Allocation Object [Zergs]Ch33.2 - First Encounter 5

Rejected, Xuan Xing did not speak again, the smile still on his face, but his eyes deepened, and a few minutes quickly passed. Soon, a dark shadow appeared in everyone’s line of sight.

The zerg who walked out was also quite slender, but it was clear that he was a female zerg. The female zerg stood about 188 centimeters tall, and his mature, superior aura was not at all concealed. wckl9o


Seeing the emerging zerg, Xue Siu called out, followed by all the zerg of the Xuelan Adventure Group, even the group that was tied up.

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The black-cloaked zerg moved quickly, walking from the edge of the zergs’ sight to in front of Xue Siu in just a few seconds. Wearing a black mask, his expression was obscured. As he approached, Xue Siu immediately moved closer to the black-cloaked zerg.

Xuan Xing’s gaze no longer rested on Qi Yu but fell on the newly appeared black-cloaked zerg. A flicker of contemplation passed through his eyes. After a moment of thought, his expression tightened and his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but after a long while, he relaxed again. ASrvQk

Mo Yan glanced around and his gaze landed directly on the silver-cloaked zerg not far from Xuan Xing, forming a rough idea in his mind.

No zerg could see his expression beneath the black mask, and he didn’t show any sign of weakness, getting straight to the point.

“Both of you, this incident was indeed our fault. What are your plans?”

Xuan Xing smiled casually, relaxed and leisurely, and responded, “Me? I don’t really have any plans, I just came along with the others.”


“Captain Yan Mo, right? You should speak with the male zerg.”

With these words, he immediately pushed the leading position to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu glanced at him, did not refuse, and had no intention of guessing what this zerg was really thinking.

Mo Yan had originally thought that Xuan Xing was in charge, but hearing this, his gaze shifted to the male zerg. P3ws 6

Still the same silver cloak he had seen before.

This male zerg was not simple, Mo Yan concluded, even though he knew that the male zerg and Xuan Xing had reached some sort of cooperation. Previously, he had thought the male zerg had used some method to stabilize Xuan Xing, but now it seemed that the cooperation was led by the male zerg.

Being able to make a famous star thief serve as a backdrop was not something any ordinary zerg could achieve.

Mo Yan’s gaze at the male zerg inevitably carried a measure of appraisal, and at the same time, the disdain in his heart receded a bit, “Your Excellency means…” K0zZ7T

Qi Yu did not intend to beat around the bush, and stated bluntly, “Give star coins.”

Wasn’t this Captain Yan Mo crying poor to him? Now using star coins to exchange for these zerg wasn’t too much, seeing that Xuan Xing didn’t seem ready to fight. It would be difficult for him alone to take on so many zerg, better to secure a profit for himself sooner.

Remembering how pitifully this zerg had cried poor in front of him a few days ago, Qi Yu felt a pang of frustration, and even more annoying was that he had been so naively believing it.

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Thinking about it now, those remarks about male zerg were really full of holes, and he didn’t know why he had been so foolish to believe them at the time. LRsjzf

Wejc Wlcu’r ujhf rajsfv bc Hl Te, jcv eqbc tfjglcu atlr, j tlca bo jwerfwfca oijrtfv lc tlr fsfr, “Rba j yjv lvfj.”

Qlat bcf rfcafcmf, tf rtbkfv j qbraegf bo jugffwfca.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Coafg rqfjxlcu, Wejc Wlcu rilutais rdelcafv tlr fsfr, bqfcis rtloalcu tlr ujhf ogbw Hl Te ab Zb Tjc, vlgfmais rajalcu, “P atlcx atf rjwf.”

Since that female zerg called Yan Mo had arrived, he had sensed a dangerous aura. If it really came to a fight, he wasn’t sure he could win. He wasn’t foolish; if he really wanted to fight in the future, it would be more convenient to take his starship, aim directly at the opponent, and bombard them with cannons. Fighting now wouldn’t be a wise move. V2I3zG

In this small adventure group, there was a zerg that made him feel threatened, and then there was the male zerg next to him… things had indeed started to get interesting. Xuan Xing slightly squinted his eyes, truly curious about who else might show up in the last few days.

He was somewhat looking forward to it.

“Star coins.”

Hearing this, Mo Yan also relaxed a bit and asked directly, “Your Excellency, how many do you intend to ask for?” 8EDkGN

Star coins were easy to deal with; other things, not so much.

Qi Yu didn’t have a clear idea of how much to ask for, as he really didn’t know how many star coins the Xuelan Adventure Group had, being unfamiliar with them.

But it didn’t matter much, since he had someone knowledgeable here.

Qi Yu wanted to ask Xuan Xing, but suddenly realized he didn’t know Xuan Xing’s name. He only knew the other was from the Xuan Xing star thief group. Mr. Qi, unaware of his bad habit of not asking names, silently chided himself before speaking to Xuan Xing, “What do you think?” pYwMK

After all, the zerg were captured by Xuan Xing, and even if he could catch a few, he would be exhausted to death, not to mention having to bring them here. Qi Yu, though reluctant to admit it, realized that sometimes having fewer zerg did indeed pose some trouble, especially during extortion.

No zerg had the momentum, fortunately, there was one with capable hands nearby.

Xuan Xing found it odd to hear this; the male zerg was actually asking him, not Nanda?

But he also thought about it carefully and quickly figured out (inferred) the male zerg’s concerns. U7qbG8

This male zerg was really quite gentle, actually considering the zerg under his command. Nanda’s zerg showing fear towards him indicates his greater strength, which also means he wouldn’t be afraid of offending the adventure group, and being powerful also allows him to better understand the limits of these adventure groups.

Clearly, he was being used as a tool, but considering that he had given the decision-making power to the male zerg this time, there didn’t seem to be a big problem with the male zerg directing him now. Thinking this, he actually pondered for a moment.

After pondering for two seconds, he spoke, “Ten million for each side.”

Qi Yu: “…” shocked.jpg JAmU3N

Qi Yu raised his deep green eyes, looking steadily at Xuan Xing, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

The other zerg were not much better; no one dared to speak, and everyone present who heard this statement was stunned.

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After a long silence, from behind Xuan Xing, one of his subordinates quietly tugged at his sleeve. With Xuan Xing looking his way, he whispered, “Boss, this small local adventure group isn’t like the merchant fleets we rob. Look at the attire of these zerg; it would be good if they could come up with half.”

The speaker was a zerg who had been attacked and tied up by Qi Yu along with Xuan Xing. He glanced at Qi Yu subtly, lowering his voice even more, “Not everyone is as capable as this Excellency. Based on our experience from robberies, adventure groups of around a hundred zerg usually have total assets that mostly don’t exceed six million…” Pi845b

Qi Yu: “…” He silently glanced at the female zerg who had spoken, suppressing the shock in his eyes.

Don’t think he didn’t hear it, this zerg was praising him for being capable… what capability? He was still stunned by a single remark from the other side.

Xuan Xing’s quote of twenty million star coins was indeed unbelievable, but the adventure group only had six million…

Was this serious? gNLWzK

He thought about the belongings of these zerg from Nanda, and then thought about the million star coins he was extorting from the star thief leader before him. He felt his luck was really good, always encountering fat sheep, who would have thought such a hundred-zerg adventure group could be so poor.

After all, the items Nanda and his group had come up with were worth five or six hundred thousand star coins!

He originally thought the adventure group was quite wealthy in star coins, but it turns out the local adventure groups here are quite poor too!

Xuan Xing hadn’t expected that the other party couldn’t even come up with twenty million star coins. Now that his own subordinate had undermined him, he wasn’t annoyed but pondered for a moment and then leisurely continued, “Then let’s make it seven million each.” SFg8mp

Mo Yan: “…”

The expression on a certain leader’s face showed nothing.

Mo Yan, observing the casually speaking Xuan Xing, thought again about his own adventure group’s assets.

To say they had half was already flattering; the Xuelan Adventure Group barely had the ability to sustain itself, merely drifting along, going on adventures here and there, and occasionally taking on some tasks to earn a bit of spending money, just so as not to be in deficit. WCs5oP

When Lan Qing was around, it was okay; they could save some star coins every year. Without Lan Qing, it was basically living off the old capital. Now, the total assets of the adventure group were just over eight million, plus some items that hadn’t been converted into star coins yet, totaling around ten million, according to the data from a while ago. Xue Siu had mentioned it to him, and he remembered a bit, but he wasn’t sure about the current situation.

Glancing at the group of zerg tied up, including Big Liu, Mo Yan steadied his mind, just about to speak, when an irate roar came from beside him.

“Fourteen million, why don’t you just rob us.”

Hearing this, a chill passed through Xuan Xing’s eyes, and he coolly replied, “Isn’t that what we’re doing now?” UYqTtJ

“Xue Siu, shut up.”

Mo Yan’s hoarse voice also cooled a few degrees, “It’s not your turn to make decisions here.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing this, Xue Siu, although angry, did not say anything else, reluctantly closing his mouth.

Mo Yan took a deep breath, his voice very calm. lTp6Gh

“Five million each is the limit for our adventure group.”

He paused as he said this, looking towards Qi Yu, “The male zerg’s mental power can probe; the valuable items in our camp are worth about two million star coins, plus the accumulation over the years, we can only come up with ten million, and of that ten million, two million would still need to be covered by goods.”

Actually, this outcome was already much better than Qi Yu had expected. After hearing the six million figure, he guessed that each zerg being able to give three or four million star coins was already good, considering the adventure group still needed to sustain so many zerg, there wouldn’t be too much left.

However, he wasn’t too knowledgeable in this area, he looked towards Xuan Xing, who, although frowning, didn’t say anything. tDKQH8


After scanning the camp with his mental power, Qi Yu confirmed decisively.

“Trade now.”

When the male zerg spoke these words with a suppressed voice, it carried an unexpected air of authority, and the rough tone actually conveyed a sense of strength to the zerg listening. ydGHbz

Listening to this voice, Mo Yan recalled the appearances of male zerg he had seen before, but found that none matched this one.

Male zerg can be arrogant, fragile, or unreasonably demanding, but none seemed to fit this description. Perhaps some male zerg might have this kind of temperament and aura, but those who do are mostly over a hundred years old and hold high positions and power.

Such zerg would not come to a planet like this to engage in thankless, laborious tasks.

Although curious, Mo Yan knew that his own zerg were more important at this moment. He gave Xue Siu a look, and although Xue Siu’s face was full of reluctance, he didn’t say anything more and unwillingly started walking towards another zerg. 71BIWe

The zerg Xue Siu approached was the financial manager of the Xuelan Adventure Group. Seeing Xue Siu coming over, his face also showed a painful expression, but he still handed over his terminal. Xue Siu took the terminal from his hands, glanced at it, silently walked up to Mo Yan, and handed it to him.

Mo Yan took the terminal, looked at the balance, and then tossed it to Qi Yu, “The password is 123456.”

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