Always Ending Up as an Animal CubChapter 19

Yu Tong waited for him to continue, but Yun Mingchen seemed to be too emotionally overwhelmed and just wanted to vent a bit.

He’d been kneading for over ten minutes and his cat paws were sore, but Yun Mingchen hadn’t said what was bothering him. GiAMgy

Seeing the antagonist pretending to be a gentle young master again, Yu Tong lifted his paw and pressed it on the man’s fair hand, speaking earnestly, “Meow, meow meow wu, meow wu meow!”

Yun Mingchen: ?

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“Meow meow! Meow, meow meow wu meow!”

Yun Mingchen: ?? Msg69U

Dogshit looked serious, as if saying something important, but Yun Mingchen really couldn’t understand.

Looking at the baffled antagonist, the system was a bit puzzled, 【That’s not right, don’t you have the Heart-to-Heart prop? Logically, he should be able to roughly guess what you’re saying.】

‘He didn’t mishear, I haven’t said anything, I’m just meowing.’



‘He’s acting with me, and I’m humoring him. His suppressed emotions get a brief release, while I find a sense of participation and joy!’


As soon as Yu Tong finished speaking, his little head was tapped twice by someone.

He looked up to see the antagonist looking down at him, frowning hesitantly: “Are you trying to comfort me?” NLnlAE

Yu Tong immediately got into character and pitifully meowed once.

Yun Mingchen pursed his lips. “You… you’re worried about me?”


Yun Mingchen didn’t say anything more, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence. hqY8te

After a while, under Yu Tong’s gaze, Yun Mingchen suddenly pursed his lips again and softly murmured, “Thank you.”

Watching the antagonist’s ears turn red and feeling the complex emotions rising in his heart, Yu Tong couldn’t help but be stunned.

En? What was the meaning of this?

Yun Mingchen wasn’t acting, he was genuinely moved by the little kitten? 0ULnAy

Yu Tong fell silent for a moment.

Thinking about his attitude just now, he suddenly felt a pang of guilt in his conscience.

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However, he never intended to harm Yun Mingchen, so his conscience wasn’t plagued with guilt.

The system didn’t follow the flow and was still lamenting on its own: 【He acts with you, you act with him. Thankfully, I’m not human. Dealing with both of you is really tiring – not a single word of truth comes out of your mouths.】 I2ULVo

Yu Tong smiled but didn’t say anything.

He wasn’t good at pretending to be obedient when he was young, and people around him didn’t like him. They all thought he was a liar and always deceived others, generally not a good child.

After meeting Brother Chen, Yu Tong observed him closely and learned to disguise himself.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dgbatfg Jtfc qgfafcvfv ab yf tbcfra jcv rlcmfgf, ktlif ilaaif Te Kbcu qgfafcvfv ab yf lccbmfca jcv byfvlfca. b9yYuK

Ccv rb bc.

Snfc atbeut la kjr j vlrajca wfwbgs, tf mbeiv ralii njuefis gfwfwyfg la lc tlr wlcv. Obulmjiis, tlr wfwbgs rtbeiv yf olcf.

Jbeiv la yf atja tf kjr fzqfglfcmlcu rfifmalnf jwcfrlj?

Yun Mingchen felt a wave of despair, then regained his composure and began to meditate with crossed legs. dtm2r

His face remained calm, and he seemed like he was completely immersed in cultivation. But judging from the emotions conveyed by the Heart-to-Heart prop, he was probably contemplating what to do next.

Yu Tong was very good at reading the atmosphere and knew that this wasn’t the time to act cute.

He climbed onto Yun Mingchen’s shoulder and lazily lay down, yawned, then began to groom himself. He continued pretending to be a little cat.

After observing for these few days, he found that the antagonist was wary of everyone around him. When facing humans, he would put up strong psychological defenses. UZwEOB

So the plan he and the system had discussed before definitely wouldn’t work anymore.

In this urban cultivation world, the more he acted like a human, the more guarded Yun Mingchen became against him.

He had to become a super little cat who could understand some human words and superficially understand human nature.

This way, he could stay close to Yun Mingchen and reasonably help the antagonist. That would make Yun Mingchen think that he had complete control over the little cat. johx9v

As long as Yu Tong handled everything properly, he would gradually shed his disguise in front of the little cat and reveal his most authentic and vulnerable self.

Turning his head to look at the cool tempered handsome man, Yu Tong couldn’t help but purr.

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Would this seemingly strong and steady man cry in front of his most trusted little cat when his emotions collapsed?

Would he transform from being fake to genuine, sharing all his secrets and pain with his little cat as a confidant? yBp9fA

Yu Tong was eagerly anticipating Yun Mingchen’s transformation.

With this thought in mind, his soul entered the system space and found the little glowing sphere busy applying temporary tattoos.

‘Brother Eight, brother Eight, I remember I have a prop called “Husband and Wife’s Resemblance”. You said the longer I stayed with the antagonist, the easier it will be for me to become human.’

The system was an honest system, and only dealt with honest hosts before. 2dSBZP

Yu Tong was not honest.

He was a 3-catty cat: 2 and a half catties of cunningness, with another half catty of mischief.

The system didn’t particularly like this type of person; it was somewhat afraid of him.

Before starting its missions, it had signed a confidentiality agreement with headquarters, so there were many things it couldn’t tell the host. dRcSKV

It always worried that Yu Tong might guess its secrets. If that happened, not only would it lose its job, but it would also have to pay a hefty breach of contract fee. It was terrified.

The moment Yu Tong had entered the system space, the system had been on edge.

Seeing that Yu Tong had only come to inquire about the props, it couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. 【Now that you mention it, to meet the promotion requirements, I remember I prepared another small prop for you.】

【Little Tong, look! This prop is called Data Visualization. You can install it on any of your props. When installed on Cat Pounce, you can see the distance between yourself and the target person. When installed on the Attack Kitty MOD, every time you bite someone, you can see how much damage you’ve inflicted on them.】 E6yNqb

The system opened the package and pulled out a small glowing sphere, shoving it into Yu Tong’s soul.

【I’ve attached it to the “Husband and Wife’s Resemblance” prop for you. Take a look at its effect.】

Yu Tong silently thought “Husband and Wife’s Resemblance” and suddenly, a panel appeared before him.

On the left side was a portrait of Yun Mingchen, while on the right was the little kitten. bp7hBj

There was a progress bar in the middle, indicating his transformation progress: 【2/100】.

Yu Tong squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment.

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Does this progress represent the number of days he’s been with the antagonist?

Is it like a game, where reaching a certain online time will equal one day? p SmZl

Yu Tong voiced his speculations to the system. Then, he towed it along, wanting to organize the known clues.

8102 stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then made an excuse and ran to another room.

Watching the little glowing sphere close the bedroom door, Yu Tong swallowed his words and returned to his cat body.

He could feel the system guarding against him. jGhxgi

The only thing that could understand him didn’t want to chat with him anymore. Yu Tong felt a bit disappointed.

His parents often said that he had a very bad personality and always took advantage of others’ trust. He even calculates against his own biological parents to the fullest extent.

Luckily, Brother Chen had always liked him.

Even after seeing him break his parents’ teeth and sew their mouths shut, Brother Chen still thought little Yu Tong was pure, cute, and humble — a little sun in his life. wW1BcH

Yu Tong also felt that Brother Chen was his sun. Unfortunately, his sun had killed him, and he still didn’t know what he had done wrong.


With the system gone, Yu Tong nibbled on his own cat paw, pretending to be a cat while organizing his thoughts.

Previously, 8102 had said that words are dead, but the world generated by novels was alive. OrWNqY

People in real life wouldn’t intentionally dumb themselves down and offer their faces for the male lead to slap.

Those women who were taken into the harem also had their pride and dignity; they wouldn’t become someone else’s lover for no reason.

In the real world, every character can think normally and has their own life.

If the male lead wants to slap the genius in the face, he needs corresponding abilities and tactics. oJddLQ

If he wants to have many women at the same time, he needs exceptional charm and outstanding abilities, or he must be a master manipulator and skilled in PUA techniques.

So, descriptions of the male lead’s personality and strength in the original novel now have little reference value.

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Yu Tong tried to set aside the original plot and, based on his observations over the past few days, organize the known clues.

Compared to the male lead, Su Feng, who died and came back to life, and whose corpse turned into a monster, he felt there were more mysteries surrounding the antagonist, Yun Mingchen. ex mt2

Why could he control monsters? Why was he being monitored? Why did he know Su Feng’s secrets?

Before, Yu Tong had no clue, but after entering the mist, he found that Yun Mingchen showed a strong sense of purpose.

He didn’t randomly kill people; he had clear targets.

Currently, Yu Tong had two hypotheses. o6K jd

First, the members of the student council who were killed by the monsters he controlled, including the male lead Su Feng, might not fit into the same category of people.

They wouldn’t come back to life, nor would they become monsters.

They might’ve had personal grudges against Yun Mingchen, or their existence might’ve threatened the interests of the Yun family. Or perhaps they knew some secrets that Yun Mingchen had to silence by killing them.

Second, it might not just be the male lead who could come back to life as a monster. The students who died might also like him. u2QTi4

The purpose of Yun Mingchen setting up the mist formation was to kill those monsters hidden within the student council.

Yu Tong leaned more towards the second hypothesis because the deviation value of the antagonist’s character was steadily increasing.

8102 had previously mentioned that the main system had a judgment criteria.

The premise for the increase in deviation value was that the antagonist’s actions didn’t violate the laws and regulations of the novel world or the accepted social norms. QqV6dh

From the reactions of the teachers and students at the cultivation academy, it didn’t seem like a world in legal collapse or societal chaos.

Murder was illegal here, but the main system judged that Yun Mingchen hadn’t violated any rules.

Therefore, it was highly likely that all the people he killed were not human.

Yu Tong nibbled on his paw and his tail uncontrollably curled up. jv6bIZ

Although there were still many mysteries to unravel, he finally understood the antagonist’s goal.

Yun Mingchen had discovered the existence of a type of monster in this world. These monsters seemed just like humans, so they could disguise themselves as ordinary people and monitor others.

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Some of them can resurrect indefinitely while their corpses turn into monsters. Others cannot resurrect, or are temporarily unable to do so.

Yun Mingchen’s constant efforts day and night are aimed at killing the monsters hidden among the crowds. XQ1OIM

Moreover, most of these monsters are likely connected to the Yun family, and even have clandestine ties to the three major families of the cultivation world: the Yun, Wen, and Su families.

Otherwise, with such a major issue, Yun Mingchen couldn’t possibly keep it from his parents or refrain from seeking help from the academy’s teachers.

He was under constant surveillance every day and always had to put on an act. He didn’t know who he could trust, and he couldn’t find any trustworthy allies.

That’s why he’s so exhausted, and why he chose to take the risk of accepting a super little cat who stands by his side. zBiP0u

Yu Tong pondered for a while, then turned to scrutinize Yun Mingchen, who was meditating.

Now, there were new questions.

Where did these monsters come from, and what would happen if they were left unchecked?

Do Su Feng and the others know that they’re monsters, and how does Yun Mingchen know who’s a monster? L Nsjw

Is it possible that the antagonist himself is also a monster but is unaware of it?

Translator's Note

The Chinese use a measurement called 斤 (jīn) equivalent to 500 grams or around 1.1 pounds. In English this unit is translated as ‘catties’. Quite fitting for our little kitty here.

Translator's Note

PUA = Pick-Up Artist. The term refers to someone who practices techniques and strategies aimed at seducing potential partners.

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  1. Wow…The story is more complicated than initial expectations.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. The plot gets more and more complicated, I thought it was going to be a typical transmigration novel with some romance, but it hit me in the face with a complex plot and a “who is human” mystery.Thanks for the translation!!