After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 58

Hooves trod across a carpet of fresh flowers.

The fragrant flower petals were crushed into the ancient stone road at the base of the Holy Mountain by iron hooves adorned with pure gold. nRHwtE

The ceremonial procession of the Temple was originally meant for the Emperor and the Holy Son to ride together on a vessel, passing all the holy pilgrimage sites.

However, those waiting for the procession vessel were shocked to find that leading the main vessel was a column of magnificent horses adorned with lavish ornaments.

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The silver-haired Emperor, riding a snow-white warhorse, bore his usual cold and indifferent expression.

His heavy imperial cloak elegantly trailed behind him on the horseback, falling down at the tail, covered with fresh flowers thrown from the Holy Mountain. kmXcEL

Due to ongoing wars in the Empire, the red-robed bishops and temple priests were informed that the Emperor would only tour the base of the Holy Mountain this time before immediately returning to the Capital.

As for this ancient method of procession, which could only have existed during the ancient Earth era, they received an explanation that hardly seemed explanatory:

The Emperor felt that occasional nostalgia helps to awaken people’s affection for their mother planet.

Of course, this explanation did not convince the clergy, who considered themselves more noble than the Kaises Family.


However, the blessing kiss easily imprinted by the Holy Son has caused a revolutionary change in the image of this generation’s Emperor within the Temple—despite the clear indication of ‘this is not traditional,’ the bishops’ gazes at the Emperor now contained a complex mix of scrutiny and retreat.

In a way, Nero enjoyed the fear he inspired in the forces of the Temple.

In the not-too-distant future, when he decides to fully extend his rule into the Delphi Star System, this will bring him considerable convenience.

The silver-haired Emperor, riding on horseback, remained composed under the fearful gazes of the crowd trembling along the sides of the path. 9LY0ab

As with previous processions, his gaze only met the backs of the followers, hunched and trembling on the stone path.

However, when he inadvertently glanced over the rear of the crowd, he saw a few subjects whose style stood out.

These people were wrapped in warm and bright clothing, their excitement far exceeding numb fear.

Although they were forcibly squeezed to the outskirts of the spectator crowd, they still tried to stretch their necks, looking in the direction of the Emperor. upEkMS

After inadvertently locking eyes with Nero, those few heads, which had been eagerly watching him, quickly retracted into the prostrating crowd.

They huddled together, excitedly chattering, but Nero, being too far away, could not hear clearly.

However, when he looked up and recognized the familiar modules awkwardly perched on the rooftops of their houses, he immediately understood::

These people were likely from the Charon Star System. tAJKR9

The Charon Star System was the first territorial star system Nero reclaimed from the nobility and directly ruled after his ascension to the throne. Charon Star System was located on the edge of the northern border, quite a distance from the Delphi Star System.

For such a peripheral star system, it is rare for citizens to spend several months traveling specifically to Delphi for the ceremony.

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Nero narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that the Temple’s influence had already penetrated the most remote corners of the Empire before he had returned to his throne. fmyGhn

“…Long live the Emperor~~~”

Perhaps finally gathering enough courage, the Charon Star System’s citizens squeezed in the back of the crowd weakly shouted out, drawing the astonished attention of a large circle of people around them.

Under the strange gazes of others, the Charon Star System’s citizens had to retract their heads again. Their sporadic shouts were drowned out in the grand hymns and failed to reach the distant sovereign.

They could only watch helplessly as the fresh red royal robe covered in petals gradually receded from view. 50BmnT

“Alas… we spent 5 months flying to Delphi, just to catch a glimpse of His Majesty, and then it was over…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Well, it’s still better than those in the Charon Star System who can only watch the live broadcast online!”

Ktf qgbmfrrlbc mbcalcefv. Rfgb, glvlcu bc tbgrfyjmx, tfiv atf gflcr lc bcf tjcv jcv reyais rtbbx tlr gbsji gbyf klat atf batfg, mbnfglcu qjga bo atf rjvvif’r ogbca. dmpkCH

Dfobgf atf qgbmfrrlbc, atf Qtlaf Qbio Bcluta tjv mtfmxfv tlr mbmmsufji lwqijca rlaf. Ktf mbcvlalbc tjv cba lwqgbnfv; la kjr jr lo jii tlr qjlc rfcrjalbcr tjv yffc jygeqais rfnfgfv jcv agjcrobgwfv lcab jcbatfg ragjcuf rfcrlylilas—

Despite having just been treated by the White Wolf Knight, Nero was, after all, only a vigorous 18-year-old.

His buttocks and legs, fixed on the saddle, took some of the pressure off his coccyx, but because the implant site was injured, it inevitably rubbed against the saddle.

Normally, Nero would have felt excruciating pain, but at this moment, his coccyx only felt a strange itchiness, accompanied by waves of heat rising in his lower abdomen. For a moment, he could not distinguish which sensation was more troubling. pieOmq

Nero’s emotions were complex as he glanced back at the Holy Son on the procession vessel.

The Holy Son stood at the very front of the deck, his snow-white hair topped with a wreath, his white robe fluttering gently in the breeze.

Despite the deafening shouts of the faithful and the rain of flowers thrown at him, he held onto the railing of the procession vessel, his golden eyes fixed on Nero’s retreating figure.

Seeing Nero suddenly turn around, he was taken aback, and a childlike joy appeared on his flawless, beautiful face. LC32yr

But soon, he realized that the young Emperor was not particularly grateful to him.

Even as their eyes met, Nero’s expression was a bit sour, his lips pressed coldly downward.

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The Holy Son was stunned again, his smile quickly fading, replaced by an innocent and bewildered look.

At the end of the Holy Mountain procession route, Nero stopped looking back at the Holy Son. 57dahs

He gripped the reins with one hand, squeezed the horse’s belly with his legs, urging the steed to quicken its pace, turning onto the fork leading to the starship port.

As the bridge of the Emperor’s starship was lowering, the Emperor, while removing his riding gloves, asked the Wolf Knight stationed on the starship, “Have there been any major issues reported during my three-day stay at the Temple?”

“Your Majesty, excluding the routine greetings from the nobility, you have received a total of 142 audience requests. There are 6 from Major General Heidrich, 78 from the temporary Star Province Committee, 9 from the Imperial Science Bureau, and 12 from the Medical Academy.

“The remaining are from 18 Anchor Points under construction, the Charon Star System’s committee, the Winter Spring Star System’s committee, the Imperial Chief Engineer, and the Minister of Construction. In addition, there are 239 star province bills pending.” 8U31dM

“Good,” Nero pondered, “Has Heidrich sent a combat report?”

“Yes, Your Majesty, after his audience request was not approved.”

“Submit it to me along with the others.”

“As you command, Your Majesty.” GaRdht

The White Wolf Knight had already swiftly dismounted, reaching out to lift the Emperor from the horseback.

Nero pushed himself up with his hands, sliding into the knight’s embrace, his arms naturally hooking around his neck.

After coming out of the fragrant purification room, the White Wolf Knight’s mood was not calm.

But the Temple procession followed immediately, and he had to prioritize Nero’s personal safety unconditionally. OD7Qem

Now that the procession was over, the young Emperor, still fragrant, slid into his arms, and the knight had to exert all his strength to ignore the lingering sensual touch on his palm—Damn it… Enough! Stop ruminating!

“And,” Nero suddenly turned back to the White Wolf Knight, “before I start working, do it for me again, like you did just now.”

His tone and expression were so natural, followed by a series of instructions like reviewing reports, that the White Wolf Knight subconsciously responded, “As you command, Your Majesty… wait, what? No!”

The tall knight almost tripped over his own feet on the bridge. dgehxN

Perhaps it was the urgency in the knight’s voice, but the young Emperor, who had never been treated this way, suddenly furrowed his brows.

“…You refuse me?”

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Nero seemed incredulous, his red eyes blinking for quite a while before he murmured again, “You refuse me…?”

The surrounding Wolf Knights, who had been silently guarding, also slowly raised their heads at this moment, looking at the White Wolf Knight being questioned by the Emperor. hfcnzl

The White Wolf Knight felt as if on pins and needles, sweating profusely under his armor from the intense gaze of his fellow Wolf Knights.

He stiffly quickened his pace onto the ship, while Nero patiently explained to him, “Just like in the purification room. I need to be sufficiently sober and rational to start dealing with state affairs.”

He thought the White Wolf Knight was backing out due to a lack of confidence and, after thinking for a moment, encouraged him:

“Moreover, you did very well just now. You didn’t hurt me, and you dealt with my untimely arousal appropriately—” foa ik

Before Nero could finish his sentence, the White Wolf Knight finally carried him into the sleeping cabin and punched the button to close the door.

The door closed with a sound.

After ensuring the Wolf Knights were completely cut off from the outside, the White Wolf Knight finally placed the young man on the bed, and, as if drained of all strength, slowly knelt before the bed.

“Your Highness,” he said almost weakly, “if they heard that, I would surely be killed…” 2Jl4ai

Nero sat on the bed looking at him, still frowning, not understanding.

He thought for a moment, lifted the cloak covering his front, and opened his legs to the White Wolf Knight, showing him his current predicament.

“Alexei, look,” he sincerely showed himself to the other, “I’ve become like this again.”

Despite being forced to leave the court at the age of 8, the royal etiquette taught to him from a young age was clearly deeply ingrained in the young Emperor’s blood. jEu2ec

His expression and posture were elegant and noble, yet he was making an almost inviting gesture to the White Wolf Knight—almost enough to completely melt the latter’s rational nerves.

“If this is an offense to you, please understand that it is not my intention.”

The silver-haired Emperor’s voice remained calm.

“I will consult with the other Wolf Knights. If I can learn how to handle it myself quickly, I won’t trouble you all in the future.” Q3cM4z

The White Wolf Knight’s eyes trembled.

His soul seemed to be torn in two, one part kneeling under the emblem of the Silverleaf Rose, frantically confessing and seeking absolution, praying for the Kaises Family he swore to serve loyally, to punish him for defiling his pure and innocent young master;

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The other part, like a devil, manipulated his hands, pressing down on Nero’s still-open legs, urging them to spread further apart.

“Alexei,” Nero shifted back a bit, “you’re pressing a bit hard.” AfpmQ1

“…Please be aware, this is not an offense to me, my master.”

The knight desperately looked at his uncontrollable hands, while squeezing out words from his about-to-shatter sanity.

“…I… I am willing to do anything for you, including… including these…”

“But I implore you, never again show this demeanor to a second person, nor mention or speak of it to others…” YU6 4w

“Of course.”

Nero’s eyes and the tip of his nose had already begun to blush with a vivid rose color.

Yet his expression still carried a faint confusion, as if he were recounting a fact that should be self-evident.

“Would I allow others to freely enter my chamber and disengage my neural exoskeleton at will?” gjH9kT

…This is not the same thing at all, Your Highness!

The White Wolf Knight’s inner cry almost spilled from his lips.

A complex emotion, mixed with powerlessness and sweetness, luck and guilt, swept through his heart.

After a fierce internal struggle, the knight, as if bewitched, finally silently undid the tense buttons of the other. dJlhiP

Compared to the naive curiosity, astonishment, and unpreparedness in the clean room, the Emperor, with his naturally strong learning ability, entered the state unusually quickly this time.

His ten fingers were enveloped by the knight’s broad palms, and the delicate white backs of his hands were rubbed raw by the man’s calloused palms.

The novel pleasure he had never experienced in the first half of his life surged through his body again, making Nero’s spine tingle and his red pupils contentedly narrow.

“…Your Majesty…” 4UaIH5


Hearing the knight’s sudden hoarse call, Nero unconsciously responded. His hands suddenly clenched the sheets, and his supple waist arched completely.

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It took a while before he collapsed back into the equally white sheets.

After resting for a moment, Nero slowly opened his wet eyelashes. kyHhM4

He still did not forget that as a monarch, he should always remember to reward his loyal servants, so he encouraged, “Well done, Alexei. I feel much better now.”

The other did not respond.

Nero propped a hand against the knight’s chest plate, intending to push him away. Unexpectedly, the Wolf Knight’s armor was as heavy as a boulder and did not budge.

Nero was stunned for two seconds, then looked up at the White Wolf Knight. n5Y1ld

Unfortunately, the wolf helmet was tightly sealed. He could not see what expression the unusually silent knight had now.

He pushed again.

Still, it did not move.

“You’re on my leg, clumsy wolf.” bgLDuJ

This time the knight finally moved.

He propped himself up with difficulty on both sides of Nero’s legs, and with a very strenuous posture, slowly rose from the edge of the bed.

Nero sat up and straightened his clothes. He took a tissue from the White Wolf Knight’s hand, wiped himself with one hand, and had already opened the light screen with the other.

After reviewing a combat report, he found that the knight, who was unusually silent today, still stood by the bed, like a sculpture with its head slightly drooping. w1uX0s

“What’s wrong?” Nero raised an eyebrow, “You’re a bit strange today.”

As he heard his master describe him as ‘strange,’ the White Wolf Knight seemed to take a deep breath, and his heavy armor clearly heaved.

Then, with a hoarse voice mixed with mechanical noise, he vaguely replied, “Your Majesty, please allow me to disengage my armor. I need to… clean the inside of the armor.”

To maintain combat readiness, the Wolf Knight’s armor had its own deep cleaning and life support functions. d2YWQM

Nero was not clear what else he needed to clean, but still reached out to touch the button behind his neck and considerately replied, “Of course. You can also use the cleaning equipment in my cabin.”

“…Thank you immensely, Your Majesty.”

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“You haven’t cleaned up properly,” Nero said, looking at his hands, “Take the tissue away and wipe it again.”

The knight, on his way to the cleaning cabin, paused, “…No need, Your Majesty.” wy9fOA

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  1. AyO 😳😳 he needs to clean inside his armor too huhhh

    Thank you for the updatesss~ that was a hell of a ride 🤭

  2. Omomomo 🤭 our poor white wolf, tormented by the naive Nero. What a tease!!

    Thank you for the updates as always! ❤️

  3. Okay, the scene wasn’t really explicit sooo… Where did the R-18 came from ? Was it the gore? 🤔