After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch46 - The Admiral’s Romance

After an intense fight, the pirates retreated with their leader, and the Dark Phoenix did not have time to escape, except for the old man , everyone was arrested by the Federation one by one.


Cecil carried Zhou Mian to the main battleship and flew back to the Federation with haste. The prisoners were also tied up and escorted back to prepare for interrogation.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Admiral don’t worry, this…” Dr. Ford said, “Although the reason is unknown, Admiral Zhou’s recovery ability is very good, and I will prepare a few batches of calming medicine for him.”


At this moment, Zhou Mian was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his face was pale, and Cecil was guarding him along with several doctors.


Cecil held Zhou Mian’s hand tightly, and Zhou Mian’s hand was cold as if there was no temperature, sweaty, and still trembling.



“But he’s still shaking.” Cecil suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to be as calm as possible: “Ah Mian looks uncomfortable.”


“This… We can’t help it.” Ford said bitterly: “After all, this is not a physical injury, but the spirit and consciousness are stimulated, and it can only be overcome by Admiral Zhou himself.” 

“Rather, Admiral, your arm … The wound is deep, please remember to change the dressing regularly.” cURMwQ


“Ford is right.” Kevin persuaded him on the side: “Admiral don’t worry, Admiral Zhou is also a general, his will is determined, he will definitely be able to get through this.”


With that, Kevin gave the doctors a look and told them to leave quickly. yjB9L7


Cecil sighed heavily.


Kevin quickly changed the topic and said, “Mo Qingmi… The fugitive fled to B6 in a flying machine, and Casper is currently leading the pursuit, and the reports will soon be available.” lTDVsi


“Hmm.” Cecil wiped his face and said, “Those things will be left to you, you should leave first.”

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“Yes!” v2yo6U


After only Cecil and Zhou Mian were left in the room, Cecil sat and looked at Zhou Mian blankly.


He loved this man for eighteen years and looked for him for twelve. lPrK9O


At this moment, Zhou Mian was lying in front of him.


Cecil stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Zhou Mian’s forehead. CZFy1j


Then the hand slowly moved down, and Cecil gently traced Zhou Mian’s eyebrows, eyes, and eyelashes with his index finger, and then the index finger slid down the bridge of Zhou Mian’s nose.


Cecil’s eyes twinkled. gy4X7Q


The index finger slowly stroked across Zhou Mian’s upper lip and then the lower lip.


In this way, Cecil outlined Zhou Mian’s facial features with his fingers, as if he wanted to engrave these five features into his heart. 69HPbg


Looking at it, Cecil suddenly bowed his head and smiled.

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How could he be so stupid that he couldn’t even recognize him. Z7eYH


And how did fate so coincidentally, after they were separated for so long, let Zhou Mian become his marriage partner?


“Hmm…” v5UXw2


Zhou Mian moved and slowly opened his eyes.


“Amian.” aJZbh1


Cecil immediately stepped forward.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Zljc ygfjatfv tfjnlis, yilcxlcu tlr fsfr jcv ribkis rffwlcu ab gfmbuclhf tlr reggbecvlcur . H71zps




Jfmli lwwfvljafis teuufv atf qfgrbc jcv ifa Itbe Zljc ifjc bc tlw jcv ktlrqfgfv: “Cwljc, vb sbe gfwfwyfg wf?” 4nwctL


Itbe Zljc qgfrrfv tlr tfjv klat tlr tjcv, ogbkcfv, jcv rjlv klat j rilutais vlrabgafv ojmf: “Lww…”

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“What’s wrong with Ah Mian? Where does it hurt? Where is it uncomfortable?” Hdzx5r


“I…” Zhou Mian frowned: “It’s so chaotic…”


He was really messed up, and now his mind is full of mixed flying memories that he couldn’t grasp, which made his whole person confused. It was as if he doesn’t know where, he doesn’t know what time it is, and he doesn’t know what to do, which feels no less than insanity. REygCU


He still can’t remember things from his childhood, but his mind keeps thinking of the past in the Barren Star, in… Chi Ying on a pirate ship. A red Shadow, Firelight, Twilight… Scrambling to push each other, Zhou Mian felt that his head was full of chaotic sounds.


Zhou Mian couldn’t help but hold his head and groan aloud. 9ziShR


“Amian… Tell me, what do you see? “ Cecil didn’t dare to panic or show fear, but just hugged Zhou Mian, who was trembling, and held Zhou Mian’s hand.


Cecil’s grip was very strong, and Zhou Mian’s hands were trembling , but this made Zhou Mian feel the strength. bMpQl7


“Fire…” Zhou Mian’s eyes reddened, “I killed them.”


“I… I killed them.” ryzvkd


“It’s all in the past, you look at me.” Cecil pinched Zhou Mian’s chin and forced him to look at himself: “Those are all fake, only I am real.”

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Zhou Mian looked at Cecil stunned. hCDiqg


Cecil said, “Amian, only I am real.” Zhou Mian’s eyes suddenly turned watery.


Cecil unbuttoned the middle of his coat, hugged Zhou Mian’s trembling body into his arms, and pulled the coat to cover and wrap the person in his arms. FQWowE


“Cecil… I am a sinner.”


“You’re not.” Cecil let Zhou Mian use his arms as pillows, and he lowered his head and leaned on Zhou Mian’s shoulder and whispered, “You are my Amian.” ug86wA


“I hurt Major General Gu…” Zhou Mian’s hand tightly clutched Cecil’s clothes and said, “I hurt them.”


Chi Ying did not only come to weaken the Federation, but also to warn himself. Otherwise, why did he choose this point? WPs95


“It’s not.” Cecil said affectionately and firmly: “You saved him.”


“My Amian is very kind and has saved so many people, how can he be a sinner.” XseGaz


Zhou Mian suddenly cried.

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Cecil froze in place. EvdgnR


He and Zhou Mian have been together for a long time, and Zhou Mian has always looked estranged, he is not in a hurry when he encounters something, and he has never shown any weakness.


Even at this moment, Zhou Mian only cried silently, but Cecil still felt like he had been beaten hard, and his heart was so distressed that he couldn’t speak. m5G6oe


He didn’t know why Zhou Mian suddenly lost it because of his words.


Cecil didn’t know that Zhou Mian had actually been waiting for that sentence. GezC V


He waited and waited, and finally got it.


After Zhou Mian then babbled something and before Cecil could figure out what he said, he fell asleep groggily. Gwd2oU


Cecil put the person on the bed, rubbed Zhou Mian’s messy hair, and secretly swore in his heart.


In the future, I will guard you. R9UdTe


——— XXXX ———

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Then Cecil brought Zhou Mian back to the Admiral’s Mansion, and Xiaole was also picked up. RfA5SL


For the next two days, Zhou Mian was always groggy, waking up and sleeping for a while, and when awake, he was sometimes awake and sometimes almost collapsed by the messy images and dizziness of his head.


During this time, Cecil remained by his side. eIjFWD


And maybe it was the early experience, after knowing that Zhou Mian was kidnapped, the child insisted on keeping watch the whole day, and he wanted to know what those bad guys did after he was drugged to sleep. After watching the events of that day from the recordings, Xiao Le kept guarding Zhou Mian’s bed without saying a word.


“Those bad guys …  was the one who took my mother before.” 3eylkI


Xiao Le sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhou Mian fixedly, his fingers trembling.


“Don’t be afraid, they can’t take your Ah Mian brother.” Cecil rubbed the top of Xiao Le’s hair and said, “Didn’t you think he  would come back?” fkqL4y


Xiao Le gritted his teeth and said firmly: “I want to learn to fight.”


Cecil was stunned. cTOwbI


Xiao Le held his little fist and said fiercely: “I want to become powerful.” 

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“Good.” Cecil patted Xiaole with a smile and said: “Then now the powerful Xiaole should go to sleep, you have to sleep and eat well to grow taller, and you can fight bad people when you grow taller.”


Xiao Le frowned slightly.


“Be good, wait for Brother Amian to wake up and let him praise you.”


The housekeeper then took Xiao Le away.


Only Zhou Mian and Cecil were left in the room, and there was silence.


Cecil sat on the edge of the bed and flipped through the official documents.


Mo Qing was finally captured and is now in prison. Ming Yan and other secretaries are in a very low mood, their colleague who they’ve have worked together with for many years was actually an undercover agent, it would’ve been uncomfortable for anyone.


Cecil was thinking about how to execute Mo Qing, when he was alarmed by the sound of crackling from the bed.


Seeing Zhou Mian wake up in a daze, Cecil immediately put down the documents, held Zhou Mian’s waist with one hand to help him get up, and took the water on the side with the other hand and put  it into Zhou Mian’s mouth.


“How’s it going? Does it still hurt?”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Mian took a sip and tried to hook his lips up and smile: “I’m much better.”


Zhou Mian knew that Cecil had been by his side in the past few days, and although he was moved in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel guilty, so he was also trying to overcome the confusion in his head and those pictures, wanting to get better quickly.


“Admiral Cecil…”


“Shh.” Cecil lightly tapped Zhou Mian’s lips and said, “If you don’t call me by my name, I won’t be here next time.”


Zhou Mian was stunned, and then said, “I… I’m okay, I feel better today and have the strength. “

“That’s good.” Cecil said in his heart, sure enough, it was Xiao Qi… Cecil finally understood why Zhou Mian’s body could detoxify itself, and his recovery ability was also very good, after the tossing of the Dark phoenix that day, the average person would have long become crazy, how could it be like Zhou Mian, where he could still sit here and say that he was okay. 8pIPUS


Seeing that Zhou Mian’s spirit recovered slightly, Cecil laughed warmly: “I’ll take you out for a walk? Stop being bored in your room.” Zhou Mian’s eyes lit up.


Seeing his childish appearance, Cecil also smiled and stepped forward to pick him up. T1aAqI


“Cecil…!” Zhou Mian said, “I’ll go by myself.”


“Don’t make trouble.” Yw6hB


“Your arm…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.


“It’s okay.” Cecil hugged Zhou Mian’s waist with the uninjured hand, and the injured one gently supported Zhou Mian’s leg, and the strength required was not great. 4hA2wf


Cecil carried Zhou Mian to the garden, and Zhou Mian finally felt the warm sunshine, and his whole body was relaxed, and his heart was full of joy.


“Look ahead.” JI9ivn


After Cecil said this, Zhou Mian, who was originally lowering his head and squinting slightly, his consciousness floating, subconsciously looked in the direction pointed by Cecil.


At this look, he was stunned. yth8Hl


He didn’t know when someone built a glass flower house in the backyard.


Zhou Mian saw a huge circular greenhouse not far away, and the supporting steel frame was wrapped with densely packed plants, vines, flowers… very Colorful. The transparent glass sheet allowed the sunlight to penetrate into the flower room moderately, so it is not too hot, but one can still feel the warm sunlight. hJkvex


Looking at it from the outside, it was like looking at a fantasy wonderland, and it is like the world of Alice in a fairy tale.


“You…” Zhou Mian was stunned, how could he not have imagined that Cecil would do such a romantic thing. uWF8h2


Cecil smiled and said, “I had it made for you.”

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Zhou Mian was even more surprised now. djPo58


What the?


Cecil said, “You will definitely want to bask in the sun while you are recuperating, so I asked people to do this. Like it or not?” BHhuL


Zhou Mian was stunned and speechless.


“Uh-huh, how can you not like it.” Cecil asked himself, as confident as ever, scratched his nose and swept Zhou Mian into it while immersing himself in his excellence. zO 3UB


After walking in, Zhou Mian also found that there was a piano in the center of the flower room.


The sunlight fell sparsely on the black crystal piano, and the flowers surrounded the piano. fpndzQ


Cecil put Zhou Mian in the chair in front of the piano. The chair was filled with soft pillows and was comfortable to lean against.


Zhou Mian looked at the exquisite piano in front of him, and said, already in love with it: “This…” dnV8xD


“For you.”

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Zhou Mian turned his head and looked at Cecil stunned. Q0HAzm


Cecil in front of him looked at him with a smile, like a gentle big brother.

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  1. Boy, they’ve been through a lot. Qiao Le wants to protect his big brother 🥺

    Thanks for the chapter 💞