After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch47 - First Kiss

Zhou Mian looked at the piano absolutely stunned.


“Just knew you would like it.”


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Before Zhou Mian could express his opinion, Cecil said smugly: “Just say you like it, this will be yours from now on, and when you get better, it can also be moved to your room.”

 “Okay.” Zhou Mian seriously began to think and said, “Then we have to call a few more people to move it… It’s a long way from here to my room, you can’t risk breaking it at all.” QH29XP


Cecil: “???”

 Zhou Mian was a little distressed when he thought about it a bit more: “But the master bedroom in the plant factory is a little small, I don’t know if it can fit in…”



Cecil: “…”


CNM's plant factory, if he mentions the plant factory once more, I’ll have that plant factory explode in its place!


Cecil was so angry, and with barely suppressed emotions in his heart, he smiled and said: “What plant factory are you talking about, it will be placed in the room of our admiral’s mansion, right?” Zhou Mian was originally a little dumb and dense on matters outside the battlefield, and his reaction was not so fast, but now he felt he’d become even more dumber after his head injury, and he blankly looked at Cecil for a while.


In the past few days, Zhou Mian’s physical condition has been too bad, his whole body is tired and painful, and there is not much time he stays awake, and Cecil has always been by his side. Zhou Mian temporarily forgot about the unpleasantness with Cecil before the accident, and only vaguely remembered that he lived in the plant factory.


Cecil wrapped his arms around Zhou Mian’s waist and let him lean on him, “Okay, baby, let’s not talk about that for now. Do you want to play it?”


Zhou Mian nodded.


He had long been moved by the crystal piano in front of him, one of which he had only seen once before, that is, in the palace of the Glacier royal family.


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But he never imagined that one day he would also have one.


The keys are clean, and the strings inside can be seen through the transparent crystal, and now the whole piano was shining brightly illuminated by the sun.


Only now did Zhou Mian realize that this was an extremely luxurious and valuable gift.


“Admiral…” Zhou Mian said in a low voice, “This piano… I will be satisfied after I play it, and you can return it after that.”


Cecil raised his eyebrows, “Don’t like it?


“It’s not…”


Cecil pretended to be disappointed: “Well, since you don’t like it, then I’ll return it. It’s a pity, I thought you would like it… Alas, it’s all my fault, I can’t guess your mind and made you embarrassed.”


“No, it’s not…”


Cecil tilted his head and whispered as if he was a complaining woman abandoned by her husband: “I’m so sad, I also had it specially carried back from Mercury and had people work on it day and night. I even called in a few favors.”


“I didn’t say that.” Zhou Mian’s face turned red, and he spoke softly and slowly: “I like it very much.”


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com



Zhou Mian bowed his head and said, “I just…”


Cecil couldn’t help but laugh.


“Hey! I gave you a gift and you should accept it! Don’t be like a little girl, all coquettish.” After Cecil finished speaking, he couldn’t help but touch his nose and said: “But I like your shy side too very much, whatever you give me, I will accept it all.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.




Itbe Zljc vfmlvfv ab aegc jgbecv jcv qijs atf qljcb.




Cr atf rifcvfg olcufgr mbnfgfv atf xfsr, joafg atf olgra cbaf rilqqfv bea, Jfmli’r qeqlir revvfcis rtgjcx.


Ycf cbaf joafg jcbatfg oibkfv bea, jcv j ufcaif jcv rboa aecf ribkis obgwfv, ilxf fifujca wbbciluta, ilxf ueguilcu kjafg bo j rqglcu, rwbbat jcv cba lc j teggs.


Overflowing with tenderness.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Cecil had a feeling of strong attachment and lingeringness throughout the song, it was not mixed with any trace of lust, and had only the most sincere attachment and affection.


Cecil whispered, “Moonlight.”


Zhou Mian was stunned.


“How do you know…?”


This was a song created by Zhou Mian when he was young, dedicated to his big brother. Zhou Mian forgot his childhood and the people in it, but this song has been deeply engraved on Zhou Mian’s very soul and body, and when his fingers touch the keys, these scores will subconsciously emerge in his mind, and it feels as natural as breathing to him.


“Guess…” Cecil hugged Zhou Mian from behind, preventing Zhou Mian from seeing his appearance at this time.




Zhou Mian didn’t care and continued to play.


Unhurried, gentle, it’s like finding your own home in a world of chaos.


Zhou Mian played it intently, and Cecil could also hear it.


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But the further back of the piece, the more and less powerful it became, Cecil noticed that Zhou Mian’s finger movements gradually slowed down, and finally, Zhou Mian slowly fell back, leaned on Cecil and fell asleep, his hand falling down from the keys.


For a while, the flower room was quiet, only the sound of rustling flower petals and trees when the wind blew could be heard.


Cecil looked down at Zhou Mian, the sunlight sparsely hitting his face, and he slept in his arms defenselessly.


Cecil chuckled and picked the man up and went back to their room.


In the afternoon, the marshal couple and the royal husbands came to visit, bringing a large number of tonic supplements.


In the past few days, they have come almost every day, and Ellen also came at the beginning, but later he was worried that too many people would affect Zhou Mian’s rest, and he simply didn’t have much to do here too.


“How’s Ah Mian?” Madame Marshal frowned, “Is he better?”


“Aiya, this kid…” The royal consort stepped forward and frowned, “He lost a lot of weight.”


Saying that, the consort immediately took out the tonic soup and handed it to Zhou Mian.


Cecil sat on the edge of the bed and said, “Ah Mian is recovering, and it is getting better every day.” Zhou Mian leaned on the bedside to drink the tonic soup and smiled at the concerned eyes of these elders: “Hmm.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The consort frowned, “Alas… it’s too hard for Ah Mian. The blame is all on you, why didn’t you protect him well!”

  7 dIjJ

The king couldn’t help but respond: ” Amian is also a general, the battlefield is dangerous, he will naturally be injured, the same goes for Cecil.” The king had always sided with Cecil and liked to fight with the consort over it.


“You want to fight me over this?” The consort crossed his arms and gave the king a glare: “Ah Mian is currently traumatized, it is better to simply rest, don’t go to the battlefield for the time being, and slowly plan your child affairs.”

  cw a6L

The king paused and nodded his head in consent with his consort.




Zhou Mian almost spit out the tonic soup in his mouth.




Cecil was also slightly stunned.


“What’s so surprising about this, now that the glacier and the Federation are bound together, if there is an enemy invading the glacier, then the Federation will not sit idly by. You should rest and plan to have your heirs!” After all, no matter what, Zhou Mian must have to rest for a while this time, and the elders thought that it was better to simply rest for the longer time.


Zhou Mian subconsciously glanced at Cecil, hoping that Cecil could help prevaricate.


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Cecil received Zhou Mian’s eyes and smiled: “Well, I also have this plan, and I am thinking about it. I’ll later discuss it with Mianmian.” 

Zhou Mian: “…” Jgy2Vx

 Zhou Mian: “????!”


“Good, good, good.”


The consort smiled happily, and the marshal couple was also very pleased.


Zhou Mian felt his life was very painful.


After the elders left, Zhou Mian immediately took Cecil’s hand and frowned, “Admiral…”




Zhou Mian was startled and covered his face in disbelief.


Cecil he…Cecil kissed him on the face!

What was this situation! xunY7o

Could it be that it was not him whose brain was electrocuted by the Dark Phoenix, but Cecil’s??


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Cecil said with a frank look: “I said don’t call me general, call me by name. Since you have not changed your ways, you need to be punished for your short memory. From now on…… every time you call me admiral, I will kiss you.”


Cecil sat on the edge of the bed with his legs up, looking like a big bad wolf.


Zhou Mian was stunned: “The child’s matter… Why did you not refuse…”


He can’t make a child.


“Why refuse? We’re married, isn’t it normal to have children?”


Zhou Mian was silent.


I haven’t even had sex in the real sense once, and he wanted to talk about children, it’s hard to be calm.


“That… Cecil.” Zhou Mian said: “We agreed at the beginning that this is a contract marriage, and it’s irresponsible to have children. In the future, when the time comes for us to break up, what should the children do?”


Cecil: “…”


Cecil said angrily: “I don’t want to engage in any contract marriage at all, I just want to really engage in you!” 

Zhou Mian: “????” Seeing Zhou Mian’s appearance that said his brain computer had shut down and the line had been disconnected, Cecil took a deep breath, gave a serious look, and said word by word: “Ah Mian, I… Changed my mind.”

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“Huh?” aOdZiw




Zhou Mian only felt that the sky was spinning in front of him, and he was directly pounced on by Cecil. UVsMRI


Zhou Mian was lying on the soft bed, and saw the man pressed on him, looked down at his eyes, and said in a gentle voice: “I want to be with you.” When Cecil spoke, the warm breath sprayed onto his face, making Zhou Mian’s face couldn’t help but turn red.


Cecil gently brushed a piece of stray hair away from Zhou Mian’s face and said, “This contract marriage, I don’t want a fake marriage with you, I want to live a real life with you as my husband, do you understand?” vxudjp


Zhou Mian was stunned.


He wanted to push Cecil away, but now he has not fully recovered and was pushed like this, his brain was still a little confused, and he couldn’t use his full strength at all, so he could only be passively pressed under Cecil. 8UlDp


“I…I don’t understand…!”


If Zhou Mian felt that he remembered correctly, they had separated from each other before! TWxOpk


The first time they met, they put on a contract marriage, and after marriage, they always liked to tease each other, but they were only fooling around, and they prodded the other at will. Then the relationship between the two was finally closer, so they deliberately avoided each other and said that they wanted to live separately.

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But who will tell him why after he woke up from a coma, Cecil was making a fuss about having a baby with him? JpdcRx


Zhou Mian could not accept this sudden change.


“Mianmian, be a real husband with me, okay?” VgWGpv


Cecil smiled and looked down, “I really… Like you.”


Under Zhou Mian’s surprised gaze, Cecil slowly bowed down his head and kissed Zhou Mian’s slightly open lips. m1JVNi


Feeling the softness of his lips, Cecil warmed up all over, and he felt as if all his body’s blood was boiling.


Taking advantage of Zhou Mian’s weak body at the moment, and before he could react, Cecil besieged the city gate, broke through Zhou Mian’s defense, stuck his tongue in, attacked the lips and fiercely swept through every inch of his mouth. nB5y8p


Zhou Mian was forced to open his mouth and endure the man’s passionate and gentle deep kiss, feeling that every part of his mouth was thoroughly teased and sore.


At the tip of his nose was the breath of the man, Zhou Mian’s face blushed red, and he couldn’t breathe when he was kissed, and his whole body felt soft and powerless.  t6ITzH


Zhou Mian was originally not so weak, but now on this special occasion, he could only let Cecil play the hooligan.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


“Hmpnh …You! Rogue! Rogue……!” FZRsVL

Translator's Note

Cao Ni Ma’s, means f**k your mother’s

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  1. With a scared high pitch coquettish voice : “You rogue! You dirty hooligan! Evil meanie!”


    Thank you for the update

  2. after reading for the past 19 years, my speed of skipping the page has only gotten faster! honestly, I have never regretted it more than now. when iv reached page 47 and felt so darn frustrated! especially when I can still hear the call of ROGUE in my mind. tears, I am camping

  3. Ummm…. okay I don’t think I can shut myself up anymore. Am I the only one who feels so off about this??? First of all, I hate the fact that he couldn’t even decide whether he wants to be with xiao qi or MC. Till the end he couldn’t make up his mind, he was also hurting MC’s feelings because of his own confused feelings.

    Now, I know both people are the same but I can’t help but think what if they weren’t? What if by chance they were two different people? Ml would continue to squirm here and there. I don’t think the conclusion would be this peaceful.

    Also his attitude change, now that he has realised that both people are the same. We know MC likes him too but at least give him some space.

    It would’ve been better if they had showed that ML is actually choosing to move on and would love MC but then by coincidence they turned out to be the same people. That would’ve been fine!

    But here ML didn’t decide and behaves cowardly. I don’t like this at all. Except for this part everything is enjoyable.