After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch83 - Why is the canary like this?

Su Zhi rarely speaks ill of others.

He has been a well-behaved child since he was young. His good upbringing has kept him from the habit of speaking ill of others behind their backs. Even if he really dislikes someone or finds them troubling, he wouldn’t go out of his way to complain about them to others. At most, he would just avoid them next time. Ychgm3

The rudest he has ever been in both his lives was probably in front of Xie Yi.

But even then, the worst he would call Xie Yi were words like pervert and lunatic, and if he was really angry, he would call Xie Yi a dog.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Whether these words actually hurt Xie Yi’s feelings is quite doubtful.

It shouldn’t be Su Zhi’s imagination, but many times the more he cursed Xie Yi, the more excited Xie Yi seemed to get. It was almost like some kind of catalyst, which always made him feel something was off. 287j1t

But he didn’t know how else to curse.

He couldn’t bring himself to do it, and sometimes he found it quite frustrating.

This was how Su Zhi expressed his dissatisfaction; at his most intense, he would only curse to someone’s face, and all his criticisms were open and direct.

He wouldn’t turn around and find someone else to curse with; he wasn’t interested in discussing the details of his relationship with Xie Yi with others.


Sometimes, Su Zhi thought.

Perhaps part of the reason was that he didn’t have any friends close enough to talk about such things with.

It was quite strange.

Since he was young, Su Zhi had always been well-liked. His clean and gentle appearance and personality naturally made many people have a good impression of him. 0xDy7H

Even when his family went bankrupt during university, he never faced any campus discrimination. Instead, some classmates who knew about his situation came to comfort him and treated him even better.

But from beginning to end, he never had a relationship close enough to have a best friend with whom he could eat, attend classes, and share everything.

His relationships with everyone were fine, but that was all.

Gathering them all together could be simply described as “acquainted classmates.” c7l2QR

It was as if there was an invisible barrier, unconsciously and imperceptibly separating him from others.

Some people seem easy to approach, but in reality, they are the most distant. He always kept his most core part firmly guarded, not opening up to anyone.

Perhaps it wasn’t intentional; sometimes he didn’t even realize it himself.

— Until a completely unreasonable beast broke in, abandoning the courtesy and face of civilized beings, rudely and domineeringly trying to squeeze into that part behind the barrier. NpKiRD

Digressing too much.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In short, Su Zhi really wasn’t someone who liked to talk behind others’ backs.

But this time, for some reason, he spoke those words without much thought. v31fqt

After speaking, he was stunned for a moment.

Probably because that face so similar to Xie Yi’s caused too much mental stress.

He really couldn’t adapt to Xie Xingzhou smiling gently at the team leader with a face that was seventy percent similar to Xie Yi’s for several hours.

… It was simply like some kind of ghost story! LdISyr

He strongly suspected that the team leader was willing to talk with Xie Xingzhou for so long because he was secretly fantasizing about the scene of the stern-faced chairman and him flattering each other.

Of course, it wasn’t that Xie Yi was always scowling and losing his temper. Most of the time when he worked, he was just cold and calm.

But even when he was being gentle, he wouldn’t show that kind of purposeful smile, like Xie Xingzhou, lowering his stance to accommodate others’ feelings.

It’s not that Su Zhi looked down on such people; it’s a very normal thing. NtPoXC

Most people in this world, to some extent, bend over to please others.

He had seen it many times in his previous life and was used to it. Even he himself would sometimes bow and compromise to make his work go smoothly.

If that person changed his face, he wouldn’t have any opinion at all.

It’s just that with that kind of face, it felt awkward. F8JLgk

Su Zhi: “…”

He accidentally remembered again and felt a bit choked up.

At the exhibition hall, he didn’t feel too strongly, just subconsciously couldn’t eat.

On the way back in the taxi, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Y6pM8e

Combined with the discomfort from the long ride, he almost vomited in the car.

He only felt better after being hugged by Xie Yi for a while after returning home.

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But he accidentally remembered again.

Su Zhi instinctively shrank back into the man’s arms behind him, as if seeking some comfort. b0FYXe

He whispered, “It’s so strange…”

Since he had already said something bad, Su Zhi decided to go all out. After all, he never had a calm and polite image in front of Xie Yi.

They didn’t even know how many times they had fought.

Still feeling uneasy, he said, “I really don’t like him, it feels so awkward looking at him, I hope I don’t run into him again.” 12gUZ3

He was indeed fishing.

But if he had known he would catch such a mentally disturbing fish, he might have hesitated a bit.

Xie Yi had been silent the whole time. His hand, which was gently rubbing Su Zhi’s belly, paused for a long time before continuing.

His body dutifully comforted the suddenly lazy little lover who became paralyzed after eating. uYyB1I

After Su Zhi muttered a few more words, Xie Yi responded as if just realizing, with a deep, “Mm.”

His voice was hoarse, as if it had rolled over gravel.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wlf Tl kjr qgbyjyis gfralcu tlr mtlc bc Ve Itl’r tfjv. Qtfc tf rqbxf, qjga bo atf rbecv agjcrwlaafv atgbeut atflg mbcajma vlgfmais ab Ve Itl’r ybvs, wjxlcu atf tbjgrfcfrr fnfc wbgf qgbcbecmfv, jiwbra ilxf la kjr vgliilcu vlgfmais lcab tlr fjg, wjxlcu tlr fjg gbbar alcuif.

Mbg rbwf gfjrbc, Ve Itl revvfcis kjcafv ab rff Wlf Tl’r fzqgfrrlbc. Lf aglfv ab ibbx eq. eSTrdg

But Xie Yi was holding him very tightly, with his arms firmly around his waist, his chin pressing on his head, almost as if trying to swallow Su Zhi with his body.

The man’s heartbeat became heavier, transmitted through the thin fabric to Su Zhi’s chest, making his own calm and gentle heart beat faster, the rhythm gradually aligning.

Thump, thump.

It was like a small resonance formed between the two of them, known only to them. oJCxfZ

Almost dizzying.

Su Zhi struggled a bit, but couldn’t break free, instead being held even tighter.

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Almost out of breath.

Hot and restless in the embrace, Su Zhi suddenly felt like he had become a fragrant bone, grabbed by a starving wolfdog who was holding him like a loot back to its den. xZOMSc

This wolfdog was too protective of its food, clutching its hard-won bone tightly, jealously guarding against all competitors, not wanting anyone to see.

Sometimes, liking something too much makes it hard to express the overflowing affection.

The only way was to hold it in his mouth, making the fragrant little bone wet. Liking something to the extreme seems to naturally induce appetite.

Actually, he couldn’t bear to really eat it. MBxVSg

But he inevitably scared the fragile little bone, making it think it was going to die.

Su Zhi slowly opened his eyes wide and took a breath, “Are you trying to strangle me?”

Xie Yi: “… Sorry.”

He loosened his grip a little, but just a little, enough for Su Zhi to breathe normally again. TaoMfd

Su Zhi still couldn’t change his position to see his expression.

“Yeah, I don’t like him,” Xie Yi repeated for some reason.

Su Zhi: “…”

Su Zhi felt inexplicably embarrassed. 2tF3LB

This person, why does he have to repeat him talking bad about someone like that?

It felt like a public shaming.

However, before Su Zhi could tell him to shut up, the man with his chin resting on his head slowly said, “I don’t like him either.”

Su Zhi: “Huh… what?” rMRUEV

Xie Yi: “Before going abroad, I stayed at his house for a few days and got into a fight.”

Su Zhi asked vigilantly, “Did you win?”

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Xie Yi: “I won. He couldn’t beat me.”

Su Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good…” IJQSB7

Probably some strange sense of competitiveness.

He couldn’t accept that the Xie Yi who had never lost to him would be beaten by that fake-smiling Xie Xingzhou.

His words were really nonsensical, but there was an indescribable cuteness to them.

Xie Yi seemed amused by him, a low, muffled laugh coming from his chest. vtFeiq

Actually, Su Zhi’s thinking could be quite odd sometimes.

People might say he was naive and gentle, but sometimes he had a bit of a natural dark side that showed he also had a mischievous side.

Xie Yi kissed the top of his head and didn’t continue the topic.

Actually, the situation wasn’t as simple as the word “fight” could describe. The days he stayed at Xie Xingzhou’s house were very difficult. mhUsDv

At that time, the head of the Xie family had already decided to send Xie Yi abroad in a while.

After that, the Xie family would no longer acknowledge this child.

Logically, since the decision was made, there shouldn’t have been any further trouble, otherwise it would be asking for problems.

But Xie Xingzhou’s father was a very violent person who couldn’t stand the sight of Xie Yi and often tormented him. JCdQzF

Not directly beating or abusing him, which would be too obvious and leave evidence. He wasn’t that stupid.

But adults have many ways to torment a child and make him suffer.

Many times, verbal abuse alone can easily destroy a young child.

Xie Xingzhou followed suit and also caused trouble for Xie Yi. jz8l A

He even had more of a knack for causing trouble than his father. When Xie Yi was out, he entered his room and pried open a small box that Xie Yi carried with him.

At that time, Xie Yi had very few belongings.

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The most important was this small locked box.

He really wanted to protect this small box and almost never left his room because of it. Guf6pA

But he was, after all, just a young child, prone to making mistakes. The slightly older, precociously smart Xie Xingzhou caught him off guard and seized the only few minutes he wasn’t in the room.

When Xie Yi left the room for a few minutes and returned, he saw Xie Xingzhou had opened his small box.

From inside, he took out a simple, youthful watch.

It wasn’t a particularly expensive brand, at least not to a family like the Xie family at the time; it wasn’t considered a valuable item. d9t2Me

But Xie Xingzhou knew this item was very important to Xie Yi.

Because it was a birthday gift from Xie Yi’s biological mother.

When she gave this gift, it was during Xie Yi’s birthday party. His father had brought him there, and his father had whispered with disdain that a woman from a small place didn’t have any class, giving such a gift for a birthday, embarrassing the Xie family.

Xie Xingzhou didn’t pay attention to his father’s curses but remembered Xie Yi’s beautiful, pale mother. SFB76y

She looked so timid, as if anyone could control her. When she was held by Xie Yi’s father in front of everyone, she was clearly flustered and embarrassed, but too weak to refuse.

The people around made strange jeering sounds.

She lowered her head even more, her ears turning red.

At that time, no one would have thought that this seemingly fragile woman would be capable of orchestrating such a cruel and ingenious scheme. fO7A53

“Brother,” Xie Xingzhou called out affectionately.

Then, in front of Xie Yi, Xie Xingzhou threw the watch on the ground.

Before Xie Yi could pounce, he stepped on the watch and crushed it. J437vs

The fragments of the watch face flew out from under his feet.

One piece grazed Xie Yi’s eye, leaving a sharp cut.

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Xie Yi didn’t care about the pain at the corner of his eye. He rushed forward and pushed Xie Xingzhou, who staggered and hit the door frame.

Xie Xingzhou wasn’t angry. He steadied himself by holding the door frame. hNHnaY

Watching Xie Yi, like a stray dog, pick up the fragments of the watch, he slowly smiled.

The young man, who looked very similar to Xie Yi, showed a gentle smile, but there was a clear malice in his eyes.

Looking down at his blood-related cousin picking up the fragments, he spoke condescendingly, “Xie Yi, what’s the point of caring so much about these things? Are you fantasizing that your mother loves you through these gifts? But if she really cared about you, how could she leave you behind after using you? For a little monster like you, even your biological mother would be afraid of you.”

He naively and cruelly said, “She doesn’t love you, she just doesn’t love you. Even if you keep her gifts for a hundred years, she still won’t love you. After all, you’re the proof of her shame. Aren’t you? If she could choose, she would definitely have strangled you in her womb.” e1qQmG

At that time, Xie Xingzhou’s father arrogantly thought that cold violence and daily insults would mentally torture a child.

But only Xie Xingzhou, being a child himself, keenly realized that his little wolf cub cousin didn’t care about those things at all.

He wasn’t an ordinary child but a little monster born of a big monster.

Xie Yi’s weak spot was his mother, who had already gone abroad. s1Ezbu

Xie Yi paused in his movement of picking up the fragments.

He looked up at Xie Xingzhou, the wound from the watch fragment bleeding, making it look like a teardrop of blood.

Moments later, he suddenly stood up and punched Xie Xingzhou in the face.

Xie Xingzhou was stunned for a moment and fought back. UW2fQ0

The two of them got into a scuffle.

Xie Yi was only three years younger than Xie Xingzhou, but at that time, he was only seven years old. The difference between a seven-year-old and a ten-year-old was still significant, especially for boys, with almost a crushing disparity in size.

But in that fight, Xie Xingzhou didn’t gain much advantage and was actually quite embarrassed.

Partly because he was caught off guard, not expecting Xie Yi to actually dare to hit him, and partly because Xie Yi fought like a madman. bL5D4z

He was like a little wolf cub, still very young but already showing a fierce, reckless fighting spirit.

The fight didn’t last long before the servants came to break it up.

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When they were pulled apart, Xie Yi’s mouth was covered in blood.

That wasn’t blood from being hit; it was from Xie Yi biting down so hard to hold onto Xie Xingzhou that he made one of his own teeth bleed. ZqSts6

Master Xie was a bit displeased when he heard about this mess.

However, it was just a fight between kids, so it wouldn’t cause too much trouble.

He sent someone to pick Xie Yi up from Xie Xingzhou’s house, but he didn’t want to see him either. He just casually hired a nanny to take care of him for a few days, and once the visa was ready, he sent him abroad as if discarding garbage.

It was truly a disgusting memory. P7sx 3

But later, when Xie Yi thought back, although Xie Xingzhou’s words were harsh, they weren’t wrong.

There was no need to go into the dirty, ugly details with Su Zhi.

After Xie Yi finished speaking, Su Zhi perked up his ears and held his breath to listen. 7y8eZw

But after that sentence, the man didn’t continue, falling into a long silence and distraction, showing no intention of explaining in detail.

Huh, that’s it?

For some reason, Su Zhi felt an indescribable sense of loss.

He thought he could hear a bit about Xie Yi’s past, but although he did say something, it was just a tiny bit. 46O8Xr

What a tease; it would have been better if he hadn’t said anything at all.

Su Zhi couldn’t help but open his mouth, not even knowing why he was so curious, and asked, “You…”

But after saying one word, he sobered up and stopped.

Ugh, what is he doing? KET4bG

In a daze, he and Xie Yi seemed like little kids gossiping about others and sharing old grudges, like they were still in kindergarten, and their combined ages didn’t exceed ten.

As if having a common enemy would make their friendship stronger.

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So childish.

He was too embarrassed to continue asking and shut his mouth. M2hdFc

Moreover, since Xie Yi didn’t continue, it showed he probably didn’t want to talk about it.

Su Zhi never had the bad habit of prying into others’ privacy before; he had always been polite and respectful. He was never interested in other people’s family matters.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him today; he kept making mistakes.

First, he talked bad about someone, and then he tried to pry into someone else’s privacy. 0wR6xX

His basic morals took two hits in the short span of half an hour.

Su Zhi: “…”

Oh well, at least no one else knows!

He reflected for a minute, then guiltily forgave himself. klcVMT

The man quietly held him.

Probably because Su Zhi was being so well-behaved and didn’t seem like he wanted to run away at all, after a while, the grip relaxed significantly.

At that moment, Su Zhi suddenly struggled.

Of course, he didn’t break free, but that wasn’t his goal in the first place. 9H2ENM

But he did successfully nudge Xie Yi’s head off his own and turned his body around in the man’s arms, finally able to see his expression.

Xie Yi lowered his eyes to look at him: “What’s wrong?”

Su Zhi tilted his head up to carefully examine his face.

Actually, Xie Yi’s eyelashes were also very long, but not as dense as Su Zhi’s, which fluttered like little fans. PF2m9W

His eyebrows and eyes were dark as ink, his brow bone and nose bridge were high, making his features more defined than typical Asians. His deep-set eyes gave a sense of oppression when he looked at people, and when he was in a dark mood, the effect was even more pronounced.

The smooth, sharp curve of his jawline made his expression seem fierce and aggressive when he was tense.

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He looked like he could eat someone alive.

Su Zhi looked at him for a while, remembering the countless times he was scared by his cold face, and suddenly felt a rush of daring. N9kLi

He managed to pull one of his arms out of Xie Yi’s embrace, extended his fingers, and with a vengeful spirit, pinched the side of his jaw.

The skin there was pulled up a bit, making the handsome face show a slight deformation.

At first glance, it looked quite funny.

Xie Yi was also taken aback: “…” sOW2Sc

Su Zhi suddenly realized what he was doing, froze for a moment, and swiftly withdrew his hand.

He pretended nothing had happened and calmly thought.

Oh, there doesn’t seem to be anything special about it.

When he wasn’t particularly good or bad, he looked no different than usual. xW0Sg9

But there was something slightly different.

It seemed that the bright incandescent light in the living room was reflected in his dark eyes, making them appear more brilliant than usual.

And there was a red mark on his jaw where Su Zhi had pinched, gradually becoming more visible, creating a rare sense of vulnerability as if he had been bullied.

Unconsciously, Su Zhi wondered what Xie Yi was like when he fought with his cousin as a child. TgViXU

Fighting with an older kid, even if he won, he must have gotten hurt, right?

Su Zhi shifted his gaze away, casually saying, “Nothing, you’re too heavy, making my head feel heavy.”

The corner of Xie Yi’s mouth curved slightly, but he didn’t say anything. He just adjusted Su Zhi’s position back and continued rubbing his stomach.

This time, he didn’t rest his chin on Su Zhi’s head. V2Tx7D

They spent more than half an hour on the sofa.

At first, it was just rubbing his stomach, but Su Zhi wasn’t actually that full; he never ate much, and earlier he had stopped halfway, thinking Xie Yi hadn’t eaten, so he was only about seventy to eighty percent full.

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After a while of having his stomach rubbed, he didn’t feel full anymore.

Su Zhi pushed his hand away, “Okay, okay, stop it. You’re making me hungry again.” ht5byz

Xie Yi: “If you’re hungry, I’ll cook for you.”

Su Zhi: “No, I’m not eating anymore.”

Eat when hungry, hungry when eaten, is he a pig? Even pigs aren’t raised this way, right?

Besides, Su Zhi looked at the time, “It’s time to sleep.” WR7gwd

They got home around nine, spent almost an hour cooking and eating, and then idled on the sofa for over half an hour. It was nearly eleven o’clock.

Su Zhi had been going to bed around this time lately, and Xie Yi hadn’t bothered him for several days, so his biological clock was quite stable.

He naturally thought it was time to sleep.

But Xie Yi didn’t let him go, instead saying, “Tomorrow is Saturday, and I’ve finished my work for now. I won’t be going to the office for the next two days.” YPSkBz

Su Zhi hadn’t realized, “Oh.”

Xie Yi continued, “I’ll also give the housekeeper the weekend off and have her come back on Monday.”

Su Zhi: “? There’s no need for that, right?”

Although Xie Yi’s cooking was decent, it wasn’t necessary to cook for two days straight, was it? c JmVZ

He thought it was unnecessary.

He wasn’t demanding enough to make the man cook for him.

Xie Yi didn’t respond, just made a non-committal “hmm” sound. The hand that had been on Su Zhi’s stomach slowly slid up to his shoulder.

Then, he gently applied pressure, making Su Zhi’s upper body tilt to the side. 38SzMC

Su Zhi didn’t realize what was happening until the man bent down, his warm breath and lips near his neck, teeth pressing against the soft skin, followed by a scorching hot exhale.

Finally, he slowly and nervously realized: Xie Yi seemed to want to sleep with him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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