After Waking up Beside the VillainCh24 - Part 5

Chu Yunsheng didn’t plan to hide the fact that Ye Qing was a beta from the person itself.

Rather than letting Ye Qing find out passively from someone else in an unknown situation and having to accept the fact unprepared, it was better for him to tell Ye Qing now. EeSVY

So, after returning to the capital star, Chu Yunsheng spent a day setting up the underground laboratory. Then he brought Ye Qing, who was angrily doing aerobics on the balcony, into the lab.

“What are you doing? I’m trying to lose weight.”

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Ye Qing gave Chu Yunsheng a deadpan look, already mentally labeling Dr. Chu with a straight-A tag.

Chu Yunsheng, completely unaware, was entering the password for the basement. He glanced over at Ye Qing and casually dropped a bombshell: “You won’t lose it. You’re a beta, not an omega. Your physical condition is starting to normalize, so gaining weight and muscle is normal. I’ve also set up a gym for you in the basement where you can work out properly.” 1ShTtR


Ye Qing was stunned, looking incredulous: “Beta? You’re saying I’m a beta? What do you mean…”

After the iris and fingerprint scan was completed, the door to the basement opened, revealing a newly renovated, spacious gray-white area.

Ye Qing’s attention was immediately drawn to the high-end precision instruments and countless test tubes filled with unfamiliar substances. Beyond the rows of medicine cabinets, he saw the gym area Chu Yunsheng had mentioned, equipped with various machines and even a rest bed.


But these sights did not dispel the doubts in his heart: “You also know pharmacology?”


Chu Yunsheng said, leading Ye Qing to a large display screen.

As he opened the screen and brought up the surveillance footage from the small conservatory, Chu Yunsheng softened his voice as much as possible and said quietly, “This is what happened that day… The paper marriage certificate was delivered by Zheng Peiming and Su Wenshu together. At that time, Su Wenshu told me that you are a beta, not an omega.” s6DcJ

The screen began to play a video.

Su Wenshu’s apology and explanation, Zheng Peiming’s announcement of the Ye family’s decision, and the glass medicine bottle were all clearly presented in front of Ye Qing.

Chu Yunsheng watched Ye Qing’s reaction closely.

Ye Qing was different from the actor Yin Zheng from the previous world. Tjl8Em

Compared to Yin Zheng, who had become tough and resilient from his experiences in the entertainment industry, Ye Qing was more innocent and naive, which was related to his upbringing. Ye Qing had been raised as a delicate omega from a young age, and Chu Yunsheng was very worried that Ye Qing might not be able to accept this revelation.

But to Chu Yunsheng’s surprise.

As Ye Qing watched the video, the initial shock and doubt on his face quickly turned to anger. However, as Su Wenshu explained the Ye family’s decision regarding him, that anger gradually transformed into calmness.

“Chu-ge.” SzgKuD

Ye Qing took a deep breath, closed his eyes briefly, and leaned against the lab table. “I have a question. How does a beta disguise as an omega?”

“Simulated pheromone agents.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yunsheng explained, “Betas naturally have very faint pheromones. They don’t have a gland at the back of the neck, and they can’t be marked or mark others. Under normal circumstances, betas do not go into heat, and their pheromone scent is almost undetectable. You were able to disguise as an omega because you were injected with simulated pheromone agents.”

“This agent can stimulate the activity of pheromones in betas, allowing them to emit a strong, sweet scent similar to that of omegas.” lrWT5x

“This is a banned substance on many planets due to its obvious side effects and is generally only used in some gender reassignment surgeries. Prolonged injection of simulated pheromones can lead to pheromone imbalance in betas, reduced lifespan, weakened constitution, and infertility.”

As Chu Yunsheng spoke, he leaned over to embrace Ye Qing, giving him a comforting kiss on the forehead.

Ye Qing’s eyelashes trembled, and he lifted his eyes, the edges of his beautiful phoenix eyes tinged with a hint of poignant red.

Chu Yunsheng felt as if his heart was being tightly gripped. ketApG

He tightened his arms around Ye Qing, about to speak, but suddenly saw Ye Qing smile and pat him, saying, “Chu-ge, I want to send a message to my father.”

Ye Qing’s reaction left Chu Yunsheng a bit puzzled.

But he still released his hold and escorted Ye Qing back to the bedroom.

Chu Yunsheng was not entirely comfortable with Ye Qing’s conversation with General Ye. After closing the bedroom door, he turned and went into the adjacent study, transforming the wall separating the two rooms into a one-way glass wall. lyJg4I

From the study, Chu Yunsheng could see most of what was happening in the bedroom but couldn’t hear any sound. He had no intention of prying into Ye Qing’s private conversation with his family.

Sitting down in the study, Chu Yunsheng watched Ye Qing initiate a video call, then looked away and opened his smart device to start dealing with the backlog of emails and messages accumulated during their honeymoon.

As he skimmed through, Chu Yunsheng discovered that the Chu family had sent him an engagement invitation for Su Wenshu and Feng Huan, along with a note.

The general content was to tell Chu Yunsheng not to throw a tantrum and, regardless of the reason, to apologize to Su Wenshu, build a good relationship, and ideally use this opportunity to join Feng Huan’s mecha combat team. They wanted him to help Feng Huan win the June exercise competition, thereby securing some benefits for the Chu family. 3SVsIO

Chu Yunsheng recalled that the original body had little to no relationship with the Chu family. Calmly, he extended his hand, deleted the message, and blocked the sender in one swift motion.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtlif Jte Tecrtfcu kjr tjcvilcu gfmfca afvlber joojlgr bc bcf rlvf bo atf kjii, bc atf batfg rlvf, Tf Hlcu rja bc atf rboj lc atf yfvgbbw jcv vljifv Xfcfgji Tf Wljc’r nlvfb mjii.

Ktf mjii gjcu obg j ibcu alwf yfobgf la kjr olcjiis jcrkfgfv.

Tf Wljc’r mbiv jcv rafgc ojmf jqqfjgfv bc atf tbibugjqtlm rmgffc qgbpfmafv ys atf rwjga vfnlmf. WE9MzP

He seemed to be working, with glasses perched on his nose. His expression showed a hint of impatience as he looked at the screen: “Ye Qing? What is it? I’m working. If it’s not important, let’s talk tonight.”

Ye Qing was not surprised by Ye Xian’s reaction. Even in the past twenty years, when he was still considered Ye Xian’s biological son, Ye Xian had never been close to him, always maintaining this slightly impatient and lukewarm demeanor.

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Ye Qing had always thought that this was just Ye Xian’s personality.

Until he saw Ye Xian’s joyful tears and gentle indulgence when he reunited with Su Wenshu. t6FvTf

But Ye Qing had no right to be jealous.

He was the one who had occupied someone else’s biological father, a person occupying another's nest.

So, he agreed to the Ye family’s proposal and hastily married Chu Yunsheng, whom he had only seen from a distance. He was willing to leave the Ye family and return everything to Su Wenshu.

But retreating did not mean being weak and easily bullied. bGeucf

“It’s very important.”

Ye Qing tried to remain calm as he looked at Ye Xian on the screen, his voice slightly hoarse: “Father, I’m actually a beta, not an omega, right? The reason I’ve exhibited omega characteristics all my life is because I’ve been injected with simulated pheromone agents…”

Ye Xian’s expression changed: “You found out?”

“I found out.” cZrWbJ

Ye Qing’s fingers tightened, slowly gripping the armrest of the sofa: “I believe you owe me an explanation. You have always known about the side effects of the simulated pheromone agents, haven’t you?”

Ye Xian’s gaze darkened: “Ye Qing, is this the way you speak to me?”

“Yes, I know about the side effects of the simulated pheromone agents. It was my decision to have you injected with them,” Ye Xian said without hesitation. “But you should be grateful to me, Ye Qing. If you hadn’t been injected with this agent and hadn’t been posing as a rare omega in the Federation, do you think you would still be sitting here questioning me?”

“You would have been sent to the battlefield as soon as you turned fourteen!” lj4nw

He looked at Ye Qing coldly: “You would have had to follow the Ye family’s rules, starting as a squad leader, undergoing training with a beta’s ordinary physique, piloting mechas, and fighting bloody battles! Do you think you could handle that? You are just a beta, Ye Qing.”

Ye Qing suddenly smiled, a clear and understanding light shining in his eyes. He shook his head: “Father, these words can no longer placate me. This isn’t what you truly feel.”

“I’m not a fool. I’ve been your son for twenty years. I know you very well.”

Ye Qing’s smile faded as he quietly looked at Ye Xian: “If you truly didn’t want me to go to the battlefield because you loved me and couldn’t bear to see me hurt, you wouldn’t have chosen this method. Simulated pheromone agents weaken the body and shorten lifespan…” NqlauA

“What kind of father would wish for his son to die early?”

Ye Qing’s eyes were dark: “To be honest, while waiting for the call to connect, I searched for information on simulated pheromone agents. These agents are often used on betas who sell themselves or are dissatisfied with their gender. Through these agents, they can temporarily gain the sweet pheromones and delicate, sensitive physique of an omega, often becoming playthings circulated among nobles with special fetishes.”

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“I believe you may not have initially intended to send me out as a plaything, but this choice certainly wasn’t made out of genuine fatherly love.”

On the screen, a hint of surprise appeared on Ye Xian’s face. Rq145E

He seemed not to have expected this adopted son to think and consider so deeply, but since the conversation had reached this point, there was no need to continue playing the role of a good father.

Ye Xian’s face showed a dismissive coldness: “You’re right, I have no real feelings for you. You should know that my wife, Meiling, gave birth to my child on the battlefield. By the time I arrived, she had died in childbirth. I loved Meiling deeply, but I had no great expectations for this child. The fact is, because of this child, I lost my beloved.”

“I couldn’t forgive this child.”

“I was severely injured on the battlefield and had only about thirty years left to live. I hated the Ye family’s ancestral rule that required everyone except omegas to go to the battlefield, so when you first differentiated, I decided to inject you with simulated pheromone agents. As an omega, you could happily enjoy thirty years of life and then join me in death to reunite with Meiling, making our family whole again…” W2UCE4

“Isn’t that a perfect ending?”

Ye Xian smiled.

Ye Qing felt nothing but disbelief.

He couldn’t comprehend Ye Xian’s neurotic and extreme behavior. Loving his wife so much that he wanted to take his son to die with him? Was this a normal person’s thought process? f2qVKi

Ye Qing slowly took a breath, finding his voice again: “What about Su Wenshu?”

“Do you think you can compare to Wenshu?”

A hint of disgust appeared on Ye Xian’s face, followed by a somewhat guilty sigh: “It was only after seeing Wenshu and learning about the hardships he endured over the years that I truly understood that I still love the child Meiling and I had.”

“Wenshu had such a hard life before. I haven’t had the chance to make it up to him. How could I let him accompany me to see Meiling? He is still an omega, and he looks so much like Meiling—gentle, strong, beautiful, and kind. I’ve come to realize… I think Meiling wouldn’t want to see me resent our child.” IW410

“Alright, considering our father-son relationship, that’s all I can say.”

Ye Xian gave Ye Qing a warning look.

“You know these things now, but it’s best not to spread them around. You are no longer the eldest young master of the Ye family, and the Chu family can’t protect you. Take care of yourself and don’t think about using the Ye family’s connections to cause trouble for Wenshu.”

Ye Qing almost wanted to laugh. MAzRtQ

After hearing Ye Xian’s words, all his doubts were completely dispelled.

He finally gave up the last bit of hope he had for his father and familial affection. He simply couldn’t understand such abnormal and twisted thinking.

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“Your biological son is precious, and I deserve to die, is that it?”

Ye Qing smiled kindly: “Rest assured, General Ye, I won’t cling to the Ye family. I remember, my surname is Su, not Ye.” 3uCLwl

Ye Xian replied indifferently: “Good to know. Simulated pheromone agents are expensive. The money I’ve spent on you over the years is countless. It’s best if you have some self-awareness…”

Ye Qing didn’t intend to look at that face for even a second longer.

He directly hung up the call and then added everyone from the Ye family to his blacklist.

After doing all this, Ye Qing turned off his smart device, hugged his knees, and sat on the sofa. Finally, a hint of daze appeared on his previously expressionless face. BYc74M

He closed his eyes and covered his face, trembling all over.

Although most of his memories in the Ye family involved lying in the medical room for maintenance, with no close relationships or friends, this conversation still represented the collapse and destruction of his past twenty years.

From his gender to his identity, it turned out everything was a lie.

The life, relationships, and emotions he had built on all of this were like a building that had lost its foundation, collapsing in an instant. nS2X0C

Chu Yunsheng looked up from his smart device screen and saw Ye Qing’s trembling, slender back.

He took out a half-human-sized plush rabbit, opened the bedroom door, and walked to the sofa.

Ye Qing lifted his face.

Chu Yunsheng noticed that Ye Qing wasn’t crying, but his eyes were red, and a layer of bitter tears clouded his bright black eyes. saJTfg

In the previous world, despite being in love for decades and facing various challenges, Chu Yunsheng had never seen him cry, except when he was bullied too harshly in bed, causing him to whimper and sob.

But at this moment, Chu Yunsheng wished Ye Qing could have a good cry and properly vent his emotions.

“You married me, so we are family. You can cry to me, get angry at me…”

Chu Yunsheng said softly, gently pulling Ye Qing’s arms apart and pressing himself and the plush rabbit against Ye Qing, “You can also let me comfort you and kiss you.” Ynpwbg

Chu Yunsheng brushed aside the slightly damp hair at Ye Qing’s temples.

Ye Qing’s chest heaved as he clutched the rabbit’s ears and slowly lifted his face.

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He parted his lips slightly. 1iKQwo

Ye Qing’s lips were vividly colored but very cold.

Chu Yunsheng stroked the back of his neck, leaned down to capture that lower lip, and kissed him deeply and tenderly.

The lips and tongue, stiff from emotional tension, gradually softened under the fervent suckling, like a clump of sweet cotton candy melting in Chu Yunsheng’s mouth.

Ye Qing leaned his head back against the sofa, restlessly placing a foot on Chu Yunsheng’s leg. 530Vg7

Chu Yunsheng grasped Ye Qing’s ankle, left his lips, and pulled him into an embrace, gently ruffling his hair.


Ye Qing raised a finger to wipe the moisture from the corner of his lips and looked up at Chu Yunsheng: “You knew all along… that I am a beta. Do you want to divorce me?”

His tone was very calm: “An alpha is most stable only with an omega. I’ve seen many examples of alphas and betas being together. Perhaps at first, they were truly in love and very happy, but pheromones and heat cycles are something alphas cannot resist.” hiGVBT

“You were a student at the military academy, Chu-ge. You must have heard of that infamous battle, right? The Empire released an omega in heat into the Federation’s camp. At that time, smart devices didn’t have the function to inject inhibitors, and many alphas didn’t have the willpower to hold out until they could inject inhibitors.”

“The entire camp fell into chaos.”

“This was the Federation’s most humiliating defeat, but also the most unavoidable one. Alphas and omegas simply can’t resist the lure of pheromones. It’s an irresistible force, inherent from birth.”

Ye Qing’s speech was rapid. fmnJwz

Chu Yunsheng detected a hint of despair and anxiety in his words.

Many alphas choose to be with betas, relying on long-term inhibitor injections, and were often seen by society as being wronged. If an alpha cheated, society, and even their beta partner, often wouldn’t blame the alpha, because it was considered instinct, an unavoidable force.

Ye Qing was all too aware of this.

He didn’t know if he had truly fallen in love with Chu Yunsheng in such a short time, but he absolutely couldn’t accept the idea of Chu Yunsheng one day being controlled by pheromones and running to someone else. qXaeps

Chu Yunsheng studied Ye Qing’s expression for a moment. Although Ye Qing tried to maintain his composure, Chu Yunsheng, with years of familiarity, could easily discern Ye Qing’s true emotions—he didn’t want a divorce, but he was afraid.

“Do you think I can’t resist the lure of pheromones?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yunsheng asked.

Ye Qing was taken aback, forcing a smile: “I don’t know why, but I always feel like you can. But long-term inhibitor injections, suppressing heat cycles and the desire to mark an omega… it’s very painful.” snXgr9

“Then, there will be no pheromones.”

Chu Yunsheng said calmly.

Ye Qing was stunned: “What?”

Chu Yunsheng’s gaze was calm and serious: “In my view, what distinguishes humans from other animals is that humans are governed by reason and emotion, not by instinct and desire. However, the emergence of pheromones and the division into alphas and omegas, to some extent, represents a regression of humanity. I believe this flaw can be changed.” P37jZG

“The basement has already been renovated. In the coming period, I plan to conduct an experiment. If the experiment succeeds, pheromones will no longer dominate human gender and rational emotions but will instead become an auxiliary aspect of intimacy, adjustable at will, with selectable intensity.”

Ye Qing felt as if he were hearing a fantastical tale.

He never imagined that Chu Yunsheng’s seemingly small head could harbor such grand dreams.

Eliminating the strong dominance of pheromones over humans and altering the differentiation of the six genders—this was truly astonishing. W6jSkc

If he truly succeeded, it would fundamentally shake the very foundations of this society. This was something only those mad scientist types would dare to attempt.

Ye Qing’s rational mind told him he should stop Chu Yunsheng.

But he opened his mouth, and no sound came out.

Because in Chu Yunsheng’s eyes, he saw an exceptionally bright and serious light. qj6gIt

Suddenly, he felt that perhaps Chu Yunsheng could really achieve it.

Chu Yunsheng was unaware that he had frightened Ye Qing, who only had the memories of a native. He believed his experiment would be perfect. The only somewhat rudimentary aspect was that the experiment’s only two subjects would have to be the two living people currently in this villa.

After some thought, he sought Ye Qing’s opinion: “The experiment can start soon, but I’m still missing one subject. The process is not dangerous and can restore your physical condition, but it will be somewhat uncomfortable. Ye Qing, are you willing?”

Ye Qing didn’t hesitate much. ZbC2hD

He had a kind of blind trust in Chu Yunsheng, and besides trusting him, he had no other choice.

“I am willing.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Qing answered firmly.

However, that very night, Ye Qing wished he could travel back to the morning and slap himself awake from being bewitched by beauty. taIgDk

He had no idea that what Chu Yunsheng referred to as “uncomfortable” meant that during the experiment, his body, which was currently between beta and omega, would be frequently forced into heat!

In the cold basement.

Ye Qing lay on the smooth, icy experiment table, his body weak and flushed, his limbs trembling slightly as he looked back.

Chu Yunsheng, dressed in a meticulous and ascetic white lab coat, examined the area with a magnifying glass and pondered: “So tender. Using my hands might cause injury.” NYOLrP

Saying this, he picked up the peppermint water nearby and rinsed his mouth.


The author has something to say:

Is it fattening or not! bHrLqP

Translator's Note

鸠占鹊巢的人.  It describes someone who takes over something that belongs to someone else, often without permission or by deceit.

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  1. I always find Omegaverse a little weird — because normal humans actually do have pheromones, we just can’t smell them on a conscious level. And scent is important in partner selection, after all, who’d want to spend time with someone who smells unpleasant?

    Thank you for the chapter~

    • I mostly steer away from ABO works cuz its either just straight up misogyny/misandry/sexism fetish pørn or fluffy and spicy family romance without much hardships. Former takes up most of the gallery that I just say nah to all.