The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh76 - Afterwards


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Translator's Note

真 (zhēn) real / true / genuine
元 (yuan) first / original / primary / fundamental / constituent
According to Baidu 真元力 (zhēn yuán lì) is a term that appears in cultivation webnovels. 真元力 is obtained after collecting ambient qi in its gaseous form and then condensing it into liquid qi, after which it is further condensed into a solid form.

Translator's Note

福至心灵 (fú zhì xīn líng) When fortune comes, one’s mind is alert — luck brings wisdom.

Translator's Note

长毛鹿 (cháng máo lù) Lit. long haired deer, I think it could be elk but I’m not sure.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

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  1. What a great business idea! But not sure whether Lord kitty would agree🤔

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  2. XDD just don’t tell them where it came from [thank yo0u for the chapter ❤️🧡 ]

  3. Thank you Cattails for putting a very questionable image in my head, rip me(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)

    Idk if you’ll see this but can I suggest putting like a break line to indicate change in scenes (as in a perspectives from another character in different place) like how when it switch to sect master and his son and then back,, would be nice to have some sort of indication

    Sorry, don’t know if I explained it well, just a suggestion tho, u can ignore if u don’t think there’s a need😊

    Thx for the update💕

  4. The sap of the Everlasting Wood didn’t get wasted fufufufu. Great excuse for Mo Tianliao to be more dedicated to their dual cultivation. 😆

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. It felt a little weird that the MTL that had once beaten a guy up for killing his rabbit actively hunts rabbits for his cat now…

  6. Ahh I really feel like I’m being a downer but like I really want things to be discussed as far as consent and what QT is comfortable with regarding intimacy. I just feel like the awkwardness is being played for laughs when it really is an issue that needs to be dealt with. Hopefully that discussion will come. I just want QT to be comfortable. He was already rushed into something he didn’t understand and poor baby doesn’t know how to process it I think 😔 (again no hate to author, translator, or anyone enjoying these chapters! Just my personal feelings)

  7. “If it had not been for Qingtong’s injuries that made him cautious, he would not have stopped even after a fortnight.”

    2 weeks?! YOU BEAST (well not entirely because t he longest dual cultivation period I have had read before was 2 years lol. And it was QWTFOD btw)

  8. Now he can trick XZ into drinking his sap every day for health reasons. I see. So that’s why the author went with it being tree sap.

  9. he could open a “sap” bank.

    oh god no 🤣 lord kitty will destroy it and absorb all the “sap” himself.