After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 19

Heydrich didn’t know how long he had been kneeling before he slowly moved his knees and stood up.

He dragged his shackles listlessly as he walked out. C7KrR8

The hallway looked like it had just been hit by a violent storm.

The Commander was slumped against the wall with a gray, despondent expression, the adjutant was busy recording some documents, and further away, at the bridge, soldiers and prisoners were mixed together, peering curiously in this direction.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When the adjutant saw Heydrich, he immediately turned to fetch the keys to the shackles: “Damn it! How could I forget about you?”

Heydrich walked past the Commander. RynbUh

He suddenly noticed.

The Commander had a slap mark on his right cheek, in the same position as his own.

The escort ship took off from Delta Fortress and silently blended into the patrol fleet.


Eva Heydrich, who had been struggling and kicking all the way to the ship, was thrown into the imperial flagship’s suite.

“Do you think by imprisoning me, torturing me, destroying my dignity, I’ll just submit obediently?”

As soon as Eva hit the ground, she lunged at the closed metal door, pounding it fiercely.

“I come from the invincible Heydrich family! Our family motto is the sharp edge of the blade—never surrender unless broken and melted! 2gwEd3

“If you want me to be a slave of the Kaises, you might as well kill me now!!”

She pounded the door until her eyes were bloodshot, and her fists were bruised and purple.

Until the wound on the back of her neck completely tore open, and she could no longer support herself, slumping weakly against the door.

Only then did a terrified young Omega slowly approach her. 8Udjae

He said softly, “There’s a lot of blood behind your bandage… Are you okay?”

Eva’s first sight was the collar around Mimir’s neck.

She couldn’t help but feel a wave of sorrow and asked, “Are you also an Omega slave imprisoned by him?”

Mimir, still looking terrified, shook his head. t1rdRS

He touched the door’s open button.

The door opened in response.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Eva: “…”

Mimir: “…” 90fZcW

She didn’t have time to think.

She quickly got up and ran out.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vagjcufis, jr Snj raewyifv jcv gjc jgbecv atf yglvuf, cbcf bo atf Pwqfglji Qbio Bclutar rajcvlcu uejgv bc flatfg rlvf rabqqfv tfg. Pa kjrc’a ecali rtf mtjgufv abkjgvr j tfjnlis uejgvfv vbbg atja j Qbio Bcluta yibmxfv tfg.

Ktf uejgv gjlrfv tlr uec jcv mbivis rjlv, “Efraglmafv jgfj, qifjrf ifjnf lwwfvljafis.” lV6k1s

Eva was about to flee when she saw a medic carrying a medical kit being brought over by a Wolf Knight from the other end of the corridor.

“Honorable Miss, I am following His Majesty’s orders to treat your wounds.”

Compared to Eva, the ship’s medic was clearly accustomed to being carried around by the Wolf Knights.

He even managed to salute her with a standard noble gesture while suspended in the air. GtMcud

“His Majesty said you had cut out your Omega gland yourself. This is no small matter. Without proper treatment, it could lead to severe secondary infections, potentially life-threatening…”

Eva, struggling to stay conscious, forcefully pushed the medic’s hand away:

“Get away from me! I don’t need the devil’s son pretending to be kind here!”

The weakened girl staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. lFLXsT

At that moment, she heard a door open behind the Wolf Knight.

A cold scent of roses wafted through.

The scent of an undifferentiated Alpha’s pheromones was faint, only perceptible to a pure Omega’s senses.

This was the unique scent of the Emperor’s pheromones. 9O0CRb

“…Nero Kaises! Your mad, cannibalistic family… The blood debt of the Heydrich family… You can never repay it in this lifetime!”

Eva, losing too much blood, her vision blurring, and her tongue growing numb, could only see a pair of military boots adorned with silver leaves pass by her without hesitation, accompanied by a gust of wind.

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No matter how harsh the insults hurled at him, the silver-haired Emperor did not waver for a second.

It was as if he had already given all his emotions, aspirations, and even his life to some distant, vast cause. gL9aJl

From then on, there was only one path before him, and he would never look back.

“Heal her.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Nero’s voice, as cold as his pheromones, gradually faded from Eva’s ears. fxKE4y

From early July to mid-August, Nero had been patrolling along the Empire’s border.

The noble lords of each territory’s star system had prepared the Emperor’s palace and filled it with tributes and Omegas;

Yet, they waited in their fortress in vain, only to be informed that the Royal Fleet had already moved to the next border outpost. GUgPvQ

This left many nobles bewildered, unable to help but secretly speculate about the Emperor’s intentions.

“News from the Capital says that His Majesty grew tired of palace life and decided to tour for leisure… But there’s nothing but asteroids and a bunch of Star Pirates at the border, what’s there to see?”

“Idiot, you don’t understand His Majesty’s mind! Do you know His Majesty once spent ten years fleeing at the border? He’s touring to revisit old haunts!”

“Haven’t you heard the latest news? His Majesty dismissed the Commander of Delta Fortress, took an Omega with him, and promoted that Omega’s brother? Maybe there was some past love-hate relationship…” 3iv8AR

Grand Duke Harrison took the intelligence report and, after skimming through it briefly, shoved the screen aside.

“Whatever, my nephew always acts on a whim. As long as he doesn’t interfere with my mining veins in the North, he can do whatever he wants.”

“Yes, His Majesty the Emperor is still just a child seeking novelty… But it seems that the Omega the Duke gifted him before has fallen out of favor. Poor thing…”

Grand Duke Harrison snorted, “Even if I could control the government, could I control which Omega the Emperor wants to bed? The more he indulges in pleasure, the further he stays from state affairs, which is all the better for us.” ON2JY

The ministers gathered around the imperial table nodded repeatedly, while stroking the heads of the Omegas resting on their laps.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nero sat in the command room chair, staring absentmindedly at the star map floating in the air.

He had updated the northern border region. Beyond the bustling fortresses and densely populated star systems, there lay a vast, terrifying void. rySJzU

Nero propped his chin on his hand, occasionally marking outposts on several abandoned asteroids with a photon pen, only to shake his head and erase them again.

An urgent communication came through.

“Your Majesty! Star Pirates are invading!”

The screen in front of Nero lit up, revealing a panicked face. CsHF3m

It was the Commander of the garrison troops sent by Grand Duke Harrison to protect him.

“Over 500,000 enemy ships are advancing rapidly! Please issue an order, Your Majesty!”

Nero turned off the photon pen.

“What kind of order do you still need?” aRkKsC

He said, “Annihilate them. Make sure they never dare approach the Empire’s border again.”

The garrison Commander, mouth agape, could only sweat profusely and blink furiously.

“…As you command, Your Majesty…”

Nero sat in the command chair, watching the battle on the giant screen. hjy1Zi

The 200,000-strong fleet of the garrison formed a protective circle around the Emperor’s starship, trembling as they waited with all cannons aimed outward.

In the surrounding space, tens of thousands of starship navigation lights emerged like ghosts.

It was as if a pack of hungry wolves’ eyes were lighting up one after another in a pitch-black forest.

“In the name of His Majesty the Emperor, open fire!” wtSWRI

The battle began.

Lethal beams capable of shattering a small asteroid in an instant wove a dense web of fire, nearly turning the dark void into daylight.

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At the 13th minute of the battle, Nero could no longer contain his anger. He slammed the photon pen onto the table with a loud bang.

“I really hope that one day, when I stand up from here, there will be hundreds—no, thousands to take over for me.” mAVdYS

He spun the empty command chair a few times before pulling up his royal robe and striding out of the command room with the White Wolf Knight.

At the 28th minute of the battle, the Commander’s face reappeared on the screen in the command room. His face was even paler, with chaotic figures running behind him:

“Your Majesty! We are surrounded by enemy ships!” g7m2Oq

“I have requested reinforcements from the neighboring star systems. Please issue a tactical retreat order!”

“Your Ma… Your Majesty?!”

At that moment, the mecha hangar beneath the silver-haired Emperor’s flagship was brightly lit.

Nero sat in the cockpit, put on tactical gloves, and grasped the control sticks with a blank expression. jeH6pS

[Pilot detected in position.]

[Establishing neural link… Entering mental sea…]

Tens of thousands of glowing neural fibers descended, merging into Nero’s silver hair.

Simultaneously, the giant entity outside the cockpit began to move its ten fingers slowly, clenching and unclenching them. v2jTPs

The System, squeezed among the neural fibers, curled up tremblingly: [W-wow.]

Nero opened his eyes again.

His red pupils were now covered with a layer of silver light.

The System was amazed: [Wow—!!] m7Iy30

[Synchronization rate, 25%, 44%, 75%, 99%, 124%… Pilot’s mental strength too high, exceeding the threshold. Warning: potential risk of mental damage.]

Nero opened the full fleet communication channel.

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“From this moment on, the entire fleet will follow the Emperor’s command,” he said. “Anyone who disobeys will be executed on the spot!”

[5 seconds to full activation.] quOkf2

[…5, 4, 3, 2, 1.]

The giant mecha, silently bowing its head in the shadows, suddenly lit up its eye lights.

The hangar doors opened fully.

More than thirty huge black mechas launched from the ship, silently gliding into the deep space. ZL4OuY


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  1. Ugh, the image of ‘lap dog’ duty omegas makes me feel so repulsed. I know this is the setting we are going with but sdagdghfh. slavery BAD.

    still, such good work on writing this tyrant QQ hooked

  2. ha the disgusting nobles that laugh at others while themselves being lecherous mutts…. Anyways, I just thought of something, why does the heydrich family hate the kaises family? they’re as much victims as everyone else, right?

    • In chapter 14, it said that Nero’s Father and Rupert convicted Hermann’s Father of destroying a populated planet. Hermann’s father killed himself and Rupert was afraid of other Heidrich Family members for taking revenge on him so he sent them to different prisons and the Empire’s borders, Hermann’s mother also gets tortured for 3 days before getting killed by Star Pirates… and so on!

  3. I wonder how their reaction would be when Nero differentiated into an omega and can still easily kick their ass lol.