After Crossdressing and Provoking Long AoTianCh21 - Sword Training Arena— But that’s my Shixiong!

Inside the GuiYi Sect, Yu QingTang followed behind Li LingEr.

Li LingEr faced him, eyes burning brightly and both hands across her chest, as she walked backwards this entire trip. iySvNo

Yu QingTang wanted to speak up to warn her, but before he had the chance, she bumped into a tree on the side of the road with a ‘bang’. From this sound, one could tell that her head was actually pretty solid.

Out of righteousness and kindness, Yu QingTang asked in concern: “Are you okay?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Hah!” Cupping the back of her head, Li LingEr raised her chin stubbornly: “I, I did that on purpose!”

Yu QingTang: “……Alright.” D1RIb7

He fabricated correspondingly: “This must be GuiYi Sect’s special body-building technique. My eyes have been opened, my eyes have been opened widely.”

“Right, that’s exactly what it is.” Li LingEr rubbed the back of her head and nodded in agreement: “I definitely didn’t bump into it by accident!”

“But don’t think that just because you helped me that I’d……” Halting her vicious words half-way, she hesitated briefly and then huffed vaguely to end the conversation.

According to the original story plot, during this trip Li LingEr would expose her relationship with Long AoTian as childhood sweethearts who grew up together. She even asked the archetypical question— “And what’s your relationship with him”.


MiaoYin Xian was unable to answer. Secretly hurt, she almost left the GuiYi Sect on her own because of this.

Caught in the middle of these two, outwardly, Long AoTian faced a dilemma, but accompanied by women to the left and right of him, it was actually double the jubilation.

Yu QingTang clicked his tongue and shook his head, mulling over how he should act in the upcoming scene.

After taking a few glances at him, Li LingEr still couldn’t resist saying: “What do you… think of my Shixiong?” ujPbKs

Yu QingTang gathered his focus. Here it comes!

Who would have thought, now that the moment is here, he is actually a little tiny bit excited

“Why do you ask that?”

He lowered his head, pretending to be embarrassed. 1WXQiC

He knew the following scene by heart. Now it’s time to listen to Li LingEr talk about how much Ye ChenYan loved her dearly, his Xiao-Shimei!

Yu QingTang secretly perked his ears, planning to listen carefully. Once he accomplished his task successfully and exited the stage, he could even bring back this gossip to the BieHe Sect to share with his Shijies and Shixiongs.

“Hmph.” Li LingEr pouted, her tone carrying some degree of discontent: “Shixiong and I grew up together. Everytime we practiced the sword, I got chastised by Shifu for being unable to learn it properly…….”

A faint smile on his face, Yu QingTang finished for her internally— He’d help you out of trouble and cheer you up. a8NeSX

To be honest, in this <<The Young Ruler of Gods: Unifying the Cultivation World>> novel, he actually really liked this Shixiong-Shimei CP. Childhood friends to childhood sweethearts, innocent playmates……. Unfortunately, the bastard writer had no bottomline and insisted on building a harem.

Yu QingTang busy lamenting and wringing his wrist over here when he heard the latter half of Li LingEr’s words—

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“……he’d always make fun of me.”

“Hah?” Yu QingTang cleaned his ear with a bewildered look. 3Fn6Bm

This part didn’t happen in the story!

Li LingEr lowered her head indignantly and tugged at her sash: “Laughing at me for being stupid and even saying……”

She pointed at Yu QingTang: “Saying that if you also practiced the sword, you definitely wouldn’t be as stupid as me!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Te HlcuKjcu: “……” bIpOsg

Ol OlcuSg ucjrtfv tfg affat: “Lf kbeivc’a fnfc wjxf j kbbvfc rkbgv obg wf ktfc P jrxfv! Dea tf wjvf 18 vloofgfca kfjqbcr obg sbeg ilaaif kbbvfc mjgnlcu! Xlnlcu la jc fcalgf kfjqbcgs rfa!”

Te HlcuKjcu mtbxfv.

Lf mibrfv tlr fsfr jcv geyyfv tlr afwqifr, offilcu rbwfktja ojlca obg rbwf gfjrbc. Lf ijeutfv vgsis aklmf: “Lf…*mbeut*, tf’r qgfaas ubbv ja mjgnlcu atfc.”

“Hmph.” Li LingEr’s expression turned somewhat gleeful: “However, after guessing around left and right, he still couldn’t figure out that you’re a music cultivator, so he didn’t carve a zither.” FZkCtd

Yu QingTang had a bewildered expression, but despite the strangeness, he suddenly realized: “TianJi Zi-Qianbei didn’t predict that?”

When they were looking at the fish before, the other’s words were suggestive. He clearly knew Yu QingTang’s identity!

“Why would my Shishu check the fates of any random person!” Li LingEr raised her chin: “How many people in this world would exchange their entire family fortune to beg him for a reading, he’s always too lazy to bother.”

“Not to mention, even if he did calculate it, he might not tell the actual person directly. He’s always saying something like ‘The mysteries of the Heavens must not be revealed’. Peeking into the mysteries of the Heavens is already an act of arrogance, but wherever a mortal knows of their fate, they often overestimate their abilities and attempts to go against the Heavens.” ipyY50

“Even Shixiong’s fate was something I had eavesdropped on and told him secretly. I even got scolded terribly by my dad for that one.”

Just recalling this incident made Li LingEr sulk. She pouted: “Clearly it was a good fortune, that’s why I told him. I just wanted to make him happier.”

Yu QingTang nodded profoundly with agreement. This part was indeed in the original story. However, it shouldn’t be the main focus of the conversation right now.

He turned to look at Li LingEr, wanting to speak but hesitating. GgFHWy

Li LingEr narrowed her eyes: “What do you want to say?”

Yu QingTang pondered for a moment and then attempted to drag the story plot back on the right track. He asked her implicitly: “What about you?”

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“Me?” Li LingEr looked at him vigilantly: “Shishu never said if he calculated my fate or not, why are you asking me about my fate?!”

Yu QingTang clicked his tongue softly and shook his head: “I’m not talking about your fate. I’m talking about you and your Shixiong.” NIZsdH

Li LingEr blinked in bewilderment.

Yu QingTang had no choice but to raise two thumbs and touch them together lightly.

Li LingEr’s eyes widened slowly. In that instant, like a lightning bolt, she understood what he meant and drew her sword in panicked fury, getting ready to chase him down: “What nonsense are you talking about!”

“That’s my Shixiong! Shixiong, you know! Joining the same sect means becoming one family! You, what are you thinking! Ludicrous!” z3Od1I

Yu QingTang circled around a tree to avoid the pursuit, dodging left and right, equally incredulous: “Ah? But, but your GuiYi Sect has other couples within the sect!”

Li LingEr paused: “That, that must be because they’re cousins. That Ye guy and I have risked lives for each other! Our bond is stronger than gold. The type of bond between a brother and sister!”

She suddenly pulled out Lightning, who had finished eating the Thunder Grass, crawled into the spirit beast’s storage bag, and curled up lazily into a ball to sleep. Waving the ferret and then holding it up in front of Yu QingTang, she said: “This is our family’s #3!”

“How, how could you get such a ludicrous idea!” ft6lH4

Yu QingTang looked at Lightning’s beady eyes and then looked at Li LingEr. Unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed now, he fabricated nonsense again: “I wasn’t the one who said that. It was in a story book from the Jin Province, they have gossip about your GuiYi Sect.”

Li LingEr became furious: “Who wrote them! This young lady will upturn their shop!”

She was somewhat unable to calm her anger: “What kind of outrageous book is this, to write about me and him!”

Yu QingTang thought briefly and expressed tactfully: “Not just you, also Shishu and Shijie.” 6CSfYu

Stunned briefly, Li LingEr suddenly moved closer to ask: “Which Shishu, which Shijie?”

Yu QingTang lowered his head and took a glance at Lightning. Hands somewhat itchy, he asked her: “Can I touch it?”

Li LingEr, reluctantly: “……Alright.”

Yu QingTang touched the sleek and shiny fur and felt this preposterous world has become beautiful and pleasing as well. 6pM4Cg

How should he explain this— The story plot may be tattered and in pieces, but fluffiness fixed everything.

The two called for a temporary truce. Yu QingTang still maintained his distance to prevent Li LingEr from drawing her sword and trying to stab him again. He finally answered: “Li XunZhen-Shishu and Jiang XueRou-Shijie.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In the storyline, these three were Long AoTian’s harem members from the GuiYi Sect— The cold and proud Shishu, the gentle and kind Shijie, and the cute and bossy Shimei. Each with their own strong points, like a hundred blossoming flowers.

With an extremely shocked expression, Li LingEr smacked her thigh in fury: “Li XunZhen is my Shifu! Jiang XueRou is my Da-Shijie from ZhuLan Peak! This this this……” 1DlIhk

A light flashed brilliantly in her eyes: “What else does the story book say?”

Yu QingTang: “……”

She seemed very interested.

Li LingEr looked at him vigilantly: “I definitely do not have any interest in that kind of preposterous book. I just want to hear what kind of blasphemous things that, that lunatic wrote!” ZhS3jx

Yu QingTang nodded his head slowly, the corners of his lips curving upwards: “Listening judgmentally, right?”

“En en.” Li LingEr scooted towards him: “You narrate, and I’ll be the judge.”

After leaving Whatever Peak, Ye ChenYan heard that Li LingEr had brought their guest to the Sword Training Arena and instantly felt his heart tighten nervously. He was terrified that she was unable to hold herself back and try to duel Yu QingTang in the Sword Training Arena.

However, when he found Yu QingTang in the Sword Training Arena, the other was surrounded by a group of female cultivators headed by Li LingEr. Even Li XunZhen and Jiang XueRou were astonishingly present. 3cYjpa

Having altered the main characters’ names and blurred the background slightly, Yu QingTang was expressively and exuberantly telling stories of Ye ChenYan’s love history in the GuiYi Sect: “Hua ShiMiao felt pity towards his young aunt, feeling terrible that she had to support her family legacy alone. He was able to see the softness concealed under her cold and hard exterior……”

Expression changing subtly, Li XunZhen scoffed coldly: “Sounds warm and considerate, but unfortunately, it’s only flowery insincere words and useless honeyed flattery. Men are truly inferior in comparison to a sword in one’s hand.”

The crowd of female disciples nodded earnestly.

Yu QingTang swallowed his saliva. Jiang XueRou handed over some tea with a smile: “Drink some water, don’t rush.” kxChDJ

Yu QingTang took a big gulp gratefully and continued to speak: “‘The older cousin is warm and considerate consistently, never fighting or competing, but always by his side whenever necessary……”

Jiang XueRou sighed softly: “But how is this mutual love? Hua-Gongzi is clearly only greedy for her affections, but doesn’t take her to heart seriously.”

“Ai, I feel sorry for this foolishly infatuated girl.”

The crowd of female disciples nodded regrettably. yJBniU

Li LingEr poked Yu QingTang and rushed him: “And the last one?”

Yu QingTang shook his head softly: “The younger cousin is cute and lively, naturally a different kind of innocence and naivety. She had a pure and sincere heart, loved intensely, but wasn’t as sensible as the other girls……”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Li LingEr was extremely furious: “Bah! As if he’s worthy!”

Yu QingTang gulped down tea noisily and looked around sneakily. rsYknq

For some unknown reason, not only did these girls from the GuiYi Sect avoid getting involved with Ye ChenYan, their brainless romanticism was even cured without treatment.

This could probably be considered a reason to celebrate.

No, three reasons.

In any case, when MiaoYin Xian didn’t join previously, the Heavenly Principles didn’t have any response either. This meant that the harem wasn’t that important. Vcf3hT

Thinking about it carefully, this was actually very reasonable. Even without building a harem, a Long AoTian novel was still a Long AoTian novel!

Yu QingTang cupped his face with a grin. In any case, Ye ChenYan had zero wives right now. Losing one, it’s zero. Losing three, it’s still zero. So it’s not that big a deal.

Ye ChenYan stood in front of the Sword Training Arena and watched for a while. No one even noticed him. Ye ChenYan picked up a small pebble and threw it at Li LingEr’s head. She immediately shouted ‘ouch’ and turned her head furiously: “Who?!”

Ye ChenYan beckoned a finger at her, gesturing for her to come over to talk. 6u2Q7k

Li LingEr’s eyes widened slightly. For some unknown reason, she saw a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Reluctantly running to a stop in front of him, Li LingEr asked: “What do you want?”

Ye ChenYan greeted her courteously at a distance, he finally asked: “What are you guys doing?”

“Listening to stories.” Li LingEr turned her head enviously and took a glance: “Stories from the books of the Jin Province. They sound much more interesting than the struggles for supremacy stories told repeatedly in our teahouses.” i8hXuS

She suddenly turned her head around and suppressed her voice to ask: “What exactly are you planning? I’ve interacted with him and feel like he…… doesn’t seem very smart. You can even say he’s a little stupid.”

Ye ChenYan raised an eyebrow: “Coming from your mouth, that seems a bit insulting.”

“Hey.” Li LingEr raised her fists: “What do you mean by that!”

“Dilly-dallying, if you want to beat him up, then just beat him up. If you want to expose him, then expose him the earlier the better. So sticky and clinging…… let me tell you, I am a straightforward and outspoken person. I can’t guarantee how long I can keep this secret for you.” NILhCU

Ye ChenYan raised an eyebrow: “No rush.”

“Still no rush?” Li LingEr looked more anxious than he was.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“As I said back then. If I deliver the proposal letter to the door and he deals with it honestly, I’ll invite him to a duel on the stage of the Golden Core Competition. Regardless of the result, our dispute will be cleared henceforth.” Ye ChenYan crossed both arms over his chest, eyes deep and heavy: “But if he continues this lie…..”

“Then I will perform together with him and see just how long he will last.” MsqPk3

Li LingEr slowly narrowed her eyes, an unkind expression crossing her face.

Ye ChenYan said confused: “What kind of expression is that?”

Li LingEr unconsciously clenched the handle of her sword tightly and then released it: “……Oh no, I almost got deep in character.”

She took a deep breath and pointed at the Sword Training Arena: “Forget it, I don’t care anymore. You deal with it yourself. Let’s go up first. My master wants to cross swords with you.” rNedH5

She paused. Some unknown thought flashed through her mind, she hastily added: “A crossing of swords that’s as hard as iron. She’s not going to be revealing any hints of internal softness.”

Ye ChenYan: “What?”

The Author has something to say:

Yu QingTang: Today, I did three good things! Feels like the red scarf in front of my chest is even brighter now (Puffs up chest.jpg) XWwPO7

Translator's Note

Basically translates to senior/elder, a respectful way to address someone older

Translator's Note

This is the gesture to imply two people are together

Translator's Note

Just clarify, she doesn’t mean blood related cousins here, but rather disciple cousins

Translator's Note

She’s saying that’s their little brother, the 3rd child of their family lmao

Translator's Note

Ye ChenYan’s name is 叶(Ye-Leaf), 辰(Chen-Morning), and 焱(Yan-Fiery Blaze); Hua ShiMiao’s name is 花(Hua-Flower), 时(Shi-Time), and 淼(Miao-Watery Flood). So this is YQT’s other name for YCY xD

Translator's Note

This is referring to Li XunZhen, if it’s not clear

Translator's Note

This is referring to Jiang XueRou

Translator's Note

This is akin to boy scouts doing good stuff I guess xD

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  1. The cryptic words that Li Ling er said I didn’t understand either… 😔 My head’s so empty. Also Shishu and shijie as harem members??? My memory is sooo baddd I don’t remember YCY having male harem members (shishu is for males right???) maybe my chinese is bad. The lil storytelling sesh was really cute and funny as well 😭

    Thanks for translating the chapter!! ^^

    • You have brought up a very good point! Yes, Shishu is usually for guys, but the author uses it for a woman here in this novel 🤣 I won’t think too hard on it though cause it probably won’t come up again.

    • So I went browsing for answer and it seems like in martial arts genre and cultivation genre, Shishu can be used for man and woman. o /

      • Ahhh okay!! I was just momentarily confused about it lmaoo I started panicking cause I was like “My chinese lessons are failing meee” but at least I got an answer 😭 I find it so interesting that 师叔(this is the right one right???) is used for females too when 叔 reminds me of 叔叔 (confusing family tree lesson ftw!!) which is like double manly(?) because it’s fathers younger brother

  2. YuQingTang slowly and steady is building his own harem (or a cheerleader team) in GuiYi sect 😂….thank you for the update🌺

  3. … If you let the ‘performance’ go on, it’ll turn into another kind of ‘~performance~’. Also the red neck scarf refers to the ones that kids in school receive for good behavior – prefects if you will.

  4. I have a feeling that they’re going to be a very good friends in the future!

    Thank You for the new chapter (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)❤️

  5. ycy: im prepared to take this game of gay chicken as far as he lets it go!

    lle: …

    lle on the inside: (¬_¬)/🏳️‍🌈