How Did You Guys Become Boyfriends While GamingCh33 - I Changed, No longer the Prior Me


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Translator's Note

Could not come up with a good translation. This is from a folk tale called the Legend of Meng Jiang, or 孟姜女哭長城. A heroine of the Qin dynasty who searched for her husband, and whose tears broke down a stretch of the Great Wall to reveal his body.

Translator's Note

Directly, the Chinese is ‘life or death match’. It is like match point in tennis, where winning this match will decide the victor.

Translator's Note

Aka, Rift Rivals. According to lol fandom, the Rift Rivals were international events taking place halfway during the Summer Split of the regular season. Teams would be faced against each other depending on their historical rivalries to form unique match-ups outside of the team’s MSI and Worlds confrontations. As of 10/17/22, it is permanently discontinued due to covid.

Translator's Note

A type of crowd control, knocking a unit(s) airborne for a very small distance in a random direction on the spot.

Translator's Note

Just an fyi, this is a bug I tell you, a BUG. In League of Legends, you CANNOT see who you are matched against, this is to prevent people from dodging the match, the act of preventing the game from starting and forcing everyone else to return to the match-finding screen. This also stops players from banning at an advantage because you can check an opponent’s gaming history on the browser and target ban them. But because of how the story progresses, my hands are tied so here is my rant.

Translator's Note

Author please, stop breaking the game. In League of Legends, you can only send messages to other teams inside the game in all chat, or at the endgame lobby. Of course, like before, you want to keep good gamesmanship until the game starts.

Translator's Note

For a quick refresher, the captain of this team (the newcomer) appeared near the beginning of the chapter and gave Ren Jian a quick hug from excitement.

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  1. Woke up to a pleasent surprise. Tysm for translation 😊😊. I have exams today I hope my exam would go well

  2. I, who do not play games and who came for the treatment of psychological trauma: general terms are good, lol too, in principle this is not the main thing

    Thank you very much for the translation 💙💙💙💙

  3. Who would want to have a casual match with you?

    Play aggressively? Very exciting?

    I hammer that excitement for a living!

    The vinegar essence is spilling out in waves!!