Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh19 - Contract

Lately, Ji Xingchen’s livestream content quality has been very high, and the show’s effect has been particularly good, leading to a sudden surge in popularity in the livestream room, attracting many new fans, represented by Xia Hou Dun.

Now, whenever he starts streaming, he can basically maintain a viewership of around five hundred thousand. JXLzRe

However, achieving such impressive numbers in less than two months puts Ji Xingchen leagues ahead compared to other new streamers struggling with viewership in the thousands or tens of thousands.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that as long as Ji Xingchen can maintain this momentum, it won’t be long before he becomes a top-tier streamer once he finds the right opportunity.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Because of his rapid rise, he received a WeChat invitation from the main admin.

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “Star, are you interested in participating in the Honor Points Tournament this time?” fxT9q

Ji Xingchen had just seen the Honor Points Tournament on the official website this morning when updating the game.

This competition is a collaboration between Honor of king and the KPL professional league, along with three major co-streaming platforms: MeowMeow TV, Mengjing TV, and Kuge TV. It’s specially designed to showcase popular streamers, with a format of streamer collision PK matches.

One hundred streamers from the three platforms will participate, competing in 5v5 matches with randomly matched teammates. Winners earn ten points each, while losers lose ten points. Additionally, viewers can vote for the MVP of each match, giving the streamer an extra three points. Likewise, streamers on winning streaks can earn additional points.

The tournament consists of three rounds over the course of one month. The top three streamers at the end will share a one million yuan prize pool provided by Honor of king, and the platforms will also provide homepage promotion and other benefits to the winners.


Since the KPL league is also involved in this tournament, besides cash prizes and homepage promotions, the KPL officials also offer the winners the opportunity to attend the KPL professional league finals, participate in entertainment exhibition matches alongside stars and professional players, and even have the chance to be special guest commentators for the top ten streamers.

The KPL professional league is one of the most important tournaments in Honor of king. Being able to attend the finals as a guest not only helps increase exposure but also serves as recognition of the streamer’s abilities.

For Ji Xingchen, the large prize pool of this tournament was already very tempting. However, the opportunity to play exhibition matches alongside professional players at the KPL venue was an even greater temptation.

When Jiang Mu left home alone to compete in professional tournaments, he made a promise with Ji Xingchen that if he ever made it to the finals, he hoped Ji Xingchen would come to cheer him on. wf0MC4

Of course, Ji Xingchen could attend the finals as a regular audience member to support him, but he would much prefer to attend as a winning streamer.

Currently, the SA team where Jiang Mu is has been performing exceptionally well, and ever since he joined the second team, they haven’t lost a single match. Ji Xingchen believes Jiang Mu has a good chance of making it to the finals.

Star: “Can I participate?”

The main admin suddenly approached him, naturally implying such intentions. A03sI8

Although Ji Xingchen understood the implication, he still found it surprising that a newcomer like himself could secure a spot.

Because typically, in competitions with such substantial prizes, priority is given to top-tier streamers.

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “Of course! Don’t you know how outstanding you are?”

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “Our website has a total of 38 slots this time, and the management has set aside five slots for promising streamers. You currently have the best stats among new streamers, so I’ll definitely fight for a spot for you~” tOYJFg

After the admin’s explanation, Ji Xingchen finally understood the reason.

Star: “Thank you for your hard work, Meow.”

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MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “You’re welcome. Star, are you sure you want to participate?”

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “This opportunity is really rare. With many recommendations, it’s a great chance for more viewers to get to know you.” I8VpmK

Given this golden opportunity knocking on his door, Ji Xingchen naturally wouldn’t refuse.

However, just to be safe, he asked a few more questions.

Star: “Are there any contracts or agreements? Can I take a look first?”

Then the admin sent him the tournament contract. qX2Cy3

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ji Xingchen carefully read through it.

Ktf mbcagjma kjr ifcuats, yea fjmt byilujalbc jcv gfrqbcrlylilas kjr mifjgis rajafv.

Zbgfbnfg, rlcmf atlr qblcar abegcjwfca kjr ifv ys Lbcbg bo xlcu, foofmalnfis j yfcfola obg ragfjwfgr, atf mbcagjma’r afgwr kfgf jiwbra ilxf fjgclcu wbcfs pera ys rluclcu la.

Coafg mbcolgwlcu atja atfgf kfgf cb lrrefr klat atf mbcagjma, tf jugffv ab la. uJYeXm

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “But there’s something I need to tell you, Star. Because you haven’t joined any agency, we can’t have the company act as your agent. So, the contract can only be signed by you personally at the company before this Friday.”

There are two forms of signing contracts with MeowMeow TV: directly with the website or through a agency.

For streamers with agency, the agency handles tasks like paying salaries, accessing rankings, managing data, and other external affairs.

But for solo streamers like Ji Xingchen who sign directly with the website, without professionals to assist, everything falls on their own shoulders. FCtJdM

MeowMeow TV’s headquarters is in the Shanghai, quite far from where Ji Xingchen is.

After checking his bank account balance and realizing that the previous website withdrawal hadn’t arrived yet, Ji Xingchen considered for three minutes before finally uttering a sentence—

Star: “Excuse me… Is the travel expense reimbursed?”

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “…” AWyYxO

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “Yes!”

Ji Xingchen suddenly felt rejuvenated.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Star: “Okay, okay, I’ll go buy the tickets later.”

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “…Okay.” WmdKOs

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “Star… you’re at least a top ten streamer!”

Star: “Can’t help it, I’m super broke [crying].”

Star: “By the way, do I need to keep this participation a secret?”

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: “No need! In fact, I was just about to tell you. During your livestream later, you can let your fans know in advance so they can prepare gifts and vote for you during the competition.” OTrmf5

After chatting with the admin, Ji Xingchen quickly bought tickets to the Shanghai City during his meal break.

Originally, he planned to take the train, but that would delay his livestream.

So, he reluctantly spent a lot of money on two round-trip plane tickets.

Anyway, the website would reimburse him, so he considered it as his own advance payment. HQbnkP

After buying the tickets, he immediately shared the good news with the Boss Wanfeng and then with the audience in the livestream room.

[Wow!!! Our Star is amazing!!]

[Waaah, tears of gratitude from this old mother. Star, go get first place!]

[No wonder Star is so happy tonight. I’m also thrilled!] jHfE16

[Sisters, remember to save up gifts for the MVP voting in this competition!]

Feeling good, Ji Xingchen had a lucky night and won five consecutive matches in the peak competition, finally reaching the top ten.

Before ending the stream that night, he said about taking a day off for the day after tomorrow.

“I’ll be going to MeowMeow TV headquarters the day after tomorrow to sign the contract. I’ll take a day off temporarily during the day, but I’ll be back to livestream in the evening.” 8HjV7R

Ran Feng, who only entered the livestream room at the end of the broadcast, heard only this sentence.

He sent two magical shooting stars to Ji Xingchen and then typed a line:

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Go ahead and rest assured, we’ll be waiting for you.

Two days later, Ji Xingchen arrived at the headquarters of MeowMeow TV. pZ9QPh

It must be said that MeowMeow TV is truly one of the top three domestic live streaming platforms. The headquarters building is not only standalone but also designed very grandly on the outside.

From afar, Ji Xingchen saw the huge logo that occupied an entire wall.

With the guidance of the large logo, he didn’t worry about getting lost and went straight into the building. After explaining his purpose at the front desk, a young lady quickly came to assist him.

The lady led Ji Xingchen into the elevator and chatted with him with a smile, “May I ask which streamer you are?” wk eI0

Ji Xingchen nodded friendly towards her, “Hello, I’m the streamer Star.”

The assisting lady showed a hint of surprise in her eyes after hearing that, then a hint of joy, “So you’re Star! I’ve watched your livestreams, they’re very interesting.”

“Thank you.” Ji Xingchen’s response was polite and just right, not overly flattering or humble even though he was a small streamer.

The lady’s gaze inadvertently swept across Ji Xingchen’s face again. Seeing how handsome this guy was in person, she couldn’t help but speak up, “Star, why don’t you turn on your camera? With such good looks, having the camera on would enhance the effect.” L8Q0Ei

Ji Xingchen smiled lightly, “I’m not used to it.”

“Ah… what a pity.”

She had seen countless streamers in headquarters over the years, including those whose looks were exaggerated online.

The vast majority of streamers looked quite ordinary without filters, and some could even be described as unattractive. But occasionally, there were indeed a few streamers whose looks were genuinely striking. YAcUBW

But even if all those streamers with good looks were compared to Star in front of them now, they would be far behind.

The young man in front of her, even if he was just wearing a simple white T-shirt, shone like a star, making it hard for people to look away.

Just walking together with him, there were many colleagues along the way casting envious glances at her.

Beautiful people always seem to get extra attention. 8dcqBN

The lady, who usually treated other streamers with a cold demeanor, was exceptionally warm to Ji Xingchen today. After leading him to the eighth-floor office, she even poured him water and offered her own snacks. Finally, she personally printed out the contract and handed it to him, reminding him of some points to note.

With someone guiding him, Ji Xingchen was relieved of a lot of trouble.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He carefully read through the contract, confirmed that it was the same as the electronic contract he received before, and then signed his name.

Ji Xingchen signed two copies of the contract, one for MeowMeow TV to keep and one for himself. After handing one copy to the lady, he asked, “Is that all done now?” DgyPSf

“Yes,” the lady smiled, “If you’re not in a hurry to leave, you can take a look around the live streaming area on the ground floor.”

Ji Xingchen’s return flight was in the early morning, so he decided to take a look since there was still time. After all, there had been some pictures circulating online about the MeowMeow TV live streaming area, which was incredibly avant-garde and interesting in both design and concept. Ji Xingchen had wanted to see it with his own eyes for a long time.

After bidding farewell to the lady, Ji Xingchen walked out of the office and waited at the elevator.

After about three minutes, the elevator doors opened. 6nufHL

A sharply dressed man stepped out from inside.

Ji Xingchen’s gaze was fixed on the ground and he didn’t notice him.

But since the moment the elevator doors opened, the man’s gaze had been fixed on him.

“Oh, who do we have here? Isn’t this Young Master Ji?” A familiar voice sounded beside him, and Ji Xingchen’s body stiffened slightly, his brows furrowing slightly. hWVakB

Seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t immediately look up at him, Ji Lintian took a few steps forward and deliberately stopped in front of him.

“Why is Young Master Ji appearing in our company?” His gaze swept over the contract in Ji Xingchen’s hand, and he deliberately raised his voice to ridicule, “Oh, isn’t this the contract for the streamer I’m in charge of for this points match? Young Master, you’re going to be a streamer now? Why would a fine young master like you want to experience the hardships of life?”

Every word from Ji Lintian was mocking, and each “Young Master” sounded like he wanted to trample Ji Xingchen into the ground.

However, no matter how provocative Ji Lintian was, Ji Xingchen never once gave him a glance. t4xou8

He took a step forward, his tone icy, “Move aside.”

Seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t even spare him a glance, Ji Lintian couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

Even though he was now taller and more successful than Ji Xingchen, why should Ji Xingchen still be so indifferent and aloof towards him, just like a few years ago?

Yes, it was that kind of attitude that made one unable to help but feel angry. fuobNp

Ji Lintian was furious because no matter what he said just now, Ji Xingchen didn’t even show a hint of disdain or disgust on his face, completely ignoring him.

Now that he has nothing, what right does he have to be so arrogant?

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Ji Lintian, who had originally thought he had positioned himself very high, believed he would feel endlessly satisfied attacking the down-and-out Ji Xingchen.

However, the result was quite the opposite. nxmNe4

He felt even more aggrieved.

Angry, Ji Lintian turned around and grabbed Ji Xingchen, who was trying to leave, and spoke even more sharply.

“What are you being proud of? You’re like a dog in my hands now, just a small streamer. Do you really think you’re still the pampered young master from before?”

“Your father died years ago, have you cleared his debts yet? I heard your mother also got cancer. It’s probably terminal by now.” Ji Lintian sneered, “Cancer costs a lot of money. Your father left you a bunch of debts, do you still have money to treat your mother?” nKeuCE

Having struck Ji Xingchen’s most sensitive spot, Ji Lintian finally felt a sense of satisfaction.

He glanced at the contract in Ji Xingchen’s hand, clicked his tongue a few times, and struck a victorious pose.

“Oh, sorry I forgot, even if you have money for treatment, why would you sell yourself to our company like a dog? This contract in your hand, at best, is only worth five hundred thousand. For the sake of a measly five hundred thousand, you came all the way here. Your life must be quite hard.”

Ji Xingchen, with his back to Ji Lintian, stood tall and straight, but his right hand holding the contract had clenched into a fist long ago. gE1PsO

With his parents mocked in such a tone, Ji Xingchen closed his eyes, resisted the urge to beat Ji Lintian, and took a deep breath.

He didn’t turn around, just exerted a bit of force to shake off Ji Lintian’s dirty hand.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely live well.”

He chuckled lightly, his tone indifferent. 0nFD8s

“After all, I still want to witness firsthand how your family will meet their retribution.”

Watching Ji Xingchen’s departing figure, Ji Lintian was so angry he almost stomped in place.

Pointing at the elevator doors that were closing, he cursed loudly, “Ji Xingchen, don’t act tough, let’s see who ends up killing who.”


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  1. Drama

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛