After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 70

Early the next morning, White Wolf Knight assisted Nero in dressing and grooming before hurriedly carrying him into the Royal Medical Academy.

In the past, according to convention, the health maintenance of members of the Royal Family would have been solely the responsibility of specially trained royal physicians. MtanSj

Royal physicians adhered to the same strict code as the Wolf Knights; under no circumstances were they to disclose the health status of members of the Royal Family.

After Rupert came to power, he judged and executed all the royal physicians.

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However, the secret of the Kaises Family’s hereditary madness remained undisclosed.

Upon Nero’s return to the throne, what awaited him was the Solar Palace, which had been cleansed with blood. 5rIbta

While the structure of the Royal Medical Academy remained, the physicians inside consisted only of a group of top-tier doctors who had passed through the medical college entrance examination, as well as members of various noble groups who had inserted themselves.

Nero and the White Wolf Knight needed them to provide basic medical assistance, but Nero never intended to expose his madness to this group of physicians.

“Your Majesty, the blood test results will be available in an hour.”

The small robot carried a nanoneedle and whizzed off to the laboratory, while the physician pointed to the next routine examination step on the screen. “If you, um, feel it necessary… we can conduct another examination of the condition of your feet.”


Nero only underwent injury assessment at the Royal Medical Academy during a high fever before his coronation, later receiving a permanent disability diagnosis.

The physicians bowed their heads, trembling with fear as they awaited Nero’s response, afraid of accidentally stepping on the Emperor’s sore spot.

“Alright,” Nero said calmly, “Go ahead.”

The White Wolf Knight removed Nero’s boots and socks, carefully unwrapping the bandages around his legs, revealing his horrifyingly crippled feet. NtPJDz

Nero was placed inside a scanning device, where X-rays and tissue rays scanned his feet inch by inch, generating a complete holographic view in the observation area.

From the holographic view, the deep knife scars still severed the crucial tibia bone, completely rupturing the Achilles tendon, turning the ankle bone into a pile of shattered fragments.

During his escape, due to unbearable pain, Nero had several black-market doctors remove bone fragments.

However, due to the surgeons’ lack of skill and the postoperative environment being too poor, new injuries were caused on the top of old ones. Y2ycza

In short, there was little difference from the results of the first injury assessment—


An elderly physician pushed his reading glasses, thinking he had misread.

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After a moment, he pulled up the holographic image of Nero’s first injury assessment and compared the two images. eICHx7

“Tbeg Zjpfras, veglcu sbeg alwf lc atf Jjqlaji, vlv sbe gfmflnf jcs batfg regulmji qgbmfvegfr—ew, yea atlr vbfrc’a gfrfwyif atf gfreiar bo jcs xcbkc Pwqfglji regulmji wfatbvr… bg qfgtjqr gfueijg atfgjqfealm gjvljalbc agfjawfcar?—ew, yea atfgjqfealm gjvljalbc rtbeiv cba, rtbeiv cba jmtlfnf atlr ifnfi…”

“Aera ulnf wf atf mbcmierlbc, qtsrlmljc,” Rfgb rjlv, “Ljr atfgf yffc jcs lwqgbnfwfca?”

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The White Wolf Knight beside him perked up their ears.

“Improvement?” The old physician’s eyes widened, magnifying the extremely subtle differences between the two holographic images. “This is already within the realm of extraordinary capabilities, Your Majesty! There have been cases of re-growth of fractured Achilles tendons and tibia bones during 10 to 20 years of radiation therapy, but that requires immediate intervention after injury, which is not the case with Your Majesty’s situation. pMyqt9

“And now, although it’s only on a micrometer scale, if we zoom in on the holographic detection image, we can see completely deformed tibia bones, spontaneously correcting without any external force, and there’s also a trend of closure in the bone gap…”

The more the physician spoke, the more excited he became. Nero squinted at the two holographic images, feeling his eyes ache, but he could barely make out the changes pointed out by the physician.

Indeed, it was on a micrometer scale. This was still a leg health score of -19400.

“Since the establishment of the Empire, no, since the emergence of human civilization, there has never been such a precedent in medical history! Your Majesty, I believe this is something worthy of further investigation—” oIvrKL

Nero turned to the White Wolf Knight and instructed, “Inform the intelligence agency that after the routine examination, all records of this examination are to be destroyed.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

The old physician wilted like a frostbitten eggplant against the wall next to the apparatus.

During this routine examination, Nero had been thoroughly examined from neck to toe, but no abnormalities were found. fZHyiO

Madness would occur in two states: when his physical strength was exhausted, or in a state of extreme excitement. However, neither of these conditions were met last night, and the intensity of the outbreak was completely different from before, indicating that there must be triggering factors that he had overlooked.

The young Emperor pressed his knuckles against his lips, frowning in contemplation.

The physician scrolled through the screen beside him, reaching the last step, then silently scrolled back up again.

But the sharp-eyed White Wolf Knight noticed and whispered to Nero, “Your Majesty, would you like to undergo a gland examination?” LhX6lo

“A gland examination?”

Nero paused for a moment.

Starting from puberty, gland examinations would be included in the routine examination steps for members of the Royal Family. This mainly involved testing whether pheromones were abnormal, the development of glands, and whether certain functions were in good condition.

After some thought, he nodded, “Alright.” ryjde8

So, just like last time when providing pheromones for Mimir, the physician used an extremely fine nanoneedle to take a sample of Nero’s pheromones from under his tongue and sent it to the laboratory.

As he was rinsing his mouth with water, Nero saw a medical robot holding a container cup, rolling over to him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What’s this for?” Nero picked up the container cup, looking around puzzled. “I’ve already done a urine test.”

“No, no, it’s not for a urine test,” the physician who had just scrolled through the screen explained beside him, for some reason, becoming somewhat stuttered in speech. “It’s a routine examination step for gland examination. We need Your Majesty to… to provide your… um, gland…?” xhAVIg

The medical robot chimed in with a prompt: “Please provide a glandular sample.”

“Alright.” Nero nodded, not noticing the White Wolf Knight’s slight stiffening beside him.

Although the young Emperor had never undergone a gland examination, it didn’t stop him from showing indifference in front of the crowd of noble physicians, even furrowing his brows slightly. “Here?”

“No, Your Majesty, there’s a dedicated sampling room. Sir White Wolf, please follow me.” F1Os2A

Nero sat in the arms of the White Wolf Knight and was carried to a very quiet room.

The sampling room was far from the physicians’ activity area, with a long corridor separating them, presumably to protect the privacy of members of the Royal Family.

The White Wolf Knight hastily placed Nero on a soft chair in the room and quickly brought up the specific screen of the sampling room, stammering as he explained to Nero:

“Your Majesty, I just secretly checked the Imperial sampling process for, um, glands, and you can use the screen inside the sampling room to watch, watch some videos related to Omegas, and then use this cup to, to collect it. This is a headset, you just need to put it on.” dZ OSM

Nero didn’t look at the screen, but frowned at him. “Aren’t you going to—”

“I’ll be waiting for you at the door!”

With that said, the knight rushed out like a gust of wind, closing the door behind him.

He stood guard at the door, hands behind his back, his wolf ears standing straight forward, not daring to turn back. H1bq0d

Fortunately, the sampling room had been soundproofed, and the White Wolf Knight couldn’t hear any movement inside.

15 minutes passed.

One of the White Wolf Knight’s wolf ears turned back slightly, then quickly turned back.

30 minutes passed. H RWJd

There was still no movement from the sampling room.

40 minutes.

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On the other side of the long corridor, a medical robot waiting for the sample peeked in, found no sample to take, and then buzzed away.

50 minutes. Z7Kz9E

The White Wolf Knight stood still with hands behind his back.

A physician passed by on the opposite side of the corridor, probably feeling that the time was a bit long and wanted to see what was happening. Seeing the White Wolf Knight still guarding the door, he quietly walked away again.

1 hour and 10 minutes.

The physician across the corridor, waiting for the sample, had passed by three or four times, each time casting an admiring glance at the tightly closed door of the sampling room. YJdWU

As the only one who knew Nero’s secrets, the White Wolf Knight inexplicably felt a sense of guilt for the young master.

1 hour and 30 minutes.

“Your Majesty.”

Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, the White Wolf Knight turned his head slightly and whispered through the crack in the door. WUlH K

“Is… is there a problem?”

Nero’s voice came from inside the room.

“Is there anyone else outside?”

There was no hint of hoarseness, but rather a suppressed anger, as if about to explode. yg5d2A

“No, Your Majesty…”

There was silence inside the door again.

“…Come in here, Alexei!”

The young Emperor began to throw a tantrum, “It’s already hurting me, I can’t squeeze out anything!” XlRB4T

The White Wolf Knight felt a rush in his head as if it was about to explode.

His soul began to repent frantically again, but his body, as if not controlled by his brain, skillfully slipped across the corridor to confirm that the physicians were all busy at their posts, then stealthily slipped back.

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“O… okay, Your Majesty…”

The door to the sampling room opened silently a crack, then closed with a soft click. WvlO0i

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