The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]Ch29.2 - “You’re not him”

Zhou He answered weakly, “Yeah, later I went to see a doctor and they said it seemed like I didn’t hit my head or anything, and no major issues were found. They also didn’t know why my memory of those few days disappeared for no reason. Then I saw the police put out a wanted notice for me, which is understandable, but the corporation also put me on a blacklist for assaulting my colleagues, even revoked their protection for me… These years, I’ve been hiding everywhere, hiding from the police and enemies. I couldn’t find any work. To be honest, I felt relieved when I got caught…”

He raised his hand, the handcuffs making a crisp clinking sound with his movement. mfNdoH

“That’s all I know. As for who kidnapped you and why, I have no idea. I’m just a lackey, we never inquire about the customers’ demands.”

Han Li felt as if his brain was a pot of porridge. He couldn’t even remember how he left that room filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He sat alone in the deserted corridor. His injured knee felt like it was soaked in biting and cold snow water, sending waves of unbearable piercing pain, but Han Li seemed unaware of this as he stared absentmindedly at his slightly clenched palm.

He slowly spread out his curled fingers. A lone cigarette lay in the palm of his hand. 1h6auG

This was the cigarette placed on the driver’s seat.

Although not yet lit, the paper roll had already shown traces of time. It was yellowed and wrinkled, no longer usable for smoking.

Han Li stared at the cigarette. His dark eyes were like a bottomless abyss, filled with countless tangled and chaotic emotions, freezing him in place like a statue.

The identity of that person in the ward wasn’t fake.


Although he claimed to have no memory of what happened during that time, he should still be the same person—after all, the human brain is complex. Memory loss can have a variety of causes. Even without a physical injury, it’s not impossible. Lack of memory doesn’t mean he wasn’t the one who saved him.

But… for some reason, Han Li wasn’t so sure now.

Compared to the person in his memory, Zhou He in the hospital room lacked not only any resemblance in demeanor but even in the way he spoke. Even the unconscious and subtle gestures were completely different. Logically, even with memory loss, it’s impossible for these small details that’ve deeply penetrated into his bones to undergo such a big change.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

How could this be? R4afXh

Jbeiv la yf atja tf revvfcis yfmjwf j vloofgfca qfgrbc?


Ljc Ol kjr rajgaifv ys tlr bkc atbeutar.

Lf cjggbkfv tlr fsfr rilutais. Lf tfiv atf mlujgfaaf islcu lc tlr qjiw yfakffc tlr olcufgr jcv olzfv atf rifcvfg mlujgfaaf lc atf kjs atja qfgrbc kjr jmmerabwfv ab. fJkhmM

Ktf cfza rfmbcv, tf revvfcis rabbv eq ogbw tlr rfja.

The old and wrinkled cigarette was shaken off by his sudden movement, rolling a few inches on the smooth surface of the ground.

Han Li stared at it as if he had seen a ghost, his brows and eyes filled with horror, as if he were staring at something terrifying.

He took out his cell phone with trembling hands and made a call, his voice hoarse and unsteady: KzEOci

“Drive over, hurry up.”

The driver’s somewhat distorted voice came through the phone: “Young Master, are we going back to the office?”

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Han Li composed himself, closed his eyes forcefully, and replied, “No, we’ll go home.”

Shen Kong sat in the front passenger seat with his eyes closed, as if he were taking a rest. dcYtmV

As Uncle Xu drove, he stole a glance at him, but suddenly met Shen Kong’s open eyes.

When their eyes met, Uncle Xu couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. He smiled and explained, “I’m sorry if I overstepped. The Young Master rarely invites friends home. And this time, I actually took the initiative to borrow you from the driver and came instead of him out of curiosity.”

The deep wrinkles at the corners of Uncle Xu’s eyes were filled with a faint worry: “The young master has been independent beyond his peers since he was a child. As a short-sighted old man who likes to worry, I’m always worried about his social life, but…”

Shen Kong took over the conversation: “But what?” 0A1O2C

Uncle Xu paused and glanced at Shen Kong, the smile on his face deepening: “But, after seeing you, I feel much relieved.”

Shen Kong raised an eyebrow slightly and leaned forward a bit, asking:

“Why do you say that?”

Uncle Xu’s eyes seemed to have the power to see through people’s hearts. He smiled kindly and said solemnly, “Because you look like a very kind child.” bjCsdD

Shen Kong was somewhat speechless. For a moment, he actually didn’t know what to say.

This old housekeeper’s eyesight was really not very good.

​​…But, he couldn’t just say, “Actually, I’m not a good person,” could he?

Just then, a deafening alarm suddenly sounded in his ears. Some kind of mechanical sound that was different from the system rang. It was noisy and chaotic, assaulting Shen Kong’s eardrums heavily: “Alarm, alarm, studio exposure risk detected!” adUwti

Shen Kong frowned, his head aching from the noise in his head.

Although the system’s usual voice was also mechanical, it still carried some emotional fluctuations originating from intelligent beings. But the sound in his ears right now is completely different—it’s purely cold, monotonous, with a metallic clang. It was devoid of any emotion, only endless chill.

It was just like… the voice that notified him of the world trajectory’s deviation that night.

As if to confirm Shen Kong’s conjecture, the voice uttered the same words in the next moment: g9e6s

“The world trajectory has deviated, currently rectifying…”

“At the same time, the rectifier will be urgently transmitted to the next key plot point, transmission countdown: Five, four, three…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shen Kong’s sense of crisis, which he had honed in the forest of guns and hail of bullets, struck him instantly. His keen sense of danger forced him to look out the car window——

It was as if all the sounds were being sucked away from his ears. All the scenes in front of him slowly passed by, frame by frame, as if each moment were frozen between rolls of film. Fqo10s

——The huge front of the car, carrying an unstoppable force, was heading straight for the side of the car.


Shen Kong’s pupils suddenly contracted. In that critical moment, only his muscle memory instantly acted in milliseconds.

He lunged towards the steering wheel, exerting all his strength to turn it in the opposite direction. DwZf5R

The huge sound of impact seemed to slow down, finally reaching his eardrums. The piercing sound of brakes, screams, and even the squeaks of steel being crushed and deformed in collisions, surged like a tidal wave, merging into a buzzing hum and background white noise. Faint yet stimulating gasoline mixed with the smell of dust and blood rushed into his nostrils.


As soon as that mechanical voice fell, Shen Kong felt his eyes go dark, instantly losing consciousness.


Translator's Note

一锅粥 (yīguōzhōu) – a common phrase which figuratively means “a complete mess”

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  1. Oh no 😱😱 hopefully uncle Xu lives… And it’ll be interesting if Shen Kong’s soul transfer got interrupted due to the crash 🙈

  2. So intense!! Oh stuff! I just caaaan’t! Hope Mr. Housekeeper stays alive! Thanks for the chapter!