Allocation Object [Zergs]Ch37 - Male Zerg Hua Yu 3

When Qi Yu arrived on this planet, it was night. The breeze whistled through the treetops, rustling like the whispers of a demon in the dead of night.

The vegetation on this planet was very dense. Qi Yu scanned with his mental power, and vast stretches of lush forest filled his senses. The air here was exceptionally pure, but due to the planet’s distance from the Capital Star, there were fewer zergs living on it. 2fqlQ6

Quickly, he found the place he was looking for.

Deep in the forest, there was a small town, brightly lit and strikingly visible against the dark woods.

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At the very center of the town were several luxurious villas. That night, each villa was alive, or about to engage in primal activities, with laughter and screams echoing throughout. The male zergs were lost in hedonistic revelry, reduced to mere instincts, while the female zergs partied, glasses in hand, joining in this fleshly feast.

Compared to the liveliness of the villas, the streets inside the town were deserted, forming a stark contrast. iTsE1D

Just as the town was immersed in revelry, on the edge of the town, a head cautiously peeked out. He looked around, then turned to the zerg behind him and said, “There’s no one here, let’s move quickly.”

Behind him, a low, weak voice responded, sounding sickly.

The zerg who had peeked out quickly turned around, pulled another zerg from behind a wall, crouched down, and hoisted the frail zerg onto his back, whispering gently, “Ah Yu, bear with it a bit longer, you mustn’t make any noise that could alert those zergs.”

The first speaker’s voice was typically robust, but now he spoke softly, which seemed very gentle.


“Ah Qing, I know, let’s hurry,” responded the other in a mellow but weak voice due to illness, yet his urgency was clear.

Urged by this, the zerg named Ah Qing moved swiftly and dashed toward the dense forest. Just as they started moving, a piercing alarm suddenly rang out within the quiet town,

“Not good.”

The zerg named Ah Qing’s expression tightened, and he sped up even more, sprinting towards the forest like a cheetah. d9JHQy

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf jijgw rbecvfv, rqgfjvlcu ojg jcv klvf. Qlatlc j wlceaf, rfnfgji hfgur gjqlvis fwfgufv ogbw atf rqba ktfgf atf akb tjv pera yffc.

Ktfs kfgf ajii jcv gbyera, mifjgis ofwjif hfgur.

“Gjwc Ole Hlcu, vjglcu ab gec boo klat j wjif hfgu, j agjlabg ab atflg bkc xlcv.”

“Zjif hfgu mbeiv tjnf ilnfv kfii tfgf, yea atlr agjlabg lcrlrafv bc ufaalcu tlw bea, la’r rlmx.” CXUPz9

“Chase them.”

Once the lead zerg spoke, the next second, the female zergs surged forward.

They ran swiftly, unaware that behind the wall they just passed, a pair of deep green eyes was silently watching them.

In the dense forest, the female zerg Liu Qing ran swiftly while also keeping an eye on the zerg on his back. He moved agilely through the woods, occasionally lowering his voice to ask, “Ah Yu, are you alright?” kB1tlG

The only response was a slightly hurried breathing and a subdued cough. After a while, a voice came from behind him, “It’s okay, Ah Qing, keep running.”

Liu Qing could tell from the voice that the male zerg’s condition wasn’t good, but as a female zerg, he could already faintly hear sounds from behind. Even though he wanted to stop, he knew he couldn’t.

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He reassured in a low voice, “Ah Yu, just hold on a little longer, we’ll shake them off soon.”

“Okay.” A6dbnu

Soon, half an hour passed, and more zergs were dispatched from the town. Liu Qing was worried about the zerg behind him while also having to stay alert to his surroundings, gradually becoming overwhelmed. In a moment of inattention, he found himself surrounded by three zergs.

The ones surrounding him were exactly those who had burst out behind him. Although they were still some distance away, they formed a triangular encirclement around Liu Qing and the male zerg. Before the zergs arrived, their voices did, “Liu Qing, you’ve got some nerve.”

As soon as these words fell, the three zergs quickly closed the distance to Liu Qing. The lead zerg lifted its head, mocking him, “What in the town do you lack so much that you thought to take a male zerg away?”

This was clearly a taunt. Another zerg spoke more earnestly, “Liu Qing, do you realize what a male zerg represents?” 0BeVd6

“Male zergs represent fertility rates. Our planet is the most peripheral of our species, with no male zerg willing to stay. How many zergs could one male zerg add to our town? Have you thought about that?”

“But that doesn’t mean you can just capture male zergs at will.” Liu Qing hadn’t intended to speak, but he couldn’t help raising his voice in response.

“We were born in the Empire, yet we don’t even adhere to the Empire’s most basic laws of respecting male zergs. Have you ever seen any place in our planet that treats zergs like we do here?”

This was also something Liu Qing never understood. He had grown up here and had been out to see the world, but he had never seen any place that despised zergs like this town. Ke4w1V

“You’ve changed, Liu Qing, because of this male zerg, right?”

The lead zerg’s gaze fell on the zerg behind Liu Qing, eyes unabashedly covetous and evaluative, treating him as if he were merely an item, “You’ve never joined our gatherings before, but at least you used to ignore those male zergs. Now you’ve got this idea; it must be because you’ve fallen for the zerg on your back.”

“Affection is cheap, and it will bring you a lifetime of pain. If you are willing to hand over the male zerg now, we can plead on your behalf to the town chief when we get back. You might still have a chance to be with this male zerg.”

“No.” Liu Qing was firm, “I don’t need your pleas, and I’m not going back to that disgusting place.” zn7UTt

“I must take the male zerg with me today. If you want to stop me, then let’s see what you can do.”

Upon hearing this, the three zergs surrounding him stopped trying to persuade him, their expressions turning fierce. Liu Qing set down the male zerg he was carrying, and as he did, the male zerg gently grabbed his sleeve.

“Don’t worry.” Liu Qing’s sharp gaze suddenly softened as he whispered reassurances to the male zerg he acknowledged as his master, “I will win.”

Even as he said this, he wasn’t entirely confident, adding in a low voice, “Take the chance to leave if you find one.” qQONlw

After speaking, he pulled his sleeve away.

The three female zergs didn’t give him a chance to react, coming at him with punches right away. Liu Qing had no weapon and was quickly beaten black and blue.

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But he clenched his teeth and didn’t give up. When the beating got too severe, he spat out some saliva and gave the male zerg a look, then charged back into the fray with red eyes.

His recognized master, seeing his condition, flickered his gaze but didn’t turn to leave as Liu Qing had expected. Instead, he slightly closed his eyes and his mental power spread out. mJ kHg

Soon, the fight was over. The male zerg was pale, Liu Qing was covered in blood, and although they were disheveled, they had won the battle. However, before they could savor the victory, a voice came from afar.

“They’re over there; I heard some noise.”

Hearing this voice, Liu Qing’s face changed dramatically.

“Let’s go.” 3z1aFY

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  1. Thank you for the chapter! Looking forward to see what is Qi Yu planning to do by coming to this place.