Becoming a God in the Zerg World by Livestreaming BL NovelsCh8 - Powerful Streamer Slaps Faces Online!

“Ban this account,” the division head of the entertainment section indicated to the screen.

The channel supervisor, Medira, immediately passed the order. The super moderators took action, banning the account 【Mistletoe】, which had rewarded the livestream with over ten million credit points, equivalent to nearly a million gold lues, and issuing a warning. 5UZPQe

The inspector from the Male Zerg Protection Court, sitting next to the division head, nodded and recorded something on his smart brain. He said to the division head, “I’ll have an informant coordinate with your network department later to find the real ID of this female zerg user and impose a fine.”

The platform was strongly regulating the livestream room but unexpectedly punished the viewer!

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【— Channel user Mistletoe is suspected of illegal activities. Account permanently banned, gift amount frozen —】

【— Super moderator reminder: Do not illegally purchase male zerg lords’ information. Violators will receive a summons from the Male Zerg Protection Court —】 IXOUYz

【— Users, please comply with laws and regulations. Once verified, serious warnings, ID lock, and penalties will be imposed —】

The livestream room was in an uproar!

At this moment, the number of viewers watching Faith Wayne’s livestream had reached 200,000, and the popularity was rapidly rising, about to break the 300,000 mark!

The exaggerated livestream preview and certain illegal risks involved led Medira, the channel supervisor of the Knowledge Channel, to not give ‘Faith Wayne’ a recommended spot on the leaderboard.


Before the broadcast, he was worried that this seemingly playful streamer might speak recklessly, using the male father’s story as a gimmick.

If anything went wrong, the zerg wouldn’t be in trouble, but their platform would surely face hefty fines, and the management might even end up in jail!

After much consideration, supervisor Medira decided not to give Faith Wayne any recommended spots this time, not even allowing him on the real-time broadcast list.

Ten minutes before the broadcast, supervisor Medira was still thinking that if the worst happened, suppressing recommendations and exposure to control the tens of thousands of early viewers with the help of several super moderators might contain the fallout. P9TH6g

After all, yesterday was the last day of the post-war victory holiday. Today, most military females had to report back to their legions, and military school students had to return to school for training, often with restricted internet access.

The zerg race occupied countless stars in the universe, with time zones varying from as little as an hour to as much as a year.

The zerg race was a nation of soldiers, with low- and mid-level military females having little rest time. They preferred watching war games and tactical reviews by star military females, habitually tuning into the entertainment section only to watch familiar streamers, rarely clicking on homepage recommendations.

The main entertainment portal, during the legion and military school holidays, could attract nearly a billion viewers, but on regular days, the traffic was only 20 to 30 million. dHlyQ9

However, 80% of these viewers only watched live streams and videos on familiar channels. Channels didn’t interconnect, and only very famous cross-channel streamers would attract viewers from other channels.

The Knowledge Channel, within the entertainment section, was one of the less popular channels, only getting lively after star wars.

At other times, daily traffic barely maintained at a million, and with time zone differences, fixed live broadcasts on the Knowledge Channel were less popular than edited video releases.

After a day of military school and army life, with physical exhaustion, and the top ten legions regularly traveling through star seas, the StarNet signals weren’t as stable as on stars. On-duty military females preferred watching videos to avoid lag. bBhl6V

All things considered, Faith Wayne was indeed fortunate to have the right timing, location, and people to gain so much live traffic in his first broadcast!

Supervisor Medira realized this and felt confident that even if Faith Wayne’s livestream caused problems, he could quickly suppress any bad news related to exploiting male zerg lords.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

But unexpectedly!

Faith Wayne succeeded! UyZhdE

He didn’t violate the Male Zerg Protection Act. The focus of both main characters was blurred, no identity traits were exposed, no major internal events involving male zergs were mentioned, and no specific story timeline was provided!

Lord Carol was born on Cat’s Eye Star, where all male zerglings protected by the Alliance are born; this is common knowledge.

Although this ‘common knowledge’ circulated only on privileged and high-class city stars, it was semi-public and not illegal.

As for the “teachers,” no detailed descriptions were given. Was it a council member of the Protection Council, the council president, or a judge from the Protection Court? None were specified! b2dHhc

Litala Jones was a sub-female. Perhaps the original story’s protagonist was a female zerg from a certain race, but now, Litala was just a sub-female! This directly avoided the risk of revealing the original story’s protagonist’s race!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oh! If not for the presence of the division head, the Male Zerg Protection Court and Council observers in the conference hall, supervisor Medira would have created a small account to send gifts to Teacher Faith himself!

Mjlat Qjscf kjr jyrbieafis j rfjrbcfv ofwjif hfgu kjixlcu atf fvuf bo ifujilas, tlutis rxliifv ja jnblvlcu glrxr!

Lf wluta yf j abq ijk rmtbbi ugjvejaf bg fnfc j tlut pevuf ogbw atf Zjif Ifgu Ugbafmalbc Jbega! i83acD

Cirb, j wjrafg ja mgfjalcu yehh jcv ugjyylcu nlfkfgr’ jaafcalbc!

Qlatbea atf mtjccfi’r gfmbwwfcvjalbc, j cfkis rlucfv ragfjwfg mbeiv jaagjma rb wjcs nlfkfgr jcv gert lcab atf abq gfkjgvr ilra fcalgfis atgbeut tlr bkc rxliir jcv mecclcu glrx-jnblvjcmf!

supervisor Medira now had no regrets about signing Faith Wayne. More than anyone, he hoped Faith Wayne could safely end the broadcast under the observers’ scrutiny!

Although the super moderators banned and froze the big spender’s account, if Faith Wayne could maintain his level and stream a few more times, the Knowledge Channel might truly break into the major leagues! REkKo8

supervisor Medira could almost see himself getting promoted and getting a raise, reaching the peak of his sub-female career with an annual salary of 500,000 gold!

He stared intently at the big screen in the conference hall, waiting with nearly 300,000 viewers for the streamer to start writing again.

In the livestream room, there were no new whiteboard texts from the streamer, and the comment section constantly refreshed with top comments.

【Damn, the super moderator actually banned the tycoon instead of the streamer??】 ScFd5s

【Banning a viewer who tipped over ten million credit points just like that, so ruthless. Could the streamer have some inside dealings with the platform?】

【Laughing to death, the fool deserved to be banned. Trying to use money to get the streamer to reveal the male zerg lord’s thoughts and preferences. If I were the inspector, I’d arrest them right now!】

Chrysanthemum Garden.

【Damn, I hate these disgusting female zergs the most. Litala deceived Lord Carol this way, secretly coaxing and manipulating the lord, even causing psychological trauma by losing him. If I were Carol’s teacher, I’d kill Litala without hesitation!】

【Is it possible that the platform intervened because the Male Zerg Protection Court sent an inspector?】 B4tNsT

【Awesome, give me some of that inside scoop!】

【My cousin works internally at the knowledge site. Today, he saw the court’s official hovercar in the parking lot at work.】

【I knew it! The streamer is a fraud! Otherwise, why wouldn’t the inspector ban the streamer?】

【A fraud? Not necessarily. A fraud would have been banned already. There’s a charge for forging male zerg lords’ information to scam female zergs.】 I9DCr

【… True or false, streamer, say something, I’m dying here! What’s next?】

Besides the viewers who were always cautious about the story, teetering on the edge and only daring to jump after verifying its authenticity,

There was another type of viewer, also wary of the streamer, stubbornly delving deep into the story’s details, trying to pick apart and find illogical points to prove it was a scam. They wanted to slap the streamer’s face and force him to admit it was all a fantasy, a deception!

How could there be such a pure, good-hearted male zerg lord! 39drYW

He even clashed with the prison star warden court for a disliked sub-female! I don’t believe it!


【Pelofi is indeed a high-class star, adjacent to the Law Ring Galaxy, the first transit hub for Cat’s Eye Star. Being the first stop, no citizens live there; only workers pass through. The environment is cold and efficient, a typical hive system workstation. This star is actually little known, and most high-class military females heading to Cat’s Eye Star take direct flights that don’t stop en route. Only those in the system know this temporary stop is called Pelofi.】

【Getting more curious about the streamer’s identity…】 9PGRWr

【The more we dig, the more real it seems. Damn, Litala lost Lord Carol in such a place. Why didn’t he just die on the prison star!】

【Has anyone identified the real-life counterpart of Litala Jones? Lord Carol was 17, and Litala was a major general. Released back to the military, he must be at least a lieutenant general now if still alive, right?】

【There are currently no sub-female lieutenant generals. The streamer is good at blurring the focus! I bet he’s a prosecutor or judge in the legal system! Who understands my frustration after digging through the story, finding no illegal proof, and just getting mad at Litala instead? Damn sub-female!!】

With these types of viewers targeting the livestream, there were certainly also viewers hooked by the story. gthEVf

A rain of gifts continued to fall on the left side of the screen in the livestream room.

The streamer behind the account, Shi Cun Jin, paused his writing and waited for a while, but surprisingly didn’t receive a notification from the platform?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He thought he’d get another warning letter this time.

Shi Cun Jin unmuted the comments and kept an eye on them, noticing that some viewers were law students revealing their identities, others asking when a defense lawyer might be needed, and some listing how much his actions could be fined and how many years he could be jailed. kymL7c

Some analyzed the story in detail, trying to catch the streamer’s slip-ups. When they couldn’t, they ranted about the sub-female Litala instead.

After that user 【Mistletoe】 tipped millions of credit points, a batch of viewers asking for tips and strategies from the streamer emerged, but the super moderators’ righteous intervention immediately silenced them.

Shi Cun Jin was also a bit surprised that the big spender 【Mistletoe】 was banned, but on second thought, it was reasonable.

When strategies and money are equated, the target of the strategy becomes a commodity. A4n56r

The Male Zerg Protection Court would never allow this.

Due to the super moderators banning the tycoon and comments guessing that the Male Zerg Protection Court inspectors were watching, Shi Cun Jin paused his writing, waiting for a possible warning letter from the platform.

But there was none?

That meant the place names given in the original book were flawless, the elements exclusive to male zergs hadn’t changed, and the descriptions of the Male Zerg Protection Court and Council were true! ON YtL

The original book had missing pages and chapters, but the 200,000 words refreshed for Shi Cun Jin deeply impressed him with their extensive depiction of male zerg privilege.

Male zerg privacy is extremely valuable, and even the court and council can’t interfere with a male zerg lord’s personal privacy, which provides pernicious protection for male zergs abusing female lords.

Because of this, the heartthrob male zerg protagonist in the original story juggled six relationships, always hiding it from his official partner. While his official partner fought on the battlefield to rise in rank and give him the best wedding, the heartthrob cheated five times a week with different female zergs and managed to hide it until the end.

The original author created a story filled with indulgence, green-lighting everything until the official partner’s head was covered with grasslands. 18pqXS

But now, this unreasonable indulgence was something Shi Cun Jin seized upon and utilized!

The rational details of the story, the unknown city names, and the common knowledge known only to privileged high-class city stars became Shi Cun Jin’s protective shield.

Now, even the platform might be wondering if Faith Wayne was a relative of a male zerg lord or an elder male zerg.

Shi Cun Jin smiled, his hand on the dining table tapping lightly on its uneven surface. UDfsdI

Isn’t this the time to say thank you to the original book?

While Shi Cun Jin was engaged in a psychological battle with the platform, the livestream room lit up with special effects flashes again!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After finishing the 2,000-word short story, the streamer hadn’t written anything else. The 300,000 active viewers turned the comment section into a storm of blood and rain. New viewers were bombarded by the barrage of comments, many of which were legal advice and arguments, and even ten super moderators couldn’t control it.

The 300,000 viewers were saturated, neither increasing nor decreasing, with extremely strong stickiness, leaving the super moderators bewildered. XSN07R

You all are arguing so much, why don’t you just leave if you don’t want to watch??

With nearly 300,000 active viewers, excluding the silent majority, 100,000 active users arguing made the super moderators frantic.

There were so many argument comments that those speaking in favor of the streamer were immediately surrounded and drowned out.

Some viewers argued stubbornly, while others fell deeply into the beautiful fantasy constructed by the story. 46XHIi

【Standard User A567 gifted the streamer a super warship x10! Everyone, come and draw from the treasure chest!】

【Standard User A567 became a Marshal in the streamer Faith Wayne’s livestream room! Everyone, come and grab a red packet!】

In the main entertainment section, besides tipping gifts, viewers could also purchase cards to gain privileged statuses in the livestream room. These privileges ranged from a series of small benefits to the privilege of having a title, satisfying the competitive zergs’ desires.

The privilege statuses ranged from New Recruit to Officer, Field Grade to General, and finally capped at Marshal! 1HdaZY

Some wealthy zergs, whose families lacked military resources, loved spending money in popular channels to gain these ranks. Being a “Major General” cost 500,000 gold lues, equivalent to five million credit points.

A “Marshal” was 2,000,000 gold lues, equivalent to twenty million credit points on the StarNet.

In less than twenty minutes after Shi Cun Jin paused his writing, a big spender emerged from the silent majority.

【Awesome.】 21gNQz

【Isn’t this the same fool from yesterday? How does he still have so much money to top up… which bigwig’s son is he?】

【Could also be a high-ranking military female? Contribution points can be exchanged for gold lues. The top ten legions captured three new star systems and black holes in this star war. Anyone from the rank of colonel and above would get at least 6,000,000 gold lues. If it’s a high-ranking military female, opening a Marshal status is no big deal.】

【Why would someone use contribution points to exchange for gold lues instead of applying to date a male zerg lord just to buy a story??】

【Hahaha, super moderators, quickly ban this fool!!】 EmdZYj

Among the white comments, the glowing privileged name with special effects stood out in the comment section like a chat box, staying for a whole minute without being drowned out by the flood of white comments.

【Standard User A567: Please continue the story. You promised yesterday that there would be a happy ending.】

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Cun Jin squinted his eyes, the flashing special effects stinging them. He looked at the time; it was almost 10 PM.

No time to stay up late; he had bigger problems to solve tomorrow. OwxrF5

Besides, who said paying money guarantees happiness?

The pixel character operated by the system typed word by word in the livestream room.

[Yes, it will be a HE. But that’s all for today. Same time tomorrow, don’t miss it.]

Then, Shi Cun Jin ended the stream. MYx1w2


【… Never seen such a shameless zerg!!】

【??? Where’s your dignity!!!!】

【Damn, this streamer is impervious to bribes. Can’t beat him, can’t beat him】 aH63ds

【I wasn’t even this pained when a pulse bomb blew off half my body!!】

Countless viewers shouted at the darkened livestream room!

Regardless of whether the comments were harsh or pleading, the crowd of zergs felt like they had been kicked by the rogue ‘Faith’ across the StarNet!

The Marshal who spent a fortune tipping on the StarNet: “……” JUbw2K

It feels like I’ve been scammed?

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