After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch48 - Zhou Mian’s Rejection

Finally with the ending of the lengthy passionate kiss, Zhou Mian gulped in large amounts of air, he was almost going to suffocate to death earlier.

“Cecil… You are crazy……! 01lxWS

Zhou Mian grabbed Cecil’s sleeves with both hands and said viciously to his face: “You are crazy!”

“Well, yes , I’m crazy.”

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Cecil looked at Zhou Mian’s messy hair, flushed cheeks and watery eyes, and had no regrets, he just licked his lower lip as if he wasn’t satisfied with that little tasting earlier.

‘Mn, I really want to kiss again.’ 5jW 3r

Looking at Cecil’s dangerous gaze like a beast aiming at his prey, Zhou Mian only felt it was scary, but now he was seriously injured…

Seriously injured……

That’s right!

Zhou Mian immediately frowned and pressed his head: “Headache…”


Sure enough, Cecil extinguished all the fires, and instantly stood up to help Zhou Mian up, and said anxiously: “It hurts? Where does it hurt? You have a headache?”

Cecil was a little annoyed at himself and thought that he had gone too far.

“Mianmian, I was wrong, I was wrong.” Cecil quickly helped Zhou Mian to get up and leaned in front of him and said gently: “Don’t be afraid, bite me if it hurts.”

“Poof…” R0JdXM

Cecil was stunned, and when he looked down, he saw Zhou Mian smiling.

Cecil: “…”

Cecil paused for a moment before gritting his teeth and saying, ” You… lied to me.”

“Mian Mian you’ve done really well , you’ve learnt all the bad things, you know how to deceive people now, right?” Cecil pinched Zhou Mian’s face and smiled, “Who taught you?” cfWn6e

Zhou Mian smiled and tilted his head to the side to escape those dangerous claws.

“Okay, won’t tease you. Go to sleep, rest well.” Cecil smiled and let Zhou Mian lie down and pulled the quilt for him.

After such a commotion, Zhou Mian was indeed tired, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

A big bad wolf appeared in Zhou Mian’s dream. npb4cl

The big bad wolf spat out his big tongue, chasing him and saying that he wanted to have a baby with him, he was very scared, he kept running and running, but he was still caught by the big bad wolf.

After Zhou Mian was caught by the big bad wolf, he was carried back to the wolf den by it to get married, and then they gave birth to a litter of baby wolves in their dreams.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then, Zhou Mian was frightened awake.

Zhou Mian: “…” fdkRoE

He couldn’t have been poisoned, could he?

Zhou Mian recovered well, and after a few days of rest, he was able to walk steadily and move around as usual. It’s just that his physical strength was not very good, and his reflexes were also very slow.


At this moment, Cecil was sitting on the edge of the bed watching Zhou Mian drink soup. He originally wanted to feed it himself, but Zhou Mian was stubborn and refused it continuously.  dX9qoN

“You said you are going back to work at the plant factory??” Cecil raised his eyebrows, “Are you crazy?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I can simply look at some documents for now, and besides, it’s not good to do nothing all the time, it’s not good for rehabilitation, and I’m not used to it…” Zhou Mian explained reasonably.

“Yxjs, sbe vbc’a kjca ab ifa wf ajxf sbe obg j kjix, cb wjaafg ktja la’r olcf, yea cbk sbe kjca wf ab ifa sbe ub ab atf qijca ojmabgs ys sbegrfio, P kbc’a jiibk la.” Jfmli rja bc atf rlvf klat tlr jgwr obivfv, tlr jaalaevf nfgs olgw.

Zhou Mian frowned slightly. C T7xj

Cecil continued: “If you really want to go to a plant factory so much… Well, I give in, I’ll give you a full attendance award, I’ll accompany you. I can also move my documents there.”

Zhou Mian was stunned.

He just didn’t want to trouble Cecil to do it.

But it’s always been tough to change Cecil’s mind once he’d decided on something so Zhou Mian said nothing more. teRcQT

Zhou Mian couldn’t help but think of that day’s kiss.

It was a passionate deep kiss…

Cecil also said that they should take their marriage for real.

That day, Zhou Mian was suddenly kissed, and the whole person was stunned, full of thoughts only about how to stop Cecil, and then fell asleep because he was too tired, and then Zhou Mian deliberately avoided this topic, and the two never mentioned it. Xj 4bN

But now…

Zhou Mian said, “Cecil, you have crossed the line.”

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“I already made it clear that day.” Cecil hugged his chest and said, “So I’m going to follow you.”

“Admiral Cecil.” Zhou Mian put down the bowl, took a deep breath and said seriously: “We signed a contract at the beginning of our marriage, and to put it bluntly, we do not interfere with each other emotionally, which is why I am willing to get along with you.” ZNyDXd

“Although I don’t understand why you suddenly changed your mind, our relationship cannot be changed by just Admiral Cecil saying a word.”

Cecil: “…”

He felt that he had arranged himself clearly during their first contract.

But after thinking about it, if he hadn’t done this at the beginning, Zhou Mian, who wanted to treat others indifferently, might not have gotten along with him so calmly. RDJNhz

Shit…..! It’s annoying. Cecil scratched his head.

“How nice it would be if it had been the same way it looked before…!” Cecil muttered.

Zhou Mian was seriously injured before, and he always loved to rely on himself when his consciousness was confused, but now after slowly recovering, he is just like before.

“Okay. It was me who was wrong.” Cecil sighed and said, “I was in a hurry.” hA4Pix

“Admiral Cecil.” Zhou Mian frowned, “Can I know the reason for your sudden change of attitude?”

Cecil was stunned.

He didn’t want to talk to Zhou Mian about his childhood, and if he couldn’t remember it, he couldn’t remember it, which was a good thing.

Those painful and terrible memories did not need to be deliberately reminded by him. YoWrcL

So Cecil paused and said with a smile: “I liked you a long time ago, but I didn’t notice it before. It wasn’t until you were kidnapped that I realized how much I cared about you.” Cecil’s stupidly adoring eyes and his words were so direct and frank, it caught Zhou Mian off guard.

He really has never seen such a straightforward confession , nor has he seen such a clear talking style, how thick is Cecil’s face after all, in order to unilaterally fall in love and start a sweet married life with his constant refusal? ?

“Cecil.” Zhou Mian said bitterly, “We…”

Zhou Mian didn’t know what to say. R0KaWZ

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Mian said, “In any case, we are not real husbands, and you have no right to tie me to your side.”

“Let me go back to the plant factory and go back alone.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Mian looked at Cecil with stubborn eyes.

Cecil clenched his hands slightly into fists, irritated at the bottom of his heart. 2vFmCZ

His Mian Mian does not want to be with him!

“What if I say no.” Cecil’s eyes were dark, and the anger in his heart was also pervasive, and the person who had been lost for twelve years was reunited with him again even before when he did not know that the other party was that person, he also quietly fell in love.

The person who was lost and regained, who almost lost his breath in his arms, is sitting in front of him at this moment, how can he be willing to let go?

Listening to Cecil’s words, Zhou Mian paused, then lowered his eyes and whispered: “Do you really want to clash against me?” ujzRfA

Cecil was speechless…….


Zhou Mian was startled, and subconsciously looked up to see Cecil fiercely slapped the low table next to him with his palm.

“Okay, there you go.” Cecil said expressionlessly, “I won’t interfere.” In the end, he can always go to the plant factory to “supervise” in an upright manner, and second, he can quietly guard him, this isn’t for a personal motive, can the plant factory stop him? Gdct18

As it turns out, they really can.


The next day, Zhou Mian took Xiaole back to the plant factory and began to work inside, while Cecil was stopped at the gate when he went to visit the plant factory at lunch and a smile.

Confronting Cecil is a humble security system machine. Rm3Kej

“Didi! Please show your pass, otherwise you will not be able to enter!” An electronic smiley face was displayed on the small screen next to the gate.

Cecil: “I’m Cecil, let me in.”

Robot : “Didi! The system did not detect the pass, please show the pass!”

Cecil: “I am Cecil Manrah, General of the Federation.”  cXNWLC

Robot: “Didi! The system did not detect passage…”

Cecil was furious: “You shut up! Is there a fingerprint identification system, or a pupil scan?” Robot: “Didi! The system did not detect the pass, please show the pass!”

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Cecil: “…”

Cecil couldn’t believe it, he was furious, and felt that his handsome and dashing heartthrob Federation Admiral aura was trampled under the feet of a cute robot**. QutnGi

This system’s making a fool out of him, right?!

Cecil called Zhou Mian directly, saying that he was outside and brought him food.

“Well, thank you.”

The tone is neither cold nor light. BskLeX

Then, it was Ellen who came out to get the meal.

Cecil: “…”

Ellen: “…”

Cecil gritted his teeth and said, “What are you doing here?” Oxjlo1

Ellen was also frightened: “It turns out that it was the admiral who delivered the meal?? “

What kind of evil is in the wind today , what kind of grudge did Zhou Mian hold against him?? It was actually the Admiral who came to deliver food himself?? Then what the hell is Zhou Mian doing, let him take it? Also could you not let the person outside in??

Ellen only felt the wind blowing was too cold,and g that he was going to become cannon fodder between these two people if he was not careful.

“Hurry up and open the door and let me in!” Cecil smiled angrily: “Look how I clean him up when I go in!”  32x1aC

‘Kiss him so much that he faints!’

Ellen: “…” 

Ellen: “That…”

Ellen wanted to cry without tears, but Zhou Mian let him take food through the small grid counter, and he couldn’t let people in… xSMmir

Cecil knew what was going on at a glance, and was so angry that he regained his senses.

Cecil took a deep breath and said, “You let others bring in this meal for Ah Mian and let him eat it while it is hot, I won’t go in, just ask him to come out.”

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Ellen: “…???”

Ellen cried and said, “I am innocent!” d1Dt4q

Cecil said, “I don’t have the heart to beat you! Come with me, I’ll talk to you.”

“Oh…” Ellen’s look had turned lifeless.

Cecil took Ellen to his own aircraft, and the two sat face to face in the control room.

Cecil said, “I have some emotional problems… I would like to consult you on.” 6IZ0Qy


Cecil said bitterly, “Why doesn’t Ah Mian want me to be nice to him,  because previously we were not real husbands? I wanted to be with him, but he refused me very hard.”


Ellen thinks that Cecil is also a strange person, his emotional intelligence sometimes goes online and sometimes disappears, and his temperament is also very tough, and he is proud and narcissistic. SZ BgU

The more Ellen thought about it, the more disgusted he became, and he couldn’t help but sympathize with Zhou Mian.

This temper, only few people like him can endure.

Ellen rolled his eyes and said, “Admiral… Let me give you an example. You won the war before, what are you going to do?”

Cecil said: “Negotiate contracts with the defeated country, reorganize the army, and make peace at the round table…” HN7dFM

“Okay, okay, I see. There has to be a program, right?” Ellen interrupted Cecil and waved his hand, “Program! Programs! You suddenly went to General Zhou and said, hey, let’s have a baby, right? He didn’t beat you up, and that is because he has an extremely good temper.”

Ellen said in his heart, ‘this man, have you forgotten your previous request for living in different rooms?’

Ellen sighed heavily, and said helplessly: “The war has to be orderly, and chasing people is the same, isn’t it?” Flowers , words and no love tokens were sent, the relationship has not yet started and you already wanted to hit a home run, there is something wrong with your brain.

“…” gmL8Td

Cecil’s eyes were opened and he finally understood everything.

“Hah!” Cecil high-fived Ellen, and laughingly said: “I just knew it, Ah Mian still likes to be coquettish with me.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ellen: “…”


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  1. this- this- Mianmian ah Mianmian, I think he really did get electric shocked by the Dark Pheonix when you were out of control his IQ dropped below the negatives!!! haiii *sigh * what a love sick puppy… Oh well at least he’s a wife slave now… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Good to see mc having that stand.

    Bless ml’s heart. I hope he sees the light some day. Even Ellen’s words were interpreted like that.