AsteroidCh100 - Pride and Tsundere (Part 3)

After marriage.

Despite opposition from his family, Qin Bao stubbornly acted in three or four films. ed2KW1

Feng Chengyu, on the other hand, climbed to a position others could hardly reach.

Occasionally, Qin Bao would have the illusion that Feng Chengyu liked him.

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The flowers received on their anniversary, the gifts that arrived on time every birthday, the resources he fought for against the elders’ objections—Feng Chengyu was like a tree that quietly propped up his sky.

In short, just as Feng Chengyu had said, their marriage was harmonious. C0DyuG

Over the past two years, they had traveled together once, watched movies together, and even spent an estrus cycle together, during which they also completed the lifelong marking under the pressure of their elders’ urging.

Sometimes, Qin Bao thought that it wouldn’t be bad if things continued this way.

But in the third year of their marriage, the Qin family faced a crisis.

Mr. Qin was implicated by others and made a grave mistake, causing a great scandal. The family was shrouded in gloom, and the Elder Mr. Qin was hospitalized and on oxygen, nearly passing away.


Feng Chengyu, perhaps because it was inconvenient to intervene due to his political career, actually resigned from his position and single-handedly helped the Qin family weather the crisis.

When Qin Bao visited the elder in the hospital, he accidentally overheard a conversation that brought him to his senses.

“Chengyu, you are a good kid, loyal and righteous,” the elder Mr. Qin said with tears streaming down his face. “You have kept the promise made by old Mr. Feng, the unchanging vow between our two families. The Qin family owes you a lot, a lot…”

Feng Chengyu stood by the bed, nodding his head in a humble yet dignified response: “Grandfather, you’re too kind. It’s my duty.” AxsVSb

The Elder Mr. Qin said: “Bao’er is thoughtless and has caused you trouble.”

Feng Chengyu just smiled faintly: “It’s alright. I can handle it.”

That night, Feng Chengyu returned home very late.

Over the years, the two of them had developed an understanding, and their encounters, aside from being intimate, involved little else. Xgeml4

That night, however, Qin Bao was very cooperative, embodying a soft and yielding persona without any cursing or swearing, actively offering several positions for Feng Chengyu to explore.

Afterwards, Qin Bao was held in Feng Chengyu’s lap, panting for breath.

Once he had calmed down a bit, Feng Chengyu asked, “Why are you being so good today?”

Too lazy to even lift a finger, Qin Bao leaned on Feng Chengyu, inhaling the scent of daffodils, and said deliberately, “What? You don’t like that I have so many moves? Mr. Feng, you should be satisfied with what you’ve got. Today, daddy’s in a good mood to play with you, but don’t expect this treatment all the time.” jMbnBK

Feng Chengyu pinched him from behind: “All this variety, could it be you’re thanking me?”

Of course.

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Debts must be repaid, and since Qin Bao had no money, he had to repay in kind.

After a couple of hums, Qin Bao was carried off to bathe. RdjbsC

Having said as much, he wasn’t about to lose face completely, and amidst the sound of running water, he said, “Thank you.”

Feng Chengyu also stepped into the bathtub, causing the water to rise and overflow with a splash.

Feng Chengyu pretended not to hear clearly: “What did you say? Baobao, say it again.”

Whenever Feng Chengyu deliberately called him “Baobao” with a teasing and playful tone, it meant he was up to no good. H 2k1V

Qin Bao looked up and, as expected, saw a teasing look in the other’s dark eyes; he had clearly heard.

Annoyed, Qin Bao shouted, “I said, who asked you to give so much? Are you stupid?”

Feng Chengyu pinched Qin Bao’s chin: “What do you think?”

This side of Feng Chengyu made Qin Bao’s heart race, just like many times in the past, and he couldn’t seem to learn to stop fantasizing. 1qRrCs

Qin Bao turned his face away: “I can’t figure you out!”

Feng Chengyu really was a rogue, taking advantage of the position to start again, all the while saying, “Then, let’s do it more.”

Qin Bao tried to escape but was pulled back, like a fish struggling on a chopping board: “Damn it, Feng Chengyu, are you a perpetual motion machine?!”

That night was especially passionate for both of them, perhaps the best since they had been married, with both thoroughly enjoying themselves. 1OZJUt

This led to Qin Bao waking up the next morning feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Feng Chengyu was propping up his cheek, watching him. Seeing him awake, he even leaned down to kiss him: “Got it now?”

The atmosphere was very tender.

“Psycho.” 4yLtGD

Qin Bao muttered under his breath, pulling the blanket over his head to go back to sleep, his eyes moistening.

Only an idiot would fall for this bastard’s tricks.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lbk mbeiv atfgf yf rbwfbcf lc atf kbgiv ktb oeioliir qgbwlrfr klat remt vfvlmjalbc, fnfc glrxlcu atflg bkc oeaegf?

Kkb wbgf sfjgr, jcv atfs kbeiv ub atflg rfqjgjaf kjsr. Lf rtbeivc’a rlcx vffqfg vjs ys vjs. 8FmKzi

Mfcu Jtfcuse tjv cb byilujalbc ab xffq ulnlcu obgfnfg.

Pc atf rqglcu bo tlr akfcas-rfmbcv sfjg, Hlc Djb’r ibcu-ibra oglfcv gfjqqfjgfv bc atf rfa.

As a married man, he felt a pang of envy while watching others still with their first loves, as he ate up their public displays of affection.

And him? szrVTU

He hadn’t even really dated anyone before.

In the future, he resolved to find an exceptional alpha and have a proper romance—this was the self-hypnosis he used to distract himself, so he wouldn’t miss Feng Chengyu too much.

It seemed like fate was lending a hand.

Not long after Qin Bao harbored such a wish, his marriage to Feng Chengyu was exposed. XJSdzB

Someone online leaked his private files to blackmail Feng Chengyu, and they were forced to publicly acknowledge their marriage.

That very night, Feng Chengyu had someone pick him up from the film city.

When Qin Bao got home, he said unhappily, “What’s going on here?”

They had agreed to keep their marriage a secret when they wed. They hadn’t married for love, and Qin Bao didn’t want this incident to affect his career. 87R4Fg

Feng Chengyu had also just returned, looking travel-worn: “Sorry. Someone is targeting me, and you’ve been implicated this time.”

Qin Bao knew that this wasn’t what Feng Chengyu wanted, but he still couldn’t help but complain softly, “With less than a year to go, you wet the bed at dawn. Can’t you let me divorce quietly?”

Feng Chengyu’s aura changed suddenly: “What did you say?”

Over the years, he had become increasingly mature, his cool and stern features looking particularly strict, his presence almost enough to make one’s legs weak. The rumors that he was a big shot in the underworld weren’t unfounded. i3tAkB

Feng Chengyu’s tone turned cold: “Divorce?”

The scent of daffodils became piercingly sharp.

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Qin Bao choked for two seconds, thinking he had forgotten about it, and stretched out his finger to indicate: “Didn’t we agree on five years? This year, it’s the fourth.”

Feng Chengyu: “…Yes, four years, six months, and eleven days.” P02wMz

Qin Bao couldn’t understand why Feng Chengyu felt the need to emphasize that particular number. Did he find it unbearable, counting the days as well?

Qin Bao felt sourness in his heart.

The thoughts that had surfaced during his days on set came to mind again, and he couldn’t help but suggest, “You remember, huh… Feng Chengyu, let’s just end it early.”

Feng Chengyu furrowed his brows, seemingly waiting for him to continue. HCeSQl

Qin Bao didn’t know how he managed to stay so composed: “Look, since we’re going to separate sooner or later, why not take advantage of the exposure and tell everyone we’re already divorced? If I meet someone I like in the future and get photographed while dating, we won’t have to announce it again. You know, it wouldn’t be good if people thought I was cheating.”

Feng Chengyu: “You still want to date?”

Qin Bao: “Of course, I’m already twenty-two. Arranged marriages aren’t for me, and I haven’t really dated yet.”

A vein throbbed on Feng Chengyu’s forehead: “…” PHzX5p

For the first time, the man who had always been graceful and proper showed such an expression.

Qin Bao’s heart thudded painfully, and he said in disbelief, “You… you don’t want to get divorced, do you?”

Feng Chengyu couldn’t be bothered to talk more and simply dragged him to the bed and stripped him bare.

It was common for their encounters to escalate quickly after a conversation, but this time was different. Feng Chengyu didn’t even remove his clothes. NtSFUP

Qin Bao became timid: “Let’s talk this out! If you don’t want to divorce, it’s not impossible! Just beg me, and maybe I’ll agree!”

With two “smack” sounds, before Qin Bao could react, his buttocks were in severe pain.

Feng Chengyu had actually struck him hard, delivering several slaps to that area.

“Damn it!” Qin Bao cursed loudly, his buttocks burning with pain, tears streaming down his face. “Bastard! You hit me!” MbEzFc

Feng Chengyu not only wanted to hit him but also wanted to have his way.

Without a word, he ravished Qin Bao until he was on the verge of collapse, Qin Bao crying and changing his tune: “I won’t divorce. I was wrong, I won’t divorce. Are you not willing to divorce…”

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Feng Chengyu: “How can you talk about dating if you won’t divorce?”

Qin Bao wailed: “I won’t talk about it, I won’t date anymore!” VRKmrl

They finished in a flurry of activity.

Feng Chengyu still looked unforgiving.

“We should divorce, and if we’re going to, then we can’t stay together a minute longer.” Feng Chengyu pulled away, his face cold. “But we agreed on five years, and that’s exactly what it’ll be, not a minute less.”

He left. LKuoZa

Qin Bao laid on the bed, panting, his eyes red and puffy.

It was damn exhilarating. He thought shamefully, both painful and pleasurable.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, tasting salty and bitter.

Qin Bao sobbed into his pillow, not because he couldn’t bear to part with Feng Chengyu, but because he feared he might never find another alpha as capable as Feng Chengyu. 7XAlk2

Capable, in every sense of the word.

For the first time in four years, the two parted on bad terms, and the quarrel became known to all members of the Qin and Feng families.

Qin Bao went ahead and prepared the divorce papers himself.

To forsake such a good match as Feng Chengyu, to disregard a 78% compatibility rate, to instigate a divorce—Elder Mr. Qin was ready to hit someone. Ty7BYW

To save his son’s life, Mr. Qin restrained the elder’s cane and took the initiative to visit first.

The filming was over, and Qin Bao was in a state of utter disarray.

The house was a mess, and he was sporting a bird’s nest hairstyle, devoid of the satisfaction he had imagined.

The refined Mr. Qin, who had a penchant for cleanliness, stood at the doorway, incredulous at the extent to which Feng Chengyu tolerated his son. UdjHh5

“Do you two think marriage is child’s play?” Mr. Qin reproached. “How can you casually draft such an agreement? Not to mention that this agreement has no legal effect whatsoever. And Feng Chengyu, he likes to play, but why would he indulge you in this?”

Qin Bao said: “He clearly wants to divorce too! He doesn’t love me, so why drag it out?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have counted the days so precisely and said he wouldn’t cling to him.

Mr. Qin was stunned by his son’s naivety: “Do you even know why Feng Chengyu resigned?” zdkls0

Qin Bao felt a pang of sadness: “To make time to help our family. I know. He values loyalty and keeps his promises. We owe him a lot, and I’ll find a way to repay him in the future.”

“I’m afraid you can’t repay him!” Mr. Qin, nearly stepping inside in anger, exclaimed, “He did it to help our family, but more so because he couldn’t bear to leave you!”

The Qin family’s crisis two years ago wasn’t as simple as Qin Bao thought.

It could have cost the entire Qin family. 93Ynwy

The political elite implied that as long as Feng Chengyu stepped down, the Qin family would be spared.

Everyone knew it was killing two birds with one stone. Feng Chengyu was becoming too prominent, and the political sphere saw it as an opportunity to eliminate the Feng family as a potential threat.

Everyone was aware that Feng Chengyu was at the peak of his career, and it would have been easy for him to dissociate himself from this matter and escape unscathed—

—All he had to do was divorce Qin Bao. 7tXo8W

But Feng Chengyu, knowing full well there was no turning back, still chose to step down from his position without hesitation, rendering his years of painstaking efforts to nothing.

Qin Bao was stunned.

Why would Feng Chengyu do such a thing?

Feng Chengyu knew that they were bound to divorce sooner or later. dMyKXA

Mr. Qin said, “You say he doesn’t love you, then why would he do this? You probably don’t realize how dangerous that situation was. He was set up, and to avoid betraying you, he made a split-second decision to use the watch’s anesthetic function, which left him incapacitated in the hospital for three days before he recovered. He didn’t lay a finger on that omega.”

Qin Bao: “…”

Mr. Qin continued, “And what about the gifts he gave you? Haven’t you noticed that not a single one failed to please you? I can see he’s taken the time to understand you.”

Qin Bao’s face burned with shame and embarrassment: “Why didn’t you tell me these things before?” CjEy7V

Mr. Qin was exasperated: “How was I supposed to know you two were playing house!”

Qin Bao: “…”

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Mr. Qin: “Go on and repay him, I’d like to see what you can offer.”

Feng Chengyu hadn’t been home for several days. e1xfld

After some hesitation and seeing off Mr. Qin, Qin Bao got himself together.

Then, he went to Feng Chengyu’s office.

On the way, he encountered fans who chased him for autographs, and one fan even gave him a bouquet of flowers.

Feng Chengyu was at his desk processing documents, aware that Qin Bao would come. bUY2K9

His gaze lingered on the flowers in Qin Bao’s hands for a second before he lowered his head to continue his work.

Qin Bao looked down.

Distracted on the way, he hadn’t noticed—it was a bouquet of roses.

Already feeling guilty, this discovery made him even more flustered. 1fL9dr

Feng Chengyu had taken off his suit jacket, and the cuffs of his shirt were rolled up, revealing his sturdy forearms.

The deep blue watch’s face was still there, just like the first time they met.

Qin Bao’s gaze shifted and landed on the sparkling wedding ring on Feng Chengyu’s slender ring finger.

His nose felt a bit sore. gbNER8

How had he not noticed over the past few years that Feng Chengyu had never taken off his ring?

It was him, however, who never wore the ring after their wedding day because he didn’t want to go public. Not just that, but over the years, all the chaos that ensued was mostly his doing. Aside from being a bit devilish, Feng Chengyu hadn’t really done anything wrong.

Lost in his thoughts, more than ten minutes had passed.

This was the first time they had met and hadn’t immediately gotten physical within the first ten minutes, both still fully clothed. rYd1v8

Qin Bao felt like he owed an apology.

Finally, Feng Chengyu closed his laptop and, showing a rare kindness, spoke up: “What is it you wanted?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Admitting fault was the plan.

But for some reason, Qin Bao found himself saying: “…The watch on your hand is mine, right?” ok5ARm

The wristwatch with the deep blue face and minimalist hands.

The anesthetic function required a one-time safety code, and Feng Chengyu had already used it, so this watch must be his.

They were identical.

It had always been on Feng Chengyu’s wrist, which was why Qin Bao hadn’t noticed it before—how could he have been so oblivious. 7Ea0zA

Feng Chengyu: “Want it?”

Qin Bao said: “…No. It looks good on you.”

“Hmm.” Feng Chengyu was indifferent. “Then, I won’t be polite about it. I’ll buy you something else as compensation when we divorce.”

Qin Bao: “…” wv6gW

A few seconds later, he muttered something under his breath.

Feng Chengyu: “I can’t hear you.”

Qin Bao: “Can we not divorce? I won’t bring it up again, and I won’t talk nonsense. I’ll listen to you about everything.”

Feng Chengyu: “I’m afraid it will interfere with your dating life.” 1TWdzr

Qin Bao regretted his words, feeling so embarrassed he wished he could disappear into the ground, his face burning red: “…It won’t interfere.”

Feng Chengyu: “It might be better to divorce, to avoid any misunderstandings if you’re photographed with someone you like.”

“There won’t be any. The person I like is you—”

Qin Bao blurted out, then suddenly hit the brakes. N8EmZO

Sure enough, when he looked up, Feng Chengyu was calmly watching him: “You like me? It seems you’ve finally figured it out.”

Qin Bao: “???”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

What the hell?

Feng Chengyu walked over, took a photo of the roses and the stunned Qin Bao, and sent it to the family group chat. fKDwP

Only then did he contentedly loosen his tie, allowing the faint scent of daffodils to waft through the air, ready to do what should have been done ten minutes earlier.

It took a while for Qin Bao to snap back to reality.

From their first time in bed to the elder discovering them, from their divorce drama to Mr. Qin’s visit, and from the moment he entered the room until now.

Could it all have been such a coincidence? jdKusg

Pressed against the desk and trembling, Qin Bao had a belated realization: “Feng Chengyu, you bastard, did you do this on purpose?! Ah… What did you just say when you posted my photo in the group?!”

Feng Chengyu leaned in: “I said that you’ve deeply realized your mistakes, brought me roses to confess, and begged me not to leave you, so I had no choice but to forgive you.”

Qin Bao nearly lost his footing.

Furious and dizzy with anger, he cursed: “Shameless! I’ll kill you!” Ihl9sp

Feng Chengyu pressed hard, looking at a certain spot and lamenting: “There’s no helping it. You just have a way of completely captivating me.”

The impeccably dressed scoundrel, a master of double entendre.

Translator's Note

a word or phrase that is open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent

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  1. Ah, yesssss, good lod beating, forcing, humiliating and blaming – so romantic and healthy! I’m so mad after those extras that I can’t remember what I wanted to say for brief summary… ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I said before that I don’t like alphas in this novel, because they’re very stereotypical guys who have the makings of a “bad boys” – they’re sassy, cold, ironic with toxic tongues… And even though I know LC had the right to feel very hurt by what XTX did, he still acted like an ass most of the time <(`^´)> I wanted to shake the Omegas so much in this novels to make them open eyes, but in the same time I loved and wanted to protect them ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ Despite all this, I must admit that I spent most of my time having fun o(〃^▽^〃)o A few things were not resolved in general, because the author-sama only mentioned them and we did not return to them, so I’m little disappointed to not knowing everything! (≧∇≦) Thank You sosososo much for taking me for this ride and for Your wonderful translation! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) Take care and hope to see You again with other projects! (♡ >ω< ♡)
    • To be honest… I have the same view as you. However, I kind of like it when LC had a major change nearing the end of the main story. It was satisfying… Although I was anticipating QY and YC’s side story, it made me somewhat satisfied when QY went and used YC for academic purposes. I have to say, I did not enjoy QB and FCY’s side…. nope…. (╯▔皿▔)╯What is this..? It feels like I was the one being brainwashed HAHAHAHAHA

      • See? Like I said I was so angry that I forgot what I wanted to write! 😂 Yes, I also like LC developing and that’s why I had more fun in the second part of the novel. Still want to beat LC, but little less, haha XD I totally have the same feeling with QY+YC’s story, but my heart hurt for QY very much and I don’t have much symphaty for YC ε=(。ˇд ˇ。) Anyway, thank You very much one more time! ♡(ŐωŐ人)