Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh31 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

“Your Majesty.” A shadow guard dressed in black knelt respectfully before the current emperor of the Beiyang Dynasty.

The man sitting on the throne glanced up indifferently and said, “Hmm. Any news of him?” EB2Nmk

“Reporting to Your Majesty, none yet.”

Lu Yue’s eyes dimmed, a sinking feeling growing deeper in his heart.

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Three years ago, when Huan Chong told him that Liu Jun had been assassinated, his first reaction was disbelief. He had personally arranged for people to escort him back so how could something go wrong? But when he saw the bodies of several guards in the forest and the jade pendant that had fallen to the ground, his heart nearly stopped.

That was the jade pendant he had given to the young man. How could he not recognize it? But while the jade was there, the person was not. He had sent people to search the entire forest, but they found no trace of him. Whether Liu Jun had been killed and his body disposed of or had been rescued, he had no idea. bfZsNi

At first, many people responded to the imperial edict offering a reward for finding him, but none of them is a real news about Liu Jun. After that, fewer and fewer people came forward, and now, three years later, no one responded anymore. Almost everyone in Beiyang believed Liu Jun was dead.

Even Lu Yue himself almost believed it.

The shadow guard, seeing the man’s gloomy expression, cautiously asked, “Your Majesty, should we still post the reward notice this month?”

“Post it.” Lu Yue uttered just one word, and the shadow guard retreated tactfully.


With no one else in the room, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Pretending to be sorrowful for three whole years was indeed a test of one’s endurance.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue: [How is the male lead’s now?] Lu Yue asked 001 in his mind, sipping tea leisurely.

001: [The male lead is now the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom. He’ll be coming to see you soon. Are you happy?]

Lu Yue, smiling: [Happy? His blackening value hasn’t decreased at all in these three years. Do you think I can be happy?] 7FHsar

001: [Host, I will help you. Don’t worry.]

Lu Yue: [I don’t need your concern. It’s just that after being idle for three years and suddenly remembering I have a mission is quite annoying.]

001: […]

C ofk vjsr ijafg, atf lwqfglji fvlma kjr qbrafv jr ereji. Lbkfnfg, fnfc klat atf gfkjgv gjlrfv ab 100,000 ajfir bo ubiv, cb bcf mjwf ab mijlw la jcv atfs vlvc’a fnfc ybatfg ab ibbx ja la. 2WIlvp

“It’s been three years, and Your Majesty’s bounty has increased so much!” A man in Nanyue attire spoke to another man beside him, dressed in black robes.

Lbkfnfg, atf wjc lc yijmx lucbgfv atf pfra. Llr vjgx fsfr olzfv bc atf lwqfglji fvlma qbrafv bc atf kjii, jcv tlr jigfjvs fzqgfrrlbcifrr ojmf kjr ugbklcu mbivfg.

Lin Xin looking at the man’s cold and ruthless demeanor, and suddenly lost the mood to joke. Three years ago, when he was a deputy general, he and the general had rescued a bloodied man who was on the brink of death. The sword had nearly pierced his heart, and he was bleeding so much that they almost couldn’t save him. But who would have thought he would later become the ruler of Nanyue Kingdom?

Liu Yuan, who heartlessly tried to kill him and had been a stable emperor for three years, likely never imagined that Liu Jun would return to seek revenge and reclaim what was his. Thinking about how cold-blooded Liu Jun was, Lin Xin couldn’t help but shudder. xrJAn2

At that moment, Liu Jun suddenly stepped forward and tore down the edict. Lin Xin was shocked. “Your Majesty, what are you doing?” He actually tore off the imperial edict. Didn’t he know that tearing the imperial edict meant he was going to see the emperor? Moreover, the person being sought was him.

Liu Jun’s mouth curled into a cold smile. “Since he wants to see me, I might as well go find him myself.”

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When the news that someone had claimed the imperial edict reached the palace, Lu Yue was still leisurely sipping tea in the imperial garden. Upon hearing this, he immediately adjusted his attitude, thinking that the male lead started to acted now and even start in such a unique manner.

Claimed the edict? It seemed he was eager to see him. qHLdyi

“Where is he now? Bring him to me at once.”

“Well… Your Majesty, the man said he wants you to go to him personally and that you must go alone.”

Without hesitation, Lu Yue asked, “Where is he?”

“Your Majesty, this person is very mysterious, and likely harboring ill intentions. He might want to harm you. Please don’t fall for his trick!” 3hTd5Q

“I asked you, where is he!” Lu Yue finally frowned. No one had claimed the edict for over a year. This time might be real…

He finally learned that the person wanted to meet him in a secret garden in the northern part of the city. Lu Yue immediately arranged for a carriage and ordered that no one was to follow.

Lu Yue: [Finally going to meet the male lead. I’m a bit excited.]

001: [Excited about what?] 0aSmvN

Lu Yue: [Liu Jun was already so pretty three years ago. He must be even more attractive now. I’m truly looking forward to it!]

001 had always thought his host was a high-level human, with a strong will who would not be tempted by physical beauty, but it turned out he was wrong. It’s just that, Lu Yue had simply not encountered a beauty capable of captivating him yet but now…

Ah, humans are indeed quite pathetic!

Just as 001 was silently sighing, Lu Yue leisurely said, [But no matter how good he looks, he must obediently contribute his blackening value in front of me, otherwise my three years of meticulous planning will have been for nothing.] FIHQmK

Hearing his host say this, 001 immediately regretted his previous thoughts. As expected, his host was a cold-hearted and emotionless person, and this kind of person was most suitable to survive in the mission world.

In the secret garden in the north of the city, Lin Xin had just returned from outside.

“Your Majesty, Liu Yuan has agreed! I didn’t expect him to believe it so easily. I thought he would at least gather his ministers to discuss how to deal with you!”

Liu Jun’s expression turned cold. “Is he coming alone?” 8GmEoI

“Yes, my people reported that Liu Yuan has already left the palace. Besides the coachman, he didn’t bring anyone else.”

“And secretly?”

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“I checked, he didn’t send anyone else. It seems he really is coming alone.” Lin Xin also found it puzzling.

Liu Jun’s eyes flickered, and his right hand rubbing his fingers as he was thinking. After a while, he spoke, “Just follow the plan.” 6NfrWg

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