When an Alien is Bound to a World Saving System

After the last alien in the world was bound to a stupid but cute salvation system who mistakenly thought he was human:

A resource depleted world:

Alien: I can help reduce their population down to 5% in a short period of time. This way, this planet can develop sustainably.”

System 2d14 was frightened to tears: [No, don’t! Lord Host!]

A certain day:

System 099 was shocked: [Lord Host, the record for your first mission was actually b-broken by a rookie!]

Big boss Huo Li instantly raised an eyebrow with interest: “Oh? Who was it?”

A certain alien happily thought that he was invincible amongst all carbon-based lifeforms! Until…… he came across a pervert with powerful psychic abilities!

A startled alien: “Hey! Why can’t I control myself?!”

Extremely powerful psychic ability user gong x ultimate evolution of carbon-based lifeforms shou

Loyal dog with a very strong sense of responsibility gong x always pretending to be human black bellied shou

In the beginn

When The Scumbag Shou Becomes The White Moonlight

Armen sits firmly in the position of number one for his department in the quick transmigration bureau. And what is that department exactly? Well, it’s a key department in order for the survival of something integral to all of humanity (not really, but putting that on forms gets more funding from the intergalactic, technologically advanced worlds sponsoring the whole bureau): BL.

Regardless, Armen’s role is extremely important (cough, cough, no it’s not) therefore he takes it very seriously (in order to get his employee of the month bonuses) until a malfunction of his system lands him…back in his old world! Well, no worries, he’ll just remain here until the system finds him again…what’s this? What’s with the look in that guy’s eyes? Why does it remind him of characters in the worlds he transmigrates into? Holdup, isn’t he a scumbag? What’s with this role change???

Short, sweet, HE (Honestly, the title says it all)