After Transmigrating through Books, I Transmigrated BackCh33 - Wait for Me to Marry You

This sanxian is now yours.

Xu Qiao’s mind echoed with Ying Wenlin’s words. CToOgu

This sanxian… was well-crafted, with a beautiful tonal quality. Its aged wooden body was layered with a thick patina over the years. Made from the finest tail-back python skin from the rainforest, the scales were neat and evenly distributed.

Xu Qiao looked conflicted, his hesitant gaze lingering on the sanxian for a moment. Lips slightly parted, almost giving in to Ying Wenlin’s expectant eyes.

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The words were about to come out but stopped abruptly.

Where would he find the time to join Ying Wenlin’s traditional music orchestra? LcgieJ

Not to mention the workload assigned by his manager, just dealing with the designs and promotional materials from Gao Ming’s side would consume a considerable amount of energy.

Xu Qiao sighed, reluctantly trying to tuck the sanxian into Ying Wenlin’s arms.

Ying Wenlin didn’t want to accept. He took a step back and looked at Xu Qiao with deep concern. “Our traditional music orchestra values talent. If you join, we’ll definitely nurture you well. Every year, we have plenty of opportunities for performances and exchanges in major music halls worldwide!”

The next sentence was the key.


In recent years, accomplished senior artists in the traditional music orchestra stepped back one after another due to age and health reasons.

The younger successors lacked the strength to uphold the group’s reputation. The traditional music orchestra faced a shortage of talented individuals, resulting in subpar performances at international music exchange events in recent years.

Ying Wenlin, with a head full of gray hair, visited music schools every year, scouting for talent. Occasionally, he inquired with old friends to find exceptionally gifted children, even making trips to theater troupes and comedy clubs.

However, truly gifted individuals were scarce, and even if found, they couldn’t immediately take on a leading role. pYvjh6

Xu Qiao’s performance with the sanxian tonight, however, instantly dispelled the uncertainties for Ying Wenlin.

The skill and spirit displayed weren’t typical for someone of Xu Qiao’s age.

With a steady technique and rich charm, the way he played the sanxian, mimicking animal sounds with a light touch, was something Ying Wenlin doubted he could replicate.

This seemed to be the person the traditional music orchestra had been searching for, appearing right before his eyes. Could he afford to let him slip away? 65ndY9

“Mr. Ying,” Xu Qiao took a couple of steps forward, still wanting to return the sanxian. “I can’t join the traditional music orchestra.”

Ying Wenlin waved his hand, refusing adamantly, “You keep it, keep it!”

Xu Qiao: “……” No pain, no gain. How can I accept this?

Seeing Xu Qiao still hesitating, Ying Wenlin gestured boldly. “If you don’t join our traditional music orchestra, consider it a gift!” NJsvKT


So generous.

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Do you not cherish this sanxian very much, to the extent that you’d rather risk a wrist injury than harm it in the slightest?

Despite Ying Wenlin’s outward generosity, Xu Qiao noticed involuntary twitches in his facial expressions, an evident sign of distress. It was somewhat amusing. qLDd d

He cleared his throat. “Well, if you insist, Teacher Ying?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tlcu Qfcilc aegcfv jkjs, kjnlcu tlr tjcv vlrwlrrlnfis. “Kjxf la, ajxf la. Pa’r j uloa obg sbe.”

Ktf ilcufglcu cbafr tjv j reyaif agfwbg.

We Hljb mtemxifv. Lf tjv cb lcafcalbc bo jmaejiis ajxlcu atf rjczljc. 6MgEYa

Jjgfoeiis qijmlcu la yjmx lcab lar mjrf, tf tjcvfv atf mjrf ab Tlcu Qfcilc. We Hljb’r abcf yfmjwf wbgf rfglber, “Kfjmtfg Tlcu, atlr lr j olcf rjczljc. Pa’r j kjraf obg wf. P vbc’a tjnf wjcs bqqbgaeclalfr ab qijs, rb la’r yfaafg lo sbe xffq la obg sbegrfio.”

Ying Wenlin hesitated for a moment, took the instrument case, and couldn’t help but ask, “You’ve been practicing the sanxian since you were a child, right? To achieve this level, you must have a fondness for it. Why are you unwilling to join our traditional music orchestra?”

Xu Qiao: “To be honest, I’m not good at the sanxian.”

Ying Wenlin: “?” FoE0AV

Xu Qiao spoke frankly, “I’m better with the pipa, and I can play the erhu. The sanxian is the weakest in my repertoire.”

Ying Wenlin: “???”

Are you kidding me?

You must be kidding me. kh0lC6

Ying Wenlin’s face twitched. Before he could say anything, the production team had packed up the equipment and sent cars to take the guests home.

When they came to the shooting location, they all rode the bus together for the live broadcast. Since the live broadcast had ended and considering the presence of older guests like Yu Feipeng, the production team arranged individual cars to comfortably take everyone home.

With the night fallen, it wasn’t appropriate to detain people any longer. Ying Wenlin sighed and caught Xu Qiao. “Xu Qiao, give me your manager’s contact information.”

Xu Qiao knew he still hadn’t given up on convincing him to join the traditional music orchestra. Considering Mo Chenghong’s decisive approach, Xu Qiao handed Mo Chenghong’s business card. 3G6MFK

On the other side, Min Yang got on the car and, through the window, saw Ying Wenlin chatting warmly with Xu Qiao. The knot in his heart was about to show on his face.

He had thought that by participating in this program, with his knowledge and cultivation, he could contrast sharply with Xu Qiao, the previously criticized young star, and attract more fans.

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Little did he know that he did become a contrasting figure, but the results were entirely different from what he had originally envisioned.

He didn’t complete the tasks as well as Xu Qiao, his final performance was not as good, and even his relationships with some teachers were not comparable. Ka3H9x

The substantial psychological gap made him consider quitting any minute.

Xu Qiao boarded the car. The rural road was pitch dark. Every now and then, the headlights cast a small patch of dim yellow light, distinctly marking the border between light and darkness. Beyond the dim yellow, the blackness was so thick it seemed to be shrouded in layers of mist.

“Really dark.” The driver turned on the high beams but dared not drive fast, carefully maintaining a steady speed.

Xu Qiao’s gaze shifted to the window, the blurred shadows of trees on both sides danced menacingly in the night, continuously receding, creating an eerie atmosphere. 3h0Zyp

“Yeah, really dark.”

The driver glanced at Xu Qiao through the rearview mirror and thought this young man was truly handsome. After a while, he couldn’t help but say, “Xu Qiao, my son really likes you. Could you sign an autograph for him?”

Xu Qiao retracted his gaze, smiled, and said, “Sure.”

The driver handed Xu Qiao a pre-prepared photo and a signing pen. nx BeX

“I used to detest my son’s idol chasing, always making a fuss about it.”

Xu Qiao took the photo and pen and casually asked, “So why are you helping him get an autograph now?”

“You’re different.”

Xu Qiao looked up at the driver. LNQgET

“He says he really likes you, thinks you look particularly handsome when explaining physics. He even told me he wants to study physics well and become a physicist in the future.” The driver had endless words when it came to his son.

“It’s a good thing. You don’t know, ever since he entered high school, he never passed physics. Now he studies it every day at home. I thought it would just be a passing interest, but he really has persisted.”

Xu Qiao’s expression softened. “What’s your son’s name?”

The driver mentioned the name. cB5uox

After clarifying the exact characters of the name, Xu Qiao wrote a dedication: “Study hard, future great physicist. Xu Qiao.”

Handing the signed photo to the driver, he thanked him.

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Seeing a hint of weariness in Xu Qiao’s eyes, the driver suggested, “You should get some rest. You’ve been recording all day.”

Indeed, Xu Qiao was quite tired. He nodded at the words, leaning against the car window and closing his eyes. Gw0SUz

By the time he arrived home, it was already late at night. After thanking the driver, Xu Qiao took a quick shower and nestled into bed.

The next day, waking up with the sun already on the decline, Xu Qiao opened his eyes, feeling a bit disoriented. He grabbed his phone to check unread messages. Mo Chenghong had asked him to visit the studio.

Xu Qiao contemplated lying down again. He opened Weibo and scrolled through his fan club’s discussions.

Most of the fans were discussing yesterday’s live broadcast. 365 0d

【My Qiao is as Beautiful as a Painting】 Sob, sob, sisters, I’ve watched the segment where Qiaoqiao played the sanxian so many times. If anyone dares to call him a decorative vase again, I’ll be the first to tear their mouths apart!

【Thinking About Eating Peaches】 I actually watched the entire live broadcast at home yesterday. When the edited version comes out this weekend, I’ll watch it again. Qiaoqiao’s beauty is overwhelming. I can’t handle it.

【Mr. Zhang】 The segment where Xu Qiao fixed the agricultural machinery, he looked so cool. Male fan reporting for duty!

After refreshing the page, Xu Qiao was about to scroll down when he caught sight of a particular Weibo post. OgQijh

【Marry Me, Qiaoqiao】Ahhh! Yesterday, my dad actually gave Qiaoqiao a ride home after the recording. Qiaoqiao wrote a dedication message for me, and I’m fainting! I’ll definitely study hard, Qiaoqiao. Wait for me, I’ll marry you!!

The attached image happened to be the autograph Xu Qiao wrote last night.

This weibo in the fan club repeatedly garnered comments and likes for almost half a day, breaking a thousand.

「Admirable」 34EO7s

「Want to marry my Qiao? Maybe in the next life」

「What luck is this? I also want to be Qiaoqiao’s driver. Wait, I don’t even have a driver’s license. Ah, I’ll go take the driving test tomorrow.」

「Xu Qiao is so gentle, huhuhu」

「I also want a dedication, ahhhh」 RC7bn0

Xu Qiao’s gaze lingered on the blogger’s ID and the phrase “wait for me, I’ll marry you,” entering into contemplation.

If the driver knew about this, Xu Qiao wondered what his reaction would be.

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After getting up and tidying himself, Xu Qiao donned a hat and mask and went to the studio without letting Li Feifei come to pick him up.

Upon arrival, he saw Mo Chenghong and Li Feifei in the meeting room. Mo Chenghong seemed to be talking about something, and Li Feifei had a somber expression, vigorously nodding. PMs1OX

Xu Qiao knocked on the glass door, Li Feifei looked up, his eyes filled with tears, as if he had seen a savior.

Carrying his belongings inside, Xu Qiao closed the door and asked, “What are you two talking about?”

Li Feifei quickly greeted him and pulled out a chair, his face full of grievances. “Big Brother Chenghong is criticizing me for deliberately not reporting your skills, Big Brother.”

Xu Qiao: “?” EeHorP

Mo Chenghong’s gaze fell on the plastic bag Xu Qiao was holding. “What’s that?”

Xu Qiao placed the bag on the table and sincerely said, “A gift I brought back after recording the show.”

Mo Chenghong, seeing that Xu Qiao brought gifts even after a simple recording, felt somewhat relieved, and his expression softened.

Although the packaging seemed a bit simple — opening the bag, Mo Chenghong silently stared at the wild vegetables inside. WOAsox

“All-natural,” Xu Qiao added.

Mo Chenghong: Thank you.

Rubbing his forehead, Mo Chenghong, looking tired, gazed at Xu Qiao, his expression somewhat hard to articulate. “You seem to know a lot of things — welding, sanxian. When did you learn all of this?”

The sanxian was acceptable, a talent. But welding? No matter how Mo Chenghong thought about it, he couldn’t figure out where he learned that skill. YIHQDN

Li Feifei proudly said, “My big brother is a treasure trove!”

Mo Chenghong glanced at him expressionlessly. Li Feifei mimicked zipping his mouth shut, bowing his head and refraining from speaking further.

Xu Qiao sat down and poured himself a glass of water.

Seeing that Xu Qiao wasn’t inclined to talk, and considering the unexpectedly good outcome of the show, even better than he had imagined, Mo Chenghong decided it was enough. cFLsIh

He sighed, took a document from his briefcase, and handed it to Xu Qiao. “Your popularity has been growing recently. I’ve negotiated a sponsorship deal for you.”

Xu Qiao took the document. “What sponsorship?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Chenghong pushed his glasses and smirked. “Tractors.”

Tractors? j5PqHB

Xu Qiao paused in his motion of flipping through the document.

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  1. Honestly one of the more creative sponsor deals I’ve seen an author use. I can already see all his sponsors being unconventional things for a star chaser.

  2. Love the queer rep! Usually the taxi drivers in these stories get male idol’s signatures for their daughters, not sons, so this one caught me off guard (in a good way ofc!)

    If Xu Qiao really did sponsor some tractors maybe people’d actually buy them 🤭

  3. The autograph signing was so wholesome! Almost a bummer they went the want to marry route afterwards, but here’s hoping for a true physicist ending. 🙂

    (also, poor assistant! couldn’t have seen it coming lol)

  4. I laughed.

    Netizens will buy a tractor and use it to hang their clothes because they don’t know what to do with it. XD XD XD