Becoming a God in the Zerg World by Livestreaming BL NovelsCh5 - Who is Faith Wayne?

The popularity generated by the writing marketing far exceeded expectations, and the rewards gained not only pulled Shi Cun Jin out of his predicament but also might put him in danger again!

Shi Cun Jin transmigrated and was immediately seriously injured, just because the Red Poison Ant Gang coveted the 100 gold lue compensation he could receive. 8Wb45S

Now, he had earned a thousand times that 100 gold lue, and any carelessness could result in a worse fall than before!

Shi Cun Jin placed his hands flat on the dining table, like a student seriously listening in class. This posture calmed his mind, helping him sort his thoughts and formulate a new plan.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The currency system in this world was somewhat peculiar. The cash currencies used daily were copper coins and gold lue.

Gold lue were large-denomination bills, both paper currency and precious metal, and were rarely seen. PrKtmM

In daily life, the zergs used copper coins, while credit points were a virtual currency with a 1:1 exchange rate with copper coins.

In Shi Cun Jin’s view, copper coins were similar to RMB units, and the gift levels in the livestream had flowers and daggers worth 1 to 10 credit points.

However, because the original body was born on the frontier, everything on the frontier was very expensive, and the purchasing power of copper coins here was very low.

100 gold lue on the frontier was as useful as 10,000 RMB in Shi Cun Jin’s memory, which was why the original owner was targeted.


This frontier star was very large, housing the stationed forces of the Alliance’s legions as well as the notorious black market underground city. Due to its distance from the main star, the gangs here were heavily armed.

The garrisoned legion here wasn’t a branch of the famous top ten legions of the main star but a small legion composed of ordinary military female zergs, without high-ranking military females and not very strong.

The garrison usually only managed affairs within their jurisdiction, turning a blind eye to gang conflicts and the black market underground city.

Shi Cun Jin’s current house was right on the edge of the Alliance’s fourth ring area. During the day, there would be police patrol cars, but at night, no Alliance police females would come. L5sCzj

Outside the fourth ring was the desolate wasteland, hiding the underground city. To those pampered Alliance police females, the fourth ring was dark, broken, and dangerous, and it was better to stay in the third ring city and casually handle the night patrol.

Families like the original body’s sub-female family were well-known to the local gangs. They usually wouldn’t provoke these ‘good citizens’ living within the Alliance’s jurisdiction but would occasionally extort them.

These sub-females, when extorted, didn’t dare report it. The idle police females wouldn’t do anything, and they would definitely be retaliated against by the gangs.

Over time, if the sub-females wanted stability, besides paying protection money to the extorting gangs, they could only hope that the family pillar would join the military, become a more influential military female, and then move to the safer third ring or simply immigrate to other city stars. 4j6unS

If this time the military female brother returned safely, the original owner’s life could have upgraded immediately. But unfortunately, the one sitting here now was Shi Cun Jin.

After thoroughly digesting this part of the memory, Shi Cun Jin immediately realized that the original owner brought back twin nephews from the Alliance military female family service center in the second ring. But two days later, the local gang knew that this sub-female living on the edge of the fourth ring had lost their last close relative and broke in at night to extort them.

The gang members had informants in the family service center!

Shi Cun Jin frowned and thought. This informant couldn’t be an internal staff member, otherwise, they wouldn’t have believed Shi Cun Jin’s made-up story, truly thinking the original owner’s brother had become an officer on the battlefield and could send more money back. hxPUDC

In two days, by the morning after next, those gang extortionists would know that Shi Cun Jin had deceived them!

But now, Shi Cun Jin was not afraid at all. He firmly grasped the dormant system, making full use of it, and relied on his knowledge and experience to snatch a good card from fate!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The livestream gift rewards had already turned into credit points lying in his streaming account. The large amount of liquid money and the developed StarNet could save him once, and Shi Cun Jin wouldn’t miss the chance to seize more opportunities for change!

He sorted out his thoughts, understanding what he had to do tomorrow and how to continue saving himself, then let out a long breath and truly relaxed. Rd6w3a

Relaxing and repairing his bad mood, Shi Cun Jin now had the leisure to continue paying attention to the livestream.

He ignored the endlessly scrolling comment section and clicked on the profile of the top wealthy viewer.

It was a blank avatar, with no bio, no space collections, no followers, and 0 fans.

It looked like a typical three-no-robot account. 5wE3BK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea atlr atgff-cb-jmmbeca tjv alqqfv Vtl Jec Alc atf qijaobgw’r wbra fzqfcrlnf uloa, afc mbcrfmealnf wfmtjclmji kjgrtlqr abajilcu 1 wliilbc mgfvla qblcar, vlgfmais qeaalcu atlr cfk jmmbeca’r ilnfragfjw ja atf ajli fcv bo atf alqqlcu ifjvfgybjgv!

Ktf lmf-ygfjxlcu foofma rajgafv ogbw atlr jmmbeca. Jbecaifrr nlfkfgr ktb mijlwfv ab vlrvjlc yea jmaejiis fcujufv lc uloalcu, ijguf jcv rwjii, yglculcu tlut agjoolm jcv ufcfgber mbcagjma afgwr.

Shi Cun Jin felt very grateful to this wealthy viewer who helped boost his traffic. If it weren’t for this audience member’s generous top-up that triggered the entertainment channel’s system celebration, his livestream wouldn’t have so many viewers now.

After finishing the contract negotiation and returning, the number of viewers and audience in the livestream skyrocketed to over 100,000! JYKvX4

These were all real-time online active fans!

In the past 21st century, a streamer with 600,000 fans might not necessarily have over 100,000+ real-time active viewers watching their stream!

However, as more and more viewers flooded in, the comment section became a mess. For every praise, there was a string of ten curses. Several groups of zergs were arguing and fighting, with some hot-headed ones already planning offline confrontations.

Oh boy, from Werewolf to street battles? MG8sdn

This was way crazier than any viewer interaction Shi Cun Jin had seen in his previous streams.

Shi Cun Jin shook his head and began thanking the top gifters in order. He used the system to create a pixel character that sprouted like a mushroom from the bottom of the whiteboard text in the livestream room.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of the furious viewers, and they started directing their anger at the streamer.

[What a marketing stunt, may your whole family die from marketing!] 1DasuU

[Does Faith Wayne even exist?]

[Don’t let me find you, streamer!]

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Shi Cun Jin ignored them, using the system to make the pixel character raise its hands, releasing slightly childish pixel flowers and pixel streamers. Along with the pixel streamers, a few lines of text appeared.

[Thank you, Standard User A567, for your first gift!] DKV2Ex

[The original author is very happy that there are zergs who believe in and generously bless his story!]

[Because of this trust, the original author has authorized the release of Lord Carol’s perspective, giving this love story a Happy Ending.]

As each word was revealed by the pixel character, the comment section instantly exploded!

[Whoa?] naW2Zy


[Wait? What? Did I read that wrong??]

[This is a scam, this must be a scam!!!!!!]

[Impossible!! This story absolutely cannot be true!!!] 7G30kZ

[What nonsense is this zerg shit!! How could a male zerg share his life!!!!]

[Fake, too fake!!!]

On the platform’s end, the contract was filed, and the super moderator customer service who was about to contact the streamer for further discussion exclaimed: Whoa!?

Wh-what—, the super moderator customer service turned around and shouted to the supervisor who hadn’t gone far from the hall, with a tone of surprise and shock, sounding almost like a scream: “Supervisor Medira!!! That streamer said he will share the love story from the male zerg‘s perspective tomorrow!!” CirytA

This exclamation caused all the programmers and super moderator customer service members in the work hall to instantly straighten their necks, eyes wide open, looking around in disbelief.

What? Who just shouted that a male zerg is going to share his love story voluntarily??

Is this some new type of scam???

The frequency division supervisor rushed back in. In the work hall, the previously lifeless workers were now buzzing with conversation, spirits high. Sub-female Supervisor Medira shouted at them: “What’s all the fuss! Sit down and work!” PeEw09

Not only was the platform’s internal team shocked, but the comment section was also filled with shouts of curses at the scammer!

But as the cursing intensified, so did the livestream’s traffic data. In just a few minutes, the viewer count climbed another 40,000 from 100,000!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The viewership was about to break 150,000, and the popularity ranking was pushing past mid-level streamers, from obscurity straight to the top three of the frequency division!

This is an extremely frightening yet surprising data set for the platform’s new super rookie! BIKDlF

Even the top wealthy gifter, who hadn’t spoken since the streamer stopped writing, appeared again.

[Standard User A567: Are you serious?]

But soon, this white text comment without special effects was pushed up and disappeared among other comments.

So far, no zerg in the livestream had activated special privileges or VIP status. JaO rY

After all, giving gifts was one thing, but activating VIP status with glowing special effects meant establishing a special connection with the livestream.

Few viewers really believed in the story. They gave gifts because the atmosphere was hyped by the streamer, and they couldn’t hold back in the moment. When they sobered up, they would just think of it as money down the drain.

Activating VIP status with special effects would be like chasing after the scammer and begging to be scammed again!

The comment section exploded, yet the streamer had not set any moderators. Some new viewers who came in through the leaderboard saw the chaos and left immediately. F6ehRV

What the hell, a madhouse.

Among them, a big spender who had gifted mechanical warships, Red Heart, wrote a long comment, angrily trying to expose the streamer as a liar with unreasonable rants.

[Bro, fooling us is one thing, but don’t fool yourself. A story from the perspective of a male zerg? Lying without batting an eye. Do you understand? You know? You’ve seen? It’s a joke. Every male zerg lives in the top-tier habitable city stars, enjoying the best resources and services in the Alliance. Bro, are you a military female? Or an internal staff in military administration? Your contribution points for a year wouldn’t be enough to treat a male zerg to a luxurious Panova meal! And peeking into a male zerg’s life is illegal. Lying again? Aren’t you afraid of a warrant from the Male Zerg Protection Court? Laughable, don’t be surprised to see your real face in the social news!]

[Whoa, you talk too much, you’re asking for it!] Gvl3qt

Seeing such comments, Shi Cun Jin’s smile remained unchanged, appearing as if he was kindly watching a misbehaving child, without any offense taken.

The system went offline, and most of the original book’s pages followed, but not without refreshing some text.

The original book had a million words, all describing the male zerg protagonist’s enjoyment of life. Refreshing just 200,000 words was enough for Shi Cun Jin to use, easily blowing away the limited imagination of these single female zergs!

The super moderator backstage was sending messages to Shi Cun Jin, reminding, warning, and coaxing him not to spread the private matters of a male zerg, as that would truly be illegal!! otjiWv

Shi Cun Jin: …

He shook his head helplessly, yet another zerg misled by the comments. He replied to the super moderator, “Do you remember I said this is just a story?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

On the other side: “…”

“All story material comes from my experiences. Is it illegal to tell my own story?” Shi Cun Jin typed a new reply without blinking. 6HbtW

A vague and ambiguous hint in his reply knocked the platform staff on the other side speechless.

Shi Cun Jin smiled at the smart brain interface. How could an F-class male zerg not count as a male zerg?

Switching back to the livestream, he ignored the spamming Red Heart and controlled the pixel character to respond to Standard User A567’s question.

[@Standard User A567, the kind-hearted should not be let down.] SBaNd6

[Tomorrow at 20:55, be there or be square.]

Shi Cun Jin finished typing and was about to end the stream when, unexpectedly, just before he clicked off, the top user responded instantly.

[Standard User A567: If you lie to me, I have ways to find you.]

Such a big talker. Shi Cun Jin smiled, unconcerned, and ended the stream. j8oxG3

The streamer left, leaving the viewers in the black screen livestream room bewildered.

[…Is it real? So confident?]

[Doesn’t seem like acting, I’ll follow and see.]

[Must follow, ready to report for justice at any moment!] f7m8V0

[I don’t know if I’m being foolish, but the broadcaster is definitely not incompetent. Can you sleep tonight??]

[This isn’t marketing? Damn! Streamer, can’t you be more dedicated??? Get back online!!!]

The detestable Faith Wayne appeared suddenly, spun the single female zergs around, then left coolly, without looking back at the explosion behind.

That night, many single female zerg viewers couldn’t sleep. They screenshotted the short 3,000-word story and shared it in their circles and small groups. YNwCRU

They criticized it first, then righteously claimed they would monitor this daring lawbreaker!

Tomorrow night, they must guard the livestream with lawyer’s letters, warrants, and quick-report buttons in hand to see what tricks the streamer would play!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Another cunning military female started doing something else, truly trying to find the legendary Faith Wayne.

Based on the information revealed in the story, they all chose the Third Legion Mecha Blade Camp to harass. jL6NmD

The inexplicably checked-in, bombarded with communications, and summoned for night training Third Legion Blade Soldiers: ???

What the hell is happening in the middle of the night??

That night, countless zergs were sleepless.

That night, the mastermind Shi Cun Jin slept soundly and peacefully. 5HmwaB

The next day, he got up at seven in the morning, washed and bathed his twin nephews, and took them to the family service center to get new IDs.

Advanced Chapters Available!

While you wait, why not check out-
1. Allocation Object [Zergs] (adventure plot)
2. When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs] (pure fluff)
3. I’m very strong, I know (boyfriends fighting zombies together)

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  1. I caved and ended up paying for all your chapters up to 27. So incredibly worth it 😭😭😭 now I’m even more in love and ready for more. Thank you SO much. I highly highly recommend the Ko-Fi!