After Waking up Beside the VillainCh33 - Part 14

The entire venue was in an uproar.

The spectator stands erupted, with noisy discussions rising from all directions, the sound waves converging and almost breaking through the isolation glass. x98Ahe

Ye Qing immediately panicked: “Chu-ge!”

“It’s fine.”

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Chu Yunsheng opened the cockpit of his mecha and calmly said over the communication channel, “Senior Wu, please take care of Ye Zi for a few days.”

Wu Ke frowned, then suddenly realized something: “Is it about that basic pill? That medicine actually…” R4eCxz

He opened his mouth but didn’t know how to continue.

Wu Ke had long noticed the special nature of the pill Chu Yunsheng had given him.

It was not an inhibitor.

And the security fleet would never be deployed with such a heavy-handed approach just for an illegal experiment or because of the Feng family’s meddling. Moreover, although Su Wenshu’s words were vague, Chu Yunsheng and his team, having seen that kind of medication, had a clear understanding.


Wu Ke immediately realized that this was beyond his ability to intervene.

“If Ye Zi is willing to go, he can stay as long as he needs.”

Although he didn’t know why Chu Yunsheng wanted Ye Zi to go to the Wu family, Wu Ke still agreed without hesitation.

Ye Qing sat in the cockpit, staring at the screen capturing the images of the security fleet’s small warships. He clenched his teeth tightly, forcing his panicked heartbeat to calm down, and said in a deep voice, “Chu-ge, you won’t be in trouble. I know… I’ll be waiting for you.” Hz a4G

He struggled to control his emotions and calm himself down.

As someone close to Chu Yunsheng, Ye Qing knew better than Wu Ke what Chu Yunsheng had been working on.

But likewise, as an omega who had lived for twenty years, Ye Qing also understood very well the entrenched social structure and class order. Chu Yunsheng’s experiments and medications, in a certain sense, were more than just a simple medication.

The ABO status in this society had existed since Ye Qing could remember. There had been no shortage of mad genius scientists who wanted to change it, but without exception, they either failed completely or truly went insane. Cx2LeD

A pheromone stripping agent would have an unimaginable impact on the current society.

For the present Federation, it was less a beacon of reform and more a source of social upheaval. Most people would neither allow nor accept its existence.

In the existing society, alphas occupied the top of the pyramid, omegas were delicate beings dependent on the strong, and betas were the countless diligent worker ants.

Everything was clearly divided, with inherent high and low classes. 1dPHxk

This structure and hierarchy have been deeply rooted for countless years, becoming a fixed consciousness ingrained from birth.

Chu Yunsheng’s medication altered the nature of pheromones and also had the effect of enhancing the physical constitution of betas and omegas. This fundamentally shook the ABO hierarchy.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Perhaps, from the perspective of long-term human development, this was akin to evolution and was a good thing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But would the alphas, who dominated the upper echelons of the military and government, be willing to relinquish their top positions and allow a group of former dependents to stand on equal footing with them? Would the omegas, who have been kept in captivity for so long, all be willing to become self-reliant and escape their parasitic existence? F5QXgL

Utsrlmji fnbiealbc vlv cba cfmfrrjglis wfjc qrsmtbibulmji fnbiealbc. Ktf lrrefr lcnbinfv kfgf abb cewfgber, abb rluclolmjca, jcv abb mbwqifz.

C rlcuif jmalbc mbeiv joofma atf fcalgf rsrafw.

Ktlr kjr vfolclafis cba pera jybea liifuji fzqfglwfcajalbc.

Tf Hlcu mbeiv lwjulcf atja bcmf atf foofmar bo Jte Tecrtfcu’r wfvlmjalbc kfgf wjvf qeyilm, atf fcalgf Mfvfgjalbc kbeiv yf lc jc eqgbjg. 1Z5gLY

There would be those who would stop at nothing to vehemently attack Chu Yunsheng, and countless alphas and omegas would want to kill him. However, there would also be some who would see beyond the entrenched interests and choose to support Chu Yunsheng.

This would be a confrontation between two directions of social evolution, a clash between two groups with differing interests.

And before this conflict reached a definitive outcome, no matter how many people wanted to kill Chu Yunsheng, he would be temporarily safe.

Ye Qing, having been raised amidst the scheming and power struggles of the Ye family, could see through much of this. mJwDCU

However, concern breeds confusion. Even though he knew Chu Yunsheng would be safe in the short term, Ye Qing was still angry and anxious, wishing he could snatch Chu Yunsheng away and confront the security fleet head-on.

But reason held him back.

For Chu Yunsheng, there were more important things Ye Qing needed to do.

Ever since he learned about Chu Yunsheng’s experiments, he had been preparing a plan. i0dQsM

Although he didn’t know if it would be effective, Ye Qing wouldn’t give up any opportunity. He didn’t want to be forever dependent on Chu Yunsheng’s protection.

Ye Qing took a slow, deep breath, the warmth in his eyes gradually cooling, shedding his gentle and casual exterior to reveal determination and sharpness.

Chu Yunsheng heard Ye Qing’s somewhat indistinct words and immediately realized what Ye Qing intended to do.

But he didn’t stop him, instead replying, “Alright.” DpQcP4

“It won’t take long.”

Chu Yunsheng took off his helmet and jumped out of the cockpit.

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Since the security fleet had arrived and the academy showed no surprise, it indicated that both sides had already communicated.

Given this, the communication channel inside the mecha was likely being monitored, making it inconvenient to say much. Chu Yunsheng didn’t say anything further and directly exited the mecha, boarding the security fleet’s small warship. G7iSdf

Armed soldiers stood before him, and the hatch of the warship closed behind him.

Chu Yunsheng glanced back.

Ye Qing’s silver-gray mecha was looking up at him, and suddenly, one of its mechanical arms lifted, firing a laser cannon that landed right in front of Su Wenshu’s heavily damaged mecha.

“You!” e4OPBX

Caught off guard, Su Wenshu barely managed to retreat, his angry voice emanating from within the mecha.

“Continuing to fight after the match has ended, yellow card warning!”

The cold voice of the match referee rang out.

“Ye Zi!” stJ9jd

Wu Ke, fearing Ye Qing’s impulsiveness, hurried to pull him back.

But he grabbed at empty air.

After firing the shot, Ye Qing acted as if he had done nothing, casually and neatly retracting the cannon and turning to walk back to the preparation platform.

The cold gray-blue mechanical eyes of the silver-gray mecha briefly glanced at Wu Ke, and a voice came through the communication channel: “Senior Wu, I remember that teams entering the top four receive direct enlistment recommendations and can choose their military district, correct?” Yt7cEZ

Ye Qing’s voice, suddenly low and slightly hoarse, lost some of its usual clarity and gained a chilling, unsettling tone.

Wu Ke sensed a strange pressure in Ye Qing’s tone and unconsciously replied, “That’s right. If Junior Chu were still here, we would definitely make the top four, but now…”

He paused mid-sentence, suddenly realizing something. He looked up abruptly, his tone tinged with incredulity, “Ye Zi, you don’t mean… you want to continue fighting, do you?”

The silver-gray mecha stepped onto the preparation platform, and all the surrounding noise and commotion instantly vanished. mPvnR1

Ye Qing retorted, “Why not fight?”

His voice was exceptionally clear: “We haven’t lost a single match so far, and we’re currently ranked third. Most of the strong teams have already been defeated, and we won’t be drawn against them again. In this situation, even if I’m useless, can I still not secure a spot in the top four?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ye Qing paused and then added, “Thank you, Senior Wu.”

Wu Ke was stunned by Ye Qing’s audacious words. When he wanted to argue, he suddenly heard the words of thanks, and all the discouraging remarks got stuck in his throat, unable to come out. eSMrgB

They had originally come with the mindset of a one-day tour, and making it this far was already a miracle. Since that was the case, why not give it another shot?

Wu Ke convinced himself, holding onto a nearly blind optimism, and nodded with difficulty.

Returning to the preparation platform, Ye Qing, under the astonished and peculiar gazes of everyone, applied to continue the competition. It was two against three.

Meanwhile, the small fleet of the security team quickly departed from the base. LVdmUq

The sun was shining brightly, and the competition continued as if the recent small incident had never happened, leaving no trace behind.

After boarding the warship, Chu Yunsheng was immediately fitted with a bio-lock by two security team soldiers.

He did not resist at all and was transported by the warship to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office on the capital star.

The interrogation room inside the Prosecutor’s Office was spacious and empty. 5CYVvx

Chu Yunsheng was locked to a metal chair. An elderly alpha lieutenant general walked in, sat down opposite Chu Yunsheng, and cast a sharp, cold gaze on him, filled with emotionless chill and scrutiny.

“I am Wang Qu.”

The old lieutenant general seemed to disdain beating around the bush and got straight to the point: “Did you develop the h617 pheromone stripping agent?”

Upon hearing the name h617, Chu Yunsheng knew that his residence had already been searched. x9e6nK

Because he hadn’t named the pheromone stripping agent, h617 was simply the 617th experiment in his h-series. This particular agent had succeeded, so he recorded it as h617 in his files.


Chu Yunsheng’s expression was calm.

Lieutenant General Wang Qu asked, “Does it have more than one concentration?” twLpuq

Chu Yunsheng thought for a moment and explained, “When h617 was initially conceived, it had three stages. The first two are adaptation stages, and the final one is the complete success stage. The first stage’s result is the basic pill, which can gather pheromones from various parts of the body and has an inhibitory effect. The second stage is the intermediate pill, which dilutes the influence of pheromones and initially enhances physical constitution. The final stage is the advanced pill, which completely strips pheromones but retains their attractive and compatible qualities. Simply put, it preserves desire while elevating rationality. Additionally, it has the ultimate effect of transforming the user’s physical constitution.”

Lieutenant General Wang Qu remained silent, staring intently at Chu Yunsheng for a long while. His aged face twitched slightly with his beard: “Chu family boy, many people already know about this… Aren’t you afraid?”

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The word “afraid” carried many implications.

Chu Yunsheng understood, but his gaze remained calm, like a deep, serene, and chilly lake. FiN0p

“It was either the Feng family or the Su family who reported me, because they found a special substance in the body of an omega in heat who was clinging to Wu Ke. This substance can eliminate the side effects of inhibitors and forcibly end the heat.”

He continued, “That is the reason I was forcibly brought here.”

Lieutenant General Wang Qu’s face showed a hint of interest: “Oh, and the consequences? You seem like a very calculated person. You must be well aware of the impact of what you’ve done. What consequences do you think you will face?”

Upon hearing this, Chu Yunsheng recalled the original plot and calculated the value of the pheromone-stripping agent. After thinking for a moment, he earnestly said, “Perhaps I will become immensely wealthy.” JTkd6Q

“However, wealth is also a very difficult consequence to bear.”

Lieutenant General Wang Qu: “…Huh?”

The old lieutenant general looked at Chu Yunsheng in disbelief, momentarily forgetting what he was going to say next.


The author has something to say:
The old lieutenant general: Too stunned to speak.

Tomorrow’s update is expected to be very late.

Since there are quite a few new readers, I want to let everyone know that because the author works in journalism, there are often unexpected situations at work, making it quite busy. However, once a story is started, it won’t be abandoned. If I can maintain daily updates, I absolutely will, but the update time might be late at night. For those who go to bed early, please don’t stay up late; you can read it in the morning.

If something comes up and I can’t update that day, I will take leave in the first line of the synopsis before midnight. If there is no leave notice, there will definitely be an update. Sometimes the leave notice is rushed and unclear, so I’m explaining it today. Love you all =3= fwPDRK


T/n: The upcoming chapters will be quite tense, so I am already preparing for the mass release. If you enjoy this book, please support the author directly whenever you can!

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