After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch49 - Peacock Courtship

Zhou Mian sat in his office, wondering while eating the food in the lunch box.

The lunch box was very exaggerated. The entire four layers were full of all kinds of Chinese and Western food, but all of them were healthy and light home cooked food. kA9d4s

Cecil this… Quite attentive?


Chrysanthemum Garden.

As soon as Zhou Mian thought of Cecil, he saw that his terminal rang.

The caller was none other than Cecil. 7zGlIi


After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Mian still answered it.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Mian spoke in his most general-like emotional tone: “Hello, is there something wrong ,Admiral Cecil?”

Cecil even thought for a moment that he had accidentally called the customer service.

k J1fz

With a dry cough, Cecil laughed, “It’s nothing… Just, is the meal delicious?”

“Delicious, thank you Admiral Cecil.”

“Come back to the Admiral’s Mansion for tonight?”

Cecil said seriously: “You have moved out for too long, I am worried that the media will spread rumors that we have a bad relationship and influence, and besides, I plan to talk to you about the plant factory.” r3okCq

Zhou Mian said helplessly: “No, I have to take care of Xiao Le.”

“Then you can accompany me to a movie.”

Zhou Mian questioned, “Admiral Cecil… Are you very free?”

Cecil was very unreasonable and said: “Mianmian, go home at night or watch a movie with me, you must choose one of the two.” Zhou Mian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this childishness. jhY1PK

If he didn’t choose either, would Cecil become a stalker, break into the plant factory and carry him back?

Zhou Mian sighed and said, “What movie do you want to watch?”

“The latest big production!”

Zhou Mian wore a mask and hat, came to the cinema with his identity hidden and saw the ticket in Cecil’s hand, only to know that the big production that Cecil said was a thriller horror film – Ghost Factory. ByLe1S

Zhou Mian: “…”

Cecil looked like he had succeeded in his trick. He was now very confident.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He did his homework online in the morning, saying that taking his partner to watch horror movies is the best way to enhance their relationship.

In the dimly lit cinema, the partner would become soft because of fear, crying and squeezing into his arms, squeezing his arm to death… AGnHym

In particular, the supernatural scene of this movie was set in a factory, which should scare Zhou Mian to live alone in the plant factory after this, this is simply an opportunity given to him by God!

Cecil smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

Cecil, who was also wearing a mask and hat, led Zhou Mian into the theaters.

Then the lights dimmed and the big screen in front of them began to play the movie content… pKbiVH

Cecil put his hand around Zhou Mian’s shoulder and said seriously: “If you are afraid later, hold me tight, it’ll be fine!” His eyes sparkled as if saying ‘Depend on me, depend on me’.


The heroine of the movie is an employee of a factory, who stayed late at night because of overtime.

Then, her lover dragged her to a no-man’s corner to do this and that, while the rest of the people left, and they were still in it. D2AS8g

Cecil raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: “Gee, something must happen to these two, don’t know where not to do it, they just had to do it in the factory… Yo, Mian Mian you see, this man has great guts.”

When the two finished, they found that the factory had been locked, and the two could not find a way out, so they were trapped in the factory.

Cecil hummed: “I know, it’s all routine, and then something will happen… Fuck!!!”

“Boom” A big spooky grimace appeared on the screen, the hero and heroine screamed, many girls in the cinema also screamed, and Cecil swore on the spot. L5UEGd

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Particularly loud.

Jfmli: “…”

Itbe Zljc ibbxfv ja tlw fzqgfrrlbcifrris, jcv atfgf kjr cb fwbalbc bc tlr ojmf.

Itbe Zljc qjaafv Jfmli’r rtbeivfg jcv rjlv, “Po sbe jgf jogjlv, sbe mjc tbiv ws tjcv.” oAB1YU


Cecil sneered, swept his nose with his index finger and said: “What kind of joke, how can I be afraid of ghosts, it’s all fake, the ancient earthlings used to scare children…***!!

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C ijguf ktlaf utjrais ojmf jqqfjgfv bc atf ojmabgs klcvbk bc atf rmgffc, jcv Jfmli kjr rtbmxfv rliis .

Itbe Zljc: “…”  RQj32r

Zhou Mian looked at Cecil with a smile.

Zhou Mian shook his head helplessly and asked in a low voice: “Admiral Cecil, the undefeated Asura on the battlefield, you haven’t not seen anything, how can you be afraid of… This stuff? ”

“…… Can that be the same!” Cecil gritted his teeth and said: “That zerg, blurred flesh and blood, corpses, and everything is something that can be seen with the naked eye, how is it like these ghosts, they suddenly come out silently and scarily, and they look so infiltrating, too cunning!”

In the end, his face had been lost, and his manhood had already snapped into slag, and Cecil simply held Zhou Mian’s hand and hummed: “I’m so scared, I’m going to cry in fear, you have to hold my hand and let me  depend on you.” DAZ6Np

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil directly buried his face in Zhou Mian arms, looking like a tn content = big turtle] also a euphemism for bastard in chinese [/tn].

The admiral was not afraid to lose face to chase his wife.

Zhou Mian straightened his back a little uncomfortably. N5bIM

After all, it was the first time he watched a horror movie, and Cecil was often scared at first, but in the second half, he was already able to look at the hideous face on the screen expressionlessly.

“Look, I’m not afraid.”

“Uh-huh, well done, weirdo.”

After watching a movie, Cecil fell into deep thought. jlo9hK

Seems like something went very wrong…

Cecil turned his head and gritted his teeth: “Mianmian, aren’t you afraid at all?”

Zhou Mian said suspiciously: “In the battlefield there are all kinds of gruesome acts, why should you be afraid of these?”

“…” mgXM8E

Cecil mumbled, obviously that day Mian Mian has been …

That’s right, too.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Cecil sighed.

It was him who put a filter on Zhou Mian by himself later on, in fact, Zhou Mian attracted him at the beginning because of his tough and decisive attitude. A1ZmhF

And why Zhou Mian softened before, it was just because of a brain injury and fell into the shadow of the past.

Cecil couldn’t react for a while, and suddenly realized that the two were actually separated by a seemingly empty wall.

All of this was going around in Cecil’s mind, as he was watching the movie and at the end he almost pitted himself.

However, no matter what, the right thing still has to be done. snKiZb

Cecil coughed dryly and pulled Zhou Mian to stand up.

Zhou Mian looked around and wondered, “Why hasn’t the light  been turned on yet?” The movie was over, and the ending song was playing on the screen, but because the lights were not yet on, the rest of the audience had not left.

“Because…” said Cecil, “there’s a surprise for you.”

“Snap!” 7EkCXq

As everyone exclaimed, they saw that the screen suddenly flashed and turned into a pink color.

A line on the top read:

Zhou Mian, I like you.

Zhou Mian was stunned. ojWgxA

The staff handed Cecil a large bouquet of lavender that had been prepared in advance.

Cecil heard the screaming from everyone… as he half knelt.

Then, he handed the lavender to Zhou Mian.

“Mian Mian! I like you, please be with me! CiqnNu

Cecil said seriously, “Later… I will protect you, I will respect you, and everything that concerns you will always be my priority.”

Under the dim lights, the eyes that had witnessed countless killing and bloodshed were serious and gentle at the moment.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Mian was completely stunned at this moment.

To speak honestly, Cecil’s way of courting was… MOATYZ

Too rustic .

It’s so earthly.

However, Cecil’s eyes were irresistible, and his aura abruptly raised the level of this absurdly direct man’s confession.

The people around recognized the two of them, and immediately took out their terminals to shoot videos wildly, and in an instant the two were surrounded by camera shots and cheers. p5Yfqa

“Admiral Zhou!! Accept it quickly!

“Admiral Zhou is about to take the flowers!!”

The crowd of onlookers was even more excited than the parties involved.

The tips of Zhou Mian’s ears and cheeks were flushed. 7Rb32r

This man…!

Zhou Mian whispered, “Why are you so unreasonable…”

Cecil smiled and said, “Do you like it then?”

Cecile didn’t believe that Zhou Mian hadn’t been tempted for a moment, otherwise Zhou Mian wouldn’t have let himself look like such a stunned idiot and let him take advantage of it. bFgYp6

Seeing that Zhou Mian just looked at him blankly, Cecil raised his eyebrows and said, “Do you bear to let your husband lose face in front of the whole interstellar?”

Zhou Mian accepted the bunch of lavender as if he had been transformed into a plant who understood nothing.

Cecil got up and hugged Zhou Mian.

Screams and applause erupted immediately. JBnGLl

Cecil leaned his head on Zhou Mian’s shoulder and whispered in his ear: “Do you know what lavender means in the language of flowers ?”


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

On this day, the star network is destined to explode.

And the two protagonists who caused the commotion, one of them has been abducted home by the other. QDjLmK

Zhou Mian sat on the aircraft and said, “Didn’t you say we’ll go back to the plant factory…”

Cecil pretended to be deaf and dumb.


Cecil frowned and said, “Good boy, don’t talk.Look how beautiful the moon is tonight.” tI04g

“…Cecil, before you came, you said you would choose one of the two.”

“Children can only play the choice game, adults can only want it or have to do it.”

Zhou Mian pondered in his heart and felt that something was not right.

Is Cecil playing with himself? mAXJB

Zhou Mian stopped talking.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

“Mian Mian…?”

For a moment, Cecil sensed something was wrong. fE12S

Zhou Mian lowered his head and ignored him.

“Mian Mian?” Cecil leaned closer to Zhou Mian, smiled quietly and said, “Mianmian?”A Mian, Zhou Mian?”

Zhou Mian curled his head.

“Mianmian, I was wrong, I was wrong, don’t be angry, Mianmian, wife, baby…” HCgApT

Zhou Mian couldn’t bear  it anymore and looked up and said, “I’m not angry. “  He just… didn’t understand.

He admits that he was moved before. Slightly, little by little, moved. But before he could identify his feelings, Cecil suddenly pushed himself away.

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Zhou Mian was used to being pushed away, but Cecil was so close and far away at the same time that he was very confused and at a loss.

Zhou Mian glanced at the lavender in his hand and said, “But I remember that you first proposed the separation before that. We separated, and you decided to avoid me and told me not to fall in love with you.” wn8jqR

Cecil said with a bitter face: “What a man says when he is inexperienced can’t be taken seriously.  Can you take it as some random dog barking? I did that when I was out of my mind.”

“So when did you start liking me?”

Cecil paused.

For a moment, Cecil tilted his head, and his tone inadvertently became a little gentle: “A long time ago.” 5kd0u4

Zhou Mian raised his eyebrows, “Then you hid out before because you didn’t want to like me?”

Cecil: “…”

“Mian Mian.” Cecil hugged his chest and said, “I reasonably suspect that you keep talking about the past because you don’t want to be with me.”

Zhou Mian did not speak. Pu4IVn

Cecil sat next to Zhou Mian, stretched out his hand and rubbed the back of Zhou Mian’s head and said, “It’s okay. This is the purpose of my lavender.”

“I have already figured it out. Although it is strange that you are not willing to accept an incredible federal admiral like me… But, I decided to forgive you for your eyesight.”

Zhou Mian turned to look at Cecil.

Cecil then laughed, “I won’t force you to stay with me, but you can’t stop me from pursuing you either.” XUlj6g

Zhou Mian tilted his head, not daring to look into Cecil’s eyes.

It’s too dazzling.

Cecil hugged his chest and said, “I don’t believe you won’t like me. One day I will have you call your husband obediently.”

Zhou Mian’s cheeks burned, and he stuffed the lavender back into Cecil’s arms. He got up and strode to the small room, unwilling to be in the same room with Cecil anymore. 75 v2r

“Hey……!A Mian, Mianmian, what are you running for?”

The corners of Cecil’s lips rose uncontrollably, and he chased after him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Zhou Mian closed the door in time and shut Cecil out of the room. TsK6GZ


Cecil lay on the door and said aggrievedly: “Is this how you treat your husband?”

 There was no sound inside.

Cecil couldn’t help but look down and chuckle. f2UR6A

Silly Mian Mian.

Lavenders have a lot of meanings, but I think the lavender flower here symbolizes ‘to love and heal together’. Also, I’m very sorry for so many late updates, I hope I can get back to proper schedule once this semester of my ends.

Translator's Note

insert all kind of swearings

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  1. This chapter seems to have been designed to make me snarl.

    If someone took me to a horror movie for a date, that would be our last date because watching horror movies makes me sick to my stomach. And if someone did the whole public confession they’d get a slap. A public confession isn’t romantic. They are using public pressure to force someone to accept their confession and trying to make it impossible for them to reject.

    • I think it depends on the person and whether or not they like horror movies. And I agree with you, I would hate a public confession, but some people might like it (though I have no idea why).

      • idk why too bro, just me casually as an introvert I would hate to be the center of attention, also I would be panicking like crazy because like imagine all the pressure because everyone around you is like ‘oh hey they look good together! ACCEPT THE CONFESSION!!!’ that is indeed very stupid and non romantic to put pressure on someone to pressure them into accepting the confession especially with a sophisticated introvert I’m sure that person who proposed might just end up single xD, but at the same time lilbabydino (love your name btw) has a good point because indeed it depends on ones preferences as if your more of an extrovert social friendly person you might want others to see it and record it to share your happy moments online or like to have witnesses of your bf/gf confessing to you. It could also be like if they prefer those sweet fluffy ways of expressing love like I know d@mn well some people out there call their lover ‘pookie bear’ ‘strawberry muffin’ or some of those… erm names…
  2. Hmmm so is the kid back at the factory alone? I hope Cecil remembered to bring him to the mansion

  3. It was mc who said he wasn’t great with crowds. This set of moves, this confession, 囧rz they could’ve done that in the greenhouse or activities mc would’ve liked or they bond over. Why be interstellar if there’s always retro earth moves.