Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh32 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

Lu Yue sat in the carriage, his body is uncontrollably tense and his usually gentle eyes now filled with anxiety and uneasiness.

Is Liu Jun really still alive? Once again, Lu Yue’s mind was filled with the scene of that forest. The corpses and strong smell of blood that day, and the intense pain of losing the young man hit his heart again. anuGkC

When Liu Yun was in the court before, Liu Jun’s situation was in a extremely danger. The political situation was unstable, and while the ministers nominated supported him as the regent, they didn’t genuinely submit to him. They just merely pushed him to the forefront, forcing him to oppose Liu Jun.

Of course, he could keep the young man by his side to protect him, but as the ruler of Beiyang Dynasty, he needed to learn to deal with those treacherous politics ministers and endure hardships to become a competent leader. Otherwise, he would become just another victim of political struggle.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Therefore, he had no choice in his heart and pretended to ignore Liu Jun, letting the ministers deliberately make things difficult for him. Fortunately, Liu Jun did not disappoint him; the young man’s resilience exceeded his expectations.

When he felt the time was right, he approached Liu Jun, let him broke down his defenses, and together they weeded out the corrupt officials in court. However, he never expected that Liu Jun would be assassinated during that critical time. He unable to find him until this day, and with the incident happening right under his nose,how could he not feel guilty and hate himself? HyRX6N

Lu Yue’s figure was partially hidden behind the carriage curtains. The wheels rolled over the leaves on the ground. The mountain road was difficult to travel on, so it’s make the rough road even bumpier.

“General Lin, it’s Liu Yuan!”

Lin Xin, who had been lying in wait, coldly commanded, “Move!”

While Lu Yue was still feeling anxious, he suddenly felt the carriage shake violently. His heart tightened, suspecting something had gone wrong. He quickly leaned out to ask the coachman, “What’s going on…”


Before he could finish his words, a hand chop struck at the side of his neck. Lu Yue felt a sharp pain and then lost consciousness.

Looking at the person who fainted so easily, Lin Xin sneered, “What a weakling. He’s nothing compared to our emperor. Let’s go, time to report back!”

001: [Host, are you okay!]

Just as Lu Yue passed out, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind. dY657V

Lu Yue frowned: [Why wouldn’t I be? However, the fact that the male lead chose to attack me in the same place means his hatred for me is quite significant.]

001 wanted to say that since the blackening value is 95, how could the hatred not be significant?

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Lu Yue sighed: [Sigh! I originally wanted to complete the task in a easy way, but it looks like I’ll have to go through the Asura field again.]

Coafg tfjglcu atlr, 001’r vjaj kjr cfjgis rmgjwyifv. Snfg rlcmf tf kjr ybecv ab atlr ilaaif tbra, Oe Tef, ktlmt wlrrlbc tjv tf cba mbwqifafv atgbeut jc Cregj olfiv? Lf mbeiv mifjgis mtbbrf j ufcaifg kjs, yea tf jikjsr mtbbrf obg j ygeaji, yibbv-rqjaafgfv jqqgbjmt, jcv bcis rabqqlcu ktfc fnfgsatlcu kjr vfragbsfv. Qtja xlcv bo relmlvji tbra kjr atlr? LcVuws

Not only did he destroy himself, but he also destroy the mental data of the male leads in the two worlds. His antics were outrageous. If this continue like this and the main system found out…

No, he had to persuade him again later.

“Your Majesty, he’s awake.”

Lu Yue vaguely heard someone speaking softly around him. As soon as he regained consciousness, he felt a numbness and sharp pain in his neck. knmbd6

That’s right, when he was going to meet the person who claimed the edict, he was ambushed on his way.

Lu Yue’s eyes snapped open in alarm, and he find himself tied to an unfamiliar bed. Besides him, there were two other people in the room. One was staring at him with disdain, while the other, wearing a mask, stood straight and cold, sending a chill down his spine.

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Lu Yue nervously asked, “Where is this? Who are you?”

Lin Xin snorted and said, “This is the secret garden. As for who we are, you don’t need to know.” AuN5l1

Secret garden? Isn’t this where the person who claimed the imperial edict?

“The person who claimed the imperial edict is you? Do you know where Liu Jun is?” At this moment, Lu Yue was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out, forgetting his current predicament.

Lin Xin laughed at his reaction, “Yes, I know. But I won’t tell you!” He said this to deliberately provoke this man. When they brought Liu Jun back then, it was a miracle he survived. And all of it was this man’s fault!

“You! You’re lied to me!” Lu Yue’s face turned red with anger. He struggles against the chains as if he wanted to devour someone. Hgne9G

Seeing Lu Yue’s anger made Lin Xin feel even more satisfied. He had watched Liu Jun grow colder and more ruthless over the past three years.

“Enough, Lin Xin. Leave us,” the masked man finally spoke, his cold as ice voice were like a piercing needles that can enter into one’s flesh, making even the blood feel frozen. But for Lu Yue, the voice felt inexplicably familiar.

Lin Xin had no choice but to bow and say, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

There were only two of them in the room now, but Lu Yue felt the man’s oppressive presence intensify, it was like pressing into him from all sides, as if without any reservations. When he meet those deep, dark eyes, Lu Yue felt a tightness in his chest, making it hard to breathe. Qd ZJY

Finally, he slowly spoke, “Who… are you?”

The man’s gaze remained unchanged, but the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up into a stunning smile. “Aren’t I the one you’ve been looking for all this time?”

As he spoke, the man removed his mask with one hand, revealing a face so beautiful it could captivate anyone. Lu Yue was so shocked that he almost forgot to breathe.

“You… you’re Liu Jun?” vo6B7N

Yes, this was Liu Jun, his Majesty. Lu Yue could never forget this face.

At this moment, the man looked obviously surprised, his eyes glistening with excited tears, on the verge of crying for joy. Liu Jun’s eyes darkened, and he inwardly sneered in his heart, thinking that he was still skilled at deceiving people as before.

“Yes, I am Liu Jun. What, are you shocked to confirm I’m not dead?” Liu Jun’s smile turned cruel. Lu Yue, still overwhelmed with excitement, felt frozen by the icy look in his eyes.

“What… are you talking about?” XVrcq4

“Playing dumb with me?” Liu Jun suddenly gripped Lu Yue’s chin, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce straight into Lu Yue’s heart. He looked at the man who saved him but only to push him into hell with his own hands. Liu Jun have a strong urge to take this man’s heart out and see what it was like.

“Back then, you sent someone to stab me with a sword. Unfortunately, the stab missed, and I didn’t die. I was saved. You wouldn’t forgetten that, would you?”

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“No… no, I didn’t!” Lu Yue’s mouth was held tightly, and he could only utter trivial sounds.

“Still denying it!” Liu Jun’s gaze were extremely terrifying, as if the wound on his chest had split open again, and blood was bleeding out. eso E9

“I really… didn’t…” Lu Yue’s eyes began to turn red. He couldn’t believe that the young man who had disappeared for three years now harbored such deep hatred for him. Did he think those who tried to kill him were sent by him?

Lu Yue’s heart twisted in pain as he looked at the no longer youthful Liu Jun, with his eyes filled with sorrow and an intense longing. Liu Jun’s heart stirred again upon meeting this gaze. This man truly knew how to confuse him!

Suddenly, Liu Jun roughly kissed him, Lu Yue’s mind felt like it was going to explode. What was he doing? They were uncle and nephew!

“You can’t…” Lu Yue, both shocked and furious, tried to speak, but Liu Jun didn’t give him the chance to speak. 7Bsofl

Liu Jun’s lips and tongue were rough and relentless, trapping Lu Yue’s poor tongue without leaving any way for retreat. His sharp teeth bit at Lu Yue’s lips. Though he just only meant to punish Lu Yue a bit, the sensation of their lips and tongues touching, along with the internal turmoil, made it impossible for him to stop.

Liu Jun didn’t give Lu Yue a moment to breathe until the very end. Only when Lu Yue was nearly suffocating did he feel Liu Jun’s aggressive lips and tongue slowly retreat.

But before Lu Yue’s angry eyes could meet his, Liu Jun coldly said, “From now on, I will never trust you again. Also, I will make you understand the price of toying with me!”

After saying this, Liu Jun left immediately. His tall, cold figure sent chills down Lu Yue’s spine, while Lu Yue stood there in stunned and unable to recover to his senses for a long time. cEZgNO

Lu Yue: [Sigh! Tsk, tsk!]

001 immediately understood something from the host’s two exclamations: [Host, how was the kiss with the male lead?]

Lu Yue narrowed his eyes and said: [Quite intense. My lips are still numb. But his technique is lacking. It’s obvious it was his first kiss. He needs a lot more practice in the future.]

001 really wanted to ask, is it really okey to talk about the male lead behind his back like this? 9hVaFU

001: [Host, the male lead has returned for revenge this time. We should quickly think of a countermeasure.]

Lu Yue: [We just need to go along with him for now. If he wants revenge, let him have it. Once he’s vented enough, it’ll be our turn to act.]

Seeing his host’s mischievous smile, 001 worriedly reminded him, [Host, don’t forget you promised me to ensure the male lead doesn’t have any obsessions left!]

Lu Yue, as if remembering something: [Oh, I almost forgot. Alright, I get it. Since he’s so good-looking, I won’t torment him too much. But whether he has any obsessions left in the end isn’t something I can guarantee, so don’t get your hopes up too much.] GjdFS5

001 hurriedly replied: [Of course, just do your best, Host.]

001 dared not demand too much from his host. As long as he didn’t go too far with the task, that would be good enough. He just hoped that the mental data from this world could be successfully retrieved and all the lost performance could be made up. He absolutely couldn’t let other systems continue to mock him.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

“under his nose” means in front of him

Translator's Note

“Asura field” typically refers to a challenging or difficult situation, often metaphorically described as a battlefield inhabited by Asuras. Asuras are powerful, often malevolent beings in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, associated with violence and struggle.

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