Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh18 - Valentine’s Day Gift

Early in the morning, Ji Xingchen went out to buy breakfast for himself and found that both sides of the shops were filled with flowers and banners.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that today was actually Chinese Valentine’s Day. VtnSE6

“Hey young man, buying roses to give to your girlfriend?” The auntie trimming flowers at the entrance of the flower shop saw Ji Xingchen standing there and actively solicited business.

Ji Xingchen smiled, his eyes curved.

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“I don’t have a girlfriend yet.”

The auntie smiled and glanced at him. “Boyfriend works too.” 3d51QJ


Perhaps seeing Ji Xingchen’s surprise, the auntie explained, “Oh, I meant you can buy roses for your male friends if you’re single. Several young men just bought them like that, saying they’re celebrating being single.”

Ji Xingchen hurriedly waved his hand, “Uh, forget it.”

The person he wanted to send flowers to would probably have many people lining up to send him flowers today.


Back home, Ji Xingchen logged into MeowMeow TV and changed the name of his livestream room to “[Chinese Valentine’s Day: A Date with Jungler King]”.

As soon as he went live, the viewers who received notifications quickly joined.

[Wow, Star, you’re so diligent today, not going on a date?]

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “I have a date with Jungler King in the Canyon.” sdP0Yd

[Hahaha, Star only has eyes for Jungler King.]

[But isn’t Boss Wanfeng also Jungler King?]

When Ji Xingchen was speaking, the system reminded him that Wanfeng Picks Star had entered the livestream room.

[Wow~ The boss has arrived early!] 6VuHJU

[Morning, Boss Wanfeng. Why are you up so early today?]

In the past, Boss Wanfeng usually came to check in at night, so Ji Xingchen didn’t expect him to be here so early today.

Rubbing his eyes, Ran Feng got up from the bed and stood by the French window.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star ]: Just woke up and saw you’re live. 3N4KBt

“Boss, are you not working today?”

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star ]: I am, you play.

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Although the boss didn’t have time to play games, since he came to watch Ji Xingchen’s livestream, Ji Xingchen couldn’t leave him hanging and took the initiative to chat with him.

He remembered that the last gift he sent happened to coincide with the boss being away on a business trip and not at home, so he asked, “By the way, Boss Wanfeng, did you receive the gift I sent you last week?” Dhde78

[Today is Chinese Valentine’s Day. Star might be sending roses!!!]

[Hahaha, Star, you’re quite something.]

[Ah, I really want to know what the Chinese Valentine’s Day gift is!]

Seeing the barrage of comments, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered the boss telling him not to call him “husband” last time, so he quickly clarified to everyone, “It’s not roses, nor is it a Chinese Valentine’s Day gift. Don’t think too much, it’s just a normal gift, sent last week.” xyzpIH

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star ]: Let me ask the assistant.

Ran Feng put down his phone, called the assistant.

“Have you received any packages recently, the ones sent to that address last time?”

Assistant: “Yes, Boss Ran, I asked Sister Li to hand it over to you last time, but you weren’t home a few days ago, so they put the gift in the office, and it got mixed up with the things sent by fans. I’ve been looking for it for two days and just said I’d send it to you. It’s downstairs now.” ye5DcX

“Okay, just bring it up.”

Five minutes later, Ran Feng finally received the belated gift sent by Ji Xingchen.

Although it was delayed by a few days, receiving it on Chinese Valentine’s Day made it seem just right.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This time, the gift sent by Ji Xingchen was very light. After opening the package, there was only a rectangular gift box inside. yXFupc

Ejc Mfcu ufcais bqfcfv la, gfnfjilcu j qbramjgv lcrlvf.

Yc bcf rlvf bo atf qbramjgv kjr jc bli qjlcalcu vfqlmalcu atf yief rxs, ktlaf mibevr, jcv atf rfj.

Yc atf batfg rlvf kfgf atgff rfcafcmfr kglaafc ys Al Wlcumtfc.

KY: Dbrr Qjcofcu wd8Wai

Xgjafoei ab tjnf sbe bc atlr pbegcfs abufatfg.


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The font belonged solely to Ji Xingchen, and even after five years, it was still familiar.

On the far right of the postcard, Ran Feng found a dashed line. k7tCUF

Following the dashed line would tear open the right side of the postcard.

Ran Feng turned the postcard sideways and found another layer inside.

He looked inside through the opening.

And saw a brilliant starry sky. iMobBm

The stars inside seemed to be hanging in the night sky, twinkling and shining.

Ran Feng held the postcard in his hand, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Received it.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: It’s very special. oiCmJR

Seeing that the boss’s reaction seemed good, Ji Xingchen also felt happy, “As long as you don’t mind.”

The two, one very special and the other not minding, deeply piqued the curiosity of the viewers.

[Ah, I’m so curious about what was sent!]

[Boss, can you reveal it, please? Pretty please.] cwXzBV

[Very special?? Could it be the Five Three as a gift? Wasn’t there a video recently where someone gave their girlfriend the Five Three, haha!]

This comment was quite unique and quickly caught everyone’s attention, including Ji Xingchen’s, who saw it at a glance and jokingly replied.

“How could anyone give a Five Three gift? Aren’t they afraid of getting beaten? Look at how clever I am, who would do such a thing?”

After hearing this, Ran Feng smiled but said nothing. RLdD p

Someone is now completely innocent, but they did indeed play such a devilish trick before.

That was during the winter vacation of their senior year.

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After finishing makeup classes at school, there were only ten days of vacation left.

Ji Xingchen had just finished his exams and hadn’t had a chance to talk to Ran Feng when his parents took him to the United States. StITny

Because of the time difference, he didn’t really get to contact Ran Feng during those seven days.

The day he returned to the country happened to be the last day of the holiday, and Ji Xingchen didn’t have time to adjust to the time difference or catch up on sleep. He went straight to Ran Feng’s house by taxi.

Coincidentally, it was February 14th, Valentine’s Day.

In the class group chat, everyone was joking about how the school finally had a conscience and let everyone celebrate Valentine’s Day properly before starting school. However, Ji Xingchen didn’t have a good Valentine’s Day. SyUAl3

When he arrived at Ran Feng’s villa gate in the afternoon, it turned out that her family had gone to visit relatives in another province.

Because Ji Xingchen had been flying all this while, he hadn’t communicated well with Ran Feng. Now, having been given the cold shoulder, he could only sit alone at the gate, feeling chilly.

He waited there from four in the afternoon until the sun went down, but he eventually got so tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. There was still no sign of Ran Feng returning.

Having waited in vain, he reluctantly sent Ran Feng a WeChat message— pFdG3m

“I brought you a gift from the United States. It’s placed behind the third rose bush in the small garden to the left of your house gate.

The gift is quite substantial and very valuable!!

Remember to come back early to get it, don’t let anyone take it!”

By the time Ran Feng got home, it was already ten o’clock at night. U9xwvK

During the Spring Festival, it was hard to buy plane tickets, and Ji Xingchen had only called him at the last minute, so naturally, he couldn’t find a ticket to come back earlier.

Before boarding the plane, he worried that he would return too late, and after boarding, he feared that Ji Xingchen’s gift would be taken by passersby.

Hurriedly getting off the car, Ran Feng, with bated breath, didn’t even enter the house. He went straight to the third rose bush to find what Ji Xingchen had left behind.

Ji Xingchen’s gift was quite substantial, and he was carrying a heavy load. ch27q

When Ran Feng returned to his room, he felt relieved that the gift hadn’t been taken by anyone and eagerly opened it. As he took out the items from the box, they made him laugh.

The so-called “very valuable” gifts that Ji Xingchen mentioned were actually sets of practice exams and study materials for the college entrance examination, including various review books and practice sets.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng sent Ji Xingchen a puzzled emoji on WeChat.

In his half-asleep state, Ji Xingchen replied, “Knowledge is priceless.” eBnj6z

The consequence of Ji Xingchen’s action was that for a whole week after school started, Ran Feng didn’t bring him breakfast.

Then came the first monthly exam.

Ran Feng ranked first in the whole grade.

On the day he received his grades, Ji Xingchen chased after Ran Feng asking how he suddenly became so good. d21Lbo

Ran Feng didn’t say anything but threw a few pieces of paper onto his desk.

“Wow, you managed to find these???”
Ji Xingchen’s eyes sparkled as he looked at the notes.

These notes were written by him during his trip to the United States, one each day, containing excerpts of poems and some sentences he wrote himself.

He secretly stuck these seven pieces of paper in seven of the practice books and gave them to Ran Feng, thinking that the other person wouldn’t notice. NC9GSz

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Shouldn’t you?”

Ji Xingchen, puzzled but somewhat happy, nodded, “I pasted them very discreetly, and some of the notes even had holes dug to hide them…”

At this point, Ji Xingchen suddenly realized something, “You found them all, does that mean you’ve finished all seven sets of practice exams?!”

Ran Feng didn’t answer him, just got up and walked away. s4 dJ1

In a place where Ji Xingchen couldn’t see, Ran Feng’s eyes subtly lifted at the corners.

Curious, Ji Xingchen grabbed the notes and hurried to catch up, “I knew it! How did you suddenly become first in the grade? I could do that too if I finished all those practice sets!”

Ji Xingchen was getting a bit anxious in his pursuit and almost tripped.

Hearing the commotion, Ran Feng immediately stopped, turned around, and reached out to help him up. Pjoxbe

“Just one set.”

Without giving Ji Xingchen a chance to understand what “just one set” referred to, Ran Feng lowered his head, meeting Ji Xingchen’s eyes that sparkled like the stars.

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“I read the poems you wrote.”

Ran Feng smiled, “Not bad.” 8EJOWm

Ji Xingchen pinched the note in his hand, and the one on top happened to be the poem he wrote:

“Saw a straight pine tree by the roadside,
For some reason, it reminded me of you.”

After watching Ji Xingchen’s livestream for a while, Ran Feng logged out. Today was Qixi (Chinese Valentine’s Day), and he had been invited to an evening party where he needed to get ready with makeup and hair styling for photoshoots. 8cQUWg

Once the boss left, Ji Xingchen, responding to the barrage of requests, logged into his alternate account to flirt.

Since that night when he played against the boss, he had either been playing with water friends or participating in tournaments, so he hadn’t logged into this alternate account for a while.

As soon as he logged into the game, there was a notification in the top right corner of his mailbox.

Ji Xingchen clicked on it and found that there were unexpectedly 99+ gifts in the gift center. BsuNR3

“Did Honor of kings have a bug? Why are there so many gifts??” Ji Xingchen joked with the audience in the livestream, “Is it because it’s Qixi today, and they’re specially sending warmth to us single dogs?”

Before opening the email in the gift center, Ji Xingchen did think it was a bug.

However, when he opened it, he realized it wasn’t a system bug at all. Someone had actually sent him gifts, and they were all from the same person!

The content of the top email was written as follows—
“Wanfeng has sent you a little surprise: Cool Mech Pack X10000.” 0yRkSY

Ji Xingchen accidentally clicked on the first email while reading. Then, ten thousand cool mech packs appeared in front of the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the livestream room.

When the packs appeared, there was also a “ding” sound effect in the game. Ji Xingchen’s heart skipped a beat when he heard it.

[Does anyone, any kind soul, want to tell this poor person how much 10000 cool mech packs cost?]

[Upstairs, 10000 x 6, do the math yourself.] zePi 3

[Oh my god, sixty thousand…]

[No, it’s more… look at what’s behind it!!]

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Not only did the boss send points, but there were also hundreds of emails behind this one, each with various hero skin names.

“Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Heart of the Ocean,” “Apocalyptic Mech”… Ji Xingchen kept scrolling down, but it took him several minutes to reach the bottom. vJ5bmK

The livestream audience, witnessing such a scene for the first time, were all stunned.

[It’s been five minutes and we still haven’t reached the bottom… How many skins did the boss send?!!]

[He must have sent all the ones you can buy with money. Is the love of big shots nowadays so simple and straightforward…]

[Wuwuwu, I want this kind of love from the big shots too!] ZFRcnL

The more Ji Xingchen looked, the more uneasy he felt, echoing everyone’s confusion.

“What’s brother Wanfeng up to… Why suddenly send so many skins? Can these skins be refunded??”

[Can’t be refunded, Star, just accept the boss’s love with peace of mind.]

[Other streamers are worrying about not receiving skins, while our Star is troubled by receiving too many, how to return them.] 2FMZN0

[Sisters, I have a bold guess. Could it be that the boss sent so many skins because that day, that brain-dead Wu Zetian dissed our Star for being poor…]

[Damn, now that you mention it, why do I feel like that’s the reason??]

[Aaaaah, is that the reason for giving skins??? Mind-blown!!!]

After this barrage appeared, everyone began to realize. kiphVd

Even Ji Xingchen was somewhat convinced.

Boss Wanfeng’s treatment of him was indeed a bit too good.

Suddenly receiving so many skins, all of Ji Xingchen’s plans were thrown into disarray. Just as he was pondering what to do next, a strangely styled person suddenly popped up in the barrage.

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Damn, you’re that Ying Zheng from that day!!!] WFBxky

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Giving so many skins, your husband, the streamer, is indeed more awesome than me!!]


Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Is that you???]

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: I was Dun from that day!] xD5Run

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: The one who got beaten by your husband, Bai Qi… Wait, hold on, streamer, you’re f**king male???]

[Flying Moth Hits Cow: Even males have husbands???]

Translator's Note

The “Five Three” refers to a popular series of test prep books in China, known as “五年高考三年模拟” (Wǔ nián gāokǎo sān nián mònǐ), which translates to “Five Years of Gaokao, Three Years of Simulations.” These books are widely used by high school students preparing for the national college entrance examination in China. The series includes past exam questions and practice tests designed to simulate the national college entrance examination experience. Here, it humorously suggests that giving such a study book as a gift is quite unusual and unexpected choice for a romantic occasion.

Translator's Note

“Water friends” – casual gamers who play games for fun rather than competitively. They’re not as serious or skilled as hardcore players.

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  1. Yes, silly~

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛