Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?Ch109 - Extra 7: Single dog – End

Translator: Abo Dammen

Since the beginning of the previous year, the two have been discussing moving. QGRgoq

Previously, they had rented a property near Imperial University and Hospital. Although it was handy for the alpha because it was near his workplace, Fengqi was fairly far away.


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The omega stated that it was not a huge problem. Anyway, he worked hard to obtain a driver’s licence and can now drive himself.

When Jiang Yunshu continued making a big deal out of it, Bai Tang just stayed quiet. tiKIRX

They spent over a year planning their relocation, and just before the new year, they hurried out to get some one-of-a-kind, compact furniture. By the end of February, the decorating had been completed.


Dr. Jiang took his annual leave all at once and decided to take a good rest… No, to move houses.



The omega was so tired that he sat directly on the grass, his chest heaving up and down. “I’m so tired. I can’t breathe anymore… Dr. Jiang, come and give me a kiss.”

Jiang Yunshu looked at him with a smile and said, “Can kissing make you catch your breath?”


Bai Tang stood up and jumped onto the alpha. “Can you give me some air?” Rvx5aj

The new house’s courtyard followed a typical design. It was coated in a mass of loose soil.Uncertain of how to begin, the two exchanged forlorn looks. Heitang, on the other hand, was ecstatic and ran around madly inside.


The yard’s outer border consisted of a rather broad railing over which Bai Tang could pass on its side. Jiang Yunshu intended to tear down the house and replace it with a cement wall if the community’s stringent security measures weren’t in force.


Heitang has turned from a black dog into a greyhound. With all the muck, it surged towards his home’s spotless porcelain tiles. Fortunately, Bai Tang had excellent vision and was quick enough to grasp it, barely holding down the large dog weighing about 60 pounds. Then they gave Heitang a wash, with the dog spilling water everywhere and dragging it over the floor.


Jiang Yunshu’s rest life was as usual.

He slept until he woke up in the morning at a normal time, put on slippers to cook, and acted around until midnight at night. 35gSh4

“Hiss… ah,” his face was pressed against the window. The omega felt that his knee might have been turning blue, so he tried his best to free up one hand to push Jiang Yunshu’s hip bone in the opposite direction. “Slow… hmm! Slow down.”

Suddenly, a sound of something collapsing came from outside the window.

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“Wait a minute!” Bai Tang bowed and said, “There’s something outside…”


The alpha didn’t stop.

Bai Tang could only throw out his trump card, “Angel… Angel Jiang!”

Jiang Yunshu finally paused, exhaled a breath, looked down, and said, “It’s not withering.”


The omega was shocked. Dr. Jiang’s level has increased again!

But just in case, Jiang Yunshu still grabbed a tie and forcefully wrapped it around Bai Tang’s mouth, tying a knot on the back of his head.


The omega, “Mmm! Mmmah!” k91gHt

The following day, as expected, they slept until midnight and awoke with a heavy headache. Bai Tang scratched his forehead in discomfort before reaching into the alpha’s clothes and rubbing his chest.


He then went back to sleep.

It’s almost 2pm when he woke up again. Bai Tang struggled to lift his swollen eyelids and saw no one beside him. EzLuS1

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


He casually put on the loose clothes thrown on the bed and went downstairs to see the alpha washing his dog again. “What, cough, what’s going on?”


Aljcu Tecrte ibbxfv eq jcv xlrrfv atf bwfuj, rjslcu, “Lflajcu rtbeiv tjnf ubcf bea ab qijs lc atf sjgv jujlc abcluta, mbnfgfv lc wev.” gKsfAF


Vbbc, Gg. Aljcu kfca ab kbgx.

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Yc atf kffxfcv, Djl Kjcu, ktb kjr jibcf, kbgf atf jiqtj’r mibatfr jcv rja mgbrr ifuufv lc atf jiqtj’r raevs qgfqjglcu ifrrbcr, ktlif Lflajcu byfvlfcais rifqa bc atf ugbecv. 6yfFQw

Suddenly, Heitang stood up in place, its ears spinning like radar detectors, and then it ran out with a whoosh.

Bai Tang didn’t pay much attention until Heitang’s excited barks came from downstairs. He then wandered downstairs and saw in the yard, besides the black dog crossing the hurdles, there was another one!

That should be a stray yellow dog. It was very thin, but at this moment, it was playing happily with Heitang.

Bai Tang’s maternal love immediately spread, and he quickly scooped up a few spoonfuls of dog food and placed them on the steps. “Who’s a good boy who’s a good boy, come eat, doggie.” FMT4Vl

The yellow dog hadn’t approached yet, so the black dog’s head approached first. The omega pushed it, “Gogogo, be generous, don’t forget what daddy Jiang taught you.”

Since then, the yellow dog has come to Heitang almost every day to play.

Bai Tang and Jiang Yunshu talked about the subject, stating that it feels like they have an additional dog now. They’ll feed it, bathe it, deworm it, build a nest for it, and even pull it to their own yard.




Jiang Yunshu had never seen this dog before. “Really? I’ll go outside and see if it’s coming.”

“It’s Heitang who’s supposed to be rushing out, not you!” Bai Tang shouted, “Hey! Hey, there’s a pile of dog poop over there. Don’t step on it!” eIjJ8

Jiang Yunshu’s footsteps stumbled.


Until White Day on March 14th, the omega caught the dirty yellow dog and took it to take a bath. He suddenly realised that the its stomach was a bit too big, hanging down in a round and plump shape.



Bai Tang was so excited that he went to see the butt of the big yellow dog. There were no balls. It’s a girl! He turned his head in shock and said to the alpha, who was planting grass, “Dr. Jiang! Heitang seems to have impregnated this dog!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Yunshu put down his iron grip and walked over, squatting down to touch Da Huang’s stomach.


“Dr. Jiang, you can also assess pregnancy…?” Bai Tang asked.

Jiang Yunshu replied, “I learned from doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology before.”

“How impressive!” Bai Tang’s eyes lit up immediately, his face full of admiration. He could discover more of Dr. Jiang’s excellence every day!

Jiang Yunshu touched his face seriously for a long time. ownrdQ


The omega asked, “How’s it going?”



After a brief silence, Jiang Yunshu solemnly said, “I can’t feel it.”




Bai Tang also briefly froze for a moment, then panicked even more than the alpha, afraid of hurting the alpha’s self-esteem. “It’s okay, it’s pregnancy! Maybe even the veterinarian can’t figure it out and they’d need an ultrasound, right? And you’re not a doctor who specialises in gynaecology, aren’t you? Everyone’s profession is distinct.”




Jiang Yunshu, who did not pretend to succeed in front of the omega, felt embarrassed, but still appeared calm on the surface. “Hmm.”

The two of them took Da Huang to the pet hospital, and the doctor said they were indeed pregnant, giving birth to 8 babies!

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When Bai Tang returned, he excitedly grabbed Heitang’s cheek and said, “Eight of them! It seems that Heitang is very good, hahaha.” TN8QWu

“If it’s okay with you,” Jiang Yunshu said helplessly.

After a while, he couldn’t help but smile. “Little pervert.”

That night, Bai Tang let Jiang Yunshu know what a real pervert was.

The next day, the alpha, who engaged in marital exercise, felt a rare back pain. He felt a sense of crisis. He was a man pushing towards 40 years old! Yet his own wife was still as beautiful as a flower! g7cfqN


Dr. Jiang ate turtle and oysters overnight and warned the omega not to ride on him in the future.


Speaking of Heitang’s wife, Da Huang has officially been incorporated and renamed “Huangtang”. zfpFDH

In the days following pregnancy, Huangtang’s meal might be considered the greatest for the entire family. Every day, there was an abundance of fish and meat, supplemented with protein and sheep milk. It would play with Heitang when it was bored and lie down in the garden to relax when it was exhausted. After more than a month, the once-thin yellow dog has grown to be full of fat.


As the due date approached, the couple no longer worked overtime and they returned home early every day, feeling nervous.

Huangtang was also very awesome. Everything was going well. SQ6q4W

However, at the moment they saw the puppies, the two of them fell silent.

Three yellow and five white puppies. Not a single black one.

A gust of wind blew by, and no one moved.

After a long time, Bai Tang spoke with difficulty,, “That…Hmm…Dr. Jiang, is it possible that it’s a recessive gene…?” 8wtpyL

Jiang Yunshu pondered, “It’s possible.” But shouldn’t there be at least one black dog?


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Heitang had not yet realised the seriousness of the situation. It was so happy that its tail almost shook out of its shadow, groaning around the delivery room.


Originally, the two of them planned to turn a blind eye, but a week later, Bai Tang, who was drying clothes in the yard, suddenly saw a pure white dog outside. It couldn’t enter and was wandering around the outside of the yard.


Huangtang stood up and looked for a while, skillfully drilling out from the gap in the railing. The two dogs affectionately smelled each other.


Bai Tang, who watched everything, “…..”


Turning his head, he saw Heitang still breastfeeding, “…”



When the little puppies could walk, Heitang seemed to finally notice the difference between them.

Heitang stood still for a moment, then looked up and met his owner’s eyes.

Bai Tang had nothing to say and kindly petted Heitang’s head. gBsUyr

Jiang Yunshu returned home and found that the big black dog had not come to greet him as usual. He asked with confusion, “Where’s Heitang?”


Bai Tang tapped his chin as he looked at the dog inside the curtain and said, “It seems to know.”


Jiang Yunshu let out a “hmm” and walked over to kiss the omega’s lips.

Bai Tang sighed and said, “I really thought Heitang was going to be a dad.”

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Jiang Yunshu also turned his head to look at the depressed dog’s figure.


The omega felt sympathy, believing it was overthinking. Just before he was ready to console the aggrieved dog, he heard the alpha say—



  1ET 9V

“What a pity, it’s wife-less.”

Unlike him, he could still live with his wife for a lifetime.

Author’s Feed:

So that’s the end of this novel~ Thank you for being with me until the end! bnp98i

By the way, babies, I’m starting a new novel! Don’t hesitate to visit! Those interested, you can add it to your favourites! Every support is very important to me </3

Translator’s Feed:



And that marks the end of the entire story. To the readers who’ve been with me since day 1, I know it took us 2 years to get here, but I am very happy that we finally made it to the end! Bai Tang and Jiang Yunshu are my most treasured babies. I’ve defended them, and I will keep defending them until the end.


It was such an emotionally taxing journey for all of us. The novel was way heavier than I initially thought it’d be, but I don’t regret picking this up and translating it, because I want you all to be able to experience what I’ve experienced and feel what I’ve felt reading this book. A lot of things happened to me for the past two years, but if there’s one thing I’m looking back on, it’s this book. zDbI1f


They all deserve a happy ending. Our mains deserved this happy ending. I hope their world continues to progress and move forward, and I also hope this for our own world as well. Mental health, abuse, inequality, racism, etc. These are all things we hope would be addressed more frequently. It’s such a heavy topic all boiled down to our history, but I have sincere hopes that this would all be in a better state in the future. I trust this generation. And I know Bai Tang and Jiang Yunshu trusts their future generation as well to keep the fire running.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


I’d like to thank everyone, especially my editors who never failed to live up to my expectations. For helping me during my struggling moments, and for also being understanding. Ez7fRh

Of course, this won’t end without also thanking every single one of my kofi subscribers and who stayed until the end. To Luoyan, Lomawwxlwj, Quell, CeXiong, xxayu, 0shu, blue_forget_machine, poppyrrox, eric, Xonder, rose-tea, Mara, izariri, A.Ba, Sandiiiah, Cheong, Be Still, Freakplay, Ranka, Katie, mae, lili, Eric, Aren, angela, Chria, and many more!


Thank you so much everyone, to all the readers, for your understanding and for being the best as always! Another ABO novel off my on-going list. I apologize as well, of course, for the constant delays and the sudden hiatus. I didn’t expect it’d last this long. I’ve been wanting to finish this novel but life has proven to be quite difficult but I am glad still!


And lastly, thank you for writing such a wonderful novel, Author!

I hope this ABO novel will also become one of the omegaverse novels you’d all come to love for quite a while.


This is ABOSOCIETY, signing off.   2Ksm8Y

Translator's Note

Despite a lack of scientific evidence demonstrating a causative link between turtle consumption and medicinal benefits, many people in China believe they provide benefits such as maintaining youthful beauty in women and improving sexual function in men.

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  1. Thank you so much for your hard work and for persevering! You did an amazing job! The story was beautiful!

  2. Once again, thank you so much everyone for being understanding and for being a part of this journey. I feel like I’ve only apologised these past few months and years instead of actually doing something. I know that updates haven’t been steady, and for that I own up for it. Despite my constant delays, you guys have been such an amazing support, especially when I thought I’d never have the chance to translate this after I suffered a stroke. This was such a long journey and to everyone, I owe my finish to you all. Thank you ever so much! (I’m doing a speech because I feel like I haven’t said enough, but I honestly dk what else to say at this point.)

    I hope you continue to support me if I ever do take up another project (and cough finish my other ones cough) 😔

    Also, remember to stay healthy! Not just mentally and emotionally, but also PHYSICALLY!!!! (EMPHASIZING THIS!!!!) Mind what you eat and exercise!!!! Your future body will definitely pay the price of your lifestyle 😔🤞

    Anyway, Bai Tang and Jiang Yunshu’s journey was so draining to read, much more translate. It feels like living their lives, feeling their emotions, and thinking their thoughts. The struggles that they’ve faced, the healing they’ve been through, and the society they’ve been living in, it was all so draining and oh so satisfying at the same time because we were shown a realistic depiction of such scenarios. It wasn’t rushed at all, and it focused more on their mental, emotional, and social progress more than anything rather than giving us a haphazard healing then straight to romance. I felt heartbroken, hurt, disgusted, anger, sadness, happiness, and many other emotions in this novel. 🏄 But I don’t regret that.

    Peep. I hope I get to hear everyone’s thoughts on the novel 🙌 Also, Happy Pride Month to everybody 🏳️‍🌈🦄‼️

  3. It was great novel! I am really thankful to you for picking up and finish it to share it’s sorrows and joys! Thank you for your hard work! 💜

  4. Congratulations on completing Your amazing translation! ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡ I agree with You, it was tough journey, but still very precious (o˘◡˘o) Maybe I’m a little angry at the author for rushing the plot too much at the end of the novel ∩`・◇・) I knew that they wouldn’t be able to suddenly fix the whole world with just a few people, but I missed such a strong message of the changes taking place on the world at the end (๑ˊ▵ॢˋ̥๑) But overall it was a novel that made me think about many things. I spend a time full of cursing and crying, but also laughing and sweetness! ヾ(๑ㆁᗜㆁ๑)ノ” Thank You very much for Your wonderful work, which You completed despite difficulties in real life! ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁) This makes me even more grateful (*’∀’人)♥ Take care and hope to see You with other~ projects
    • Thank you!!! And thanks for reading as well. I completely understand. Even I wanted to see how the progress of reform is going to be done but I guess if the author delved deeper into it it’s going to be another series entirely because it’s complicated as is. But I’m happy I got to see a glimpse of their lives after everything.

  5. It was a very beautiful story and full of resilience. I so loved this couple and the development they had. Thanking the author for creating this wonderful work and you for taking your time and translating ✨️💗

  6. Fantastic all the way to the end – I like to think the heaviness of the story adds to the therapeutic quality of the playful teasing and loving affection. It has been both healing and indulgent to read all the way through. Thank you as always for all your work.

    • Indeed. It was quite satisfying to see how they persevered through the obstacles and helped not only each other but also themselves to get through their own traumatic experiences. Thank you as well for staying until the end!

  7. maidenless behaviour (from elden ring meme 😂) poor heitang. he raised other dog’s girl 😅

    doctor jiang: i can produce 8 too, if you want 😏 (but you’re near 40! jiayou, doctor jiang!)

    thank you so much for the translations! great job❤️ this book hurts and heals my heart continuously. unfortunately there’s no details about doctor qin and prof zhou. but at least all of them are living happily.

  8. Ah it’s done:’> what a bittersweet ending specially for Heitang(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I really have to go to sleep with tears in my eyes and headaches in the morning from the few last chapter of the main story ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ Thank you so much for sharing this to us dear Translator, it really is quite a long journey, and once again Thank You So Much。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。