After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 59

Nero had assumed that the annoying side effects of the blessing kiss would last for a not-so-brief period. However, before he could even flip through that absurd and ridiculous book to check it out, the answer was already revealed to Nero:

As the Imperial fleet jumped out of the Delphi Star System at speeds of tens of thousands of light-years per second, the rush of heat surging from the coccyx quickly disappeared. frkMJZ

In its place, there was a resurgence of intense pain at the implant sites and nerve breaks.

Nero, accustomed to being in the company of pain year-round, naturally wouldn’t be defeated by this level of pain. On the contrary, he was able to handle his unfinished tasks with a clearer mind and higher efficiency.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The war for the reconquest of territories by General Heidrich had now entered its final stages. The star systems that had been relieved of noble rule were currently in a state of complete anarchy, naturally requiring a more efficient and ideal governing authority dispatched from the Capital.

Backed by a large-scale recruitment plan, seven Star Provincial Committees were established in the Emperor’s study, where he burned the midnight oil. KL1n6w

The Provincial Committee members came from diverse backgrounds. There were top students from various military academies, commoner nobles, and a team of young officers recently trained by the Imperial veterans.

There were even former nobles who had previously managed the livelihoods within the territory’s star systems. After thorough investigation of their clean records and effective work, they retained their original titles and were reassigned to manage their old territories.

What was most talked about was that the Emperor appointed a large number of craftsmen and builders from the slums of the reconquered territories.

They were born into poverty but, due to their top-notch craftsmanship and aesthetic taste, were eagerly hired by the old lords to build estates, yet only received meager wages.


For these people, life was like a roller coaster ride.

Just as they were prepared to flee at the news of General Heidrich’s attack on their star system, even before their luggage was fully packed, the battle was over. The rulers of the star system changed from nobles to the Emperor on the Rose Throne.

While they were worrying about how to make a living in the post-war star system, they heard that they inexplicably became members of the Star Provincial Committee, sitting on an equal footing with those noble young masters.

On their way to the provincial territories, the Star Provincial Committee members nervously joined the Emperor’s video conferences. qwzAWs

To their astonishment, they found that the young and astonishingly beautiful imperial ruler could effortlessly call out each of their names and recite each of their impassioned works from their days of obscurity.

“I have read your graduation speeches and drafts. Failing to present them to the Emperor’s desk two years earlier is my dereliction of duty towards the Kaises Family.”

Nero often used this sentence as an opening remark.

Everyone knew how brutally the rebels slaughtered the Kaises Family; everyone also knew that the young Emperor regained the throne only after years of wandering. VvrTd7

When the rumored teenage tyrant casually summarized his blood-soaked past as ‘dereliction of duty,’ even the most stubborn would involuntarily shudder and then listen attentively.

“Eagles should not flock with chickens. I cannot tolerate seeing such stunning talents being worn away by the mediocrity surrounding you. Since you were born in the open sky, you should return to the storm that belongs to you.”

“Where you are going is still a wasteland. It is the darkest place in the Empire, with scars and marks left everywhere by nearly a century of decay and incompetence. With your lofty aspirations, bring radiance to the already dim star system.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Please remember, there were once brilliant stars of the Empire shining brightly there as well.” zFVkKo

Pc jvvlalbc ab atf tfjns qbilalmji kbgx, Rfgb jirb cffvfv ab olcv kjsr ab rfaaif atf gfrmefv rijnfr.

Ktf uijvljabgr jcv Ywfujr gfrmefv ys Lflvglmt klatlc atf afgglabgs tjv jigfjvs yffc qijmfv lc rjcjabglewr jcv wfvlmji yjrfr lc njglber rajg rsrafwr.

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Pclaljiis, atf bnfg 200 Ywfujr tf qfgrbcjiis ygbeuta yjmx ogbw atf klivfgcfrr ujnf tlw j tfjvjmtf.

Omegas were delicate and easily influenced by Alphas, entering a susceptible period, which in turn triggered rut of Alphas. For the sake of stability in the Capital, unmarked Omegas needed to be isolated from Alphas. zDT7te

However, the Capital’s political and military functions were highly concentrated, with a large number of Alpha generals visiting the palace every day.

After much consideration, Nero decided to temporarily send them to Mirror Spring Palace within the Capital’s Star System, where they would stay with the Omegas previously sent by Grand Duke Harrison and a group of Beta attendants.

“Perhaps my understanding of Omegas is not thorough enough—I want to confirm something.”

While dining with Mimir and Eva, Nero suddenly spoke up. aft 0w

“For the physical and mental health of most Omegas, would entering the bonds of marriage and receiving the Alpha’s mark earlier be more beneficial than staying in Mirror Spring Palace?”

Mimir struggled to swallow the food in his cheek for a while before answering, “Actually, whether marked or not, it wouldn’t make any difference to the physical and mental health of Omegas, so it doesn’t matter. If it were me, as long as I’m no longer tortured, it’s fine however Your Majesty arranges it.”

He paused and hurriedly added, “I mean hypothetically, hypothetically… Your Majesty, I just want to stay by your side to serve, please don’t assign me to marry someone else…”

Compared to the carefree Mimir, Eva’s expression was noticeably dim. hk15G4

She held her fork and knife for a moment before speaking softly, “As Mimir said, as long as they’re no longer tormented, whatever Your Majesty arranges, they will surely be grateful to you.”

“In this world, the choices available to Omegas are already few. In any case, Your Majesty has helped them eliminate the most terrifying choice, and even considers their future, which is something that the vast majority of Alphas, even family members, cannot achieve.”

Nero glanced at her and couldn’t help but add, “But in my opinion, General Heidrich has treated you very well.”

Eva lowered her voice, “Your Majesty, yes. Due to my father’s long years of following the late Emperor to battle and my brother’s willingness to take on the responsibility of educating and protecting the younger siblings, not just me, he cares for all of us equally.” X39JFQ

“But when my Omega gland was detected within the family, I was immediately transferred to live in a separate castle on the estate. All the courses I had been taking ceased completely after I moved into that castle.

“I lived in that castle for 11 years, Your Majesty. Every day, all I had to do was bathe, eat, and watch the servants play football from the castle window, watch my siblings practice mecha combat.”

“My Omega gland was an absolute secret within the family, so my brother couldn’t understand the family’s arrangements for me. Unable to change my situation, he secretly helped me complete all the courses in culture, philosophy, etiquette, and military command. After everything was exposed, he faced extremely severe punishment.

“Your Majesty, perhaps you might feel confused or even amused after hearing this. Because the reason my family didn’t allow me to receive an education was to ‘prevent Eva from feeling too much pain when facing the reality of being an Omega’.” J2pkqd

“And after leaving that castle, I completely understood the meaning of that sentence—perhaps my brother shouldn’t have risked punishment to teach me those fantastic courses.”

“Omegas are born frail and delicate, with uncontrollable susceptibility periods and high fertility rates, but at the same time, lacking the mental and combat capabilities necessary for self-protection or providing value to society, they are almost nothing more than tools for reproduction.”

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“As a tool, once exposed to the wonderful thoughts of humanity, one can no longer calmly accept all arrangements of fate. If I had never seen the world outside the castle, perhaps I, perhaps I…”

She remembered the struggling years in Delta Fortress and felt melancholy in her heart, speaking a lot incoherently. But the next moment, she suddenly realized that sitting across from her were not her parents or siblings who could patiently listen to her complaints, but the supreme ruler of the Galactic Empire— k6iqQf

She shuddered suddenly, and the silver fork “clang” fell into the plate.

“…Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I brought up such a disappointing topic while you were dining…”

But when she stole a glance at the silver-haired Emperor opposite her, she was shocked to find that Nero showed no impatience or disgust on his face. On the contrary, the Emperor had already put down his knife and fork, his fingertips resting against his chin, his crimson eyes silently gazing at her, listening and contemplating something.

“In fact, I have a very good opinion of you and General Heidrich.” dh0Qts

After a while, confirming that Eva’s confession had ended, Nero spoke.

“Especially General Heidrich, he enjoys all the praise from me that an imperial commander deserves.”

Eva hurriedly said, “I am deeply grateful…”

“But this doesn’t mean I fully agree with every decision your family has made. I also don’t quite like your idea of ‘tools.'” OhREzb

Nero put down his fingertips and began cutting the steak on his plate again. “As a monarch, I prefer to see my subjects develop all their potential, rather than willingly becoming ‘tools’ who cease to think with human minds.”

“When a person is placed in a position where they can maximize their talents and truly fulfill their ideals, they can forget all the troubles brought by work and continuously create value for the Galactic Empire.”

“Of course, before that, it is very necessary to give this person enough opportunities to choose, and the initial number of opportunities is determined by education.”

Mimir, who didn’t read as much as Eva, exclaimed, “Ah,” foolishly asking, “Your Majesty, are you going to make those Omegas memorize vocabulary?” h4vdpo

Eva understood, but she still replied soberly, “It won’t be that easy, Your Majesty.”

The silver-haired Emperor had obviously heard this kind of thing too many times, but he didn’t argue with her, just proudly curled his lips.

So, in addition to the heavy provincial meetings, the Emperor had another new job:

He designated the Mirror Spring Palace, where the Omegas were settled, as an educational pilot site, and began to dispatch incoming Beta teaching staff and intelligent teaching assistant robots from the Capital. fgM9xB

For some inspection needs, the first batch of dispatched teaching staff included various disciplines, including architecture, mecha, starship design, literature, philosophy, and various sciences.

After carefully examining the architectural drawings drawn by Eva and Mimir, the Emperor considered for several days and selected more teachers from the architecture and art education departments.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This move caused a sensation among the young noble group in the Capital who were waiting eagerly for the Emperor to pick a wife from the over 200 unmarked Omegas recently arrived in the Capital.

Some speculated that the teenage tyrant Nero was tired of the foolish beautiful Omega and decided to change his taste, nurturing a batch of smart and clever new lovers for himself. But with over 200 Omegas, even the descendants of the brave Kaises Family would find it extremely challenging to handle them completely—especially with the Emperor’s disability in both feet. QVvdz2

So, although it was absurd for the nobles, a more plausible speculation began to spread in the Capital:

Nero might really be preparing to educate the Omegas for the purpose of cultivating talents, allowing the Omegas, who were only fit to be submissive under them, to receive imperial education!

“My knowledge is meant to serve the outstanding noble offspring, to be ready to serve the dukes and marquises at any time, and to provide counsel for the lords!”

At the noble banquet in the Solar Palace, a young Beta who was about to be sent to Mirror Spring Palace cursed angrily to his companions. ITRD9b

“I’d rather die than go teach those Omega pigs!”


A deafening gunshot.

The glass in the Beta’s hand shattered. 1su2nm

The banquet hall erupted in screams, and the palace musicians were so frightened that their bows fell to the ground.

The Beta screamed and jumped onto the table, about to call the guards to drag out the assassin, but then realized that the Emperor, who rarely appeared at banquets recently, had entered the banquet hall at some point.

At this moment, the teenage tyrant was leaning against the lap of the White Wolf Knight, holding a burst-energy gun steady in his hand.

Squinting his crimson eyes for a moment, Nero turned his head and smiled at the astonished ministers beside him, saying, “As you said, the improved burst-energy gun indeed has much lower recoil. I will grant you the power to promote the use of improved firearms in the Capital garrison.” i4q52s

“…Thank you very much, Your Majesty…”

With that, the silver-haired Emperor hooked the cloak of the White Wolf Knight and let the knight slowly approach the Beta teacher.

The Beta knew that disaster was imminent and had not yet had time to kneel down. The barrel of the gun, which had just emitted a scorching beam, had already lifted his chin forcefully.

“Your knowledge comes from the Royal Academy, and this academy was founded by my great-grandfather, Emperor Basar Kaises, nurtured by the Royal Family with 80 million credits annually, and the faculty is personally selected by the Emperor’s Minister of Education—” yOBuDH

Amidst the Beta’s unbearable cries of pain, the Emperor’s crimson eyes seemed to smile but not smile, but the force in his hand continued to increase.

“Do you understand what I mean? The knowledge you pride yourself on, even if it’s a piece of Latin or a sentence of poetry, belongs to the Emperor. When I need to use your knowledge, you’d better present it with the most sincere attitude, with both hands; otherwise, I will be greatly troubled on how to retrieve knowledge from your brain!”

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With that, as if just noticing the silence in the banquet hall, he smiled and raised his head, gesturing to the court musicians, “Don’t mind, please continue playing.”

7 dVDM

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  1. Woww so spiteful, I like it~ haha I’m glad he’s subverting expectations and giving omegas a chance at what others take away from them :’)))