After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 16

After several days of incessant court banquets, the nobles helplessly realized that the young Emperor had quickly grown tired of such a lifestyle once again.

During a council meeting, he announced that he would commence his first nationwide tour since his coronation, starting with the long northern frontier of the Empire. f1umYC

Despite their shock, Grand Duke Harrison and the other council ministers found this somewhat expected after private discussions. They were just surprised that Nero had planned the tour so soon.

The tour was an old tradition of the Kaises Family.

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In times of peace, an Emperor from the Kaises Family could spend up to half of their reign touring the Empire.

After all, a royal family that ascended the throne by being the most formidable could not tolerate being cooped up in the Capital all day. rO0VsX

The Emperor needed to constantly inspect the vast imperial territories, review the military, and reinforce the border defenses to be ready for any external threats.

Before departure, Grand Duke Harrison made a show of seeing him off, saying, “Your Majesty, I will dispatch two million troops from my dominion to ensure your safety during the northern tour. May the Holy Son guide and protect you, ensuring your safe return.”

Nero, sitting with the White Wolf Knight by his side, looked down at him with his red eyes, a slight smile playing on his lips:

“Of course, Uncle. And I hope the Holy Son protects you as well, for your loyalty is the solid foundation of the Empire.”

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Grand Duke Harrison forced a few laughs and retreated awkwardly back to the side of the high-ranking nobles.

Further behind the nobles, among the crowd, four or five Wolf Knights, disguised as attendants, silently bid farewell to the young Emperor with their eyes.

The Royal Fleet passed through the Capital Fortress and jumped into the warp corridor, traveling at warp speed 9. swgXi9

The warp corridor greatly compressed space, reducing the actual travel distance of the starships.

A starship traveling at full speed in the warp corridor could cross the Delphi Solar System in just 12 seconds.

However, even at such terrifying speed, it would take about six days to travel from the Capital Star System to the northern fortress.

Nero was in his cabin reading confidential reports when he heard a faint sound at the door. Sq5Evw

He looked up to see Mimir carefully sitting down by the door with a book in his hands.

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He almost forgot. To prevent infiltration while he was away from the capital, he had brought an Omega living in the palace onto the starship.

Ywfuj, lctfgfcais cbc-juugfrrlnf jcv kfjglcu jc Crlwbn Jbiijg, kjr jiibkfv lc ys atf ujaf-uejgvlcu Qbio Bclutar.

Rfgb aegcfv boo atf tbibugjqtlm rmgffc jcv jrxfv, “Qtja ybbx jgf sbe gfjvlcu, Zlwlg?” zwU38j

Zlwlg gfqilfv rboais, “Tbeg Zjpfras, P jw gfjvlcu ‘Ktf Jtgbclmifr bo atf Bjlrfr Swqfgbgr’ ogbw sbeg ybbxrtfio.”

Rfgb: “Jjc sbe ecvfgrajcv la?”

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Mimir: “Your Majesty, some words are too long and hard to read… but I can understand the general meaning.”

Nero: “Come sit by my side.” za svi

Mimir was startled and whispered, “Your Majesty, may I?” Nero didn’t answer him directly, but patted the spot next to him.

Since the secondary differentiation of humans into ABO genders, Alphas undoubtedly became the top labor force, followed by the numerous Betas.

Lastly, there were the Omegas, an extremely rare minority.

From birth, natural Omegas were extremely delicate and could not possess mental power. Additionally, they had an unavoidable physiological defect—heat periods. pWH1fy

An Omega in heat would desperately crave to be marked by a partner, even losing their sanity in emptiness, frantically seeking an Alpha for mating like a beast.

An Omega’s pheromones during heat could also trigger nearby Alphas into rut, sometimes leading to violent group assaults.

Early in human differentiation, Omegas were once valued and treated well by the Old Federation because they could bear the best offspring.

But with the rapid development of genetic editing and external embryo cultivation technologies, natural reproduction was no longer the only option for humans. j7upR4

Omegas lost their reproductive value, and coupled with frequent revolts and wars in the late Old Federation, they, being unable to protect themselves and prone to unexpected heat, quickly saw their status plummet.

In the early days of the Empire, Emperor Caesar issued an edict implementing a centralized management system under the guise of protection for Omegas.

However, over time, Omegas, weak and prone to sudden heat, became playthings for the privileged class.

Many poor families, upon detecting that their child would become an Omega, would stop investing in their education and sell them to so-called Omega trainers in exchange for a large sum of money. sluVdU

Mimir sat next to Nero, leaning over the small desk, copying new words under Nero’s guidance.

Compared to the elegant and flowing handwriting of the silver-haired Emperor, Mimir’s writing was crooked and squiggly like worms.

However, he memorized each word seriously after writing it down, earnestly learning the long words.

Nero tested his memory once, his tone very calm: “You’ve learned enough for today.” Ko7rZx

Mimir nodded vigorously. He checked the time, then looked down at his toes, his face turning red again from the earlobes: “Your Majesty, if you need me to sleep with you…”

Nero sighed: “I don’t need that.”

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The White Wolf Knight loudly opened the door, scaring Mimir nearly to death.

Thus, the Omega picked up his stool and quickly ran out: “Your Majesty, please allow me to take my leave!” Lxh8un

“You seem to always be hostile towards him.” As Nero was being dressed and helped into bed, he expressed some confusion, “You used to be quite gentlemanly with those Omega ladies and gentlemen.”

The White Wolf Knight was fastening his buttons but struggled for a long time without success.

After a prolonged silence, his muffled voice emerged from the helmet: “Your Majesty, with all due respect, I don’t think this Omega has any value that warrants your special attention.”

Nero replied, “I am not giving him special attention. As a tool to help shape my image, I believe Mimir has perfectly fulfilled his role.” CT428f

The White Wolf Knight grumbled softly, “But you let him read the books on your shelf!”

Nero was even more puzzled: “What’s wrong with that? The books are on the shelf. If you like, you can take them down and read them too.”

The White Wolf Knight’s voice grew quieter, “You also taught him to read, took him on hunting trips—”

His words were cut off as Nero reached out and removed the White Wolf Knight’s helmet from behind. R7Ucdw

The Knight’s incredibly handsome face was exposed. His blue eyes widened as he looked at his young master.

“Go on, my friend.” Nero hooked his fingers around the helmet, smiling slightly, “I still don’t understand what is bothering you. Since entering the Capital, we haven’t had a chance to talk like this in a while.”

The White Wolf Knight placed his hands on either side of Nero’s knees, struggling to find the right words.

In truth, he was somewhat confused himself. 3Yn19

He only knew that when Nero looked at an Omega who could potentially be his mate, even if it was just a polite glance, it made him feel a deep sense of unease.

Yes, Nero would inevitably grow up; he couldn’t remain the little prince who slept soundly in his arms forever.

One day, he would become a powerful Alpha ruling the Empire, just like his father and brothers; he would also choose a beautiful and exceptional Omega to spend his life with. If possible, he would pour all his unseen tenderness and love into his chosen partner…

The White Wolf Knight frowned deeply, feeling a surge of frustration. H6P5Jo

Compared to his almost dreamlike affection for the Holy Son, this frustration felt exceedingly real, so real that it seemed to tug at his chest, leaving a bitter taste in his throat.

He struggled to justify his lapse in composure:

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“Your Majesty, you are about to differentiate into an Alpha, and I understand you will choose an Omega to mate with. However, as your knight, I feel obligated to remind you that if you are going to choose an Omega, it should be the best in the Empire, no, the best in the universe…”

“Only the best Omega can be worthy of you, not just anyone picked from the Mirror Spring Palace…” YjOdKQ

“Is that so?” Nero found his serious tone amusing, “Then, can you, in your capacity as a knight, tell me what kind of Omega would be worthy of me?”

It was clear the White Wolf Knight had never considered such a question.

Thus, when answering, he was hesitant and stammered, “First… first, their family background should be extremely prestigious, their manners and education should match the royal family’s. If possible, they should share similar interests and hobbies with you…”

Then he remembered that the Omega named Mimir seemed to like reading, just like Nero. 3jXqgs

So he swallowed his words, “—but that might not be necessary. More importantly, they should have complete love and compassion for you. If possible, they should be able to empathize deeply with the pain you’ve endured…” His voice trailed off, and he looked down at the broken foot in his hand.

The intense feeling of guilt surging within him made him uncontrollably lower his head and gently kiss the pale, delicate foot.

Nero did not stop him but his leg twitched involuntarily, seemingly unprepared for the knight to begin his own declaration.

“…Most importantly,” the knight’s blue eyes shone with a cold, blade-like light, “they should possess unconditional loyalty and sufficient combat strength. In any situation, they should be able to tear your enemies apart and crush them to dust…!” HyMklA

“Are you talking about an Omega?” Nero lifted his chin, amusement in his eyes, “Where am I supposed to find an Omega with strong combat abilities to be my Empress? And besides you, who else could empathize with my experiences?”

The White Wolf Knight was stunned, blinking his blue eyes at the Emperor for a long moment, before suddenly flushing red as if something had choked him.

He said nothing more, quickly tucking Nero into bed, turning off the lights, and sitting down with his back to the bed, on guard, not daring to move.

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