AsteroidCh58 - You’re very good at lying

Xu Tangzhou only found out about the “Zero Sugar CP” on his way back to the film set.

After a brief two-day encounter with Ling Che, the separation was filled with reluctance. He almost didn’t want to go back to filming. He felt that it wouldn’t be bad to just be a salted fish, but alas, people had to work, so he had to leave with resentment. fqdvJb

Someone personally took him to the airport. His face didn’t show his feelings, but he kept his head on Xu Tangzhou’s shoulder the whole way.

Because of his tall stature and long legs, even the spacious back seat of the business car felt cramped. When he did this, he didn’t seem the least bit clingy, but rather like a big cat guarding its food, ready to swipe at anyone who approached.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Both assistants dared not look back, especially Wu Nana, who finally understood something in her slow way. She didn’t know, and she didn’t dare to ask. The back seat, because of Ling Che’s presence, was like a sealed barrier.

Ling Che didn’t talk much, as if he hadn’t woken up fully. D5HfCb

After saying “I like your pheromones” last night, they shared a long and gentle kiss. Xu Tangzhou noticed that Ling Che seemed to have changed somehow. Ling Che had become a bit different from before. The pride was still there, but the arrogance was gone when he looked at him.

Xu Tangzhou fell asleep first in the evening, and Ling Che went to another room where he usually worked on his creations, not coming to bed until who knows when.

As soon as Ling Che got into bed, Xu Tangzhou woke up.

In the dim light, Ling Che looked down at him: “Does it hurt?”


Xu Tangzhou, still groggy, didn’t catch on to what he was asking.

Ling Che then reached out and touched the back of his head: “Did it hurt when you woke up in the hospital after the accident?”

“Just a little,” Xu Tangzhou answered sleepily, “…I had been in a coma for a week by the time I woke up…”

Ling Che was silent for a while. SFxi6q

It was only after Xu Tangzhou had fallen back asleep that he laid down, pulling him into his embrace: “What about here? Does it hurt here?”

His long fingers, cool to the touch, gently kneaded the soft gland at the back of his neck. It was a very comforting method of massage, and Xu Tangzhou found it extremely soothing. Because he was not fully conscious, he thought he was being asked if it hurt where he was usually bitten.

He said: “Mmm… only a little bit.”

Omegas really were easily manipulated by their own alphas. nhiuFp

Surrounded by Ling Che’s pheromones, his massage focused on the most vulnerable part of an omega’s neck, and Xu Tangzhou sank deeply into sleep.

He slept very well that night, dreamlessly.

No matter how much others might disbelieve, the two of them really did just chat under the covers.

Their blood boiled while they maintained their sanity, just like their pheromones, stemming from two extreme states. 4hxbFJ

It seemed that when they came together, they were destined to drive each other mad.

Xu Tangzhou didn’t know what the consequences of this restraint would be.

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In any case, when he woke up, Xu Tangzhou felt that his buttocks were in danger. Ling Che, with a dark expression, took another long cold shower, no shorter than the last time. When Xu Tangzhou went to the bathroom to wash up, he could still sense the pervasive scent of Ling Che’s pheromones, making it obvious what the other had done there.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When Ying Chen came to find Ling Che early in the morning, his gaze was complex: “Do you want me to call my little doctor to check on you?” Cc7SOR

Olcu Jtf’r gfqis kjr mbcmlrf jcv ab atf qblca: “Tbe rqfjx jr lo sbe mbeiv ralii rff tlw.”

Hle Tlc tjv rqfmlolmjiis lcragemafv atf rfmeglas ja atf gfrfjgmt yelivlcu cba ab ifa j mfgajlc wbnlf rajg fcafg jcv vlraegy tlw. Tfrafgvjs, tf fnfc jrxfv Tlcu Jtfc ab ifjnf, afiilcu tlw, “Xgbk eq j yla. Qf’nf jigfjvs jugffv cba ab yf gfrqbcrlyif obg fjmt batfg.”

Through Xu Tangzhou, Ling Che was very clear about these matters.

Ying Chen didn’t feel embarrassed and laughed: “I’m thinking of your happiness. As a virgin, you might not know where problems could arise.” 41OWJ8

Ling Che slammed the door in Ying Chen’s face.

Xu Tangzhou listened to the whole exchange from behind the door: “……”

Ling Che only said to him: “Finish shooting early and come back soon.”

In the VIP lounge, Xu Tangzhou was still deeply impressed by Ling Che’s gaze. sCKUme

He couldn’t settle down to rest, so he decided to go online to pass the time.

During these two days with Ling Che, as someone who was heavily dependent on his phone, he surprisingly hadn’t used it much. So, when he opened Flow to check the trending topics, he was first startled by the flood of messages in his inbox from people he didn’t follow.

His inbox was full of private messages from netizens and fans, along with some routine questions from marketing accounts and paparazzi.

Some asked if he was with Ling Che, some asked if he had been temporarily marked by Ling Che, and there were also messages from true fans who had liked him since before his debut, telling him not to be afraid and to blink if he was being coerced into whitewashing Ling Che’s image. Y1EB3T

Xu Tangzhou slowly raised a question mark: ?

Of course, the majority were messages insulting him. Ling Che had many toxic fans, many of whom were students or minors, who simply couldn’t accept Ling Che dating anyone. Moreover, Ling Che had hardly ever been involved in scandals, and any hint of a rumor about him would be immediately dealt with by Situ Ya. The language and insults used by the haters were common among fans, and after reading a few messages, Xu Tangzhou completely turned off his private messages.

He had only one question: What was Zero Sugar? Wasn’t their CP name CheZhou?

Ever since Wu Nana told Xu Tangzhou about a small forum where people were secretly shipping him with Ling Che, he often visited that forum to lurk and enjoy the ‘sugar’ about himself, which made him very happy. MlqTIU

Now, when he logged into that forum again, the original #CheZhou# tag had been replaced with #ZeroSugar#, and several posts were marked with the hot red ‘hot’ sign at the top. Xu Tangzhou clicked in and soon saw the video of #LingCheGlandPatchLevel10Scholar#. The more he watched, the more surprised he became. So, they had, no… bitten each other so many times?

[It must be true! I could never have dreamed that I would actually get a real CP!!]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[These two definitely bit each other… Oh my, that’s so hot 【color】]

[I’ve been saying they were off; how could a straight alpha possibly take an omega on a show~~] YW247Z

[I reasonably speculate that they really met back when Xu Tangzhou was modeling, Baofenni is a crucial clue, sisters!]

[So sweet, I watched 《Our Perfect Journey》 over and over again. I didn’t notice before, but now that I’m aware, it’s really all sugar, especially that one “Zaizai”, have you ever heard Ling Che pamper anyone like that!!!]

[Sweet sweet sweet +1!! The part where they ride the tandem bicycle, and he says, “I can do it, you don’t need to exert yourself”, my brain exploded with a hundred Lamborghinis!]

[Zero Sugar, Zero Sugar, sweet every day!! Really sweet but not cloying… I’m totally locked in] URquiN

[To be honest, if it were fake, Situ Ya would have come out to debunk it by now, right?! 【Watching the drama】]

[The person above is right! Do you guys remember when someone tried to hype up Gege’s popularity when he just debuted? A CP topic appeared in the middle of the night, and by the next morning, Situ Ya had already clarified, sent a lawyer’s letter, and controlled the comments, a triple move. What was that person’s name again?… Now, that person is nowhere to be found in the entertainment industry.]

[I don’t care about anything else, I could retire on these five gland patches I’ve shipped in my lifetime 【nail polish】]

Five times. 0LYMsJ

Seeing himself in the video, appearing each time with a gland patch, Xu Tangzhou felt as if his underwear had been stripped off.

Especially now, with Wu Nana occasionally glancing at him and then stopping herself from saying something.

After boarding the plane, Xu Tangzhou looked up and caught Wu Nana looking at him again.

Xu Tangzhou: “……” fqkYdK

Wu Nana tried to stay calm and took out a short-sleeved shirt: “Zhouzhou, why don’t you change into this shirt first? It’ll be more convenient when getting off the plane.”

The fresh gland patch on his neck was too conspicuous.

When they left, Xu Tangzhou’s neck was clean, but this morning as soon as she picked him up, there was this thing on his neck. Wu Nana felt that if it was photographed, there would be no way to explain it away.

As for how the internet speculated about Ling Che, Ling Che himself didn’t care, and of course, it wasn’t her place to worry. But before any romance was made public, she couldn’t accept seeing her artist always being thought by the public as hyping or seeking attention, or being looked down upon, which coincided with Huang Qian’s views. 8h05Fp

It was already early summer now.

A regular round-neck T-shirt couldn’t cover the gland patch that had just been applied this morning; the collar of the shirt could provide some cover.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The bite mark was fresh, left by Ling Che before leaving the house in the morning.

Teeth clamped onto the back of the neck, piercing the skin quickly and precisely. DqbSLI

Yet it was gentle.

Ling Che’s rich practical experience made his temporary marking very well done. He bit, licked, and made sure he left his mark before he was willing to let go.

Wu Nana had become much more cautious in her work, and for this, Xu Tangzhou felt a bit apologetic.

As his personal assistant, he couldn’t just deceive her because she was easy to fool. zd9Ixv

“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier,” Xu Tangzhou said, holding the shirt, “At that time, we hadn’t fully confirmed our relationship yet… It was only after I joined the crew recently that we…”

“I should have known that no gland patch could be used for beauty and maintenance. You were fooling me.” Wu Nana said with a flushed face, “Zhouzhou, you’re too good at deceiving people. No wonder your acting is so good. I’m not angry, I know it was my uncle who told you not to say anything. I will work hard, and I hope in the future you guys can trust me a little more.”

Xu Tangzhou was taken aback: “Am I really good at deceiving people?”

Wu Nana nodded: “Very good.” AfWrad

Xu Tangzhou: “……”

Wu Nana said: “People who don’t know you think you’re aloof, but after they get to know you, they find you’re actually quite soft and cute, which makes them let their guard down around you. So, whatever you say, people tend to believe easily. If you really wanted to deceive someone, you’d be able to fool them every time.”

Xu Tangzhou began to reflect.

He really could fool someone every time. ZHXKAg

Lately, it seemed like he had deceived Ling Che several times in a row.

Not just about the matter of his memory, but also about the advertisement, he found himself involuntarily lying to Ling Che.

The more he deceived, the more accustomed he became, and he would lose sight of the fact that what he was doing was wrong. But… he really had no other choice.

At least until Ling Che’s initial rut was over… That way, when the truth came out, there would be a better chance of being forgiven, because Ling Che wasn’t an irresponsible person. TFPrja

But scheming like this also seemed wrong.

Xu Tangzhou wondered, how had he become a bit despicable?

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wu Nana, however, continued: “But it’s also because I’m not smart enough. Last time when God Che visited the set, I really didn’t think in that direction. No wonder I heard from Xiao Yang’s assistant that you have a boyfriend.”

Xu Tangzhou: “What?” IM pQr

Xiao Yang and his assistant talked about it?

Seeing his clueless expression, Wu Nana said: “Didn’t you notice that Xiao Yang doesn’t do solo scenes with you anymore? We all knew he originally wanted to pursue you.”

Xu Tangzhou: “……”

Xiao Yang originally wanted to pursue him??? hg1LzK

Okay… He thought the other person was just being nice.

“I was so foolish. I was actually wondering who your boyfriend was, and I only realized last night. It was after that set visit, Xiao An went to talk to Xiao Yang.” Wu Nana said, “God Che really is the king of jealousy.”

Xu Tangzhou: “……”

Why did he feel so sweet inside? TjF3Hg

After sending Xu Tangzhou off, Ling Che felt a bit withdrawn.

Everything seemed a bit irritating to him.

He paced around the house, and then Situ Ya called: “Do you know that Xu Tangzhou turned down the Mist advertisement?”


Forgive me :blobsweats: I know it’s quite cruel to do this… but I will be preparing for this week’s excursion, so I won’t be able to publish two chapters in multiple update days. However, I will try to give four chapters on next Friday.

If you’re able to, please support our venerable author! I had a hard time navigating through the source and I’m losing my remaining braincells :blobsob: They already ain’t working ah :blobsob: am dead :blobnomcookie:

Translator's Note

Digging pits~ Digging pits~ Zhouzhou is digging pits!

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  1. It isn’t good to lie… And I will never be able to understand ‘fans’ culture’ =.=

    Thank You for the new chapter (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡ Good luck with everything! ❤