Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh47 - Couples Style, Understood

With one week left until the competition, the SA team, where Jiang Mu belongs, defeated the rookie RT team, directly securing the last ticket to this year’s World Championship Cup.

A week later, the SA team will face off against the BBK team, who also secured a spot in the finals. T1Nd9o

On the night when the two KPL team slots for the finals were confirmed, the officials consecutively announced the guests for the final match day.

Ji Xingchen and the other two streamers who ranked in the top three were naturally on the official announcement list.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In addition to these three, many singers, boy bands, girl groups, and bands who will be performing live on stage were also announced one by one. Surprisingly, Cheng Yu, who has retired, was also included because he ranked first in the voting for the professional player audiences most wanted to see in the KPL finals, overwhelming in popularity.

Each of these official announcements has attracted considerable attention from fans. py1qYO

However, this attention was quickly overshadowed by the last message revealed by the official Honor of kings KPL professional esports.

Because Honor of kings, which has never invited spokespersons, is going to announce spokespersons this year!

This news shocked not only players but also fans in the entertainment industry.

After all, almost everyone feels that a popular game like Honor of kings doesn’t need any spokespersons at all.


Those celebrities who lack popularity are all trying to ride on the game’s popularity wave.

So when they heard that they were actually going to announce a spokesperson for the World Championship finals, everyone was curious: who would be the first spokesperson for this national mobile game, and how impressive a star would they be?

It seems like the officials also knew that everyone would react this way. After revealing this news, they just teased everyone without saying anything directly, only releasing silhouettes of four promotional ambassadors for everyone to guess.

Fans in the entertainment industry, with no clue, guessed all the popular celebrities in the circle. They searched for flights and checked schedules, but still couldn’t narrow down the possibilities. So, they temporarily gave up and could only focus on the relatively simple task of guessing the promotional ambassadors. PXGAgu

On the fans’ side, with no clue, Mo Yuze, as one of the promotional ambassadors, was in the same boat as them.

When he looked at the final layout of the official announcement poster sent by the team, he found that the other three stars had their appearances clearly shown, making it easy for everyone to check if their positions were appropriate. However, the spokesperson standing in the center position only had a black blurry silhouette, with nothing else.

Mo Yuze stared at the image for a long time, but couldn’t even figure out their gender!

This secrecy was done too well! ZwziWK

After staring at it for a while and not making any sense of it, Mo Yuze gave up directly.

Anyway, his goal has always been to be a promotional ambassador, so being able to secure a position in such fierce competition is already satisfying for him.

After all, this is the promotional ambassador for Honor of kings, his favorite game!

There was no secrecy clause in his contract, and since he received the images of the other three promotional ambassadors, it meant that the officials had no intention of keeping it a secret. QBWDTX

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for fans to identify his silhouette, and soon some friends messaged him to congratulate him and secretly inquire about who got the endorsement.

Mo Yuze replied with a vague response, then shared the post to his good buddy Ran Feng to share his joy.

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Mo Yuze: Brother, I’m going to compete with professional players! [Boast]

Mo Yuze: Fulfilling the dream of KPL. 0 ivLP

Mo Yuze: Feng, am I very inspiring?

When Ran Feng received the message, he had just confirmed the schedule with his agent for the day of the match.

Seeing him so happy, Ran Feng congratulated him.

Ran Feng knew about Mo Yuze’s efforts to become a promotional ambassador before. LilJVG

He didn’t mention it openly, but knowing the other’s passion for Honor of kings, he secretly lent a hand.

Mo Yuze: Let me tell you something even more inspiring.

Mo Yuze: I reached ten stars in Honor of kings.

Mo Yuze: When the host asks me about my rank, I’ll make sure to shout it out loud! eVhdSg

Seeing Mo Yuze boasting like that, Ran Feng suppressed his laughter and immediately poured cold water on him.

Ran Feng: Aren’t you afraid of ruining your image by reaching such a high rank?

Mo Yuze: ???

Ran Feng: Your team just issued a press release not long ago, creating an image of you as a gaming genius. 7y4wKs

Mo Yuze: F*ck.

Mo Yuze had actually remembered this image created for him, but after recently easily winning matches in duo queue with Star, he suddenly forgot about it.

Although he didn’t know the format yet, if he went to compete at the KPL venue and couldn’t perform well without someone carrying him, wouldn’t his skill level be exposed immediately?

Mo Yuze panicked briefly for two seconds, then immediately calmed down. 6q8Lfd

Mo Yuze: It’s okay, I’m good at other games.

Ran Feng: Which game?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Mo Yuze: QQ Dance!

Ran Feng: … GZdo91

After saying this, Mo Yuze suddenly remembered that Star would also be there, and he completely relaxed.

Mo Yuze: I know a streamer who’s really good. He’ll be there for an exhibition match, so I’ll team up with him as support.

Mo Yuze: Am I clever or what? [Smirking]

Seeing Mo Yuze making such elaborate plans, Ran Feng couldn’t let Ji Xingchen suffer. KGUmB

Ran Feng: Is the streamer helping you for free?

Mo Yuze: Of course not! I’ve given him gifts.

Mo Yuze: Oh, you reminded me. I’ll go give him some more gifts later. It’ll make it easier for him to support me.

Mo Yuze: Or should I just have his room changed to next to mine! That way, after the game, he can easily come to my room to duo queue with me. BsHwRI

Initially, Ran Feng, who had been chatting with Mo Yuze with a smile in his eyes, suddenly turned cold after reading the last sentence.

He wanted Ji Xingchen to go to his room at night?

“Sister Li,” Ran Feng looked up at the agent who was checking the schedule on the sofa.

Li Na paused her actions, “What’s up?” jsUYXo

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Lfiq wf mtjcuf ws oglfcv’r gbbw.”

Ktfc Ejc Mfcu abiv atf jufca jybea Al Wlcumtfc’r lcobgwjalbc.

Ol Rj: “???”

Wljb Mfcu jmaejiis jrxfv ab mtjcuf rbwfbcf’r gbbw? n4pmuq

Ktbeut rtbmxfv, Ol Rj vlvc’a lcdelgf oegatfg, “Ktlr lrc’a j ylu lrref; P’ii cfubaljaf. Dea ktfgf rtbeiv sbeg oglfcv’r gbbw yf mtjcufv ab??”

“Rfza ab wlcf.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Li Na: “Next to yours???”

For Li Na, the task Ran Feng assigned was a piece of cake, and she quickly arranged to have Ji Xingchen’s room changed. FE4Uzs

So when Mo Yuze remembered to go change Ji Xingchen’s room, he was informed by the staff that the streamer was already in the same grade of suite as him and couldn’t be moved again.

Mo Yuze: ???

Is KPL this generous?

Four days before the competition, after the organizers finalized all the details, they sent out confirmation messages to all participants. Tw8Q3I

Ji Xingchen was added to a guest group and later received a message from the group admin @everyone.

Admin: Good afternoon, everyone. The flight and hotel information will be sent to each of you separately later. Please confirm upon receipt and reply in the group. Also, on the day of the finals, there will be a red carpet event with fans on both sides, and the entire process will be live-streamed by cameramen, so just a friendly reminder, dress up nicely for the occasion. Due to time constraints and different body shapes of each guest, we won’t be providing uniform formal attire.

Admin: On the day of the finals, everyone needs to wake up early for makeup and rehearsal. Time is tight, and tickets have been booked for everyone the day before.

After the admin sent out the notification, Ji Xingchen was privately contacted by the responsible person, who sent him the flight ticket information and room number. MYzijm

When Ji Xingchen received it, so did everyone else.

Afterward, the group became lively.

The Honor of kings finals had various arrangements. In addition to streamers like Ji Xingchen who could compete on stage, some winners of offline campus or city tournaments would also come on stage for interviews.

Therefore, most of the people in Ji Xingchen’s group were attending for the first time. oYNPyK

As everyone was new to such a major event, they were naturally curious about everything. Soon, they started asking each other about their flight information, hotel room numbers, hometowns, and so on.

Everyone exchanged information quickly.

Because they were going to unfamiliar places, 17-Year-Old, wanted to find a reliable brother to team up with.

Out of everyone in the group, Ji Xingchen was the one they were most familiar with, so they came to ask him for his room number. C7T1aE

17-Year-Old: Bro, which room are you in? I’ll come find you later, and we can eat together.

Star: I think I’m not in the same hotel as you guys.

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Looking at the information shared in the group, Ji Xingchen realized he wasn’t in the same hotel as everyone else.

Because he was different from everyone else, he went online to check and found out that the organizer had actually arranged for him to stay in a five-star hotel… bnHI1s

17-Year-Old: How did this happen?

17-Year-Old: Shouldn’t you ask the responsible person if they made a mistake?

Star: I did ask, and they said this hotel couldn’t accommodate me, so they arranged for me to stay elsewhere.

17-Year-Old: That’s really unfortunate for you… ke1qm3

17-year-old sympathized deeply with Ji Xingchen’s situation.

17-Year-Old: Bro, which hotel are you in? I’ll come find you later.

Ji Xingchen sent him the name and room number.

Two minutes later… S68wXj

17-Year-Old: Bro, I take back what I said!! Please let me suffer like this too!!

After finishing the conversation with the 17-year-old, Ji Xingchen went out.

The group admin had just notified them to prepare their formal attire.

He usually wore simple casual clothes and didn’t have any formal attire at home. Since the red carpet event was so formal, he definitely couldn’t dress as casually as usual. LObj65

Ji Xingchen usually doesn’t pay much attention to dressing himself up, and on top of that, he’s not a fan of suits at all. He felt overwhelmed at the department store’s counters and couldn’t find anything suitable.

Just as he was changing out of a black suit, Wanfeng, the boss, sent him a message.

Wanfeng: Why no live stream today?

Ji Xingchen took off his jacket and hurriedly replied. bIpz1o

Star: I’m buying formal attire.

After typing this, Ji Xingchen suddenly had an idea. He realized that Wanfeng, being a successful person, probably had a much better understanding and taste in suits than himself. So he decided to seek his help.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Star: Brother Wanfeng, are you free? Can you help me choose? I don’t know much about suits and don’t know which one to pick.

Wanfeng: I’m free. cMUrXe

Wanfeng: Send me some pictures.

At first, Ji Xingchen didn’t understand what “send pictures” meant, so he snapped a bunch of photos of suits and sent them over.

After sending them, he realized he hadn’t tried them on himself, so how could others choose for him!

Just as he was about to retract the pictures, Wanfeng gave him some advice. nSdyBf

Wanfeng: The white suit in the second picture with the shirt in the fifth picture.

Wanfeng: Put it on and take another picture.

Ji Xingchen immediately went to put on the white suit.

Originally, he was a bit hesitant, thinking that a white suit might not suit him. MgflZB

But as soon as he put it on, it completely outshined all the clothes recommended by the previous salespeople.

The white suit looked refreshing, and the black shirt added texture. The two pieces of clothing complemented each other perfectly, neither making him look immature nor too mature, just right for Ji Xingchen’s transition from boy to man.

Ji Xingchen asked the saleswoman to take a picture for him.

After she took the photo, the saleswoman handed him the phone with a smile. k9gXJ

“Send it to your girlfriend to see. She has great taste! This outfit suits you so well. Indeed, girlfriends are the ones who understand boyfriend the best.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t know how to explain when the saleswoman mistook Wanfeng for his girlfriend, so he just smiled and said it was his friend.

The saleswoman nodded with a smile, but her eyes seemed to say, “I understand, I understand.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t understand what the saleswoman meant, so he quickly lowered his head and continued chatting with Wanfeng. fuJPI0

Star: Brother Wanfeng, your taste is really good. This outfit is perfect.

Wanfeng: My taste has always been excellent.

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Ran Feng’s statement clearly had a hidden meaning.

He always felt that his rivals were inferior to him in everything, but the only thing they could barely match him in was their discerning taste for liking Ji Xingchen. W0bQrR

Ji Xingchen couldn’t understand what Ran Feng meant by having good taste, so he thought he was still talking about clothes.

Thinking about what the saleswoman said earlier, he told Ran Feng about it.

Star: Just now, the saleswoman thought you were my girlfriend and said you understood me better than I do myself…

Ran Feng didn’t explain why he knew Ji Xingchen so well and shifted the focus to the first point. JWb9ur

Wanfeng: Girlfriend?

Afraid that the boss might mind, Ji Xingchen hurriedly explained.

Star: She was joking…

Unexpectedly, the boss replied next. bcz5Cs

Wanfeng: Not a boyfriend?

Star: ????

Ran Feng, who was secretly teasing Ji Xingchen, felt very pleased and reopened the picture Ji Xingchen had sent him earlier.

He opened the photo editing software, pixelated Ji Xingchen’s face, and sent the picture to his assistant. TuYm9Q

Ran Feng: Find me a similar style, but in black.

Assistant: You mean a couple’s outfit?

Assistant: Got it~


After purchasing the formal attire, Ji Xingchen didn’t immediately head home. Instead, he visited several luxury goods counters.

He was planning to buy a gift for Wanfeng, the boss.

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Since Wanfeng had helped him so much, and they were finally going to meet in person this time, Ji Xingchen felt it wouldn’t be right to show up empty-handed.

Although Ji Xingchen had never seen what his boss looked like, he assumed that someone so wealthy and frequently working would be the type of elite who often wore shirts with suits. FdDTnS

So, he focused his attention on ties.

Compared to choosing a suit for himself, Ji Xingchen was much more serious when selecting a tie to give to his boss.

For each tie, he would envision how his boss would look wearing it and whether it would match his clothes.

Finally, he settled on a dark blue solid tie from a certain brand. Fx9ndX

Ji Xingchen chose it because he felt it would suit his boss’s age and temperament, being more reserved in style.

He felt joyful while selecting it, but when it came time to pay, he felt a pang of pain.

Looking at the tie, which was much more expensive than his own suit, Ji Xingchen’s heart skipped a beat.

Though he had anticipated it would be expensive, he hadn’t expected it to be that pricey. 9UFV r

He vaguely heard the saleswoman mention that it was a limited edition, which perhaps explained the high price.

Ji Xingchen quickly pulled up his payment code and settled the bill.

Even though he spent quite a bit of money, considering how much the boss had helped him, just the gifts he received in the live broadcast room alone could have bought him many ties, not to mention that the boss also managed to get him priceless VIP tickets to Ran Feng’s concert.

For the boss, he felt no amount of gratitude would be too much. VjhSyI

Forget about this tie; he would have bought something even more expensive if it was for the boss.

Finally done buying the gift for the boss, Ji Xingchen returned home.

He hadn’t paid attention to the time while selecting the gift, but now, upon seeing the clock pointing to nine o’clock after arriving home, he realized he had spent five or six hours choosing a gift for the boss?

Choosing the gift so late in the day, coupled with the organizer’s notification that they needed to arrive a day early, meant that Ji Xingchen, who was leaving the day after tomorrow morning, began to pack his things busily again. So, he postponed his live broadcast for another day. P8sHGc

To make it up to everyone, the next morning at seven o’clock, Ji Xingchen started a live broadcast and informed the viewers about his participation in the performance competition and the fact that he wouldn’t be able to broadcast for the next two days.

[Although I’m reluctant to let you go, it’s okay, my son. Mom will watch you in another live stream room.]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Ahhh, is Star going to the KPL venue? So excited!]

[I’ve already bought tickets for the live event. I’ll be one of the people who will see Star up close!] JnsME3

[Star’s global fan club has prepared everything and is just waiting to support Star at the scene!]

[Reporting for duty from the fan club members~]

[Wow, there’s even fan support? That’s amazing!! I couldn’t even get tickets. I envy the sisters upstairs.]

[Sob sob, I also want to go and support the super cute Star!] l5AJCf

Ji Xingchen quickly waved his hand when he saw the barrage even arranging support for him, “No no no, I’m not a celebrity, I don’t need support.”

[No, we must give our glorious and beautiful Star a grand gesture!]


[Although it definitely won’t compare to the support from other celebrities’ fans, I believe when they see Star’s beauty, they’ll be won over] VXqdSy

[That’s enough, sisters, stop it. I can’t help but start imagining now]

Just as everyone began to imagine what the scene would be like, “My fish was stolen” suddenly sent Ji Xingchen several magical meteor showers.

Ji Xingchen immediately realized and said to Mo Yuze, “Boss Fish? Long time no see, why… are you sending so many gifts as soon as you come?”

[So this is the style of this live stream room? The boss gives gifts before he speaks?] 3IQEti

[Hahaha yes, the bosses in our live stream room are indeed quite wild]

[My fish was stolen]: It’s nothing… I just need you to help me with something in a few days

With many people in the live stream room and various eyes around, Mo Yuze didn’t dare to explain too much for fear of revealing too much.

[My fish was stolen]: Want to play some games together? noC6MB

Ji Xingchen glanced at the game that was still updating, “Today is the new season update, the game hasn’t finished maintenance yet, so we can’t play now.”

Usually, the maintenance for Honor of Kings lasts until around 9 o’clock, and it’s only past 7 o’clock now, so they can’t play at all.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[My fish was stolen]: Then let’s play something else?

“Sure… Boss, what game do you want to play? Sichuan Mahjong or QQ Landlord?” K9LHaY

[Why play Landlord, Star? We strongly recommend playing Miracle Nikki]

[Miracle Nikki refused, we strongly recommend Star play Love and Producer]

[Agreed, we strongly recommend Love and Producer, boys should play with boys!]

[My fish was stolen]: Can’t you guys have some dignity and play other games? vmZpdB

Ji Xingchen: “What do you want to play, Boss Mo?”

[My fish was stolen]: QQ Dance or QQ Speed

Ji Xingchen: ???

“………… I don’t know how to play.” Ji Xingchen’s face was full of refusal, then he said, “I get motion sickness.” SYn16G

After these two options were rejected, they discussed again and decided to venture into Game for Peace.

Game for Peace includes its PC game version, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which was very popular before.

But when this game was popular, Ji Xingchen wasn’t interested, so he hardly played it.

Mo Yuze’s situation was similar to his. WLU6o7

So when millions of viewers in the livestream watched Ji Xingchen and Boss Fish discussing playing Game for Peace, but ended up performing online installation of the game, everyone was stunned.

[These days, are there still people who haven’t played PUBG?]

Ji Xingchen: “Please remove the ‘but’ after the word ‘chicken‘. This livestream strictly prohibits GHS.”

[Star, are you a good shot?] zFK6Ns

Ji Xingchen: “What do you mean by ‘good shot’ or not? What exactly do you want me to do?”

Soon, the two installed and entered the game directly.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen started creating his character, choosing a female character for himself.

Mo Yuze: “Hey, why did you choose a girl…” xQAp3e

Ji Xingchen: “This way, I’ll be a bit noob, and the guys shouldn’t criticize me…”

Seeing Ji Xingchen, who hadn’t flirted for a long time, choosing a girl and wanting to flirt with the guys in the game, the fans were extremely excited.

However, as soon as the game entered the parachuting stage, Ji Xingchen felt dizzy.

Since it was their first time playing, Ji Xingchen wasn’t familiar with which direction to parachute, and coupled with feeling dizzy, he ended up landing miles away from Mo Yuze. ZGAHdI

Mo Yuze: “Wow, why are you so far from me?”

Ji Xingchen: “I’m afraid of heights…”

Mo Yuze: “…Alright.”

[Hahaha, damn, afraid of heights] 847Ks9

[This is the first time I’ve seen someone afraid of heights while playing a mobile game]

Although Mo Yuze wasn’t skilled at playing Honor of Kings, he surprisingly adapted quickly to Game for Peace.

While he hadn’t played it before, he had watched many livestreams of other players, so he knew he needed to find a vehicle to pick up Ji Xingchen since they were so far apart.

Mo Yuze: “You find a room to hide in first, I’ll find a car to pick you up.” voY4RE

Ji Xingchen obediently hurried to hide in a nearby building.

Soon, Mo Yuze found a car, and on the way there, they were particularly lucky to kill someone.

“Get in, the circle is shrinking, let’s go.”

Ji Xingchen jumped in place for a while before figuring out how to get into the car, so he quickly climbed aboard. odbzlh

Mo Yuze was also driving for the first time and was very inexperienced, causing the car to wobble and nearly hit a tree.

[Boss Fish’s drifting skills in this hearse are not bad]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[I always feel like I’m about to get killed in the next second]

Just as everyone was joking about Mo Yuze’s driving skills, Ji Xingchen felt even more dizzy and blurred vision, so he hurriedly spoke up, “Boss Fish, stop the car!” Tmscdo

Mo Yuze stopped the car, “What’s wrong?”

Ji Xingchen: “I’m sorry… I really can’t play anymore.”


“I… get car sick…” AL4JMS

Mo Yuze suddenly remembered what Ji Xingchen said when he refused to play QQ Speed earlier…

“You really get car sick!”

Translator's Note

“QQ Dance” is an online multiplayer dance game by Tencent Games. Players perform dance routines by pressing keys to match the music’s rhythm, compete with others, and customize their avatars. It’s popular in China for its engaging gameplay and social features.

Translator's Note

“Sichuan Mahjong” is a fast-paced regional variation of Mahjong from Sichuan, China, with unique rules such as no flower tiles and simpler winning requirements.

Translator's Note

“QQ Landlord” is a popular Chinese card game played on platforms like QQ. It involves three players where one is the “landlord” and the other two form a team to beat the landlord by being the first to play all their cards.

Translator's Note

“Miracle Nikki” is a Chinese mobile dress-up game where players style the character Nikki to complete fashion challenges and story missions by collecting and combining outfits and accessories.

Translator's Note

“Love and Producer” is a Chinese mobile otome game where players manage a production company and develop romantic relationships with four male characters through story-driven gameplay.

Translator's Note

“QQ Speed” is a Chinese multiplayer online racing game developed by Tencent. Players race against each other using customizable cars in various game modes, including speed and item races.

Translator's Note

“Game for Peace,” also known as “PUBG Mobile” in some regions, is a popular battle royale game developed by Tencent Games. Players parachute onto an island, scavenge for weapons and equipment, and fight to be the last person or team standing as the play area shrinks over time.

Translator's Note

“chicken” refers to the popular phrase “Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner” from the game PUBG, which means winning a match. So, when they say, “Please remove the ‘but’ after the word ‘chicken’,” they’re essentially asking to remove any negative connotations or doubts after mentioning winning in the game.

Translator's Note

“GHS,” it refers to “Game Hack Software,” which is a term used for cheating or hacking in online games like PUBG. So, the statement “This livestream strictly prohibits GHS” means that cheating or using hacks is not allowed in the livestream.

Translator's Note

“Good shot” is a phrase used to compliment someone for making a successful or skillful shot, especially in activities like sports or shooting games. It acknowledges the person’s accuracy, skill, or timing in hitting a target.

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  1. I can relate with Star, I can’t play those games for the same reason 🤣 I like to read about them though

    Thank you for the chapters!!!💐💐

  2. Same!!!!! My car sick is pretty bad((((

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖