After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch44 - Incubus Quits

The next day.

Josh slept until noon, missing breakfast time, and woke up with a growling stomach. It’s not his fault, he didn’t fall asleep until dawn. bdazfJ


He stretched lazily.

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His pajamas had been changed to a new style, softer and more delicate than the first one he wore yesterday.

The neckline was loose, adorned with delicate lace in a V-shape. nHXd2Q

This style leaned towards femininity, but it wasn’t so strict, often worn by young nobles. Josh used to wear this style often when he was young. The nun probably got used to it. Even though he’s been an adult for a long time now, she still prepared such pajamas for him.

The first pajamas from yesterday were completely ruined and couldn’t be worn again. Josh managed to muster enough energy to take a shower, randomly grabbed one from the wardrobe, and fell asleep in it. Only upon waking up did he realize it was this style. The hem was like flower petals, very girly.

The neckline was already large, and after being rolled twice by the owner, it revealed his beautifully shaped shoulders and neck, with deep collar bones indented with two small dimples, white and delicate.

More eye-catching were the scattered pale pink flower petals on the snow, although not heavy, they were extremely dense, revealing a possessiveness that was startling.


“One, two, three, … eleven, twelve—stop counting!”

Josh looked in the mirror for a long time, furrowing his brows: “Is he a dog?!”

The parts that could be seen were already like this, not to mention the parts covered by clothing.

Josh quickly lifted the hem of his clothes to take a look, and instantly blinked as if he had been scalded, swiftly lowering the hem. KkCX J


Blushing, the young lord who never cursed lightly uttered a curse.

Yesterday, towards the latter half, he had exhausted his strength, intermittently hanging in a state of not resting. He was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He heard the knight who had been silent and used by him speaking up to offer to work actively. His voice was hoarse as if it had been rolling back and forth on gravel, startling Josh. irRWNh

However, Albert’s eyes were covered by silk cloth, and Josh couldn’t see his expression.

He only saw his sharp brows tightly furrowed, as if tortured to the limit, breathing heavy like a wild beast on the brink of madness.

Josh was probably too tired at the time, feeling lazy.

After sternly threatening Albert not to remove the silk band covering his eyes, he actually, as if possessed, undid the spell for him. 63AxkQ

Josh couldn’t remember much of what happened afterward, or rather, he refused to recall in detail.

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The most vivid memory was when Albert leaned down, his arm against Josh’s ear, the veins taut on his arm, the muscles on his shoulders and back undulating like mountains.

In the end, he even wanted to take a bath with Josh. YTf5Dh

Thinking about the marks on his body, Josh was startled, as if his tail had been stepped on. He hastily threw some clothes at him and pushed him out of the door.

From start to finish.

He didn’t notice when he was bitten like this.

Josh deliberately changed into a high-necked garment and fastened the buttons meticulously to the top layer. hcI6Bo

Then he came down to search for food.

It was almost lunchtime, and today’s lunch was especially sumptuous, all dishes that Josh loved.

Josh’s appetite was instantly aroused.

The nun glanced at his complexion and kindly remarked, “After resting for two days in a row and sleeping in today, you seem much more energetic. But why are you wearing such a garment? Isn’t it too hot?” 0aVlFh

Josh was drinking tea to soothe his throat and almost choked on his own: “Cough, cough—”

A normal person after a night like that would at least feel a bit under the weather, if not sick with a fever.

But not Josh. He’s an incubus, and it must be said that he does have a racial talent in this regard. Although there was a time when he felt unbearable, after a night passed, he felt both tired and relaxed.

It’s the kind of relaxed feeling that comes after complete release, tired but satisfied. 9hjIOu

There are some lingering effects of feeling a bit light-headed, but he doesn’t mind.

The discomfort like having a fever has completely disappeared, and if it weren’t for the residual marks, Josh would almost convince himself that the awakening of his physique hadn’t happened.

Thinking of this, Josh remembered and asked, “Where’s Albert? Why hasn’t he come for the meal?”

The nun replied, “I saw Sir Knight busy on the commercial street early in the morning, dealing with some disputes over the handling of the abandoned temple. He’s handling it and might come back later. Young Master, you’re the master, you don’t have to wait for him specially. You can start eating when you’re hungry.” n VKCy

Josh: “Oh, okay… It’s fine, I’ll wait for him. I’ll give him fifteen minutes. If he doesn’t come back, then forget it.”

He went to work early in the morning?

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Glvc’a Ciyfga gfra joafg ifjnlcu tlr yfvgbbw?

Ktf cec rtbkfv atja tfiqifrr fzqgfrrlbc jujlc: “Tbecu Zjrafg, sbe pera rqbli tlw abb wemt.” dnN125

Abrt: “…” Efjiis?

Cr atfs kfgf mtjaalcu, atf qgbajubclra bo atflg mbcnfgrjalbc jgglnfv, atf ajii, ubivfc-tjlgfv xcluta kjixlcu lcab atf vlclcu gbbw.

Llr oluegf jcv jqqfjgjcmf kfgf cb vloofgfca ogbw ereji, yea lcfzqilmjyis, tlr ubivfc tjlg rffwfv ab rtlwwfg wbgf, jcv tlr vffq yief-ugffc fsfr jqqfjgfv fnfc wbgf qgbobecv, fwlaalcu j rqjgxilcu iluta ilxf rfgfcf ufwrabcfr, mjqalnjalcu fnfgsbcf’r jaafcalbc.

As he entered, he took off his coat, leaving only a simple undershirt with two buttons undone, casual yet handsome. KdTzOJ

There was a faint red mark on his throat, which Josh keenly noticed. Thinking of the origin of that mark, he immediately averted his eyes.

The knight brought by the lord today seemed even more charming.

He attracted the attention of several young maids who glanced at him a few more times. Albert’s appearance was already young and handsome, far surpassing the other knights in the manor.

It’s just that his personality was somewhat aloof. B6Tnew

To say he was aloof wasn’t accurate, at least when he faced Josh, he was extremely loyal and reliable, wholeheartedly following the lord, setting an example for all the knights.

However, besides Josh, he didn’t show any expression to anyone else.

Although theoretically everyone in the estate was Josh’s subordinate, they were all servants, but Albert’s unique aura made the others in the mansion not dare to see him as a true colleague, and some even felt intimidated by him. They wouldn’t easily get close to him.

But perhaps he was in a particularly good mood today, as he took the tea offered by the maid and politely said, “Thank you.” Yw7bQf

The maid blushed.

Josh: “…”

He placed his teacup on the table, feeling a bit inexplicably displeased for some reason, exerting a bit of force, causing the porcelain cup to make a light sound as it landed on the wooden surface.

Albert quickly looked over, approaching a few steps, smiling, and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong? Don’t like it? I specifically asked the kitchen to add a few dishes today, all of which you love.” fIGYlv

His voice carried a magnetic quality, usually not noticeable, but since Josh was focusing on him now, it felt particularly apparent.

Into his ears, it reminded him involuntarily of last night when this man leaned close to his ear, his passionate warmth enveloping him with a low, hoarse voice asking if he wanted it harder.

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Josh couldn’t remember why he was displeased for a moment.

The knight’s deep blue eyes focused on him, and Josh saw his reflection in them, like being reflected in a deep lake. JnNwMA

His heart skipped a beat.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

Various scenes needing censorship played in his mind, and he babbled nonsense, “No, no. I just accidentally bumped into the cup.”

After a while, Josh asked again, “Did you go to work this morning?” 52uxq9

It’s strange. Josh’s good spirits are due to his special physique, and he even slept in to feel so relaxed and carefree.

Albert didn’t even rest, yet he’s so energetic?

There’s not a trace of weariness in his eyes.

And yesterday, in the latter part, Albert actually exerted a lot of effort. hrAB93

It doesn’t make sense.

Josh was puzzled.


Time passed like this for a while. LrPYCZ

After the first time, the second and third times seemed to follow naturally.

Josh didn’t even wait for anything unusual to happen to his body. After forcing the knight to work a night shift for the first time, he urged him to work again just one day later.

The night shift became Albert’s daily task.

On this matter, Josh had a solid argument: “Didn’t you say that the energy of ordinary humans might not be enough? So I’m just being diligent to make up for it, just in case. Is there anything wrong with that? I think it’s quite useful.” ecT Od

The prophecy scroll was deeply shaken: “…Is that how you use diligence to make up for incompetence? You’re amazing.”

It was impressed by Josh, actually coming up with such a bizarre idea.

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It found the whole situation absurd and admitted, “Don’t tell anyone, but I actually think you’ve hit the nail on the head with this bizarre approach. You’ve been eating well during this period, so at least initially, coping shouldn’t be a problem. It’s really strange… Normally, only individuals with specific physiques among humans can satisfy your needs…” xsc1YJ

Josh was in a good mood: “Of course. Did you think I’m as stubborn as you?”

As he said this, Josh was sitting in the study, basking in the sun by the window, lazily lying in a recliner reading a niche book on magic. When he lowered his head, the back of his neck revealed numerous red marks, with one particularly prominent at the protruding joint, obviously having been lavished with attention.

Like a little kitten being pampered by someone.

The prophecy scroll poured cold water on him again: “However, as I said, this is just the beginning. As the demand increases later on, don’t be too happy too soon. I think we should—” xT49oy

Josh closed the magic book with a snap: “If you dare mention that name again, I’ll use you to wipe the backsides of the estate’s magical horses. One of them had gastrointestinal problems from overwork the other day.”

“…” The prophecy scroll muttered, “Brat.”

It continued, “Sometimes, I really don’t understand you. You’re not willing to— cough cough, get involved, but I see you’re having a great time fooling around with the knight every day now. What’s the difference between these two individuals?”

Josh: “There’s a big difference, but I’ve told you, and you wouldn’t understand.” B6d2HO

The prophecy scroll skeptically asked, “Then tell me. What, you don’t like this knight, do you?”


Josh was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly seemed to be struck by something, getting agitated, glaring at it fiercely: “How could that be?! Are you out of words and starting to talk nonsense?”

Like and love are both weak emotions. jy2H6u

Josh understood this principle early on.

When he was young, Josh didn’t know why his mother chose to give birth to him.

Even without mentioning his half-incubus identity, a young genius mage in her early twenties with a bright future ahead has no reason to waste time on pregnancy and childbirth, especially given her complicated identity.

But everything in life happens for a reason. LIc4Nk

His mother took such a big risk to give birth to him, there must be an incredibly powerful driving force behind it.

Josh had repeatedly pondered the answer to this question.

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When he was very young, he was also naively fooled by the words of the nun, who said, “Lady Alyssa loves you very much,” and he thought he was like other children, brought into this world because his mother loved him.

But as he grew a little older, this flimsy speculation was shattered by his mother’s cold indifference, which was as unyielding as ice. nafcVT

Yes, upon careful reflection.

Why would anyone want a child who is half-incubus?

So Josh thought, it must be because his mother loved his father too much, love blinded her, leading her to make such irrational decisions.

Although he had never heard of any exploits of his incubus father… 8tI10

Anyway, from that time on, a vague thought took root in young Josh’s heart:

He didn’t want to fall in love with anyone.

He didn’t want to be bound by such elusive feelings like his mother, paying the price of a lifetime.

Returning from his reverie. 4lDSfM

The relaxed and lazy expression on his face had disappeared, and a rare sharpness appeared in his cat-like eyes as he coldly said, “I won’t like anyone. I use him because he’s easier to control. Don’t make meaningless guesses.”

The prophecy scroll saw that he was truly angry: “Well, I won’t say anything more. Why be angry? Anger ages you faster.”

Josh turned his face away and picked up the magic book to continue reading: “I’m not angry.”

After a while, the scroll continued, “Speaking of which, that knight is really unlucky to have a boss like you. Working eight jobs during the day, overtime at night, sleeping only a few hours a day. What kind of life is that? Won’t he die early?” XMx0Hy

Josh: “…”

Josh: “I check his body with magic every day, and there’s nothing wrong. Am I that heartless?”

Although he was initially surprised by Albert’s energy, after checking Albert’s body and finding no abnormalities, he stopped worrying about it.

Probably just gifted, he thought. DvqHkt

The prophecy scroll was surprised: “Really?!”

Josh flipped through the magic book in his hand and muttered, “And, I didn’t drug him either. If he doesn’t want to, there’s nothing I can do.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The prophecy scroll: “Enough, enough. This isn’t the kind of content a single scroll like me should hear.”

They argued back and forth for a while. 4dhuW7

Josh was just taking it as it came. A few days ago, he couldn’t sleep properly because of worries about the future predicted by the prophecy. Now that the problem was temporarily resolved, he quickly lay down again, as if accepting whatever came his way for the day.

While arguing with the prophecy scroll, Josh finished reading the remaining content of the magic book.

Since arriving at this territory, he had read many obscure magic books in an attempt to find solutions. But perhaps because the traces of incubi had disappeared from the human continent for too long, there were very few records on the subject. Occasionally, a book would mention it briefly, but without depth or useful information.

Josh gained nothing. Dd0GLy

He felt bored and was about to ask Albert to fetch him some snacks to pass the time.

Then he remembered that Albert had been assigned to monitor the progress of a project on the outskirts of town and wouldn’t be back until before dinner.

He paused.

And then kept his mouth shut. gDMXJW


In the evening, at the entrance of the estate.

At some point, a middle-aged man with a slightly aged but spirited appearance appeared.

He was holding a pure black kitten in his arms. Although he looked a bit older, he spoke and acted with courtesy, appearing very well-mannered, the epitome of a middle-aged gentleman. jt60gZ

He was asking the gatekeeper for directions: “Excuse me, is this the central estate of the Demon King’s territory?”

The gatekeeper, who had been a bit hard of hearing lately, responded confusedly, “What? What?”

The middle-aged gentleman patiently repeated the question.

His attitude was extremely good, and he conversed with people naturally. aRV4y

—No one could imagine that beneath this appearance was actually a high-ranking demon.

The two were engaged in a conversation that neither fully understood.

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In the distance, the voices of others could be heard conversing.

The first voice said, “Ah, I really envy that Sir Knight. He’s so highly regarded by the lord, entrusted with all the important affairs. Although it’s a bit busy and tiring, to reach such a level as a knight, he can die without regrets.” DJGeb5

The second voice replied, “Not only that, you’re thinking too simplistically. I heard from the maid responsible for cleaning the castle that he often goes in and out of the lord’s bedroom. Bet you a meal, they’re in that kind of relationship.”

“What kind of relationship?”

“How do you not even understand this? It’s that kind, a romantic relationship.”

“Is that so? Then it’s even more enviable—” g7Nox3

The third voice sneered, “Envy what? You guys are thinking too optimistically. Have you ever considered whether you could handle that workload yourself? Dealing with the affairs of seven or eight people alone, working overtime at night, haha…”

Thanks to his keen senses, the old demon caught wind of the conversation.

Oh, it was just human gossip. Apart from the fact that the knight being gossiped about seemed like a bit of a sucker, there was nothing particularly noteworthy.

Anyway… YLuczn

What did this have to do with him, a hapless steward who had come out to find the Demon King and return to work?

Speaking of which, it was quite strange. Clearly, the aura of the Demon King had disappeared from here, but he had searched high and low for several days and found no trace.

Could it be that there was some hidden space-time crack nearby that even he didn’t know about?

As for the option that the Demon King himself was within the estate, he dismissed it without a second thought. Bs jy4

The young Demon King was extremely impatient with human affairs. Back when he was promoting human etiquette in the Demon Palace, he had often received disdainful looks from the Demon King.

That was simply impossible.

He would rather believe that the Demon King had suddenly undergone a transformation and become a diligent ruler than entertain such a possibility.

After a few minutes of not getting any valuable information from the gatekeeper, the steward sighed helplessly, thinking he would search the surrounding area again. This was getting ridiculous. 6R1uJz

He thanked the gatekeeper and was about to leave when a tall figure strode through the estate gate. With dark golden short hair, sharp features, and a cool, aloof expression, he was unmistakably familiar, despite the absence of demon horns and blood-red eyes.

However, the person was not dressed in the attire of the Demon King but rather in standard knight’s garb.

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But the imposing demonic pressure emanating from him, only perceptible to fellow high-level demons.

So powerful and familiar, there was no mistaking it. vI5r C

Surprises always come when least expected.

Without time to ponder why the person was walking through the estate’s main gate in such a strange and ostentatious manner, the steward joyfully lifted his foot to greet him.

Meanwhile, the few individuals gossiping at a distance suddenly stopped in their tracks, panic-stricken as they exclaimed, “Stop talking, stop talking. Knight Albert is back. Let’s not badmouth anyone behind their back. If he catches wind of it and reports to the lord, we might be packing our bags and leaving tomorrow…”

Albert— WlkfG2

It was none other than the given name of his respected, adept-at-slacking-off Demon King.

Dealing with the affairs of seven or eight people alone, working overtime at night.

“Report to the lord.”

Connecting the dots. tfl4iQ

The old demon steward, just about to lift his foot, froze in place. His entire being seemed to have heard something utterly incomprehensible, as if struck by lightning.

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