Dressed as a Shady Villain’s Marriage PartnerCh108 - Campus 1

When Yu Baihan pushed open the dormitory door, there was no one inside.

There are upper and lower bunks on the left and right sides of the dormitory, the lower left is a bed, the upper bunk is neatly placed with luggage and book boxes, and the the right side is empty. 0Tfq1v

He closed the door and consciously pushed the luggage to the right.

Today is the first day of school, and he just moved into the dormitory as a freshman in the Faculty of Arts. The dormitory of the Academy of Arts was full, so he was sent to another academy.

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He heard that the person living with him is a senior in the third year of the business school, and the other party lived alone before. Now that he moved in, it was equivalent to their two-person bedroom.

A new set of bedding rolls is stacked in the lower berth on the right. r3XPfn

After Yu Baihan made the bed, he took out some frequently used clothes and supplies, and prepared to put the suitcase on the upper bunk.

He was picking up his suitcase when there was a sound of opening the door of the dormitory.

Yu Baihan stopped his movements and turned his head to face the person who pushed the door.

The other party was wearing a shirt and slacks, with a tall and well-proportioned figure. His facial features are cold and handsome, with deep eyebrows. When he looked up at him, the deep eyes were a little seductive.


Yu Baihan took a breath: What a handsome senior.

In a daze for two seconds, the strength in his hands loosened unconsciously, and the suitcase he was holding was leaning against the guardrail of the upper bunk, and it was about to slide down with a tilt.

Yu Baihan immediately came back to his senses, and hastily turned his head against the suitcase: hiss! Beauty misleads people.

The heavyweight fell down, and his center of gravity gradually fell back uncontrollably. EpeWH

The sound of footsteps coming from the door approached in a few seconds. A shadow suddenly fell in front of Yu Baihan, and then an arm stretched out from behind him, holding it firmly on his suitcase——

The large knuckle had fallen beside him. It seemed that with little effort; he pushed the heavy suitcase back into the guardrail with ease.

The suitcase slammed into the bed.

Yu Baihan turned his head to look, and what he saw was the protruding Adam’s apple and the distinct jaw line. Looking up, he met a handsome and cold face at close range. The other party lowered their eyelashes and glanced at him. klt1r6

Yu Baihan’s shoulders were almost close to the other’s chest, he raised his eyelashes, and his face felt slightly hot.

Oh, and in good shape too.
It is simply according to his aesthetic points. Is this a gift for him at the beginning of school?

He pursed his soft lips, “Thank you senior.”

“En.” The person in front of him responded, then withdrew, turned around and went to the desk to look for materials, and didn’t say anything else to him. 3XPgs7

Yu Baihan looked at the figure in front of the table and thought to himself: the voice is also quite nice.

Yeah, I love it. Hmm

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The person in front of him seems to just come back and get something.After finding the information, he glanced at Yu Baihan who was standing by the bed, then turned his eyes away and left the dormitory door.

The dormitory door clicked shut. SxC qW

Yu Baihan looked towards the door, then slipped to the table again. The other party’s books were placed on the table, and the handwritten name on the cover was strong and powerful, like a silver hook painted on iron:

Lu Huan.

It turned out to be Senior Lu.
Yu Baihan sighed softly: It’s so cold~

He packed his things in the dormitory and went to pick up his books in the afternoon. Stayed until night, Lu Huan did not return to the dormitory. After Yu Baihan finished washing, he leaned on the made bed and checked his phone. It was almost ten o’clock when the dormitory door slammed, and Lu Huan finally came back. NxrEpb

He glanced sideways towards the door. The other party still had the neat appearance during the day, his face was calm and not tired. With information in hand, it is estimated that he just had classes.

Yu Baihan said hello, “The senior is back.”

He had just taken a shower tonight, his jet-black hair lay softly on his forehead, his fair face looked tender and fresh, and he looked a bit obedient when he poked his head out.

Lu Huan looked away. v 0But

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yu Baihan said again, “Senior, you can call me Baihan.” After he finished speaking, he looked at Lu Huan eagerly, waiting for him to say it.

Ktfc Oe Lejc ibbxfv yjmx jcv rja vbkc ja atf vfrx, aegcfv bc atf mbwqeafg, “Tfjt.”


Te Djltjc: Ft? ktja jt! YV0PtG

Lf rajgfv ja Oe Lejc delfais, “Yt, bxjs, rfclbg.”

“…” Oe Lejc ja atf ajyif qjerfv, atfc aegcfv tlr tfjv abkjgvr tlw, “Oe Lejc.”

Pa’r jybea atf rjwf~

Te Djltjc mtjcufv tlr kbgvr abifgjcais, “Vfclbg Oe.” vVEdxo

Lu Huan’s lips parted, as if swallowing some idiomatic words, and then turned back to continue typing on the computer.

Although Yu Baihan wanted to have a few more conversations with others, but seeing Lu Huan’s appearance of concentrating on his studies, he put away his thoughts of chatting for the time being, and continued to look at his phone calmly.

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Forget it, don’t disturb people’s study~

The dormitory was a little quiet for a while. GpgLHy

Yu Baihan was leaning on the bed, and there was the sound of tapping the keyboard lightly from the side. He swiped his phone for a while, then turned to look at Lu Huan at the desk. The warm light from the desk lamp reflected that profile face clearly.

Probably feeling his gaze, Lu Huan stopped typing on the keyboard and looked over his head, his steady gaze fell on him, “Are you going to sleep?”

Yu Baihan probed, “Do you want to go together?”

“…” Lu Huan looked at him silently. boql0k

Yu Baihan explained, “I’m talking about being together separately.”

Lu Huan’s lips moved, and he said, “I’m not going to sleep yet.”

Yu Baihan blinked and reacted for a few seconds: Then what did Lu Huan mean by asking him, was he afraid of disturbing his rest?

He shook his head, “I’m not going to sleep either. I just started scrolling, and the night is still very long.” 3FcdOT

“…” Lu Huan withdrew his gaze, “Okay.”

Yu Baihan was about to continue surfing the Internet, when he heard a faint voice from the other end, “Tell me when you want to sleep.”

He paused, feeling a little warm in his heart, “Oh.”

Senior Lu looked so indifferent, but he seemed to be quite caring. 28sgC4

The next day marked the beginning of military training for the freshmen.

When Yu Baihan woke up, the bed across from him was already empty, and he could hear faint sounds coming from the bathroom. He got up and changed into his military training clothes. Just as he was picking up his coat and fastening his belt, the bathroom door opened behind him. Yu Baihan turned to see Lu Huan stepping out.

Lu Huan had likely just washed his face; a damp strand of hair fell across his sharp eyebrows, making him look both sharp and undeniably attractive. Yu Baihan’s aesthetic sense was pleasantly triggered once again.

As he finished buckling his belt, he greeted, “Good morning, Senior Lu.” ReK98B

Lu Huan glanced at him, “Morning.”

The military training belts were standard issue. Yu Baihan’s slender waist made the belt fit in the last hole, but it was still too loose. Holding his coat with one arm, he struggled to poke a new hole in the belt with the pin buckle. While doing so, he casually asked Lu Huan, “Do you have morning classes?”

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“Doing a project.”

“Oh.” That sounded impressive. dwhV5C

Yu Baihan knew that Lu Huan was from the School of Business, while he was from the School of Arts. Although Lu Huan mentioned a project, Yu Baihan had no idea what it entailed and didn’t probe further.

Poking a new hole was proving to be difficult…

After a moment of silence, Yu Baihan’s fingers were turning red from the effort. He finally asked, “Senior, do you have scissors?”

In response, a pair of feet appeared in his view, followed by a hand that landed on his belt, fingers feeling the leather as if contemplating something. EBmo b

With his belt now in Lu Huan’s hands, Yu Baihan felt a surge of heat. He looked up to see Lu Huan, who was taller and looking down at him.

He lifted the belt cooperatively. “I can poke it—”

When he lifted the belt, there was a two-finger-wide gap in front of him.

Lu Huan’s hand immediately withdrew. He turned away, saying, “No, just swap yours.” D7nFUe

Yu Baihan asked, “Can we?”

Lu Huan had already returned to the table, putting away his book. “Just put down the coat, one can’t see it.”

Yu Baihan instantly understood.

He turned to climb the ladder to his upper bunk to retrieve his luggage bag, praising aloud, “Senior, you really know how to keep a secret stash!” qaGTMb

Lu Huan’s faint voice came from below, “Are you in the Chinese Department?”

Yu Baihan, leaning on the ladder, looked down shyly and pointed a finger playfully. “I’m being ironic. Senior, you’re so witty~”


Lu Huan looked up to meet his gaze, then took his book and headed out the door. i0CmxI

After getting ready, Yu Baihan headed to the military training ground.

The military training platoons were organized by class, with most students from the same class housed together in dormitories. Although Yu Baihan didn’t have any roommates from his class, his cheerful personality, good looks, and conversational skills quickly helped him make friends.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

During a break in the training, a classmate asked, “Which dorm are you from? I haven’t seen you with your roommates.”

Yu Baihan replied, “There weren’t enough dorms in the School of Arts, so I was assigned to the dormitory of the School of Business.” ETxWJM

A few people immediately sympathized. “Your majors are different. Do you have much to talk about?”

“How is your roommate? Is he also a freshman?”

Yu Baihan responded, “He’s a junior in the business school, and he’s quite handsome. His name is Lu Huan.”

Upon hearing this, one of them suddenly exclaimed, “Lu Huan? Wait a minute, I think I saw his name on the school forum. He’s pretty famous around here. Let me check.” c1UBqH

The person quickly scrolled through the forum and showed it to Yu Baihan. Leaning over to take a look, Yu Baihan saw many posts discussing Lu Huan:
[Top student in the business school, best in his major, the ‘mountain flower’…]
There were even candid photos of Lu Huan in class. Despite the dark classroom and slightly blurry images, his striking features were still evident.

Yu Baihan recognized him instantly, “Oh, it’s Senior Lu.” He could recognize that face even with a mosaic on it.
Several students were shocked instantly. “You live with Xue Shen!”

They lamented, “I can’t tell whether your luck is good or bad.”

One of them thought for a while and said, “Senior Lu is great, but he looks too cold. Roommates, you should be more cheerful and easy-going, so you can get along better.” n4rZHc

Yu Baihan’s mind suddenly came up with the image of Lu Huan lowering his head to look at his belt in the morning. He shook his head sincerely, “No, I think he’s fine.”

Several people asked, “What is the best part?”

Yu Bai recalled shyly, “He looks good.”

“……” ??? Uk1dmQ

But Lu Huan was indeed quite reserved. As expected of a top student, his time was mostly consumed by studies, competitions, speeches, and projects. He rarely spent time in the dormitory. Apart from that morning when Yu Baihan asked for help, their interactions were minimal, with Lu Huan mostly responding with a brief “um.”

After a few days of this, Yu Baihan couldn’t bear it any longer.

When Lu Huan returned to the dormitory, Yu Baihan observed his expression and then spoke seriously, “Senior Lu.”

Without looking up from his book, Lu Huan replied, “Yes.” BGiV2

Yu Baihan asked, “Do you have a language barrier?”

“…” Lu Huan looked up at him.

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Yu Baihan continued, “Can you speak in longer sentences?”

Lu Huan’s eyebrows twitched, and he gave Yu Baihan a deep stare. “Yes.” After a two-second pause, he added a longer sentence, “I don’t have a language barrier, and all aspects are sound.” LsUDjV

Yu Baihan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes showing relief. “I thought God might have closed a door for you.”

After all, he looks good and studies well. Especially like another door opened for this.


Lu Huan stared at him for several seconds, and finally couldn’t resist exploring further, “Who is your mentor?” pYCHW7

Yu Baihan answered obediently, “Dean Xue.”

After replying, he leaned in curiously, “I didn’t expect Senior Lu to care about my affairs~”

Lu Huan seemed to be digesting the phrase “Dean Xue” for a moment. He pinched the bridge of his nose and then said indifferently, “I’m just asking about something relevant to me.”

Yu Baihan: Huh? G5kmjM

How did his matters become related to Lu Huan?

Senior Lu, you are a bit too enthusiastic~ OvO

Maybe to prove the window wasn’t closed, or maybe because they spent more time together, Lu Huan’s sentences finally started to get longer over the next few days.

On the penultimate day of military training, Yu Baihan finished his session at noon and was walking toward the cafeteria with his classmates. Passing by the business school, he heard a commotion from the other end. Ltgsvd

He turned his head and saw Lu Huan and several tutors coming out of the entrance of the business school. The source of the commotion was the students who had noticed Lu Huan.

But Lu Huan’s side profile remained calm, ignoring the attention and maintaining a cold expression. Yu Baihan sighed softly, thinking, “Senior Lu is really cold.”

Just as he was pondering this, a classmate beside him remarked, “As expected of the God of C University. So many people pay attention to him, but he doesn’t care at all.”

Another classmate patted Yu Baihan and asked curiously, “You live in the same dormitory. Have you seen anyone Senior Lu cares about?” nXk96a

Yu Baihan thought for a moment. The memory of Lu Huan’s concern that night was still vivid. He turned and blinked, “Me?”

Several classmates, “Ha??”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the evening, after returning to the dormitory, Yu Baihan took a shower. He was drying off on the chair by the window when Lu Huan returned.

Yu Baihan turned his head, “Senior Lu is back.” Xf1x9g

“Yeah.” Lu Huan responded, walking to the closet and unbuttoning his shirt. As he took off his shirt, his smooth and firm physique was revealed.

Yu Baihan leaned back in his chair, openly admiring. “Senior Lu is so handsome,” he thought.

His gaze was intense and burning. Lu Huan paused, then put on a T-shirt and turned to look at him, “What’s the matter?”

Yu Baihan quickly snapped out of his thoughts, “Nothing, I just think Senior Lu is really handsome.” HO0lxi

Lu Huan pursed his lips, walked to the table, and sat down. As the distance closed, Yu Baihan remembered the event from noon. He reached out and poked Lu Huan’s arm, resting his face on a pillow and looking at him, “Senior Lu, do a lot of people look at you every day?”

Lu Huan opened his book without looking up, “Should people close their eyes wherever I go?”

Yu Baihan immediately giggled. “I didn’t realize Senior Lu had a sense of humor.”

“Is that what I mean?” Yu Baihan looked at Lu Huan’s handsome face, feeling a warm light and shadow in his heart. He decided to tease him, watching his reaction, “The girls who passed by today all praised you for being handsome.” gP0k26

Lu Huan replied lightly, “Not interested.”

Yu Baihan savored his reaction, “Not interested in girls?”

Lu Huan took a deep breath, turned his head, and said, “No…” His voice paused.

Yu Baihan was very close to him, his fair face under the light was warm, his dark eyes bright and clear, looking at him with a different kind of expectation. fJPSDW

Lu Huan curled his fingertips, then lowered his eyes and turned the pages of the book, “No.”

His Adam’s apple twitched, and he said flatly, “I’m not interested in love.”

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