The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh71 - Token


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Translator's Note

This is a shortened version of a verse that’s apparently included in the 妙色王求法偈 (miào sè wáng qiú fǎ jì), but I haven’t found much info on this work. There’s however a very similar verse in the Dhammapada
Verse 212:
Affection begets sorrow,
affection begets fear.
For him who is free from affection there is no sorrow; how can there be fear for him?

Translator's Note

惦念 (diàn niàn) keep thinking about; be anxious about; worry about; to miss.

Translator's Note

如沐春风 (rú mù chūn fēng) Like bathing in a spring breeze. It refers to being taught in a warm environment or being in contact with people with high moral standards.

Translator's Note

超冷 (chāo lěng) Means super cold.

Translator's Note

弯刀 (wāndāo) Lit. curved blade so it could be a number of things, translations include: scimitar; machete; cutlass; yataghan.

Translator's Note

承让 (chéngrang) you let me win (said politely after winning a game).

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  1. Heh, even when the whole cultivation world tried to kill him, they couldn’t succeed. What makes you think you can do it? Especially when Qingtong is always right by his side along with several other people from his Sect

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. DZ, I really don’t think you should run off to your death like that.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Poor Hua Qing!!! Qingtong is ruthless with the poor boy 😂

    Lord Kitty didn’t come back to the Mo Palace because it’s painful for him to be there without Mo Tianliao, I guess. Or he was just lazy?! Hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Yes, he probably went there for checking the security once but didn’t go inside, I think it was too painful for him to go in without the person to spoil and dote on him. It would echo with their sweet piercing memories and feel too empty and exhausting 💙

  4. Thanks for the long chapter translation! I love Hua Qing playing dead so he won’t get hunted by white cat 😁

  5. A White kitten 🐱 playing with a butterfly 🦋 is much more aesthetically pleasing than a beautiful man/cat swatting a dandy butterfly. 😆

    Thank you

  6. Lord Kitty is really pampered by Mo Tianlao, that is really cute XD and Ding Ziti should stop trying get himself killed. Haha

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  7. Meanwhile Chao Leng: (:зゝ∠) “Where am I? Who am I? What happened?”

    The other two losers: _(:зゝ∠)__(:зゝ∠)_

    Thank you for the translation 💕

  8. Aaaah, I finally catched up :3

    That guy really is delusional lololol First ge thinks he’s MTL’s successor and now he thinks he would be able to kill off MTL… pfffft~ hahaha.

    Thx for the last 11 chapters (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘) I had to read a lot xD

  9. Thru the whole chapter, I’m still crying over poor Hua Qing🤣🤣🤣 it was too sudden, he just got swatted just like that even in human form😂🤣

  10. I’m a little confused. Was Ding Ziyu (the illegitimate son) the one who has done wrong against MTL or Ding Zijin? Honestly Ding Zijin’s jealousy of his brother really irks me and makes me sort of root for Ding Ziyu between the two so I love MTL but part of me wants Ding Ziyu to show his brother up. I also have a soft spot for people who have to climb up when they weren’t born with favor. So yeah my feelings on this are kind of complicated.

    • I think I’ll just go with I root for him against his brother (who I find more unlikeable) but root against him when he is facing MTL (because well obviously I want MTL to succeed and now he’s trying to get rid of him) oh boy…

    • He was kinda conning ppl into believing that he’s a direct disiple of MTL/ using his name to succeed though. But he’s not exactly a bad person, that’s true. Again, there’s no one in this novel who is completely good or bad. I think we r not supposed to side with any of them( except for mc, ml, & their animal kingdom gang of course xD)

  11. Typo

    “Right, you shouldn’t it [eat] a lot of it or you’ll get a toothache.” Mo Tianliao held the cat’s paw which was trying to get at the fruit. It seemed that he would not be able to leave the fruit with Qingtong.

  12. In wuxias there is always an arc with a place with treasures of ancient masters etc, and here it is the protagonist’s palace. So ironic.

  13. Whether this man was Lord Duantian or not, he had to get rid of him as soon as possible!

    yeah, you can try 😏😏

  14. Just imagine going inside your old home without anyone inside it. Your cat butler is gone, and your other servats is gone. They could at the very least maintain the house. But you could not survey throughout it, because you’ll just see how empty it is and lonely.

    So yeah. F you Ziyu or something, you better change your eyes and brain.

  15. So this dude thinks he can get rid of a golden core cultivator amidst two Half-Immortal cultivators? (to say nothing about all the other people present at the conference).

  16. Typo: “Right, you shouldn’t it a lot of it”››› the first “it” should be “eat”.

    Of course Lord Kitty wants more of the delicious crunchy thing! Meow! Feed me!