After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 63

The opulent royal shuttle descended at the grand entrance of the equally lavish banquet hall.

The gangway lowered to the ground. A pair of long legs, clad in jet-black military trousers, stepped out of the cabin, crossed the bridge, and moved toward the venue filled with gentle music. 1Ww0i4

Heidrich, dressed in a crisp imperial uniform and a black officer’s cape with gold trim, walked slowly into the bustling crowd.

As he appeared, the previously lively chatter of the noble guests from the royal Capital fell silent.

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No one dared to gossip about his family’s past as they had during the conferment ceremony.

Instead, numerous eyes, each carrying different sentiments, quietly focused on the star of today’s celebration. LdMg7a

The black-haired General, as cold and composed as he had been during the conferment ceremony, did not seem particularly elated by the presence of all the Capital’s nobility here to celebrate him.

His collar was neatly fastened to the top, and he wore spotless white gloves. His pale glacial blue eyes always carried a distant chill that kept others at bay.

After scanning the empty throne, he directed his gaze to Grand Duke Harrison, who stood below the throne, beaming. He placed a hand over his chest and bowed slightly in greeting.

Since the start of the territorial campaign, the previously elusive Grand Duke Harrison, who had been avoiding the Emperor, raised his glass in a conspicuous salute and smiled back.


Although this famous Imperial General appeared unapproachable, his illustrious military achievements, rapid promotions, and unshakeable favor with the Emperor—most importantly, his exceedingly handsome appearance, rare even among the nobility—made him a beacon in the banquet hall.

The banquet had not yet begun, but bold noble ladies were already approaching him.

Noblewomen with unmarried Omega children also started to gather around, casually striking up conversations.

Some, more impatient, clutched handkerchiefs infused with their children’s Omega pheromones and held them out for him to kiss, a clear courtship signal in the Empire. IkKSPh

If an Alpha found the pheromone scent appealing, they could discreetly take the handkerchief and later propose a marriage.

“To the Holy Son, under the Emperor’s protection, we toast to your victorious return…”

“The battle at the Heka Star System was brilliant. No one expected you to break through so easily from the outside!”

“Major General, while you were at war, my youngest daughter was constantly following your updates on the Star Network, worrying herself sick…” RZPwkd

Heidrich stood amidst the crowd, unfazed and composed.

Born into a prominent military noble family of the Empire, his etiquette and demeanor were impeccably refined.

He understood the purpose of this banquet, organized by Nero, for him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Heidrich Family had not appeared in such elite social circles for eight years. kEaB5V

Cr j agerafv jvnlrbg bo atf Swqfgbg, tf tjv atf veas ab fcujuf klat batfg cbyif ojmalbcr ab qgfqjgf obg oegatfg mbcrbilvjalcu mbcagbi bnfg atfrf ugbeqr.

Vbwf ajrxr, jr j cbyif, kfgf fjrlfg obg tlw atjc obg atf Swqfgbg.

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Efujgvifrr bo ktja atf cbyifr yehhfv jgbecv tlw, tf wjlcajlcfv j qfgofma sfa vfajmtfv rwlif, klat cb ufcelcf kjgwat lc tlr fsfr.

Whenever a noblewoman offered her hand, he would bend to kiss it, his lips barely brushing the air. OCy1Eq

“Is the Omega pheromone on the handkerchief not strong enough?”

The number of ‘courting handkerchiefs’ around Heidrich was overwhelming, causing even married Alpha nobles to retreat to the edges to catch their breath.

But amidst the dense mix of Omega pheromones, Heidrich’s blue eyes remained icy and calm, like an unmelting block of deep-sea ice.

“Is his Alpha function…” b1vtwZ

“That’s impossible! During his campaigns, all the nobles here thoroughly investigated him… The Royal Medical Academy certified him as an SS-class Alpha, top tier even in the Wolf Knights…”

“Thank the Holy Son! Thankfully, he hasn’t sworn to become the Emperor’s Wolf Knight! The Leiner family will not miss this marriage opportunity!”

“Herman Heidrich, that guy is ascetic? From the moment he entered, there hasn’t been a hint of pheromone scent—so what about those rumors with the Emperor?”

“Speaking of which, the Emperor’s health has been poor lately. I’ve seen the medical officers going in and out of his quarters several times, and Count Rudal said he fell asleep in the White Wolf Knight’s arms after a council meeting…” wOA906

“Well, he does have 200 Omegas in the Spring Mirror Palace…”

“Alas! The Emperor’s ill health is worrisome for the state…”

“Ding ding.”

The ceremonial officer tapped a glass with a silver spoon. “Quiet, the Emperor is about to arrive.” UwaW8q

As soon as the words fell, the banquet hall doors slowly opened.

The hall fell silent.

Everyone instinctively stepped aside, clearing the central red carpet.

The Emperor abandoned his solemn black military uniform, donning an attire specific for the banquet. 98DQsx

The collar and cuffs were adorned with white lace, and the fabric was interwoven with gold and silver threads, encrusted with rubies and crystal beads.

The heavy gold crown was replaced with a forehead chain bearing a blood-red ruby and silver rose motif.

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A radiant gold chain secured it on Nero’s forehead, glittering beneath his silver hair.

When the White Wolf Knight carried Nero in, the surrounding nobles instinctively held their breath and lowered their heads, afraid to be overpowered by the Emperor’s imposing aura. znVDm3

Heidrich stood among the crowd.

When the White Wolf Knight carried the Emperor past him, he too bowed his head.

No one noticed the sudden burning intensity in his cold blue eyes, like molten lava beneath an ice sheet.

“By the Emperor’s decree, for leading the fleet bravely, reclaiming the Heka Star System, Turan Star System, St. Cisco Star System… Sarlor Star System, annihilating the Empire’s enemies and traitors led by Curtis David, and recovering territories… Y1qINF

“We hereby bestow upon Herman Heinrich the rank of Imperial General, the title of First-Class Meritorious Noble, the title of ‘Fearless Silver Star Commander’, and the Diamond Double Sword Rose Medal.”

It was as if time rewound to their first meeting.

The black-haired General in full military regalia stepped onto the red carpet, walking steadily towards the silver-haired Emperor on the high throne.

He advanced to the front of the throne, and to allow Nero to pin the medal on his chest, he stepped back with his right knee, kneeling before the jewel-encrusted military boots. fwnjLi

A red velvet tray was presented by the ceremonial officer, holding the Rose Medal. Nero took out the pin, leaned close to Heidrich, and began fastening it to his chest.

“Are you satisfied with the victory banquet I personally arranged?”

The imperial uniform’s thick fabric resisted the pin. To disguise his struggle, Nero slightly raised his eyelashes and whispered to Heidrich in a voice the ceremonial officer couldn’t hear.

“Hmph. Does it somewhat alleviate the longing you have for me?” GZbYdO

They were close, as the pinning of the medal required. Nero expected a retort, given Heidrich’s nature.

But the other remained silent for a while.

Heidrich lowered his ink-black eyelashes, his gaze seemingly submissive, fixed on the Emperor’s moving lips and throat.

Shielded from the crowd’s view by his broad shoulders, he subtly grasped the Emperor’s fingertips, applying slight pressure. Xn7dqy

With a soft ‘pop,’ the pin finally pierced through the fabric, securing the golden medal to the uniform.

“In the name of the Holy Son, I command you to be just; in the name of the Emperor, I command you to be loyal; in the name of the Galactic Empire, I command you to be brave…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Following the medal ceremony was the oath and the expression of gratitude.

Heidrich held the Emperor’s right hand and, after the ceremonial officer finished the recitation, slowly bowed to kiss the ring of power on the Emperor’s finger. dRUMtK

However, his warm lips clearly brushed against the young Emperor’s pale finger arch.

Nero noticed.

He frowned, looking down at his kneeling, trusted General.

The black-haired, handsome General kissed his knuckles, his pale blue eyes daringly meeting the Emperor’s gaze from below. 0vVj1H

The brilliant golden light of the crystal chandelier spilled over him, but it couldn’t illuminate his deep-set eyes.

The man’s eyes were hidden in the shadow beneath his brow bone, extremely restrained yet nearly audacious, probing yet seemingly innocent, deeply exploring the Emperor’s eyes.

A Wolf Knight behind the throne shifted with a metallic clink.

Nero also narrowed his eyes dangerously. GgvHf0

What was the meaning of this?

Was this a challenge?

However, in the next second, Heidrich lowered his gaze, his lips leaving the knuckles, as if he had merely kissed the wrong place by mistake.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” He spoke softly now, “I am quite satisfied with this banquet. However, to assuage my longing for you, it might be only a drop in the bucket.” 2708Pz

“…Holy Son above, the Emperor above! The heroic deeds and great contributions of General Herman Heidrich will forever be recorded in the glorious history of the Galactic Empire…”

As the ceremonial officer finished the lengthy encomium, thunderous applause filled the banquet hall.

Heidrich rose, facing the Emperor.

He bowed deeply, retreated three steps, then turned to descend the steps. 6Y1OQg

“Ladies and gentlemen, let us toast to General Heidrich, to the valiant soldiers of the Empire, and, of course—to you, my Uncle.”

Nero raised his glass, his gaze and tone slightly deepening as he turned toward Grand Duke Harrison’s seat.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“To Harrison Lauder, who has proven his blood loyalty to me and the Empire countless times—we celebrate here today. May the Galactic Empire forever be free of war and always bathe in peace.”

The nobles echoed the toast, raising their glasses in unison. G9Sdsj

“May the Galactic Empire forever be free of war and always bathe in peace!”

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