After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch89 - Why is the canary like this?

Su Zhi was almost half-embraced and lifted from behind.

Actually, he had a perfectly normal build, almost 1.8 meters tall, and at most his frame was just a bit on the slender side, but there was no way he could be described as weak. ogL4YF

It’s just that Xie Yi’s strength and endurance were freakishly abnormal. He must have formally trained in combat sports, as he couldn’t be compared to the average person.

Su Zhi had been held by him for nearly two hours continuously before, with barely any other support. When he thought about it afterward, he found it incredibly inhuman. He went to the gym and picked up a 30kg sandbag to see how long he could hold it, and after less than ten minutes, his arms and waist started to ache.

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He gritted his teeth and stubbornly persisted for a while, but ended up straining his muscles so much that they hurt.

That night, he even dreamed of being beaten up, feeling utterly exhausted. 09DGJy

Yet the next day, after Xie Yi was done with him, he didn’t show any signs of fatigue. He continued his intense work all day and still found time to work out.

Is this really reasonable?

It completely amazed Su Zhi.

In Xie Yi’s hands, Su Zhi, an average male, often seemed as fragile as a delicate bird.


It seemed as though a light bite could break his bones.

But he always ended up with just wet feathers from Xie Yi’s licking.

The hands clasped around his waist were just the right strength—not enough to cause pain, but definitely preventing him from breaking free. Su Zhi’s feet left the ground as he was half-dragged, half-carried inside.

Su Zhi let out a small “ah,” a reflexive sound of panic. He grabbed the man’s arm that was wrapped around his waist, feeling the hard, bulging muscles, which were a bit uncomfortable to touch. BonzA8

It seemed he weakly protested, but it didn’t really matter.

After all, he had already almost tacitly allowed the man to bring him back here, even stupidly walking to the door himself. Whether he walked the last step inside or was carried in didn’t really make a difference.

Sunlight streamed in with the sound of the door opening, dispelling the indoor darkness and illuminating every speck of floating dust.

But after a few seconds, as the door was forcefully shut, this bit of light was also cut off. cAMUdW

The view became dim.

But it wasn’t completely dark. Light seeped in from the edges of the curtains, allowing the outlines of the furniture to be barely visible.

The house was very quiet. The maid who usually cooked wasn’t there today; she must have been given the day off again by Xie Yi’s call. The frequency of giving the maid time off had become really high recently, which made Su Zhi feel a bit guilty.

Only the faint sounds of the air conditioning and air purifier could be heard in the living room. 8GNB3R

The air currents moved gently.

Something brushed against the back of Su Zhi’s neck.

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Accompanied by warm breath.

Instead of immediately biting harshly, Su Zhi felt the man’s firm nose tip brushing against the back of his neck, like a greedy predator searching for a spot to bite, but ultimately not biting down, making it seem as if he just wanted to smell the scent and temperature of this area, somewhat gently. NwHRG6

Su Zhi had read in animal behavior studies that many animals have the habit of biting the back of the neck when reproducing. He had seen that scene in a documentary about wolf packs.

That was in his previous life, maybe before his last move.

Su Zhi couldn’t remember the exact time. Some memories were so blurry, like they were shrouded in a gray fog, making the passage of time seem meaningless.

He had seen such a scene on the screen, stared at it for a while, and didn’t have much of a reaction. His expression didn’t change much either. Qc9r7d

He had long passed the age of feeling embarrassed by seeing such things.

But he couldn’t help thinking about how Xie Yi also had a strange interest in the back of his neck.

In comparison, he was really like a dog. Who acts so weird? How uncivilized.

But after all, humans are also a kind of animal. Even if they pride themselves as higher beings, their base instincts are no less than other animals’. cVlgWv

There’s nothing really to be proud of.

At least Su Zhi never considered himself noble.

Su Zhi somehow drifted into thoughts about the past again, until he came back to his senses when his collar was being unbuttoned. dIJsaz

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Efjilhlcu atf wjc’r ilqr rffwfv ab yf wbnlcu vbkc tlr cfmx, Ve Itl’r tfjga alutafcfv, jcv tf tegglfvis qertfv atf jgw jgbecv tlr kjlra, rqfjxlcu jczlberis, “Vt-rtbkfg!”

Ciatbeut tf kjrc’a qgbcf ab rkfjalcu, joafg yflcu bea jcv jybea jii vjs, tf tjv jmmeweijafv rbwf vera, jcv Ve Itl mbeivc’a jmmfqa vblcu jcsatlcu abb lcalwjaf lc remt j rajaf. Llr riluta mifjcilcfrr byrfrrlbc kbeiv qgbafra.

That’s why what Xie Yi did to him seemed especially excessive. Su Zhi had been taught from a young age that people should be polite and well-mannered.

Xie Yi shattered all his perceptions, being both rough and domineering, with no intention to change. MEd7b

The man’s actions stopped, and he didn’t move for half a minute.

Su Zhi heard the sound of him clenching his teeth. After a moment, he slowly moved his head away from the back of his neck.

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The light was turned on, and the light filled the living room. sGJEud

Xie Yi said, “Mm, let’s take a shower.”

He took him to the bathroom to shower.

Naturally, the shower was a mess. Su Zhi got kissed several times and, when he was half-hugged and brought out, his neck and head were flushed pink, whether from the steam or something else.

However, nothing too excessive happened. N4lRvA

Su Zhi thought Xie Yi was actually quite strange today.

Many times, he thought Xie Yi was about to lose control and do something, about to get rough, but it seemed like he always raised his hand high and then let it fall gently. From the time they returned to now, the atmosphere had been intensely charged, but even until now, Xie Yi hadn’t done anything.

He was so restrained and calm that it didn’t seem like him at all.

However, Su Zhi instinctively felt that this wasn’t a good thing. A pervert’s endurance couldn’t possibly be for the sake of becoming a positive, new person, could it? pTEdYj

Su Zhi didn’t believe it at all.

He felt an inexplicable sense of unease.


As he walked out of the transparent glass bathroom and passed by the washstand, Su Zhi saw that the sink was somehow filled with water. tKdeMH

A rose was soaking in the water, its petals spread out. Because the stem was cut too short, a few petals had already fallen off and were floating on the water’s surface.

Su Zhi: “?”

What is this for? A rose petal bath?

But one rose wouldn’t be enough, and besides, they had already finished showering. sdJnN4

Su Zhi had an intuition that something was wrong, but he didn’t have time to think it through.

Xie Yi leaned over and bit the back of his neck with his teeth, bringing a cool, freshly-showered, moist breath that made Su Zhi shiver.

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Su Zhi, in a daze, was pushed forward by him. The man held his chin and kissed him from above and to the side, invading deeply, with the tip of his tongue almost reaching his throat.

So he had no time to think about anything else. 68oXJY

As they passed by the washstand, Xie Yi reached out and fished out the rose that had been soaking in the clean water, holding it between his fingers.

Water droplets scattered and rolled off the deep red petals of the rose, leaving a trail of wet marks on the floor.

When Su Zhi went to work the next day, he was even more dazed. I6CfHx

He looked like a drooping little sparrow whose home had been raided. While writing a report, he made three typos in one sentence. A theoretically simple report took him two hours to write only halfway, a true master of slacking off.

His colleagues shook their heads as they watched.

“Xiao Su, are you still not well? You seem completely out of it.”

Su Zhi held the mouse, not knowing how to respond: “No, it’s just… I might have slept too long.” xRl6Xa

Colleague: “Hey, you still need to take care of your health. If you can’t manage, just take another day off. Health is important!”

Su Zhi: “…”

No, he’d better go to work.

Home was way too dangerous. 48VIk5

The colleague turned to leave but came back shortly, telling him, “The front desk sent new flowers, they’re so pretty.”

Su Zhi looked in the direction she pointed and saw the receptionist carrying a large basket of fresh roses, placing them in vases.

Xie Corporation was a very employee-friendly company, with not only comprehensive facilities but also small perks for the staff.

One of these perks was the daily replacement of fresh flowers in the office. JLiAdH

Summer brought a great variety of flowers, almost different ones every day.

The day before yesterday, it was small sunflowers, yesterday it was lisianthus, both light and lively flowers. Today, it was intense roses.

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A clean and fragrant environment was beneficial for the employees’ mood, creating a good working atmosphere.

This perk was always well-received by the staff. 6nX0SU

Su Zhi was usually quite happy with this; a beautiful environment always made people feel relaxed.

But clearly, today was an exception.

Su Zhi stared dazedly at the large basket of roses, classic bright red ones.

Even though there were now all kinds of colorful and vibrant roses, the classic color was still the most widely accepted. Some colleagues had already gathered around, excitedly taking pictures and exclaiming in admiration. lviSo

Everyone was happy.

Except Su Zhi.


He never wanted to see these flowers again in his life. SvLM5m

It was too perverted, too bizarre, how could there be such a usage?

The colleague continued, “Xiao Su, don’t you have a partner? Hey, after work, take a few roses home for your partner. I heard these roses are quite expensive to buy, might as well take advantage!”

Although Su Zhi had never explicitly said he was in a relationship, the occasional marks and prints on his body were telling enough—those who understood, understood!

She initially worried that Su Zhi might be experiencing some kind of abuse, but last time Su Zhi explained seriously, which dispelled her concerns. F5GBvn

However, she still occasionally sighed at how possessive Su Zhi’s mysterious partner must be.

Even just from the occasional marks that appeared, one could sense a bit.

The colleague enthusiastically invited Su Zhi to take the flowers home.

It must be said that ordinary working people always have various life hacks to take advantage of the system. eqsXJi

However, their company didn’t prohibit this anyway. Fresh flowers were replaced daily, and the flowers from the previous day would be thrown away if left behind. Not taking them would be wasteful, as long as no one took an excessive amount.

Su Zhi’s face almost buried into the keyboard: “N-no need…”

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If he dared to take them home, he might never be able to come back to the company again.

After managing to fend off his well-meaning colleague, Su Zhi went to wash his face, feeling much more clear-headed. 32fdpX

Focus on work.

It took him half an hour to polish off the report.

It was only eleven o’clock; the report was due at noon, so he still had some time to slack off.

But before he could start slacking, his private messages popped up again. 1SBkXC

It was a message from his senior.

The senior he had run into at A University yesterday.

He had always had his senior’s WeChat, but they hadn’t chatted for a long time. After graduating, Su Zhi had changed his phone once, and their chat history had been wiped clean.

They had reconnected yesterday after running into each other at school. RxN jl

Su Zhi opened the message; the senior had sent a link, which looked like a forum.

Following that was a sneaky dog emoji.

Su Zhi: ?

Su Zhi clicked in and found it was a post on the school’s internal forum. WYREeK

A University’s forum was only open to students and staff, with restricted access requiring an account. As soon as he clicked in, he was blocked.

He took some time to find his old student ID and tried several passwords before logging in and seeing the post.

The title was succinct:

“[Class of 2015 A University School Hunk, Forum’s Beloved High Ridge Flower Suspected to Have Come Out Early.]” IKHkUT

Su Zhi: “…”

He was from the class of 2015. At that time, he had indeed been called the school hunk. He had heard it was a title voted on by the forum. His classmates had called him over to see it once, and he thought it was just for fun, so he didn’t take it seriously.

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How to put it…

Not a very pleasant feeling. oiphyB

He scrolled down the post and, sure enough, there were photos of him and Xie Yi sitting on the lounge chairs.

It was taken right after school hours when there were too many people around. Su Zhi hadn’t noticed when the photos were taken.

Their hands were held together, clearly showing an improper male-to-male relationship.

Xie Yi’s lower face was covered by a mask, and most of the time he was turning his head to look at Su Zhi, so his eyebrows and facial features were not clearly visible. It only showed he was a very tall man, and from the half-exposed eyebrows and eyes, it was likely he had good looks. ap4KU

Su Zhi, on the other hand, was clearly photographed. Several photos showed his full face, where one could clearly see his features.

The replies were full of wailing.

[My idol is in a relationship, and his boyfriend isn’t me qvq]

[I’ve looked at it several times, and although I don’t want to admit it, this is indeed the senior’s face.] PufH3S

[Just the other day, I saw a post about this senior’s good looks. I was heartbroken because he graduated two years ago, and now I find out he’s come out early. I’m dead…]

[What, Su Zhi is gay? If I had known, I would have been more persistent back then.]

[That guy from the sports department pursued him for half a year with no result. He wasn’t interested back then.]

[Why is that guy so covered up? Does he look bad without the mask?] D43kW9

[You’re just sour, aren’t you? Oh, I’m sour too, so never mind.]

[Shouldn’t be bad, right? Su Zhi seems to have high standards. Back then, a lot of handsome guys and beautiful girls pursued him, but I never heard he was in a relationship.]

[This guy looks like a social type, not a good person at a glance. Damn! My innocent senior won’t be deceived by him, right?]

[Did you forget the senior has been working for two years already?] U8KeHQ

[But this guy has a really good body, haha. With my experience, I can tell that he’s really built under his clothes, could carry someone easily… He must be around 190 cm, right? Probably stronger than our school’s sports students.]

[Your dirty talk is making me dizzy. Tell me more!]

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[Senior’s wrists are so thin and white, prprpr. How does he still look so fresh and handsome after working for two years? Do handsome guys never get greasy?]

[Looking at these photos, this guy has been staring at the senior the whole time. Such a strong possessiveness…] 4bTyDX

Senior: [Junior.]

Senior: [I didn’t expect this; you’re quite romantic, returning to campus for a love story, huh? How’s the scenery at the back of the mountain~]

Senior: [But your boyfriend looks really big, and a bit familiar.] T63HYf

Strange, why did he seem familiar?

She thought about it for a long time but couldn’t figure out where she had seen him before. It just vaguely felt like she had seen someone similar recently.

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