After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 12

“Sigh, colleagues, we are nothing like the traitor Rupert. We lack such despicable ambitions; we are merely pitiable landowners striving to protect our family properties,” Grand Duke Harrison sighed, feigning sorrow.

“As long as Emperor Nero does not take away our meager slice of the pie, we can coexist peacefully with the young Emperor and steer the Galactic Empire back on track, can’t we?” GQSCoB

“But what if the Emperor is forceful…”

“Marquis Valen,” Grand Duke Harrison’s sharp eyes turned to the worried Minister of Finance, “if I recall correctly, your territory’s Star System already has over four million troops stationed, right?”

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He then turned to the minister of war, “And you, Marquis David? Your territory houses the empire’s most powerful starship base. Without at least a hundred thousand star destroyers in reserve, how can you call yourself the Empire’s Minister of War?”

“The Emperor has the Wolf Knights too…” e5B PQ

“Oh… the Wolf Knights? Their deterrence was effective only before the coup at the Solar Palace. The Wolf Knights once numbered in the tens of thousands, guarding the Kaises Royal Family. But after Rupert’s regime’s large-scale purges, only around three hundred remain by the Emperor’s side now. The Emperor managed to capture the Capital because I opened the fortress gates for him in advance; even if every Wolf Knight is worth a thousand soldiers, Marquis David, do you think they can withstand several star destroyers?”

The nobles looked at each other again, whispering in shock, “Are you suggesting… another rebellion?”

“Who said that?” Grand Duke Harrison struck his cane angrily. “Who said that?! Didn’t you understand my words just now? We don’t have Rupert’s ambitions at all! We just want to use a basic comparison of military power that even a child could understand to protect our lawful gains from the Emperor!”

Just then, an attendant announced that the supreme ruler of the Galactic Empire had arrived.


The nobles immediately fell silent and took their seats.

The doors of the council chamber swung open, and the White Wolf Knight carrying the silver-haired, red-eyed young Emperor steadily approached the main seat.

Even though they had seen him countless times during the coronation ceremony, the striking beauty of the silver-haired Emperor easily drew everyone’s gaze. He leaned against the arm of the White Wolf Knight, his long legs in black military pants draped over the knight’s left arm. His red eyes were half-closed, maintaining the same lazy demeanor from the coronation.

However, he was not alone. VBWidO

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The hem of his royal robe, trailing on the ground, was being timidly held by an Omega wearing a collar. Since the establishment of the imperial council chamber, it had always been a solemn place for the Emperor and his ministers. Never before had an emperor dared to bring a pet so brazenly.

Mbg j wbwfca, atf cbyifr kfgf raeccfv, fzmtjculcu yfklivfgfv uijcmfr.


Rfgb rffwfv byilnlber ab atf cbyifr’ regqglrfv fzqgfrrlbcr. Fqbc rfflcu Xgjcv Gexf Ljgglrbc, tf bqfcfv tlr jgwr jcv mjiifv bea klat j rwlif. 0SRHUG

Xgjcv Gexf Ljgglrbc tegglfvis rabbv eq ab ugffa atf Swqfgbg.

“Zs vfjg ecmif, ws wbra vfqfcvjyif rfgnjca,” Rfgb’r rwlif gfjmtfv tlr fsfr, “Dflcu Swqfgbg lr rb yers. P vlvc’a fzqfma atja rlcmf fcafglcu atf Jjqlaji, la kbeiv ajxf ecali abvjs ab fwygjmf sbe ilxf atlr.”

Grand Duke Harrison glanced at the Omega under the Emperor’s cloak, “Indeed, Your Majesty, it’s clear you’ve been very busy.”

Nero hooked his finger around the collar on Mimir’s neck, gently pulling him in front of Grand Duke Harrison. tjkm70

“Tell him, my love. Tell him how pleased your Emperor is with you.”

“B-By Your Grace,” Mimir stammered, blushing deeply at the unusual address, “His Majesty has bestowed upon me the greatest favor. Even when bedridden, he has marked me three… three times.”

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Grand Duke Harrison beamed with delight. “Your Majesty, I will search the entire galaxy if necessary to present you with the most pleasing gifts!”

Nero had the White Wolf Knight set him down on the main seat. His polished black military boots rested on the table as he waited leisurely. ksL 1r

“What?” he questioned, seeing the silent ministers, raising a silver eyebrow. “I thought I was here to attend a council meeting today?”

Grand Duke Harrison hurriedly replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”

Contrary to the great nobles’ expectations, the council meeting proceeded smoothly.

The young Emperor’s demeanor perfectly matched that of an untrained prince, focused solely on revenge. sVw1SP

Initially, he made a weak effort to pay attention to the tedious tax reports and mundane territorial matters, but it became clear to everyone that the longer the meeting went on, the more distracted he became. Eventually, he had an attendant bring a small stool for his Omega to sit beside him. The two youths whispered and giggled, with Nero even breaking into laughter several times, disrupting the meeting.

The nobles exchanged glances, each seeing a mixture of satisfaction and disdain in the other’s eyes.

For a family that had ruled the Empire with a strong hand for nine hundred years and had a fierce reputation throughout the galaxy, the Kaises Family’s last descendant being such an inept emperor was both poignant and ironic. However, everyone knew that as long as Nero did not meddle too much in the Empire’s affairs, maintaining the status quo was the best option.

Due to the absent-minded person on the main seat, the council meeting gradually turned into an internal performance for the noble group. Only when Grand Duke Harrison mentioned the Minister of War’s one hundred thousand star destroyers did the silver-haired Emperor, who had been teasing Mimir, raise an eyebrow and direct his red gaze at the Minister of War, softly saying, “Really?” Ch1icQ

The Minister of War quickly replied, “Yes, Your Majesty. During the traitor Rupert’s rule, he ordered a significant increase in military reserves. But due to Your Majesty’s heroic and decisive capture of the Capital, not a single one was used.”

“Excellent.” Nero smiled again, his crimson tongue inadvertently licking his lips. “That’s the best news I’ve heard today, Sir David. Please ensure they are well-maintained.”

Grand Duke Harrison feigned concern, “Your Majesty, although the garrisons of all the Empire’s territories have sworn to fight for you, according to the sacred Imperial Laws, when you need to mobilize the imperial forces, please first issue an order to the Council. Our territorial garrisons will serve as your vanguard, fighting for the glory of Kaises.”

Nero raised an eyebrow, “Garrisons? Do you mean like the Capital’s army, which claimed to have five hundred thousand troops but surrendered to the three hundred or so Wolf Knights after only a few high-ranking officers were publicly executed?” jsZ0LH

Grand Duke Harrison’s face faltered, “That was because… everyone knew you were the rightful royal bloodline… Kaises’ renown intimidates the seven major regions of the galaxy…”

Nero’s blood-red eyes fixed on him with a childlike indifference and cruelty, “I’m glad you understand, dear uncle.”

Then, the silver-haired Emperor leaned back in his chair and waved his hand dismissively, “The garrisons are of no use to me. Since I already have the Wolf Knights, the territorial garrisons of the Imperial Star Systems shall continue to be managed by you all.”

Grand Duke Harrison breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, “Of course! Of course! ‘Wherever the Emperor’s iron hoof treads, the wolves will follow.’ Since the great Emperor Caesar, the Wolf Knights have always been the Emperor’s personal guard, and the council has no authority over them…” 5qoVji

Nero interrupted, “However, the Wolf Knights suffered significant losses in the battle against the traitors and are now struggling to fulfill their duty of guarding the Emperor. Therefore, starting today, I must recruit and select reserve Wolf Knights throughout the empire. The specific military affairs will be handled by my Chief Wolf Knight, Alexei Ashkov.”

He then turned his head to seek Grand Duke Harrison’s opinion, “Is there any problem, uncle? I remember before my coronation, you and Marquis David showed me the treasury expenditures, and it indeed had a surplus. Taking some funds to bolster my guards should be more than sufficient, right?”

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Grand Duke Harrison and the Minister of War exchanged a glance, cursing inwardly. During Rupert’s rule, the treasury did have a surplus due to excessive taxation; however, when Nero captured the Capital, the nobles had already divided the treasury among themselves.

In ancient Earth times, they might have burned down the treasury to cover their tracks; but in the interstellar era, currency was circulated in a virtual mode, and the Kaises Family had established an impregnable currency storage system. The noble group could not cover their tracks unless they found all the secret banks established by the dozen or so Kaises Emperors. Nero could easily trace the treasury funds’ flow with his DNA key alone. YeQqpx

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Grand Duke Harrison signaled to the Minister of War, “It should indeed be more than sufficient.”

The Minister of War cursed inwardly, understanding that he was to cut his losses to appease the young Emperor. But within the current noble group, Grand Duke Harrison’s influence could not be easily offended, so he had to swallow his anger, “Yes, Your Majesty… more than sufficient…”

Nero’s gaze swept over the Minister of War’s sullen face and then to the smug Grand Duke Harrison. He rubbed his lower lip with his finger, drawing a cold curve.

“Alright, I’m bored now.” P3odbX

The young Emperor swung his long legs off the table, speaking coldly.

“Remove this table and convert the council chamber into a banquet hall!”

The nobles were startled, “Your Majesty, you can’t!”

“The council chamber is a sacred place for handling imperial affairs. Every Kaises Emperor has summoned imperial generals here before going to war from the Capital!” e6 Fqr

“Changing its use so easily, we don’t mind, but… those who followed your father might be displeased, causing unrest in the Capital…”

“Your Majesty,” Grand Duke Harrison’s eyes twinkled, “I have an estate in the Capital, specifically for entertaining guests. The smallest banquet hall is much larger than this council chamber! Since your coronation, there hasn’t been a celebration in the Capital. How about I arrange one?”

Nero nodded approvingly, “Go ahead and arrange it. I will attend with Mimir.”


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