The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh9 - Managing Tasks


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  1. Mo Gong… You can’t sin against your master.

    He did good with those disciples. They were too unruly.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Lord Kitty, are you a prude? 🤣 Not even letting your person to dry your fur properly, tsk 😋

    Thank you very much for the translation! 💕

  3. Now there’s a good boss. Give tasks to those who do them best. Hard work pays 👍🏻

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. I only want to say that I love the big master, He is so cute and dominant, I like he does not say that he knows the true, but I want He say the true, I have mixed feelings…. I am currently very exited about history, great work!!