After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch84.1 - Why is the canary like this?

This realization made Su Zhi’s heart skip a beat.

Su Zhi didn’t know why he was so flustered. RFJuKd

Obviously, this wasn’t the first time between him and Xie Yi. In their previous life, they had mostly been at odds, which didn’t prevent them from ending up together. In this life, after being reborn, Xie Yi had thoroughly had his way with him on the second day.

It seemed that he had no grounds to be reserved about this matter.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Apart from Xie Yi’s peculiar and somewhat difficult-to-accept fetishes, if Su Zhi claimed he didn’t enjoy it, that would definitely be a lie. Xie Yi’s initial clumsiness was only present in the first few times; he had improved significantly since then. The man’s learning ability was quite good, applicable even in this matter.

But… today seemed different. XRr7kI

Today, he wasn’t worn out from fighting Xie Yi, forced into submission, nor was he still dazed and confused like that day, being taken advantage of before he could react.

If one had to find a reason, there were barely any justifiable ones for him being taken. Today, he was completely clear-headed and rational.

This gave Su Zhi a disorienting realization: at this moment…

They seemed like a normal, ordinary couple, having dinner at home, chatting aimlessly afterward, and then naturally progressing to the next step.


Is that so? Is that so?

Su Zhi was utterly confused.

He hadn’t been drinking, but his head was already spinning.

“…” JMhXlk

The spot on his skin where Xie Yi had pressed with his teeth was inexplicably burning intensely.

Although Xie Yi didn’t use much force, probably not even leaving a heavy mark, Su Zhi felt as if the side of his neck had been bitten through, with hot, stinging blood flowing out.

His heart pounded chaotically and rapidly, pumping blood to his brain, buzzing. The tip of his tongue pressed against the root of his teeth, letting out a low whimper that he himself didn’t notice.

He should push him away. OYae f

But the pressure on his shoulder from Xie Yi, for some reason, didn’t feel very heavy, yet Su Zhi inexplicably couldn’t muster any strength or find the right angle to shove him off. Even raising his elbow felt like a long, drawn-out effort.

Strange. Was it because he had been pinned down for too long after dinner, leaving him weakened?

The man lingered at his neck for an unknown length of time. Su Zhi felt like the area from his earlobe to his shoulder blade had gone numb. As if it no longer belonged to him.

It might have been ten minutes, but it could have been just a minute or two. The hand pressing on his shoulder lifted. The man who had been leaning against his shoulder also moved away, no longer pressing his chest against him. There was some space now. F yEI7

Su Zhi suddenly found some strength from somewhere.

Instinctively, he wanted to grab something nearby to support his escape, but the only thing within reach was the sofa. The soft, smooth leather surface was impossible to grip. Su Zhi clutched at it several times, failing to steady himself, and instead, his arm went limp, causing him to fall onto the sofa.

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He lay flat on the sofa, with only one elbow barely keeping him from lying down completely. At least he had created some distance.

As he scooted backward, he asked in a tight voice, “What are you… what are you doing…” SkaYsP

Actually, the answer to this question was already obvious. Anyone could see what Xie Yi intended to do next.


It was just a meaningless question.

Naturally, Xie Yi did not answer such an obvious question. VU9lj8

He quietly watched Su Zhi’s retreating movements without speaking.

His dark eyes, reflecting the bright light, seemed to ignite with an unusual flame. Although it didn’t appear as gloomy as before, it still made Su Zhi feel an overwhelming pressure, as if he were about to be devoured by something.

—Even if the beast’s surface lethality was slightly restrained, it was still a beast.

Nervously, he swallowed and retreated further. The man’s gaze followed his movements. PpzFvH

At this moment, Su Zhi had no mirror in front of him, unable to see that his exposed neck and ears were already flushed red. His thin, fair skin, once heated, seemed to emit a vast haze, covered with a layer of pink, staining his cool complexion with a seductive hue.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As he moved back, his slender neck arched in a smooth curve, his collarbone straight and sunken, faintly disappearing into his collar.

Pc tlr rageuuif, atf tfw bo tlr rtlga mjwf ecvbcf, gfnfjilcu j rfmalbc bo tlr cjggbk kjlrailcf.

Ve Itl vlvc’a tjnf fzjuufgjafv wermifr, yea joafg jii, tf kjr ja j sbecu jcv tfjiats juf. Qtfc fzfgalcu obgmf, tlr ybvs vlrqijsfv rwbbat, olgw ilcfr, klat reyaif wermif mbcabegr wjxlcu tlr kjlra jqqfjg rifcvfg jcv gfrlilfca. Llr alutafcfv rxlc jcv oifrt delnfgfv rilutais klat tlr gjqlv ygfjatlcu, agfwyilcu ecvfg afcrlbc. G38MyL

His fair, delicate skin, illuminated by the cold white light, exhibited a porcelain-like texture. But it was far more captivating than porcelain.

Xie Yi was all too familiar with how that porcelain-like texture felt under his palm—delicate and soft, almost as if it would cling to one’s hand.

If a thin layer of sweat covered it, it would add a slightly slippery sensation.

“…” b2kdU0

The man’s tongue couldn’t help but lick his teeth, suppressing the urge to pounce immediately. He wanted to savor this beautiful scene a bit longer.

Su Zhi himself was unaware.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Even though he made struggling movements, every one of his actions and details resembled a beautiful little animal showcasing its delectable parts for enjoyment.

On his slender neck, his slightly small Adam’s apple kept bobbing, even tinged with a bit of red. Ik4SM0

His dark eyes were moist and glossy, staring at him unblinkingly.

It was hard to tell if he was purely nervous and scared, or if there was a hint of… anticipation.

The man’s gaze swept over him as if it were tangible. Su Zhi didn’t have time to think too much, relying only on instinct to shrink back.

The sofa was large, matching the spacious, almost exaggeratedly wide living room of the villa, big enough for two or three people to roll around on, more spacious than an average double bed. JxGICE

But no matter how big it was, it was still just a sofa, with boundaries. Su Zhi’s head soon bumped into something slightly hard—the edge of the armrest. He couldn’t move back any further.

He suddenly realized that continuing to move around on the sofa was pointless. He tried to prop himself up more with his elbows, attempting to climb off the sofa.

But just as he was about to turn over, the man who had been quietly watching his movements acted precisely. His ankle was grabbed unexpectedly. The man’s palm was warm, and for a moment, Su Zhi felt like he had been burned.

He let out a low gasp, not knowing if it was from shock or something else. His supporting elbow wavered, and he suddenly collapsed, lying completely on the sofa, his head resting against the armrest, reaching the end. 8Jl3Fr

Like a small animal caught at its weak spot, he was done for.

And his head just happened to be caught in the corner of the armrest, almost stuck. It was very difficult to move.

—No wonder Xie Yi wasn’t in a hurry to catch him. Looking at it, Su Zhi’s chaotic wriggling made it seem like he had cornered himself.

Maybe Xie Yi was just leisurely watching him make a fool of himself. DodLjg

Su Zhi was a bit dazed: “……”

How could this happen?

What was going on?

How had his intelligence dropped to this level? VGjSJE

Due to his position, he suddenly found himself staring directly into the ceiling light. The cool incandescent light caused deep, shallow, colorful halos to blur his vision, stabbing straight into the depths of his eyes, making him a bit dizzy. He couldn’t help but close his eyes.

The man’s fingers gently rubbed the thinly protruding wrist bone. He had calluses on his fingers, not visible to the naked eye, but perceptible with delicate contact.

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The light stung Su Zhi’s eyes, making them slightly moist. He turned his head a bit, avoiding direct confrontation with the ceiling light.

So his gaze unconsciously fell on Xie Yi again. uh7gdr

The man held his wrist with one hand, while the other wasn’t idle. He was unbuttoning his shirt.

It was obvious he was in a good mood; he wasn’t as hurried as usual when removing his clothes, patiently unbuttoning each button, his long, powerful fingers moving at his neck.

It seemed almost casual.

Xie Yi had a broad frame, wide shoulders, and a narrow waist. Even a simple, plain shirt took on a different meaning on him. The unbuttoning process seemed more like a deliberate display. yYOpNS

Unlike the barely noticeable muscle contours on Su Zhi’s body, Xie Yi had solid, well-defined muscles from real training. His chest and abdominal muscles were firm and powerful, flexing visibly with movement. Hidden under clothing, they were not apparent, but now they could be seen clearly.

The defined abs led to a slanted groove descending into the waistband of his dark suit pants, secured with a belt buckle that reflected cold, sharp light under the illumination.

“Click.” The sound of the buckle being undone.

As he undid it, his eyes remained fixed on Su Zhi lying on the sofa. It was as if, before the meal began, he wanted to enjoy the sight of his prey’s nervous and shy appearance to better stimulate his appetite. ljdGK6

For some reason, Su Zhi’s eyes couldn’t move away. He stared blankly at Xie Yi undressing until the man unbuckled his belt. Then, with flushed cheeks, he turned his head away.

How strange. How strange. Even though Xie Yi was gentler than usual, he really hadn’t been overly forceful in restraining Su Zhi. The hand on his wrist wasn’t gripping tightly, just lightly encircling it.

Rationally, Su Zhi felt that if he exerted a strong force, he could definitely escape. But he just couldn’t break free, even more so than usual. His body felt as if it had been injected with a syrupy poison, making him weak and powerless.

He didn’t know why. His eyes started to heat up, as if he were about to cry. kOixg5

He vaguely felt surrounded by another kind of trap, one that he couldn’t describe, with a hint of sweetness.

Su Zhi kicked his leg, striking the man’s knee.


His little effort was far from an actual attack. Xie Yi didn’t mind, but his movements paused slightly. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gazed deeply at Su Zhi for a few seconds before lowering his head to seek his lips. rq7Xkx

Su Zhi widened his eyes, “Wait, wait, no—”

He struggled with considerable strength, looking more serious in his resistance than before, almost bumping into the man’s shoulder.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Su Zhi’s pupils dilated, his expression slightly fearful as he said, “I haven’t—haven’t brushed… my teeth, no kissing!”

Xie Yi: “…” VGYAfO

He silently raised his head, his gaze practically tangible as it fell on Su Zhi’s face. The corner of his mouth curved slightly, seemingly about to smile, but it quickly smoothed out.

Finally, he responded in a deep voice, agreeing: “Mm, no kissing.”

The man leaned down to kiss him.

His warm breath fell on the corner of Su Zhi’s eyes, his cheeks, the edge of his lips, and paused for a moment on his Adam’s apple, which was trembling and sliding up and down. McAzK0

Just as he was about to continue down his neck.

Su Zhi reached out to stop his head, whether out of nervousness or dissatisfaction, holding back for a long time, finally managing to say, “Shower, shower…”

Obviously, he had a bit of a cleanliness obsession.

Moments later, after biting Su Zhi’s flushed ear, he said, “Alright, let’s shower first.” 5yweB3

This time, Xie Yi couldn’t help it, a barely noticeable smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. But with his head buried in Su Zhi’s neck, it went unseen.

Then, Su Zhi was led by the waist to the first-floor spare bathroom for a proper shower. After the shower, they didn’t go up to the bedroom on the second floor but returned to the sofa.

The leather texture was soft and comfortable, but really slippery with nowhere to grip. Very unfriendly for someone eager to hold onto something.

Su Zhi’s fingertips tried to grasp the surface several times, leaving pale marks and producing a faint, tearing sound, but only to slide off helplessly. His slender fingers curled momentarily in the air, eventually landing on the man’s shoulder. yosmZv

His skin, already white as jade, contrasted starkly against the dark leather sofa, making him appear even more tender and fair. Even the slight quivering of his tightened chest and abdomen seemed dramatic.


On Monday, when Su Zhi went to work, he was still a bit dazed. Sitting at his workstation, he zoned out repeatedly, with a faraway look on his face.

“What are you thinking about, Xiao Su?” A slender finger tapped on his desk—it was his female colleague, the one who had shown concern for his health and whom he had helped with coffee last time. kjnTSo

“Uh.” Su Zhi was startled, instantly straightening his back. He nervously touched his sleeve.

After a few seconds, he turned his head and asked quietly, “Uh, what’s up?”

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The female colleague didn’t notice his small movements and teased, “Xiao Su, did you have too much fun over the weekend? How come you’re daydreaming first thing in the morning, your eyes aren’t even focused. Silly.”

Su Zhi’s ears turned red. He casually picked up a stack of documents and flipped them open, trying to stay calm, “No, no. I’m just a bit tired.” jANbwY

It wasn’t just that he had fun—

No, it wasn’t that he had fun. To be accurate, he had been played with until he was exhausted.

The entire weekend.

Not only the cook, but other service staff in the villa were also absent. u6YL0X

In the spacious villa, there were only Su Zhi and Xie Yi.

Due to the villa’s unique location atop a mountain, the view outside was all forests and mountains. Occasionally glancing outside, Su Zhi felt a strangely disoriented sense of seclusion, almost like they were having a secret affair isolated from the world.

Xie Yi took care of the cooking and cleaning.

Su Zhi couldn’t figure out when he learned to cook. It was just a few days, right? And he had to subtract the significant amount of time spent on work. Surprisingly, he managed to learn and produce such good results. 2XwTfP

He remembered how, in his previous life, he destroyed four pots in one day when he tried to cook, feeling a sense of empathy.

It was really strange. Perhaps two days had gotten him used to Xie Yi’s cooking, because on Monday morning, faced with the sumptuous breakfast the cook had meticulously prepared for him, he found it tasteless and couldn’t concentrate.

It must have shown too clearly, because the cook noticed and tactfully asked if something was wrong, making Su Zhi somewhat embarrassed.

How was he supposed to explain? uXdkUQ

The cook’s food was indeed delicious; it was his own mouth that had a problem.

Cleaning wasn’t complicated. Both of them had fairly good living habits and basically didn’t need much cleaning. They just had to dispose of kitchen waste daily.

However, overall, these were not things Su Zhi had to worry about.

Two days and three nights. tXIH52

Apart from eating and sleeping, he was constantly entangled with Xie Yi, with no time to worry about anything else.

His colleague noticed his face suddenly turn red and couldn’t help but glance at him a couple of times.

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Was it her imagination? She felt that this kid looked particularly good today. His usually overly pale cheeks were rosy, showing a bit of color.

Although his expression was still calm, there was a soft aura around his eyebrows and eyes, as if he had been thoroughly kneaded until soft, creating a contrast with his usual appearance that was… childlike? GRMyuw


But she didn’t think much of it, just assuming that Su Zhi blushed because he was young and thin-skinned, embarrassed after being caught daydreaming at work.

She teased, “You’re holding the documents upside down.” She laughed twice and walked away.

Leaving Su Zhi fumbling to right the documents at his workstation. He didn’t forget to cover his sleeves. g0c aL

When Xie Yi wanted to bite his neck, even though Su Zhi’s mind was foggy, he vigilantly refused. His skin was thin, and with Xie Yi’s forcefulness, the marks wouldn’t fade in two days. He didn’t want to go to the company with conspicuous marks and be the subject of teasing. Just thinking about it made him feel suffocated with embarrassment.

It’s too strange. Su Zhi’s upbringing couldn’t comprehend such actions.

How is this different from shouting through a loudspeaker that he had a very eventful night life?

The man’s head rested on his shoulder, his voice hoarse and deep as he murmured, “What to do, baby, what to do? How can I let others know this little bird already has an owner?” SGsOnb

Su Zhi’s mind had mostly drifted away, alert but not fully so. He thought for a moment and mumbled, “You’re so annoying, do it somewhere else, don’t let others see. Are you some kind of exhibitionist…”

“Don’t let others see.”

Who knows what nerve this sentence touched in Xie Yi, but he paused and quietly looked at Su Zhi for a while.

He truly didn’t insist on leaving marks where Su Zhi’s clothes couldn’t cover. But, in contrast, he made up for it doubly in places that others couldn’t see. p VbU9

Who knows what he was thinking.

Su Zhi’s already flushed cheeks turned even redder.

Through his neatly arranged suit pants, Su Zhi patted his leg. Whether it was his imagination or not, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the inner part of his thigh was still aching badly.


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