After Waking up Beside the VillainCh23 - Part 4

As it turned out, Dr. Chu was still the upright Dr. Chu.

When Ye Qing saw the so-called “insertable” white, round rabbit tail, he realized he had been worried for nothing. 2NiWXx

The rabbit swimsuit was mainly divided into three parts.

The top was a tight-fitting white crop top, just exposing a bit of the waist.

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The bottom was a pair of matching white shorts. The back of the shorts had a zipper, with a concealed clasp inside. The zipper could be opened to attach the separately purchased rabbit tail to the clasp, securing it in place.

Additionally, there was a pair of matching waterproof rabbit ears and a thin black leather collar with a rabbit bell attached. The collar was fastened around Ye Qing’s fair, slender neck, right at the Adam’s apple. With the slightest movement, it emitted a crisp, pleasant sound. YDR9dO

Chu Yunsheng raised a finger to flick the small bell, looking at Ye Qing in the mirror. His gaze swept over the areas on Ye Qing’s body that still bore some marks, and he commented, “It looks very nice.”

Ye Qing felt inexplicably embarrassed but remained composed, “…Mm, it’s okay.”

After changing into the swimsuit, Chu Yunsheng booked a private beach near the hotel and took Ye Qing to the seaside early in the morning.

The waters of Luchi Star were a clear, brilliant blue.


Under the sunlight, the cool, salty sea breeze blew in their faces. The vast blue sky met the ocean at the distant horizon, where the deep blue gradually faded into ice blue, light green, and finally into a transparent, colorless clarity.

From far to near, from the high sky to the lapping waves, the sea and sky merged into one. It was pure and magnificent.

The gentle, cool seawater lapped over their feet.

Knowing that Ye Qing wasn’t very good at swimming, Chu Yunsheng brought out two rabbit-shaped swim rings, one for each of them. He put them on and then led Ye Qing to float to the shallow water area. YyhxbP

“The water is shallow here,” Chu Yunsheng said.

Ye Qing treaded water beside him, lazily floating in the clear, transparent water while holding onto the inflatable ears of the rabbit swim ring.

He glanced at Chu Yunsheng, as if remembering something, and suddenly reached out to feel around the edge of the swim ring, then pulled out a water gun.

“Senior, look at this!” pbHRxJ

Chu Yunsheng turned his face.

A stream of water shot directly at him, hitting his chest.

The sparkling water droplets refracted the sunlight into dazzling rays, slowly sliding down his well-defined chest muscles.

Chu Yunsheng also felt around: “A water gun?” MXurOo


Ye Qing averted his gaze from Chu Yunsheng’s chest and looked down. “I searched for travel guides at the hotel, and they all said that the swim rings on Luchi Star come with water guns and fish feed, allowing tourists to have water fights and feed the small fish in the shallow waters.”

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Chu Yunsheng felt around the other side of the swim ring and indeed found a small, sealed bag of fish feed. This swim ring was quite versatile.

Lf fzjwlcfv atf kjafg uec lc tlr tjcv jcv rjk atja Tf Hlcu, klat rilutais gfvvfcfv fjgr, kjr rajglcu ja atf kjafg yfibk. Jte Tecrtfcu gjlrfv tlr tjcv jcv jlwfv ja Tf Hlcu’r mbiijgybcf, atfc olgfv j rtba. 6t5qux


Tf Hlcu kjr tla rdejgfis, tlr gjyyla fjgr vgbbqlcu. Qlatbea j kbgv, tf gjlrfv tlr uec jcv yfujc ab gfajiljaf.

Chu Yunsheng was not to be outdone. He dodged behind a reef while refilling his water gun and sprayed Ye Qing in return.

The water stream from the water guns wasn’t strong, so even when it hit their faces, it didn’t cause any discomfort. The water flowed back and forth and was occasionally interrupted as they refilled their guns. zIv9Xh

The swim rings would sometimes bump into each other and then softly bounced apart. The two twenty-something years old seemed to instantly revert to their elementary school days, having a blast with just a couple of water guns.

However, being adults, Dr. Chu was the first to snap out of the playful reverie. He grabbed Ye Qing’s wrist and called for a temporary truce.

“The feed bag broke. Look.”

Chu Yunsheng nodded towards the water. XcGoUl

Ye Qing put down his water gun, leaning against the swim ring and panting slightly. When he looked down, he saw a multitude of harmless, colorful little fish gathering, attracted by the scattered feed.

Some were slender like silver darts, others round like balls, red as fiery clouds, green as jade, and there was even a group of light blue, semi-transparent fish that swam over, chirping as they kissed Ye Qing’s calves.

“…It tickles a bit.”

Ye Qing kicked the water and tried to catch the fish with his hands. bdKXWg

Chu Yunsheng opened the camera on his smart device and set it to automatic photo mode.

But as he was taking pictures, he saw Ye Qing’s expression suddenly freeze. Ye Qing fumbled around, reaching behind the swim ring to touch his backside: “Oh no, the tail fell off…”

“It was knocked off by these fish!”

Ye Qing turned around. g3jNiB

Chu Yunsheng removed his swim ring and swam over: “Let me see.”

Ye Qing was stunned, never expecting that Chu Yunsheng could swim and had been playing with the swim ring for so long just to accompany him.

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He kicked the water to drive away the blue fish, then saw Chu Yunsheng dive down, his tall and graceful body moving like a beautiful mermaid as he swam a circle in the rippling blue waves.

The rabbit tail was made of waterproof material and wouldn’t sink. Chu Yunsheng spotted it immediately, dove down, and retrieved it. y2KGTm

Holding the rabbit tail, he led Ye Qing to a smooth rock. He removed Ye Qing’s swim ring, and as Ye Qing cooperated in taking it off, he said, “It’s okay if it’s lost, we can buy a new one…”

“This is the last one of this model.”

Chu Yunsheng said calmly, gently pressing Ye Qing onto the rock. His hand slid down Ye Qing’s wet back and waist, pulling down the zipper on the back of the swim shorts. Noticing Ye Qing stiffen and start to move, Chu Yunsheng immediately pressed down on his waist: “Don’t move, I’ll put it in.”

Ye Qing: “…” lbg6Ui

In broad daylight!!!

But he didn’t have time to refuse before he felt a sudden draft on his backside, and his body, half-submerged in the cool seawater, began to heat up.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t notice Ye Qing’s dazed state.

He bent down to examine the area around the zipper, flipping open the edge of the tight swim shorts. He quickly found the clasp, then carefully fixed the rabbit tail onto the button with his fingers and zipped up the seam snugly against Ye Qing’s buttocks. Xdra7m

The touch of his fingertips was smooth and wet.

Chu Yunsheng held the soft rabbit tail and looked at Ye Qing: “It’s done, you can come down now.”

Ye Qing turned his head stiffly, and Chu Yunsheng noticed him glaring at the hand holding the rabbit tail. Instinctively, he loosened his fingers and then raised his hand to encircle Ye Qing’s waist, helping him down.

“It’s time to eat.” FteP0J

At the seaside, of course, they had to have a beach barbecue.

Chu Yunsheng had the hotel send over barbecue equipment and fresh seafood. Under the shade of a parasol, he started grilling, handing each skewer to Ye Qing as it was ready. Ye Qing, noticing that Chu Yunsheng was too busy grilling to eat, began holding two skewers at once, eating from one while feeding Chu Yunsheng with the other.

When the meal was over, Ye Qing counted the skewers and wore an expression as if struck by lightning.

But Chu Yunsheng didn’t notice. wvWdqx

After tidying up the barbecue equipment, he and Ye Qing spent the afternoon lazily lounging on deck chairs, sipping iced drinks, eating fruit, and basking in the sun.

As the evening sky filled with sunset hues, they returned to the hotel. Their late-night snack was enjoyed on the terrace, where bioluminescent plankton had gathered in the shallow waters and along the shore, casting a blue glow across the sea like starlight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The first day was thoroughly enjoyable, but by the second day, Ye Qing’s small frame was so exhausted that he couldn’t get up, sleeping until three in the afternoon.

Chu Yunsheng, on the other hand, had gotten up early and gone out. GpRW19

He had chosen Luchi Star not only because it was a vacation spot with a cute bunny theme but also because it had a famous underground black market rich in resources, where he might find the equipment and materials he needed.

Chu Yunsheng had already investigated the underground black market on Luchi Star while on his way. Before Ye Qing woke up, he left a note and headed to the black market.

The underground black market on Luchi Star was located behind a bustling red-light district. It was permitted by the local government and managed by underground organizations, so it was relatively orderly.

Wearing a hat and sunglasses, Chu Yunsheng made a round of the market and discovered many unusual items he had never seen before. GEprzI

Although the place he used to live in was also a highly advanced society, it was still quite different from this interstellar environment.

After maxing out a card, Chu Yunsheng returned with a full load.

The purchased items were all packed and sent to the capital star’s port, waiting for him to pick them up when he returned.

The most important item he purchased was the simulated pheromone agent. To understand it better, he specifically bought several vials, which were quite expensive. 2xDuqf

Additionally, he acquired a lot of secret experimental data related to pheromones. Compared to official data, these experimental records were more valuable for reference.

With a quick glance, he found many innovative ideas and interesting data.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Yunsheng woke Ye Qing up, and the two of them explored Luchi Star’s unique night market and enjoyed a seafood feast.

In the following days, Ye Qing seemed to be influenced by the relaxed and joyful atmosphere of Luchi Star. He became much less distant and guarded, growing closer to Chu Yunsheng. They visited several famous attractions on Luchi Star together, with Chu Yunsheng taking many photos. Ye Qing spent two nights editing the pictures. B2tUJK

A week of honeymoon, neither too long nor too short.

When they boarded the spaceship back to the capital star, Chu Yunsheng’s original single suitcase had unsurprisingly turned into three, with the other two filled to the brim with rabbit-themed outfits.

Ye Qing had picked out countless pairs of rabbit ears for Chu Yunsheng, saying very earnestly, “Chu-ge, every pair looks great.”

Yes, Chu Yunsheng felt that the biggest surprise of this trip was hearing that long-missed form of address. 3WvELw

But soon, Chu Yunsheng realized that the real surprise was yet to come.

Shortly after the spaceship took off, Ye Qing seemed to be a bit airsick, his face pale and uncomfortable.

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Chu Yunsheng asked for a cup of honey water for him. Just as he was about to hand it over, he saw Ye Qing touch his stomach with a strange expression. Suddenly, with a look of mustering up courage, Ye Qing gritted his teeth and asked, “Chu-ge, did you… knot inside that day?”

The honey water in Chu Yunsheng’s hand trembled. DvJlcX

Oh, what a troublesome question.

Ye Qing continued, pressing on with determination: “I feel like my pheromones have been fading recently, and I’m eating more and more each day. My stomach feels uncomfortable and seems to be getting bigger. Chu-ge, do you think I might be… pregnant?”

Chu Yunsheng: “…”

He was silent for a moment, then calmly placed the honey water in Ye Qing’s hand: “No, you’re not pregnant, Ye Qing. You’ve just eaten too much and gained weight.” xLrVNP

After thinking for a moment, Chu Yunsheng added to make his point more convincing: “By my estimation, you’ve gained eight pounds.”


The author has something to say: 

Ye Qing: Oh. 9XiEuY


Happy Children’s Day!

Translator's Note

啾啾… the author used jiujiu…

Translator's Note

Bioluminescent plankton

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