After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 14

The man’s style was markedly different from that of the White Wolf Knight.

He wore a jet-black, impeccably tailored Imperial military uniform, draped with a high-ranking officer’s cape embroidered with silver roses. His chest and shoulders were adorned with medals of various sizes. OHmosV

Under the shadow of his military hat, his deep and piercing eyes were set off by furrowed brows. Below that were the distinct features of someone from the northern regions of the Empire: a high-bridged nose and thin, sharp lips.

Though he also had blue eyes, the man’s irises were an extremely pale, almost icy color, reminiscent of frigid icebergs submerged in the ocean’s depths. When he stared at someone, the oppressive aura and intensity of his gaze made it difficult for others to resist his commands.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

To the left of his half-body portrait, a six-dimensional radar chart spun into view.

The chart, measuring attractiveness, strategy, insight, tactics, overall perspective, and combat ability, formed a perfect hexagon. 9bwz6K

The System was noticeably excited: [Please, please let this System introduce! The true hexagonal warrior, the most popular and most hated Marshal in The Passion of the Holy Son!]

[The confidant of the Tyrant Nero, the renowned god-tier general, and the Blade of the Empire!]

[Until that day, at the festival, when the Marshal caught a fleeting glimpse of the Holy Son, he thought his heart would never waver. For the first time, he felt an intense desire to imprison someone and…□□□□…]

Nero seemed a bit disinterested, chuckling softly. [Why, you seem quite fond of him?]


The System responded seriously, [Teacher, this is a misunderstanding of my professional integrity. As a system that loves reading NP literature, it’s my duty to love every character I meet.]

Nero casually scrolled down to read the comments.

The comments, however, were somewhat unexpected.

Since the System claimed this character was the most popular in the original work, he should have received many praises from the readers. goVv9f

However, the reality was quite the opposite.

[The cool dude who doesn’t talk can get the hell off the bottom’s planet right now = =###Btw, the Holy Son is still delicious in this chapter, thank you Holy Son, hso~~]

[Heinrich isn’t just a cool dude who doesn’t talk, thank you. It insults other silent cool gongs. He simply doesn’t love the Holy Son, purely a heartless player who doesn’t even bother to sweet-talk the Holy Son. Btw, the usual thanks to the Holy Son.]

[Damn… scrolling down and it’s all criticism, Heinrich really likes the Holy Son, okay? Didn’t you see he covered the Holy Son with a blanket after sleeping with him? But in his heart, establishing a new order is the most important. Thank you, Holy Son!] sbOL3d

[Sigh, am I the only one who likes pure ambition that outweighs all emotions T.T Plus, Heinrich isn’t establishing a new order for personal gain, it’s because of his tragic past and his sister’s death. Marshal top-tier beauty and strength TAT Also, thank you Holy Son today!]

[Damn, just because he covered the Holy Son with a blanket after sleeping with him, some of you are writing essays to prove there’s sweetness. If Leeuwenhoek had you as assistants, he wouldn’t have needed a microscope. Btw, thanks to the Holy Son, hsohso/////]

It seemed lively, but Nero didn’t understand a word.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

C gjgf qehhifv fzqgfrrlbc jqqfjgfv bc atf rlinfg-tjlgfv Swqfgbg’r ojmf. VpeIhO

He looked at the six-dimensional radar chart and asked, [What about mine?]

Ktf Vsrafw delmxis qeiifv eq Rfgb Bjlrfr’r rlz-vlwfcrlbcji gjvjg mtjga.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Cqqjgfcais, lc atf fsfr bo atf rb-mjiifv Zjlc Vsrafw, Rfgb kjr j raevfca klat j rxfkfv rxlii rfa.

Llr Kjmalmr vlwfcrlbc kjr jmaejiis rilutais lcofglbg ab Lflcglmt’r. FKv4tY

Lbkfnfg, tlr Caagjmalnfcfrr jcv Jbwyja Cylilas qlfgmfv atgbeut atf gjvjg mtjga’r ybecvjglfr.

This made the radar chart look like a cat’s head with sharp ears and a flat skull.

The System read from the character bio: [But it’s too early in the timeline for ‘the Tyrant’s favorite’ to appear. We’re not there yet, the Marshal should still be an exile…]

Nero heard the term a second time. [‘The Tyrant’s favorite’?] cUl5QP

System: [In the original work, it was mentioned multiple times that Heinrich was the most valued confidant of the original owner, even promoted to Marshal despite being the son of a criminal.]

[But the Marshal himself seemed indifferent to this. Therefore, his political enemies and other main attackers often called him ‘the Tyrant’s favorite’ to provoke him…]

Nero snorted coldly.

The young Emperor, with his beautiful eyes raised arrogantly, coldly looked at Heinrich’s half-body portrait, revealing a rare youthful pride. JBhd0s

[Hmph. Just a few data points and he thinks he can win the original owner’s favor? He’s far from qualified.]

The White Wolf Knight checked the time and left to bring Nero some hot milk.

He returned to find Nero had turned off the star map and was leaning against a cushion, watching a battle record on a light screen.

The knight avoided peering into the Emperor’s affairs. He averted his gaze and silently retreated to the door. ZW6TB1

An hour later, the milk in Nero’s hand had lost all its warmth.

Nero was still in the same position, eyes focused on the light screen.

The White Wolf Knight wanted to sigh but refrained, fearing to disturb the young Emperor. He took the cold milk and went out to replace it with hot milk.

When he bent down again and placed it in Nero’s hand, he felt his cape being tugged: “Alexei, come and look at this.” p97GOd

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The White Wolf Knight obediently crouched down next to Nero and looked at the light screen with him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The battle displayed on the light screen seemed to be happening in a remote fortress of the galaxy.

From the style of the starships, the White Wolf Knight identified one side of the conflict as the Empire and the other as the dominant force in the galaxy today—the Star Pirates. YDrwFk

The Empire was using old-style starships that had been retired ten years ago.

In terms of both firepower range and shield strength, they were far inferior to the heavily armed ships the Star Pirates had bought at high prices.

However, after about 1.2 cosmic hours of engagement, the Star Pirates suddenly began to collapse and scatter.

Nero played the next video. ISH1ER

Again, it was the Star Pirates attacking and the Empire defending; the same old ships against new ones.

This time, the Star Pirates lasted only 0.7 cosmic hours before inexplicably collapsing and fleeing.

The next video was the same.

Nero looked up at the White Wolf Knight’s glowing blue eye lights: “Do you see it?” vfdUYq

The White Wolf Knight hesitated for a moment, thinking before replying, “Your Majesty, all I can see is that this fortress has many excellent commanders.”

Nero corrected him: “They are commanders very skilled in blitzkrieg tactics. And the one commanding these battles is the same person. His personal style is very distinctive, look.”

He enlarged the light screen to show the position where the Star Pirates were suddenly annihilated.

From the dark void of deep space, several newly designed Imperial star destroyers emerged like ghosts, appearing in the rear of the Star Pirates’ fleet. xaHolN

The Imperial destroyers broke through the belly of the Star Pirates’ fleet in a wedge formation, followed by a swarm of old Imperial starships flooding through the breach, advancing rapidly into the enemy’s depths.

Nero said, “An excellent commander can perceive the weaknesses of the enemy and the strengths of his own side; but a top-level commander can even easily understand human nature, using everything at his disposal to the fullest.”

The light screen displayed a prolonged battle.

Perhaps due to a command error, during the first blitz attack failing to achieve immediate victory, the second blitz team was cut off by the enemy, falling into a heavy encirclement. OxP9lE

It was precisely at this moment that the two blitz teams, on the verge of being annihilated, suddenly burst forth with astonishing courage and combat strength due to the desperation of a fight to the death.

The Star Pirates’ fleet, which had the advantage of encircling them, was instantly dispersed by the blitz teams and caught in a pincer attack by the Empire.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nero said, “This is the Delta Fortress in the northern region of the Empire. I just confirmed with the Wolf Knight that during the reign of the rebels, this fortress was mainly used for exiling heavy criminals from the star prison.”

This meant that those piloting the old starships to fight the Star Pirates to the death were not even well-trained soldiers. Most were vicious criminals or political prisoners who had never been on a battlefield. f6dkIy

Nero ordered the Wolf Knight, “Send me Hermann Heidrich’s file.”

When initially reading the original work, Nero found the surname Heidrich somewhat familiar. However, because he couldn’t stand the so-called “main character” who fell in love every time he met the Holy Son, he didn’t specifically use the Wolf Knight to search.

When he opened the file, he remembered that during his father’s reign, the Heidrich family was once a prestigious military aristocracy of the Empire.

Hermann Heidrich’s father had even served as the military minister under the previous Emperor of Karagu, with outstanding military achievements. AsMf9I

Nero turned to the next page.

It was evident that the glory of the Heidrich family had not lasted long.

With the declining mental state of the previous Emperor of Karagu, the regent Rupert took control, and loyalists began to fall one after another.

Old Heidrich, being a soldier by birth and having a fiery temper, was the first to be purged and met the most tragic end. zYy4am

In just a few pages, each one seemed soaked in blood, exuding a strong scent of iron.

Two years before the Solar Palace Coup, twelve years ago, old Heidrich was convicted of causing the destruction of a populated planet by testing a secret weapon, and was sent to the highest military court.

Finally, the previous Emperor of Karagu and Rupert jointly convicted old Heidrich, holding him and his family responsible for the 1.8 billion lives on that planet.

The once heroic figure of the galaxy became a notorious war criminal at the whim of the Emperor. FnsLMk

Old Heidrich took his own life in prison using a hidden razor blade.

Rupert, fearing retaliation from the powerful Heidrich family, scattered them into different prisons or exiled them to the Empire’s border. This directly led to Hermann’s mother being captured and killed by Star Pirates after three days of torture.

Several of the younger Heidrich children also perished in the following years due to border conflicts and hard labor.

Nero calculated in his mind. J3HxtY

As the eldest son of the Heidrich family, Hermann Heidrich should have been only 16 or 17 years old back then.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

It refers to narratives involving multiple partners, where “NP” stands for “N people” or “N partners.” NP stories explore dynamics between multiple characters in complex relationship structures.

Translator's Note

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch scientist known as the “Father of Microbiology” for his pioneering work in improving the microscope and for his discoveries of microscopic life forms.

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  1. I really hate these nobles and that poison who usurped the throne. They are claiming that the royal family is bloodthirsty but they are the ones who are really heinous.