After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch33 - After the scumbag’s destined omega turned into a salted fish

The gugu beast got angry and ran away with its head down.

Of course, it didn’t forget to drag along its labor fruit, a silver star grass that was still shining brightly. ZdMzB9

Mutated type, high-quality goods, don’t be fooled by its small size, it’s actually worth some money when sold.

Of course, the concept of human money didn’t exist in its mind.

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It simply thought that this new grass was shiny and more beautiful than the old ones.

But this new grass was too tough, they couldn’t bite it. BqmA0Q

It wasn’t until a windy day a few days ago that it was lucky enough to find one, took it back to pad its nest, and the whole nest was shining, attracting them to stare blankly for a while, and even the neighbors from the next bush tried to steal it.

They were caught on the spot and driven away in unity.

It was highly praised.

Even for creatures like them who live in the night, they would like shiny things.


So this time, seeing that with the giant beast turning over, breaking many grass stems, there were immediately ready-made small grass to pick up, so it appeared diligently again!

Not only itself, but also more gugu beasts came one after another, reaching out to pick small grass from under the giant beast.

To say they were brave, that was absolutely not the case.

As herbivorous small-group animals, they would be scared and hide at the slightest sound of movement. 8rjpfB

But to say they were cowardly, at this moment they dared to gather around the fierce monster and steal its “nest grass”.

Bai Muxing didn’t notice this little episode, he was very serious and focused, grooming Yin Yeyou’s fur, his eyes were focused on his actions.

Moreover, he was sitting on top of the giant beast, in such a high position, how could he see those small animals hiding in the grass?

Yin Yeyou did notice. eC2xpP

At first, he thought there was only one, and didn’t pay much attention, but then more and more came.

Quite sneaky.

Each one had a clear target, coming over to steal their grass, some even touched several stems, their nerve was too thick.

Robbery? 9Kkxod

Yin Yeyou now understood a lot of things, of course, he knew that this mutated silver star grass was relatively valuable.

He calculated it and suddenly felt a sense of pain, these were all their shared property with Bai Muxing.

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He really wanted to shake his fur and roar to scare away these greedy little things.

But at this moment, Bai Muxing was helping him groom his fur one after another, he was so soothed that he couldn’t even summon the energy to be angry. CQ4Rg0

Forget it, he was in a good mood today, let’s not bother with these sneaky little things for now.

The wind gently blew, and the silver star grass swayed with the evening breeze, making a rustling sound as their stems intertwined.

In fact, in the late autumn season, the chill in the wind was still heavy, but Bai Muxing was sitting on him, half of his body immersed in a sea of fur, naturally not being eroded by the cold wind.

After he finished grooming, Bai Muxing jumped down from him. CX0dwD

The giant beast then reluctantly turned over, shook its fur, and lazily stretched under the moonlight.

After a while of chaotic movements and rearrangement, it transformed back into its human form.

When in its original form, it had been neatly groomed, and after turning into a human, it seemed to show some effects, perhaps its beautiful eyes appeared even more distant, and its uniformly colored hair looked even more fluffy and smooth.

The whole person became a bit shinier. eL15jv

Yin Yeyou looked at the silver star grass field that was pressed askew by him and apologized to Bai Muxing, “Sorry, I pressed it down.”

Bai Muxing said, “It’s okay.”

It was originally an ornamental crop.

Bai Muxing bent down, ready to take the pressed ones back, and put them in a water bottle as decorations. pZx51V

He didn’t know that just now, a group of gugu beasts had come and gone through the autumn wind, flipping a few times, but they were the kind that could be easily straightened out after being pressed down.

They didn’t find a single stem completely broken.

Bai Muxing: ?

He was puzzled. IsSE43

Suddenly, he felt a slight coolness on his fingertips.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a snowflake.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After touching Bai Muxing’s warm fingertips, it quickly melted into a tiny drop of water.

Looking up, more snowflakes fell from the night sky. l5ISbi

At first, they were small, fragmented particles, but later they turned into delicate snowflakes.

The snow on this planet was interesting because it contained a special substance, not all of it was white, it would show some light colors as it changed.

For example, the snow falling now was light pink.

It did have some fairy tale colors. V4Us9u

When Bai Muxing was young, he had seen similar phenomena in an encyclopedia, which said it was a rare phenomenon that required many coincidences to occur.

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Ktja ybbx kjr gfjv ab tlw ys tlr qjgfcar ktfc tf kjr pera yfulcclcu ab ifjgc.

Qtfc tf gfjmtfv atlr qjuf, tlr jiqtj wbatfg rjlv, “Pa lr rjlv atja remt rmfcfgs boafc jqqfjgr bc j abeglra rajg. Qtfc sbeg ojatfg jcv P tjnf rjnfv fcbeut wbcfs jcv gfalgfv, kf klii ajxf sbe ab rff la. Lbkfnfg, ys atja alwf, sbe rtbeiv jigfjvs yf j ylu mtliv, qfgtjqr fnfc wjgglfv.”

Father: “Haha, even if you’re married, you’re still our child.” Qxga1n

At that time, the young human Bai Muxing, who had just established his logical thinking, already had a cool trait.

His voice still had a bit of a childish tone, soft, but very strict, saying, “Colored snow is still snow, what’s the difference from white snow? Why go so far to see it? What benefits does seeing it bring?”

Father: “I can’t answer your question clearly. Maybe people are just easily attracted to rare things, right? Think about it, seeing a scenery that others can’t see, isn’t that like a little miracle? Colored snow doesn’t bring any benefits, its only function is to make the person who sees it feel happy, romantic, which is enough. Especially if you see it with your loved one, it will become a wonderful experience.”

Bai Muxing: “Oh.” WyH hS

He didn’t understand.

He didn’t understand miracles or romance.

Let alone love.

He had only recently learned to speak clearly, and his vocabulary wasn’t that extensive yet. PdXDza

Where Bai Muxing lived when he was young didn’t snow, he hadn’t even seen white snow.

Later, traveling with the army, he had seen countless snowfalls.

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Quiet ones, violent ones, those falling amidst the flames of war, stained with blood, all sorts.

Although the color of snow was pure white, it wasn’t always accompanied by purity. nE5cGi

Once, he even went to a planet covered in ice and snow, it was a pure white planet, with nothing but solemn ice and snow, no hint of color.

But he had never seen snowfall like this before.

For some reason, Bai Muxing remembered that short conversation with his parents from his childhood.

Actually, it was a very distant memory. Memories of childhood are often blurry, and Bai Muxing was no exception. He wasn’t someone who dwelled on the past; he rarely actively reminisced. oLJhrs

But for some reason, since his rebirth, no, perhaps since meeting Yin Yeyou, he had frequently thought of his childhood.

The blurry memories seemed to be dug out from a box, gently brushed off the dust, and became bright and clear again.

Every time Bai Muxing recalled them, he felt like his adult soul had returned to that small body.

It was as if he was reliving those memories. 9BPcHz

He thought his father was right.

Over twenty years later, he grew up, started a family, and witnessed a pink snowfall with his own eyes.

Indeed, it felt like seeing a little miracle.

This year, the first snowfall came early, riding on the tail of autumn. OeESa

Yin Yeyou took a few steps forward, grasped Bai Muxing’s hand, wiped away the cold water droplets from his fingertips, and used his tall body to shield him from the falling snow.

He looked down at Bai Muxing.

As if he was worried that the fragile human would be knocked down by the tiny snowflakes, he said, “Muxing, it’s snowing. Don’t get cold. Let’s go home and sleep.”

Bai Muxing paused, nodded, his voice still very calm, “Okay.” tKpFEq

The two went back inside to rest.

As soon as the door closed, Yin Yeyou stuck close to him.

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It was snowing, and he was worried about Bai Muxing getting cold. Not only did he close all the doors and windows tightly, but he also snugly wrapped Bai Muxing in warm blankets, not allowing even a wisp of cold wind to slip in.

Compared to his usual puppy-like behavior, Yin Yeyou was completely gentle and calm today. slXhAb

He even whispered in Bai Muxing’s ear, sometimes reporting that gugu beasts had stolen the silver star grass, and sometimes commenting on how good Bai Muxing looked in a certain piece of clothing.

When facing Bai Muxing, he always had a lot to say, as if every little thing in life was worth sharing with Bai Muxing.

In fact, he was very obedient today. Yin Yeyou was very well-behaved and honest.

The two of them were more like cuddling with each other. PTybRJ

But Bai Muxing felt a bit dizzy for some reason.

Like he had been drinking, slightly intoxicated.

Everything seemed to be shrouded in a hazy light, as if their souls were melting into each other’s connection.

He broke out in a sweat. OKt6a

After more than three hours, after taking a shower, he still felt a bit dazed.

There was a faint blush on his neck, and he changed into winter pajamas with an extra layer of fluff. His dense eyelashes drooped slightly, giving off a softness without defenses.

Yin Yeyou liked what he saw very much, his eyes following Bai Muxing’s every move.

He didn’t do anything excessive, just straightening his clothes for him one moment and kissing the corner of his eye the next. Xbg4SZ

After a while, Bai Muxing suddenly spoke up, recounting the memory of the pink snow to him.

It was really a boring and insignificant thing, with no real meaning, just a nonsensical conversation that happened between parents and children over twenty years ago.

But at this moment, Bai Muxing just wanted to tell it, wanted to tell it to Yin Yeyou.

So he did. 48c9ga

Yin Yeyou responded enthusiastically, “Muxing, do you want to travel and see different scenery? We can leave the farm to someone else and go out to have some fun.”

This time, Bai Muxing didn’t rush to completely deny these activities that he had previously found meaningless.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He thought about it seriously and said, “I still like farming for now. Let’s keep farming for the time being. Maybe someday when I don’t want to farm anymore, we can go do other things.”


The next day.

It snowed all night, and it stopped before the sun came out.

Only a thin layer accumulated on the ground, pink snow, enveloping the planet in a fairy-tale halo.

Bai Muxing drove the agricultural machinery ship to clear the snow. The crops in the fields were not affected; those that couldn’t withstand freezing temperatures had been protected well in advance when the cold front was forecasted. qX6ES0

Clearing the snow was mainly to clear the pathways for walking.

After clearing the pathways, Bai Muxing went to check on the gugu beasts’ small houses.

He confirmed that the wax oil he brushed on had good waterproofing properties, so even though it was snowing outside, the inside remained dry and warm.

Each small house already had occupants, like baskets full of fur balls. 42URO

As the weather got colder, the activity of the gugu beasts decreased, and at this time, they were all huddled up in their homes sleeping.

Bai Muxing observed carefully and eventually found mutated silver star grass in each small house.

It seemed that yesterday’s crime was a group effort, and everyone participated.

Perhaps there was no innocent gugu beast on this planet. 50pQSK

Bai Muxing placed the durable berries he found in the warehouse near the small houses.

It would be difficult to find food once it snowed.

After he finished these tasks, he returned just in time to find Yin Yeyou finishing preparing lunch.

After lunch, the two of them went together to inspect the fields to see if there were any areas they missed. pdtT57

As they passed a stretch of field ridges.

Bai Muxing caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, stopped suddenly, and turned back.

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Brushing away a patch of pink snow, he revealed the delicate plants underneath.

Yin Yeyou leaned in to take a look and found a very inconspicuous little grass with small yellow flowers blooming between its leaves. 9Z50UV

Very small, very inconspicuous, but still blooming in such cold snowy conditions.

Curiously, Yin Yeyou asked, “Muxing, what is this?”

Bai Muxing told him the name of this little flower and said, “This kind of flower is not common. I’ve only seen it once before, three years ago when I was on an assassination mission.”

He recounted to Yin Yeyou the experience of that mission. 2yjhFa

At that time, only the old and weak were left on that planet. When the brutal enemy army arrived, they mercilessly killed these people, even though they were just ordinary people, either old or children, posing no threat to the army.

Each of those vibrant lives was crushed in the flames of war, just like this fragile little yellow flower.

Not only the innocent people on that planet but also many of his comrades.

Those whose names he could recall, those he couldn’t, and even more whom he didn’t know at all, countless lives disappeared on the battlefield. fWnmRb

When the number of deaths reached a certain point, people often no longer wanted to discuss the meaning behind that string of numbers.

Thinking back further, Bai Muxing recalled the day he was in class, studying the most popular medical science. He was supposed to graduate and become a doctor, a well-paid and safe job.

Halfway through class, he was called out by the teacher to receive a communication from the relevant department.

They regretfully informed him, “We are sorry to inform you that your parents passed away in a heinous star pirate attack.” Kdhcp9

After hanging up the phone, Bai Muxing politely thanked the teacher who lent him the communication device.

He recounted calmly, without intentionally exaggerating or expressing his own feelings.

As if recounting past events without emotion. rHPAMY

Memories frozen in time.

But Yin Yeyou showed a very sad expression. The happy eyes of the little dog drooped, and watery glimmers appeared in his silver eyes. He lowered his head slightly and hugged Bai Muxing.

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Bai Muxing was embraced into his warm arms, feeling his tense and trembling body.

His sorrow overflowed so clearly, as if it was not just for his partner’s painful past, but also for the buried pain that his seemingly indifferent partner couldn’t express. UoVI68

Just as Bai Muxing was about to say, “I’m not complaining, I’m not that fragile or delicate. I just thought of these things and wanted to tell you.”

But then he remembered another memory.

It was about the argument over cooking, and his father’s lesson afterward. His father taught him that when you meet someone you like, you naturally care about that person and are willing to waste time in the kitchen for them.

That day, his father thought for a moment, then said, “Forget it, our Muxing is so delicate, let’s not love someone so hard. In the future, you should meet someone who loves you more than you love them, who will take care of you meticulously. Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to rest assured. Our delicate little treasure, I really can’t bear it.” H1FDbq

This time, Bai Muxing took a stand and replied firmly, “I’m not delicate.”

When he was over a year old, he could eat by himself without spilling a single drop. Later, he quickly learned to dress himself, take a bath, and then began to participate in household chores and do some small tasks within his capabilities.

He started school earlier than other kids, never misbehaved in school, and didn’t cry or fuss when he got sick or injured.

Once, during a physical education class, he was pushed and shoved by classmates, and his knee hit a sharp stone, cutting it deeply and bleeding profusely on the spot, staining the grass red. BhvVqH

The teacher who was with them at the time was new to the job and had never encountered such a situation before. She was at a loss when she saw the child injured, and tears started to flow from her eyes before Bai Muxing even reacted much.

Bai Muxing directed her to first bring the first aid kit to treat the superficial wounds and reduce bleeding, then call for an ambulance.

With just one sentence from him, the teacher followed each instruction diligently.

That’s how it was. oyAi53

All the other parents who saw him would sigh, wishing their children could be as sensible.

Compared to other kids of the same age who would throw tantrums if they didn’t get their toys.

Bai Muxing, quiet, sensible, and independent, seemed to have nothing to do with the word “delicate.”

But his father smiled and looked at him with a seemingly compassionate expression, approaching him and gently holding him in his arms, saying, “No, Muxing, you are indeed a delicate child. In fact, each of us has a vulnerable side, it’s just that some people show it outwardly, announcing it to everyone, while others hide it where no one can see.” CFfy 9

Bai Muxing thought, did he hide his fragility?

No, he didn’t.

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He didn’t yearn to cry and fuss like other kids in his heart.

Just as he was about to refute, his father continued, “Actually, this kind of ‘delicacy’ is not a derogatory term, but rather a human instinct for longing to be loved, something that every person is born with.” 67esJy

Oh, love.

Once again, Bai Muxing returned to the part he didn’t understand.

His mouth, which had remained closed, quietly shut again.

Looking into his eyes, his father said, “Muxing, you are such a delicate child. You do long for love, but you don’t show this longing to anyone, not even to yourself. For example, if I didn’t remind you to eat properly every day, you would probably just manage with instant meals or supplements. And during the time you were injured at school, you didn’t say a word of pain from start to finish, nor did you think of hiding in the arms of an adult. You directed the teacher to take you to the hospital, and even the teacher only remembered to contact us later.” AVznUa

“At the hospital, the doctor praised you for being very strong and not shedding a tear. But Muxing, I would rather you not be so strong. Everyone feels pain when injured, and pain only ends when it’s expressed. Just like scars need to be exposed and treated properly to heal. Blind strength is a shield, but it’s also a kind of cage that invisibly locks your heart. The more pain accumulates, the sooner or later there will be a day when it becomes unbearable.”

The father ended by saying, “I hope you can learn to be a bit more fragile, love yourself a bit more. Parents and children will eventually be separated one day. We brought you into this world, but we cannot accompany you to the end. At that time, how worried I will be about whether you can take care of yourself? I can only pray that you meet someone who loves you very, very much, even more than Mom and Dad.”

Bai Muxing forgot his feelings at that moment.

But at that time, looking at his father’s expression, he just nodded lightly, as if he understood but didn’t fully understand. K9jD2S

Now, thinking back on this matter.

There was a slow, sour ache in Bai Muxing’s heart.

At first, it was a faint, subtle ache, but then it surged up layer by layer like a tide, one layer after another, as if it was about to engulf him.

As if it had been delayed for many years, a transparent teardrop fell from his eyes. t7CFV1

Wiping his cheeks, it soaked into his shirt and disappeared.

All the pains and hurts from the past that the owner of the memories deliberately blocked and ignored, now rushed in like a landslide and tsunami.

Like a bursting flood, he was about to be overwhelmed by the tide.

But the next moment. IAcCQT

He smelled the cold and desolate breath of the person embracing him, clearly a distant and lost breath, clearly the same lonely scent, yet it instantly pulled him back to reality.

Like an old boat encountering another tattered boat in a long storm.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But strangely, after dismantling themselves, they pieced each other together, forming a completely sturdy vessel.

Thus, they no longer feared any storms. yWfoUK

He paused, reached out, and gently hugged his partner back.

His stiff and tense back relaxed, almost allowing himself to fall into this embrace without thinking about anything.

This was a relaxation that Bai Muxing had never experienced before, as he was not used to relying on anyone or anything.

The proud and strong little cat finally lowered his head, melting softly into the warm and reliable chest of the dog. DOpk9g

After a while, Yin Yeyou reluctantly ended this embrace.

But still, he was as clingy as ever. He found a clean tree stump to sit down on, then reached out to hold Bai Muxing in his arms.

Bai Muxing sat in his embrace, still looking so calm and peaceful. His eyes were clear and transparent, icy and calm, showing no sign of anything unusual.

But Yin Yeyou inexplicably felt a twinge in his mimicked heart, almost tenderly leaning down to kiss Bai Muxing’s eye corner. gtRDI

Bai Muxing closed his eyes as he was kissed.

When he opened them again, he said, “I’ve thought about it. We don’t have to wait until I stop farming. We can arrange a time during the off-season and go on a two-week interstellar trip.”

“Let’s go to that planet with the little yellow flowers I told you about. The environment there was originally very good, it used to be a tourist destination. The government has already started repairing it, and in less than two years, it will be a beautiful place again.”

Yin Yeyou replied, “Okay.” dJeuR4

Bai Muxing used to think that life was long and boring, with many days just repeating themselves, without creating any meaning.

But now he suddenly felt a sense of urgency. With so many things to do in the schedule, he realized that life was not long enough.

Together with Yin Yeyou, there were still many landscapes to admire and many things to do.

Perhaps it would be mundane, without the grand ups and downs and memorable moments worthy of being engraved in history. 2PCNE

But it would still be a good and fulfilling life.

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    • they were. when Muxing was talking about one of his assasination’s he noticed a yellow flower that was trampled and destroyed. that’s also the same planet that they are planning to visit