Allocation Object [Zergs]Ch34.2 - First Encounter 6

Seeing the state of the adventure group, Mo Yan felt a slight heaviness in his heart, but he didn’t show it. He glanced at the female zerg who had spoken, his voice calm and rational as he pointed out the flaws in their plan, “The premise of your being able to rescue the male zerg is that the male zerg wouldn’t be harmed in the tunnels, wouldn’t be killed upon encountering you, wouldn’t be affected by your fight, and wouldn’t be used as collateral.”

As soon as he spoke, no one dared to speak up; all the zergs knew that what Mo Yan said was true. If any of these four scenarios occurred, even if they had many zergs, what use would it be? 15tQ4H

It would be of no use.

Their actions were indirectly killing a zerg, and what’s more, they were risking the lives of the empire’s scarce and highest-ranking male zerg.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Yan looked at the faces of these zergs, some slightly familiar but most were strangers, and he could barely name a few. He sighed softly, for the first time lowering his head in front of his subordinates, “I apologize, these years I have not fulfilled my duties as a leader.”

He was constantly busy with missions in the military, had little spare time, and even his leisure was occupied with managing companies beneath him, not to mention dealing with his love-struck female father within the right legion. He simply had no time to manage the adventure group, which previously didn’t need his involvement. ZKT469

Officially, he was the leader, but in reality, the adventure group was formed by him, Xue Siu, and Lan Qing when they were still in the academy, with plenty of free time. After its initial years, the group didn’t really need his involvement. Lan Qing managed the administration, Xue Siu handled combat, and there were times when he wouldn’t visit even once in three years.

In the end, it was his assumption that Xue Siu could manage well after Lan Qing left the adventure group, which led him to neglect the group entirely, content to be a hands-off leader.

Mo Yan looked over the zergs, both familiar and unfamiliar, and said, “The compensation this time will come from my personal funds. Those of you who want to leave, go and register with Xue Siu. After the registration, I will give a severance payment in my personal capacity, and the group’s communal assets will be divided as usual.”

“However, Big Liu, you still have to pay a price for what you’ve done.”


Big Liu nodded solemnly, not saying a word.

“Captain, are you going to lead us?” Xue Siu asked, somewhat incredulously.

As these words fell, all eyes turned to Mo Yan.

Looking at the group staring at him, a bitter smile appeared under Mo Yan’s mask. It seems that other matters would have to wait, as the most important thing now was to make time to resolve the livelihood issues of the adventure group. l8siFP

What followed…


Black Obsidian Star, large in some ways, yet small in others, always have the same few zergs coming and going.

After receiving compensation from the Xuelan Adventure Group, Qi Yu did not travel with Nanda and the others, but teleported directly back to his room. After changing his clothes, he then used his abilities to appear in an unmonitored area, confidently returning to his own home. sn4e1Z

At home, Roly-Poly was diligently doing housework. Seeing its master return, its round face was filled with excitement. Like a small cannonball, it rolled over and circled Qi Yu twice. Just when Qi Yu thought it was about to say some congratulatory words, the expression on the rolling cannonball’s face quickly turned to one of anger.

[Master, where is your female lord?]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Looking down at Roly-Poly, Qi Yu smiled and poked its emoticon, “He’s got some matters to deal with.”

The little firecracker clearly wasn’t having it. Its round eyes widened enormously, nearly covering half of the display screen, angrily exclaiming: [How could he do this? These days are your and his registration days, and he actually ditched you for work.] i5ktnv

[That’s too much.]

Hl Te, tjnlcu byajlcfv olnf wliilbc rajg mblcr, kjr lc jc fzmfiifca wbbv. Rbk, klat cb batfg hfgu lc tlr qfgrbcji rqjmf ab vlraegy tlw, tf vlvc’a tlvf tlr fwbalbcr. Qlat ybat tjcvr, tf rmbbqfv eq atf rwjii yeaifg ktb tjvc’a gfjmtfv tlr atlut, “Lf jirb tjr atlcur ab vb, ilaaif yeaifg, vbc’a obgufa, kf jgf mbcagjmaeji qjgacfgr, la’r pera jc jugffwfca.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Roly-Poly, forced to the same height as its master: [……]

It struggled to extend its short legs and arms from its round body, wriggling in its master’s hands, [Master, don’t hold me, it will mess up the program.] HBjtx

The electronic voice was thick with grievance.

Qi Yu, laughing, set down Roly-Poly, his demeanor unusually gentle, “Alright, little butler, I’ll continue playing for a while, notify me through the terminal if something comes up.”

[Master, playing games too much is not good for your health.]

“Mhm, I got it.” jCFiWq

Qi Yu went upstairs and did nothing else but started a game session, playing for about an hour before he exited the game and looked out the window.

The registration took over an hour, followed by the standoff with Xuelan, then escaping from Xuan Xing, and playing a game for another hour. By now, the sun was already setting, the sky the same orange-yellow as the day before, as beautiful and mesmerizing as yesterday.

After an hour of gaming, Qi Yu had calmed down. Although he now had a considerable amount of star coins in his terminal, he knew that his claim to them wasn’t yet fully justified.

He took a glass of water and sat on the windowsill, sipping water while pondering the current situation. It was time to register a terminal under the identity of Hua Yu, not a temporary one, but a regularly used one. Sl86iJ

The identity of the male zerg Hua Yu also needed to emerge, otherwise, he wouldn’t even be able to pay his rent.

Having fully calmed down, Qi Yu was much more rational; at this moment, his mind was very calm, analytically weighing the pros and cons.

The male zerg Hua Yu could get along well with Qi Yu. Hua Yu liked adventures, Qi Yu liked to slack off, and moreover, Hua Yu’s star coins needed to be rightfully transferred to Qi Yu, otherwise…

Suddenly, an idea struck Qi Yu. 8kWD0u

If Qi Yu and Hua Yu couldn’t be the same zerg, then their relationship could be made more intriguing. How about a romance between two male zergs?

The slacker little male zerg and the adventurer bigshot.

Seems not bad.

But this also requires… he needs two identities to appear in two different places simultaneously. vmE4ry

This is easy to achieve, as long as it’s not confirmed that his two identities are the same zerg, no one could suspect he has supernatural abilities. Once his reputation spreads, one of him could go to the Capital Star and the other stay on Blue Star, making it even less likely for anyone to confuse them. He remains the useless Class C, while Hua Yu could be a top-tier male zerg, with such strong mental power that he doesn’t need to undergo checks, yet still commands respect. However, then there’s the matter with Mo Yan…

This decision could affect Mo Yan, but not much really, as their male-male romance would naturally make it impossible to involve Mo Yan.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thus, Mo Yan’s reputation could remain intact, though the rumors might be unpleasant.

Anyway, he’ll discuss it with Mo Yan when he returns. Otherwise, he’ll keep a low profile at the beginning to get through these five years, which shouldn’t impact Mo Yan too much. xUYZtN

Thinking of Mo Yan, Qi Yu also thought about that sum of star coins. It’s clearly written in the registration office’s regulations that he could obtain half of Mo Yan’s assets. He wonders if it has been transferred yet. If it has, he’ll return it; if not…

Before Qi Yu could finish his thought, suddenly the sound of a transaction confirmation rang out.

[Dear Mr. Qi Yu, you and Mr. Mo Yan have become partners. According to the registration regulations, you will receive half of your partner’s assets.]

[Sorry, as your partner’s assets are substantial, it took us some time to calculate.] ycCbet

[Transaction to your terminal: 393 million star coins.]

[Mr. Qi Yu, your partner also owns several companies, valued at approximately ten billion. We have sent you the company details. You only need to sign to receive half of Mr. Mo Yan’s shares. We wish you a pleasant life~]

Having just received five million, and after sharing five hundred thousand with Nanda, Qi Yu: “…”

Listening to the slightly playful tone at the end, Qi Yu found himself not pleased. iy7FGZ

The message from the terminal was undoubtedly a blow to him, completely dousing the excitement of just having received five million star coins.

He had never imagined that his female lord was such a wealthy zerg.

With these assets, just a tenth of them would allow him to live comfortably for a lifetime.

Staring blankly at the message on the terminal, Qi Yu opened his account balance and silently watched the string of numbers, his heart suddenly torn. K5fSDA

He was no saint; all his efforts now were to live a better life later, but now… the path to a carefree future lay before him.

Should he be a dishonorable zerg or stick to the agreements made before…

He could manage both options, it just depended on which he would choose.

Choosing the first, he could get a large sum of star coins, and might live with regret, guilt, and other emotions for the rest of his life. The biggest difference from now would be that he and Mo Yan might be entangled for a lifetime. dd zDh

Succumbing to the pressure of star coins, if Mo Yan needed, he would provide Mo Yan with psychological counseling, help him with many things, and even, eventually, he might have zerg eggs. The thought of sinful compensation would always be in his heart. He wouldn’t fall in love with Mo Yan, who had given him so many star coins; of that, he was sure, and naturally, he wouldn’t feel joy because of all this. In the end, he might just become numb, but at the same time, with this choice, he could slack off, have leisure time, and do what he likes.

With this option, numbness and freedom coexist, and he might assimilate just like the other male zergs here.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Choosing the second option, he would lose a large sum of star coins, similarly, he would distance himself from Mo Yan, just as the agreement stipulated; they were merely contractual partners. He would be free, not bound by any obligations, always having his own private space to do what he likes. The downside is, his favorite way of slacking off would temporarily be unavailable, but the upside is that he wouldn’t need to support a family or have any burdens, though he would have to support himself.

The quality of life would not be guaranteed, he might not be able to afford things he wants, but he would likely be very happy. He wouldn’t need to intentionally learn how to interact with other zergs or constantly accommodate them. He could nestle in his own space and do what he wants. gd1hiv

Both choices have their pros and cons, and now the choice is in his hands.

To say he isn’t tempted by such a large sum of star coins would be a lie, and no one would believe him if he said otherwise. He admits he is tempted, but he also understands the word ‘responsibility.’ If given the choice, he naturally needs to pay the price for his actions.

No longer looking at that string of numbers, Qi Yu’s hand tightened slightly as he looked at the sky outside. His grey eyes revealed an unprecedented solemnity, his expression tinged with conflict and, more so, an uncertainty about the future.

“Chirp chirp… chirp chirp.” YhXOzi

The cheerful chirping sound rang out.

Qi Yu suddenly looked up, in the sky, birds flew leisurely by, leaving behind a gradually fading, increasingly smaller shadow.

That is freedom, the appearance of being unbound.

Under the orange-red sunlight, the young man leaning against the windowsill slowly resolved the conflict and seriousness in his eyes, his lips curving into a slight smile, his eyes also tinged with laughter. PmkCYz

At the moment the birds flew by, he too found his answer for the future.

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