The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]Ch30.2 - Exposure risk

Shen Kong had a splitting headache.

The violent sound of impact seemed to still make his eardrums ache. His lips and teeth were filled with the taste of rust. Even when he breathed, it was as if he could feel the strong smell of gasoline and blood filling his nasal cavity. crSW7F

He opened his eyes, but his vision was blurry.

Shen Kong blinked, more tears gushing out from his swollen eyes. It took him a long time to realize——

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He was crying like crazy.

Big drops of tears ran down his cheeks, leaving his whole face wet, cold, and very uncomfortable. KFoVBh

Shen Kong was somewhat dazed. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, but he heard a clear voice not far away:


The silent space just now suddenly burst into activity. The loud voices and clattering equipment rang in his ears, stimulating Shen Kong’s still sensitive eardrums and making his head spin even more.

An impatient voice sounded from above:


“Meng Mingxuan, what are you doing sitting on the ground?”

Shen Kong raised his head in the direction of the voice. This temporary identity’s original body had well-developed tear ducts. Even now, tears were still flowing down his chin and into his neck, surging endlessly like a faucet that couldn’t be turned off.

Through his still-blurry vision, he vaguely saw a figure approaching him. The person stood above him, looking down with a tone that was both unfamiliar and distant:

“Get up quickly. We’re about to clean up the place to shoot the next scene. Don’t occupy the space.” ARKMQ7

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtfc Bbcu olcjiis rabqqfv atf afjgr ogbw tlr meggfca ybvs. Lf rtbbx tlr ralii rbwfktja vlhhs tfjv jcv uba eq ogbw atf ugbecv.

Lf rfjwifrris aegcfv tlr tfjv jgbecv jcv rmgealclhfv atf qijmf ktfgf tf kjr.

Ktlr rffwfv ab yf j oliw jcv afifnlrlbc qgbvemalbc rfa. Lf rjk j aklrafv jcv vfobgwfv nftlmif islcu lc atf wlvvif. Fcvfg atf nftlmif kjr j qbbi bo vjhhilcu yibbv. C rajcv-lc jmagfrr kfjglcu j yibbv-rajlcfv ktlaf vgfrr kjr mgjkilcu bea ogbw ecvfg atf mjg. Vtf uba eq, abbx j ybaaif bo wlcfgji kjafg ogbw atf tjcv bo atf qfgrbc cfza ab tfg, jcv vgjcx la. Ktfgf kjr jirb j rwjii ugffc rmgffc yftlcv atf nftlmif, ktlmt rffwfv ab yf erfv obg jvvlcu rqfmlji foofmar lc atf ijafg rajufr.

Seeing Shen Kong stand up, that person hurriedly walked towards the extras not far away. The director on the other side of the studio was discussing something with the actors next to him, while the staff in the studio began packing up the filming equipment. The sound of equipment, noisy voices, and the clanging of metal filled his ears. sXNnF0

Shen Kong walked outside the venue, listening carefully to the conversations of the people around him as he walked, extracting and summarizing information from them.

This seems to be the set of a web drama, and Shen Kong’s temporary identity this time, Meng Mingxuan, seems to be an actor in the crew. But judging from the attitude of others around him, his role didn’t seem very important.

Just as Shen Kong reached the corner of the wall, he suddenly heard the system’s familiar voice in his ears:

“Beep! The studio detected an exposure risk during the previous key plot point! Sending a warning to the rectifier once! After three warnings, the rectifier will be recalled directly, and all points will be reset. Please pay attention, rectifier!” ePZMLb

Shen Kong frowned slightly: “So, the car accident just now was planned by the studio?”

The system remained silent, offering no answer.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The crease between Shen Kong’s brows deepened. He lowered his gaze to hide the expression in his eyes and continued to press on step by step:

“I remember, because I significantly changed the plot before, the studio could only place me near the estimated time and location, and there was no way to foresee the plot after the modification, right?” dTYtd6

The system’s voice resounded again: “Yes, that’s correct. This time’s plot point is also like that, and the transmitted plot may not…”

Before it could finish, Shen Kong interrupted:

“What I mean is, since you can’t really detect what’s happening in the plot, how did you detect the exposure risk?”

His gaze was calm and peaceful, yet it carried an undeniable coldness and sharpness. oixveZ

Once again, the system fell silent, as if it had never appeared in Shen Kong’s mind.

Shen Kong blinked, using a gentle tone to indirectly lead with his question: “If you don’t tell me how you detect the exposure risk, how can I prevent this from happening again? After all, the current plot changes are too big. I’m only following the original plot you provided. Sooner or later, my identity will be exposed again, right?”

Still, there was only silence in his ears.

Just as Shen Kong was about to give up on extracting information from the system, the mechanical voice suddenly, without warning, sounded in his ear: tq5GQm

“I will convey the rectifier’s request to the studio.”

After all, there seems to be some progress.

From the beginning, Shen Kong had never believed in the theory that the system had instilled in him. As time passed, this set of arguments began to reveal many difficult-to-explain loopholes, making Shen Kong curious about the truth behind this so-called “Three Views Rectifying Studio.”

——And he was an extreme egoist who relied solely on his own interests. 76D0QL

Shen Kong narrowed his eyes slightly, a pure smile appearing on his lips, as he said to the system in his mind:

“Don’t worry. This time, I will never slack off as I did last time. I’ll definitely complete the task well.”

The system didn’t speak anymore, leaving it unclear whether it believed Shen Kong’s words or not.

Shen Kong didn’t care much. He casually reached out and picked up a bottle of mineral water from the table nearby. Before he could unscrew it, he heard another voice ringing in his ears: sEPDTo

“Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?”

He turned to look in the direction where the sound came from and saw a man who looked like an assistant looking at him with a frown:

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“This is the resting area for the lead actors. The mineral water here is prepared for them. Go over there to get your own water and drink it.”

Shen Kong followed the man’s hand and saw a row of simple and crude chairs crookedly arranged at the other end of the set. Several young actors were sitting on the chairs, memorizing their lines. On the chairs were two slightly rusty hot water buckets. There was also a crookedly printed paper taped to the wall with the words “Resting Area” typewritten on it. 09z6J

He good-naturedly put the mineral water back and walked towards the row of chairs, leaving the eccentric and sarcastic man behind.

One of the young actors sitting in the outermost seat noticed Shen Kong and quickly stood up to make way for him. Shen Kong calmly nodded to him and sat down on the only empty chair inside.

He reached out and picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair. There was a work ID card clipped to the chest of the coat, with three words written in the name column:

Meng Mingxuan. y3 5gD

It seemed like this was indeed his seat.

Shen Kong shifted his gaze to the photo on his work ID card.

In the photo was a young man who appeared to be quite young, with regular features, a standard smile, and a pair of amber eyes looking directly at the camera. But… he always gave off a sense of mediocrity, with only a delicate and pretty appearance catching the eye. For some reason, Shen Kong always felt that this young man’s facial features gave him some strange familiarity.

Shen Kong stared at the photo on his work ID card, with a deep and hard-to-discern expression in his eyes. s zdN3

Suddenly, he raised the corners of his lips, revealing a smile.

——Whether it was the arch of the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, or the curve of the lips, they were all exactly the same as in the photo.

Translator's Note

群演 (qúnyǎn) – specifically, actors engaged to appear in a crowd scene

Translator's Note

literal translation is actually “self-interested person”, but I think egoist sounds better, and the description fits anyway 乁( •_• )ㄏ

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