After Transmigrating through Books, I Transmigrated BackCh30 - Are you a bug?

Xu Qiao and Hou Yingfan’s Flying Flowers Order game quickly became a marvel, with netizens recording and posting it on Weibo.

“Square Root 6 Flying Flower Order” unexpectedly trended, attracting many viewers to the National Style live broadcast. The viewer count immediately surged, much to the delight of the production team. xDRFzn

The algorithm code, neither long nor difficult, was quickly installed on the computer borrowed from the staff. Xu Qiao placed the laptop on his lap, his slender fingers tapping the keyboard.

The bus headed towards its destination. As the bus swayed, Xu Qiao’s body moved slightly, but his fingers remained steady.

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Sunlight streamed through the bus window, casting a glow on his face. The surroundings had faint dust particles floating. The young man had fair, almost translucent skin, with lowered brows and eyes. In his pupils, a serene ink color shimmered, while tiny specks of gold danced on his long eyelashes.

The cameraman wished to press the camera against his face. XGTNez

For a moment, no one spoke. Only the sound of Xu Qiao tapping the keyboard filled the air.

The comments section also fell silent for a moment.

「Your skin looks amazing…」

「I thought it was a level ten beauty filter making the skin so delicate and fair. But when compared to the program crew next to him, I realized I was mistaken.」


The program crew guy, unexpectedly cued in: “?”

「This is genuinely divine beauty. Why didn’t I notice it before?」

「I’m more curious about how well he writes code.」

The cameraman instinctively shifted the lens to Xu Qiao’s computer screen. oLy369

Xu Qiao’s fingers had ceased tapping as he stared at the twelve lines of code on the screen. He pressed enter, and the calculation result popped up.

The square root of 6, with decimals extending to five hundred places, displayed clearly before their eyes.

「Ah, this is incredible! He can actually code. Bowing down to the genius.」

「This algorithm code is quite simple. Calling him a genius is exaggerated.」 RUzKbh

「Those who’ve learned programming know this difficulty isn’t significant. Can’t tell Xu Qiao’s level, but the code is indeed elegantly written. There’s some skill.」

The program crew, witnessing Xu Qiao actually calculating the decimal places of the square root of 6, exchanged bewildered glances.

“Do we… need to continue this?”

Seeing Hou Yingfan’s somewhat darkened expression, the program crew tactfully maintained silence. wT7M6v

For the sake of the show’s impact, they hoped the two would quarrel, engaging in a sharp exchange to generate topics and attract attention.

However, with just the initial recording, if the two became too confrontational in the first episode, subsequent shoots might be challenging.

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Xu Qiao wasn’t driven by a strong desire to win, nor did he necessarily want to compete to see who wins and who loses.

After all, Min Yang and Hou Yingfan seemed to have a subtle bias against him. He wasn’t the type to retaliate in kind. tTklV4

Nevertheless, it was about time to wrap things up.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Glancing over Min Yang and Hou Yingfan’s faces, observing the latter’s visibly tense posture, Xu Qiao smiled subtly. “We’re almost at the recording location, right? Let’s play again sometime in the future.”

Vfflcu We Hljb kjrc’a qertlcu juugfrrlnfis, atf qgbugjw mgfk ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo jcv delmxis lcafgnfcfv, “Tfr, kf’gf jgglnlcu lc ifrr atjc akfcas wlceafr.”

Efwbnlcu atf mef mjgvr, joafg atf atgff tecvgfv gbecvr bo atf Mislcu Mibkfg Ygvfg ujwf, atf jawbrqtfgf lcrlvf atf yer, ktlmt tjv ofia veii ktfc atfs olgra ybjgvfv, yfmjwf cbalmfjyis ilnfilfg. zj97uE

Fan Menghua sat in the front, turned around with her chin resting on the seatback, watching Xu Qiao. “Xu Qiao, how do you take care of your skin so well?”

Saying this, she couldn’t resist poking Xu Qiao’s right cheek. The delicate touch of his skin made her exclaim in amazement.

Her question echoed the sentiments of many female viewers. Girls watching the live broadcast and the program crew’s young ladies perked up their ears.

Xu Qiao paused, a hint of confusion in his gaze. “Drink more hot water?” His voice carried uncertainty. xD934f

Fan Menghua: “……”

「Hahaha, classic straight guy response.」

「You might as well just tell Sister Fan that it’s natural, hahaha.」

「Teacher Fan is speechless and rolls her eyes.」 9tHfIF

After about fifteen minutes, the bus reached its destination, and everyone disembarked one by one.

Before them lay a small village, scattered with blue-brick houses. Faintly visible inside, villagers adorned themselves in rustic coarse clothing.

A bit further away, a large plastic shed stood, vaguely revealing a golden hue inside, though it was unclear what was being grown.

The program crew swiftly announced the task, requiring the six guests to fulfill the villagers’ requests and gain clues to solve the mystery through these tasks. W5pJAV

As for what clues were needed and what the mystery entailed, the program crew remained tight-lipped.

The six individuals exchanged glances. Ying Wenlin couldn’t help but ask, “They haven’t given us any information. What are we supposed to do now?”

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Min Yang furrowed his brow. “Shouldn’t we go ask each household first? Didn’t they say we need to complete tasks for the villagers?”

Just then, an elderly woman, hunched over with a cane, tottered past muttering something. wlLjBc

Xu Qiao inclined his ear, listening. She was saying, “It’s gone… can’t find it… not coming back…”

Thinking it might be related to the task, Xu Qiao walked up to the elderly woman and supported her, “Grandma, what are you looking for?”

Tears mixed with haze filled the old woman’s eyes. Without acknowledging Xu Qiao, she continued, “Can’t find it… not coming back…”

Min Yang also rushed over, intending to assist the woman like Xu Qiao. However, upon noticing old stains on her sleeves, he discreetly withdrew his hand. “Grandma, what are you looking for? We can help you find it.” EVsjH2

“Can’t find it… not coming back…”

Even though they knew she was likely a performer arranged by the production team, her sorrowful demeanor still made people feel uncomfortable.

The elderly woman, leaning on her cane, steadily moved forward. Xu Qiao had no choice but to release his grip.

Watching her go, Yu Feipeng said, “Her appearance here must be related to our task.” SrQDfy

“Yes,” Fan Menghua pondered, “we probably need to find clues first.”

Hou Yingfan immediately suggested, “How about we split into three groups and go in three different directions to complete the villagers’ tasks?”

No one else had objections. In this variety show, individual actions were never as interesting as working in groups.

With six people forming three groups, Hou Yingfan naturally teamed up with Min Yang. oE05HT

Fan Menghua glanced at Xu Qiao’s face, but before she could speak, Yu Feipeng spoke up, “Xu Qiao, you don’t mind accompanying this old man with his old arms and legs, do you?”

Xu Qiao’s eyes curved. “Of course not.”

Fan Menghua sighed disappointingly and shifted her gaze to Ying Wenlin.

Therefore, Hou Yingfan and Min Yang formed one group, Fan Menghua paired with Ying Wenlin, and Xu Qiao joined Yu Feipeng. Each group chose a direction to go door-to-door and inquire about the tasks. ut6QmG

As the groups separated, the viewers watching the live broadcast also switched to different guests’ livestreams.

Xu Qiao and Yu Feipeng entered the first villager’s house, where an elderly man was anxiously pacing in circles.

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Yu Feipeng said, “Big Brother, what’s troubling you?”

The old man’s eyes lit up at the sight of the two entering. “Ah, my agricultural machinery broke down. The only one in our village who can weld and repair it is Old Wang at the end of the village. But I had a disagreement with him a couple of days ago, and now I feel awkward going to him.” 1sxLJD

Glancing outside, Xu Qiao saw a courtyard with a piece of agricultural machinery and a welding machine. Xu Qiao asked, “Is the agricultural machine in your yard yours?”

The old man patted his thigh. “That’s right! If it’s broken, how can I work in the fields?”

Yu Feipeng was about to suggest, “Big Brother, don’t worry, we’ll go and bring Old Wang from the end of the village.”

Before he could speak, Xu Qiao intervened, “Grandpa, don’t worry, I’ll fix it for you.” PhkTl

Yu Feipeng: “……”

Program crew: “???”

The elderly man also paused, unsure how to express the task they were supposed to assign.

Seeing Xu Qiao entering the yard, Yu Feipeng and the elderly man began to awkwardly inspect the agricultural machinery. PNYmE5

Identifying that the machine had a broken component preventing it from starting, Xu Qiao removed the cover and pointed out the exact faults, “Grandpa, your machine has been used for a long time. Look here, a part is broken, and here is some damaged bronze.”

The elderly man muttered, “So, what should we do?”

Xu Qiao picked up a nearby welding machine. “Cold welding can fix this. Components like the cylinder body and gearbox casing are made of high-quality cast iron, which is expensive to replace. Cold welding is more cost-effective.”

Cold welding doesn’t require wearing a face mask for a short-duration task. After examining the damaged parts, Xu Qiao skillfully switched on the welding machine. nKv6dx

Back at Xu Siyi’s studio, Li Feifei, watching the broadcast with Mo Chenghong, wore a bewildered expression.

He remembered a long time ago when his big brother mentioned he could weld.

At that time, he thought his big brother was joking.

Mo Chenghong turned to him. “Xu Qiao knows how to do this?” xjPZ8d

Li Feifei shivered under Mo Chenghong’s low pressure. “Uh, probably.”

The viewers were also shocked.

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「What’s going on now??」

「The way he’s crouching on the ground welding looks like my dad… I can’t look straight at it.」 Af7V2m

「A breath of fresh air, completely unconcerned about his image hhhhh.」

Fans of Xu Qiao were on the verge of tears. The sight of their brother sitting on the ground, disregarding his image while repairing the agricultural machinery, was somewhat disillusioning. Especially with the unclear substance inside the machine, whether it was diesel or some other oil, it stained Xu Qiao’s clothes and hands.

Can’t you maintain some idol image, brother?

So, while “Square Root 6 Flying Flower Order” still trended, another hot search quietly climbed up: “Xu Qiao welding.” Q3JZlq

After welding like this, Xu Qiao turned off the cold welding machine, checked the components, confirmed there were no issues, and then sat on the agricultural machinery, starting it up.

The previously unresponsive agricultural machinery hummed to life, clearly repaired.

Xu Qiao couldn’t help but break into a smile.

In the frame, the young man sat on the old and worn-out agricultural machinery, his face and hands covered in black oil stains. Despite that, he smiled happily, bathed in the soft sunlight. DYnwdS


「He smiles like an angel.」

「Xu Qiao’s smile, guarded by loyal male fans!」

「??? Don’t even think about it!」 VFPtNr

On the other side, the program crew, watching the original program flow, silently shed tears.

Are you a fucking bug?

Originally, this was a chain task. The eldery man’s agricultural machinery broke down, requiring Old Wang from the end of the village, who could weld, to come and fix it. Old Wang had a quarrel with the eldery man and was unwilling to repair it. To convince him, they needed to help Old Wang send a love letter to Xiao Cui at the village entrance. Xiao Cui was unwilling to accept the love letter until she could obtain the silk from Auntie Li…

However, unexpectedly, a perfectly arranged chain of tasks broke off from the first link. TGWN4u

How could he weld? How was it possible that he could weld??

The completion of the task was so abrupt, how could they edit the footage now?

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Meanwhile, the agricultural machinery had already been repaired. The elderly man cleared his throat and pulled out a note from his pocket, handing it to Xu Qiao. “This is the clue you need.”

Xu Qiao unfolded the note and saw a single word written on it: “Wine.” Bk7lq3



【 Thank you so much,  Magpie! 】

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  1. He is bullying the program crew! (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)

    And he won’t stop!┬⁠─⁠┬⁠ノ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ノ⁠)

  2. When he said drink more hot water, I literally rush to grab a cup of cold water, taking a sip and look back at my phone to realize I totally disregard the word “hot” TT TT