triple Combo

Ji Xingchen has always been outstanding since childhood: good grades, handsome, and wealthy. Whatever he does, it seems like he effortlessly gains everyone’s favor.

So Ji Lintian, who is inferior in every aspect compared to him, has always despised this cousin and envied him to the point of madness. JZLc8I

He couldn’t understand why Ji Xingchen was born as the pride of heaven, while he was just an inconspicuous foil.

Now, he finally gets his wish to soar to the top. As Ji Xingchen’s direct superior at MeowMeow TV, he became his boss. Yet, the result remains the same as before—no matter how destitute Ji Xingchen appears, he still sees him as a clown.

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What’s infuriating is that Ji Xingchen left so carefreely. Ji Lintian is now filled with anger but can’t find a place to vent.

As his anger rages within, he storms into the office and throws the contract Ji Xingchen previously signed, along with others, onto the floor. PQh2DY

He said he would destroy Ji Xingchen, and he intends to do just that.

He knows Ji Xingchen’s family must be struggling financially now. After all, for this young master to condescend to become a streamer, they must be in dire need of money.

So since Ji Xingchen’s livestream income is his main source of income, he’ll cut off his financial lifeline directly.

Ji Lintian calls Ji Xingchen’s Admin, Shanshan, and directly orders her to revoke Ji Xingchen’s tournament qualification.


Shanshan naturally refuses this unreasonable request.

“Mr. Ji, Star is my highest-grossing and most popular new streamer. He’s also quite skilled. Giving him exposure in this points tournament could easily make him famous.”

Hearing Shanshan’s attempt to promote Ji Xingchen, Ji Lintian immediately rejects it, “He’s not famous yet, right? Listen to me, he’s not allowed to participate.”

“But he’s on the final list, and the contracts have all been signed. It wouldn’t be good to cancel now, right? How do I explain this to him…” FoYcHa

“But the final list hasn’t been submitted yet, right? Just say it didn’t pass the final review.”

Shanshan couldn’t help but want to roll her eyes. Ji Lintian’s casual remarks made it seem easy. Did he really think everyone was as easily fooled as a three-year-old?

“If we cancel like this, we’ll have to pay a penalty for breach of contract. What about that money?”

Seeing Shanshan still defending Ji Xingchen, Ji Lintian became even angrier. VcrewA

“Penalty? Are you still half asleep? Since when does the boss give benefits to employees who are already working for him?” Ji Lintian, unsatisfied with just penalizing Ji Xingchen, added, “Also, suppress the popularity of his livestream, and in the future, don’t give him any more promotional slots.”

At first, Shanshan felt speechless about the situation. But now that Ji Lintian wants to suppress Ji Xingchen’s popularity, which affects her own interests, she refuses to back down.

“Mr. Ji, Star is a newcomer. If he has offended you in any way, as the adult here, please don’t stoop to his level. Canceling his qualification is one thing, but there’s no need to suppress his popularity by withholding promotional slots.”

Initially, she was considering compensating Ji Xingchen with some promotional slots after revoking his tournament qualification to mitigate the loss. But now, with Ji Lintian’s actions, it’s like he’s directly trying to sabotage Ji Xingchen. rQUKPk

What Ji Lintian hates most is when everyone defends Ji Xingchen. Now, with Shanshan repeatedly speaking up for Ji Xingchen, he’s thoroughly annoyed.

Ji Lintian stands up and approaches Shanshan, looking down at her.

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“Are you the manager, or am I the manager? Whose orders do we follow here, yours or mine?”

With that, he points his index finger at the contract in Shanshan’s hand and threatens, “Give me two names to report back to me. I’ll give you a few promotional slots. This is the biggest concession I can make for you. Remember, don’t mention any conditions to me again.” GIBy0H

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg rjslcu atja, tf rwlgxfv vlrvjlcoeiis jcv ujnf j mbcafwqaeber uijcmf ja atf ogjli Vtjcrtjc. “Ccv yfrlvfr, Al Wlcumtfc lr pera j rwjii-alwf ragfjwfg, cba kbgat sbe mjerlcu j oerr klat wf bnfg.”

Vtjcrtjc gfwjlcfv rlifca.

Qlat Al Olcaljc’r kbgvr gfjmtlcu atlr qblca, ktja firf mbeiv rtf rjs?

Mbg atf rjxf bo j rwjii ragfjwfg, rtf lcvffv kjrc’a kbgat la. 6ZrDId

But Ji Lintian probably didn’t understand that even a Admin is human, and having her streamer blatantly suppressed is equivalent to being slapped in the face.

Shanshan felt angry inside, but she couldn’t afford to provoke Ji Lintian, the fool.

Everyone knew that Ji Lintian, relying on his background and money, had been domineering in the Honor of kings gaming community. He often flirted with some female streamers or took bribes to sell promotional slots.

Suppressing small streamers until they leave was not something new for him. ak5lRY

Even if Shanshan felt unhappy inside, she could only swallow this injustice.

Poor Ji Xingchen didn’t know how he offended this plague, he’s really unlucky.

Shanshan took a deep breath, nodded, and reluctantly accepted the terms.

“But Mr. Ji, what should I say if the streamers ask me? And if someone from above inquires…” d40GjK

Ji Lintian was brimming with confidence. “No need to explain, I’ll handle it.”

Ji Xingchen’s mood was ruined by Ji Lintian, so he left the MeowMeow TV building directly, without even stepping into the gaming area.

Originally, he planned to livestream at an internet cafe for half a day in the afternoon, but now he lost interest and just took a taxi to the airport. FIkc0b

Feeling restless, he sat alone in a corner of the airport, taking out his phone to play games by himself.

In the end, he got his alternate account banned, losing twenty stars in the process.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

At night, he suddenly felt a bit hungry and went to a fast-food restaurant to fill his stomach.

After ordering his meal, Ji Xingchen sat in a seat near the door and noticed that the lobby outside was crowded with girls, but he hadn’t noticed any unusual activity in the airport earlier because he was too engrossed in gaming. SdNUkM

A couple sitting across from him, just like him, quietly discussed the fan army outside.

“Which big celebrity is coming this time? There are so many fans…” said the boy.

His girlfriend, obviously more knowledgeable, pointed to a fan holding a sign not far from them and said, “It’s Ran Feng! He’s really popular.”

After mentioning Ran Feng’s name, the girlfriend’s eyes also showed some anticipation. “Hey, we’re pretty lucky. Finish eating quickly; I want to go over and take a look. Maybe we’ll even get to see him in person later. Ran Feng is really handsome.” wvMetA

“How handsome is he… Is he as handsome as your boyfriend?” The boy was a bit jealous.

“It’s different, hurry up.”

Prompted by the girl, the boy reluctantly finished his hamburger and followed her into the crowded crowd.

Meanwhile, Ji Xingchen on the other side had a heart that was pounding non-stop at the moment. 5sl7Bo

The moment he heard the name “Ran Feng,” the strength in his hands seemed to be suddenly drained away, and he almost couldn’t hold the chopsticks steady.

Will Ran Feng really appear here later?

At the thought of this possibility, Star’s heart leaped with excitement, feeling somewhat hopeful.

After all, since the day they parted after the college entrance exam, he hadn’t seen Ran Feng in person again. 3UFXOm

All the news about him afterward, Star could only obtain through the internet.

How many nights he had spent listening to Ran Feng’s songs, only finding solace when he felt he couldn’t go on.

He couldn’t help but wonder if Ran Feng was still the same as before…

Star stood up and looked outside, realizing that there were even more fans coming to pick up someone than he had imagined, with the lobby packed to the point of even the second floor being crowded. rKGC1V

Seeing this awe-inspiring scene with his own eyes, Star suddenly came to a realization.

No matter how many memories they had between him and Ran Feng.

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Separated for years, they were now completely people of two different worlds.

Although Star understood this undeniable reality, the longing and fervent love he had for Ran Feng still lingered in his heart, making him unable to resist the urge to catch a glimpse of him. 75woZr

Having liked him for so many years, wouldn’t it be acceptable to steal a glance at him now?

With this in mind, Star followed the fans forward.

However, Ran Feng’s fans were mostly girls, and he, being a tall and handsome guy, even standing on the outskirts of the crowd, stood out like a dazzling star, extremely eye-catching.

Soon, the “Aunties” around him noticed him. MzTJsL

Not waiting for the young ladies, who were fans of the idol, to see such an extraordinary handsome guy right in front of them, regardless of whether the idol had arrived or not, they discreetly took out their phones and snapped photos.

“Hey there, are you also waiting for Brother Feng? If you’re on iFeng, how about we exchange WeChat? We can chase after Brother Feng together in the future…”

A bold and pretty girl squeezed her way to Ji Xingchen’s side, trying to get close to him by leveraging her iFeng identity, hoping to add him on WeChat.

Naturally, Star understood her intention and shook his head, “I just want to see which celebrity it is, not from iFeng.” x3fUGQ

The girl didn’t give up, taking out her phone to pull up a selfie, “Well, we meet by fate, handsome guy. Can I take a photo with you?”

This girl brought along a few friends, and seeing her bold move, her friends couldn’t help but cheer her on.

Originally, Star was already eye-catching enough, but now with this scene, even more gazes fell upon him, and some even started walking towards him.

Suddenly seeing everyone heading in one direction, some of the fans in the back who hadn’t figured out the situation yet, saw the familiar figure surrounded by fans up ahead, thinking it was Ran Feng. q8uUDm

“Brother Feng is over there!” shouted one of the fans, and the others who hadn’t seen clearly followed suit, running towards Star.

Realizing something was wrong when suddenly surrounded by fans and hearing “Brother Brother Feng,” Star immediately turned and ran, darting until he found refuge in the men’s restroom.

Luckily, he had long legs and was standing on the edge, or he would have definitely been surrounded by fans now…

Still catching his breath from the harrowing chase by fans, Star patted his chest and took a deep breath. B8CNvX

Being a popular star is really not easy…

As for Ran Feng, he always seemed aloof to everyone, yet now he had to face those enthusiastic fans. It made Star wonder what made him choose to become a celebrity.

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Star hid in the restroom for a while, sneaking out only after the people outside understood the situation and dispersed.

On the other hand, while everyone was chasing after Star, Ran Feng had already taken the VIP route and left. tUZKSr

None of the fans who came to pick him up today got a glimpse of him.

Disappointed fans returned to their fan forums, starting to share their feelings for the night.

Amidst the prevailing sense of disappointment, someone posted a secretly taken photo of Star on the fan forum.

[Autumn’s Most Red Feng Leaves: Sisters, didn’t see Brother Feng tonight, but I bumped into a handsome young man at the airport! Come check it out!!] 8iqthV

[Wow, this guy, I’m sold!!!]

[His looks, besides Brother Feng, nobody else can compare! Who’s always bragging about divine looks? I bet even half of him can’t match this guy!]

[Hahaha, isn’t this the guy mistaken for Brother Feng tonight? He’s even more handsome in person, shining like a big star!]

[Huh? Mistaken for Brother Feng?? What happened tonight???] dmi86

In Ran Feng’s assistant’s car, she happened to come across this post on the fan forum.

“Hahaha, Brother Feng, something hilarious happened tonight, I gotta tell you!! Remember the private info about your flight being leaked? So, a lot of fans came to the airport to pick you up, but guess what happened?”

Ran Feng lowered his hat, covering his eyes as he rested.

“What…” yQVHg4

“There was this really handsome guy at the airport, and because of his back view, fans mistook him for you and ended up chasing him until he hid in the men’s restroom.”

The assistant glanced at the photo again, sighing, “Well, it’s true, your back views are so similar! Just by looking at the back, I would’ve thought it was you.”

Ran Feng didn’t open his eyes; the assistant’s words about their similar back views triggered a memory in his mind.

Someone had said those exact words to him before—it was the school belle from the neighboring Sanzhong School. M0 cip

It happened to be the day of a friendly basketball match between Zhongyi and Sanzhong. Knowing about it, Star took Ran Feng to the indoor basketball court during their self-study period to secretly watch the game.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Oh, idols life

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛