Alpha TraumaChapter 62

His heart pounded loudly, echoing in the silence. The breath that brushed against the nape of his neck felt hot and strange. Wrapped tightly like a blanket, it was impossible for him to toss and turn comfortably.

“….I was going to the bathroom.” PxoNcs

His voice was completely subdued. Although he thought it was a good excuse, Wooyeon didn’t think Dohyun would let him off the hook. “Bathroom?” He asked and chuckled as if he’d heard something interesting.

Every time Dohyun spoke, his lips brushed against the nape of Wooyeon’s neck. The rough yet smooth sensation only heightened his already sensitive senses. He hunched his shoulders and held his breath, but Dohyun only pressed his lips closer to his ear.

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“Are you trying to run away again?”

On the other hand, an embarrassing sound echoed. It was Dohyun’s lips meeting Wooyeon’s ear. Pressing his lips down once more, he whispered gently. BYkj3P

“You drank a lot last night.”

He knew without needing confirmation. He had far exceeded his usual limit, and fortunately, his memory hadn’t completely blanked out. Well, at least until he arrived at Dohyun’s house; after that, everything was a blank slate.

“I helped you wash up and changed your clothes.”

It was only then that Wooyeon realized he was wearing different clothes than the ones he had worn yesterday. The oversized T-shirt felt too big and unfamiliar to be his own. Whether it was from the size or Dohyun’s pheromones, it was undoubtedly his.


“You…washed me?”

“Yeah, I did.”

Dohyun replied nonchalantly and pressed a little closer to Wooyeon. Their backs and chests were pressed together, and his large hand trailed up Wooyeon’s neck. Holding his chin, he turned Wooyeon towards him.

“Just like last time.” G8bMrh

Their eyes met. Before Wooyeon could grasp when ‘last time’ was, Dohyun smiled kindly.

“But what if you leave like this?”

“… I wasn’t trying to leave.”

Though Dohyun was clearly smiling, a shiver ran down Wooyeon’s spine. The sound of an unfamiliar heartbeat echoed in his ears. The more Wooyeon tried to wriggle away, the more persistently Dohyun held onto him. Ljylau

“I really need to go to the bathroom…”

He stuttered, but once again, Dohyun paid no heed. Lips brushed against the side of his ear, then moved down to his chin. A tingling, electric sensation surged in his lower abdomen.

“I, I really feel like I’m going to…”

Before he could blink, their lips met. Dohyun firmly held Wooyeon’s chin, slipping his tongue between his lips. Unable to push him away, Wooyeon closed his eyes tightly. 6mx9bB

There was a persistent sensation of heat. Whether it was from the alcohol, the early morning, or Dohyun’s pheromones, he couldn’t tell. He just felt a pressure on his back as Dohyun explored his mouth, as if all the heat in the world was being concentrated right there.

As if trying to soothe Wooyeon, Dohyun gently patted his chest. When Wooyeon whimpered in confusion, Dohyun released his lips and adjusted their posture.

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With his hands on Wooyeon’s shoulders, Dohyun leaned down, resting his hands on the bed and lowering his head.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Does it feel good?” wReGNI

Llr terxs nblmf rffwfv ab afwqa Qbbsfbc. Qbbsfbc ribkis cbvvfv, ojmf oiertfv. Llr mtfra rkfiifv, jcv tlr qeqlir agfwyifv.

Mbg delaf rbwf alwf, Gbtsec ujhfv ja Qbbsfbc. Mgbw tlr fsfr, cbrf, jcv ilqr, ab fjmt lcvlnlveji fsfijrt, tf rmgealclhfv fnfgs lcmt bo Qbbsfbc’r ojmf.

Ktf wbwfca Gbtsec’r ujhf lcafcrlolfv, atflg ilqr wfa bcmf jujlc.

The kiss was far more assertive than any they’d shared before. Dohyun wrapped Wooyeon’s arms around his neck, tilting his head and lowering his upper body. Unlike the relaxed demeanor before, there was now a sense of urgency in his actions. qLW8B0


Wooyeon whimpered softly and clung desperately to Dohyun. His lower abdomen was tingling, but the sensation was so strong that he couldn’t focus on it. He couldn’t run away, couldn’t retreat. All he could do was squirm his hips, trying to absorb Dohyun’s pheromones.

Before long, with an embarrassing sound, their lips parted. The distance between them hadn’t changed much, so the roughness of their breath was obvious. Dark, hot, suffocating. The dense pheromones made his breath quicken uncontrollably.

“…Yeon-Ah.” 3nRQZT

Wooyeon thought the call of ‘Yeon-Ah’ was like magic. No matter the thought or feeling, a single word from his teacher would clear his mind.

With Wooyeon still holding onto his neck, Dohyun gently nibbled on Wooyeon’s lower lip and asked in a subdued voice, “Do you remember what I said yesterday?”

Gulping, Wooyeon’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He was still clinging to Dohyun’s neck. Even though Wooyeon didn’t answer, Dohyun calmly continued.

“Once when you were drunk, once during the heat cycle, and once last night.” 0eI5Q

His tone was affectionate, but his expression wasn’t. Unlike usual, the gaze peering into Wooyeon’s was sinister. Dohyun smiled charmingly with an underlying warning.

“It’s over after three times.”

Unless he was a complete idiot, it’d be difficult not to understand the meaning of those words. Wooyeon might’ve been a slow learner, but he wasn’t foolish. The flood of pheromones made it difficult to misunderstand.

“…I never told you to hold back three times.” dkOUJw

Dohyun chuckled at Wooyeon’s cheeky retort. Though he kept smiling, Wooyeon couldn’t shake the sense of crisis. Or was it anticipation, not crisis? While Wooyeon was taking deep breaths, Dohyun lightly inquired.

“Can I touch you then?”

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Without waiting for an answer, Dohyun lowered his hand. Even though Wooyeon hadn’t responded yet, Dohyun’s palm teased him roughly between his legs. At the sensation of his hardening flesh being touched, his hair stood on end.

“You’re aroused.” c92uQS

“Ah, no…”

Where was his confidence from a moment ago? As soon as Dohyun’s hand touched him, Wooyeon recoiled. Seeing Wooyeon’s hesitant gesture, Dohyun chuckled softly.


As if questioning if it really wasn’t allowed, Dohyun pressed his palm firmly between Wooyeon’s legs. Wooyeon hunched over, burying his face in Dohyun’s neck. After pleading no three more times, Dohyun softly whispered. 6bCtRO

“So, can I suck it?”


“Ah, h-ha…”

Wooyeon covered his eyes with one hand, trembling all over. Because of the strange sounds he kept making, he didn’t know what expression to wear. As soon as he bit his lower lip with his front teeth, Dohyun’s fingers brushed against the tip of his penis. fA3W7b


A sharp sensation shot through his waist. Dohyun kissed Wooyeon’s cheek as he watched him moan softly. It was a tender kiss, but the words he whispered into his ear were not so gentle.

“If you cover your face, I’ll use my mouth.”

“H-ha…. No…” mV5PA0

Having asked earlier if sucking was allowed, Dohyun stepped back when he saw Wooyeon hesitate. With a grin that seemed to say he would tolerate it just this time, he lazily took hold of Wooyeon’s thigh and began. Dohyun gently caressed the tender flesh before slipping his hand into his wide trousers.

“H-ha, h-ha…”

Was it because the clothes were the wrong size, or because he hadn’t worn underwear? Dohyun’s hand entered effortlessly and grasped his erect penis; there was no need to take off his pants or remove any underwear.

“I-I’m going to…. Ha…” wJ2Lds

The sensation was even more vivid and intense than the last time he was drunk. There was no way to stop the overwhelming pleasure, even by squeezing and pressing his thighs. It was just a hand, but it felt so good.

“Please, Seonsaeng-nim…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I haven’t even touched the back yet, Wooyeon.”

Dohyun held Wooyeon in his arms and nibbled on his earlobe. As the sensation of his gentle stroking intensified, a sense of relief surged. IoUKgE


Finally, Wooyeon climaxed in Dohyun’s hand. Dohyun waited patiently for Wooyeon to finish, then kissed his trembling eyelids.

“Faster than last time.”

“…” mF EgZ

His face flushed deeply. Before the heat could subside, Dohyun removed Wooyeon’s pants. He casually wiped his hand covered in semen on the pants and dropped it beside the bed. After lightly touching his wet penis, he rolled up Wooyeon’s t-shirt.

“Do you know why I used my hand?”


Wooyeon thought, ‘Isn’t that what usually happens,’ but he didn’t verbalize it. Dohyun ran his hand over his flat stomach and lowered his gaze. 3PqAws

“To make you remember everything.”

Dohyun’s hand slowly trailed over Wooyeon’s upper body. Wooyeon rested one arm on his forehead and took a deep breath.

“Because of the alcohol, because of the heat cycle, or maybe, swept away by the mood.”

“…” iXJOV0

“Your first time shouldn’t be like that.”

Accompanied by his calm voice, his fingers moved like they were playing the piano. Near his navel, his side, and all the way down to his ribs and below his chest.

Finally, when he reached his small nipple, he looked straight into his eyes.

“Each moment should be memorable. Don’t you agree?” eArhCd

Wooyeon didn’t respond and narrowed his eyes. The sensation of Dohyun’s fingers brushing over his chest was subtle. It wasn’t like before, causing his climax to come pouring out, but rather it accumulated layer by layer.


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“What is?”

“Just, ah… Hmm…” 2MotuF

Despite having just reached climax, his lower region began to swell. Dohyun’s lips hovered near his half-raised penis. It somehow seemed like he was regaining his appetite.


Wooyeon clenched the blanket, breathing heavily. As he turned his head to the side and moaned, Dohyun buried his nose in his exposed neck. Sensing his pheromones, Dohyun took a deep breath and pinched the nipple between his index and middle fingers.

“Hmm!” bz 7na

It felt like tingling, like electricity running through him. The pheromones that had already been released once surged again in waves. He didn’t usually emit pheromones to this extent, but the room had been filled with pheromones since earlier.


At that moment, Dohyun let out a short breath. He gritted his teeth, nuzzled the nape of his neck, and quickly bit down. After lightly sucking the area he had nibbled on, he lowered his head to Wooyeon’s chest and kissed it.

“Wait, wait, hmm…!” EFTegh

Dohyun’s articulate lips teased his chest. He teased with the tip of his tongue, pressing against the raised parts, and occasionally bit it with his front teeth. It was an area Dohyun hadn’t known could give him pleasure, but every time he touched it, it became a source of delight.

Having left his marks, Dohyun moved his lips downwards. With his free hand, he held Wooyeon’s leg tightly.

Soon, he sat up straight and rested Wooyeon’s knees over his shoulders.

“I-I said not with your mouth…!” Cz5Oxt

“Don’t worry.”

Though Wooyeon spoke urgently, Dohyun responded casually. As he nibbled his inner thigh, feeling the smooth skin, he brought his lips closer, glancing up.

“I won’t suck there.”


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  1. First of all, Eid Mubarak!! I wasn’t expecting the chapter to be that hot sbdbdbsban, the guests are here and I’m trying so hard not to smile like a big idiot 😭😭